Saturday, June 32, 18-10. Jl St. Joseph's Kindergarten Closing F dc the J;r m; m the small stage daintily a".ed with ferns and flowers, Kindergarten class of St. 'ih's Academy presented a ai 1 am closing for the pleasure "" .errmce ueorge I, Vancouver and else- as amusement sement of of their their assembled assembled pi , and friends. T :c opening choruses by the K. :dpr(arten wete followed 'by re-! c . .ions and sonfs by the differ e- unle members the Rythm Da :d en costume, supplying musl-cui lumbers, both new and old. The Dutterfly Dance, featuring the ;.: .9 girls. In fluffy costumes and ribbms, made a wry pretty pic ure In closing, the graduates. In br ft B, v 'JflJ p (imd o'Vr selections "0 Canada" clos .he little program. Tue Sandman." class. W int Oo." Roold Feness. Bu' terflles "Action Song,' Rotation "A Oame of !.'- Valentine. Bald Headed Billy." class. Shoemaker John." class. Two Little OoMlps." Sheila Jtmux Joan Moller. R . ration "From One to Six." Barbara James The Toy-maker's Dream." class, n ltation. the graduates. Rhvthm Band, class Mrs. J. D. dlbson is sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. D. Shearman of Kltkatla Is sailing this afternoon on the Prince George far a trip to Vancouver. Miss Yvette Desroslers will sail this afternoon on the Prince Oeorge for a trip to California. MUs Phyllis Hamblln Is sailing wucre in me souin. E. Moficrop, who was employed in shipbuilding at the local dock during the last war, U back to again work at the yard. He arrived yesterday from Vancouver. F. M. Burns, customs Inspector, and O. E. Norrls, assistant Inspector, are sailing tonight by the Prince Charles on their return to cap and gown, filed solemnly Into Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Z.M'. and made their farewells sIank. departing aeoarung to w the me "Big "Dig The Rhythm Band again I iniif Nfiioff I eloslne closing numbers, numbers, among -ICUl. UlUCU L Is Farewelled Dursng the Interludes, Miss fiicc, Moore rendered several Culmlnatlnr Event In Numerous .:: - '.ons on the piano. The pro- Motors Which Have Been Paid ram follows: Local Naval Officer Ood Save the King." ( W ir ime Sweet Summer," class, j Culminating everft In several We Are Babies." class. farewell affairs which have been f'ho-Chito-Choo." class.. '..tendered to Lieut. Orme Stuart. B-ciutlon "My Grandma." Sheila, commanding officer of the Jocal Dr leU I unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Yama Yama Man." Ruth Myr-, Volunteer Reserve, who leaves this r afternoon to Join the Royal Navy The Fable." Dorothy Houston, for active service abroad, was a ' i? Olllls delightful dance last night at Rhvthm Band, class. naval headquarters when, as guests Re Italian "Mamma and Ba- of officers of the wardroom mess, W: Joan Mason. some forty couples gathered to da Two Little Maids," Ruth Myr- him parting honor. v. Juan Moner. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE nam V. II. Limey will tllcu present World Tvents In the HeM of ITophecy Gad's Command to Britain The Antl-ChrUt, Who is He? Armageddon The Doom of Nations What About ItUMla? FIRST UNITED CHURCH Organist Mm Swarma Olafson A.T.CM. leader Senior Cfc'rfr J. S. WHon Leader Junior Choir II. T. Iick Minhter Hev, J. C. Jackson LUMBER COIKNT, SAS11 and DOORS Complete Line of Building Supplies Albert and McCaffery Ltd. I'bone 117 (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 Can Klde for Trice of One rhone 116 Louis Einstein of the advertising department of Los Angeles Examiner was here vesterdav. having ar- Feature of the evening was Vancouver and leaving by train last tne presentation to Lieu, j eveninr for Janer Park. Mr ran. ' .Si"rt by Commander Borrle. on,ateln w an lnittttitd vlsltor at uiemm oi n jewow navai ou.crrs.Mj,,, DaU NewJ o(flce yy f. Tag," marks befitting the occasion were jmade by Commander Borrle and I by Lieut. Stuart in reply. I Music for dancing was by Mrs. J. 8. Black's Orchestra. Delldous refreshments were served. Yesterday afternoon men of the local Royal Canadian Naval Vol temoon during his stay here. I'llH AMI 1'in IKH.KI M .T Xi.tlr. (.f Intention to apply for Ufitara la ( Qnoon karlta Irl-rl LnJ iNalrlct. and In Uind It-, pordiM lirk-t of f'rlnc Ituport. Tak- noiir thot Qun arlo1t Oil. Ojrndlrat- II -ad (KfW. l Van. m rk. "! Uranvlll- Hrl. unteer Reserve testified to their l'JVri.i." m esteem for Lieut. Stuart by pre-jBn.i naiumi . .r-r and up n th sentln. him with a beautiful elg-'"''""" d--ribi iand: A. Uted by Miss Frances Moore, arette case j Morgan Tolnt. 1Iln- fMrr. wl lrit f flraham latand. R Cm known - I... I1 Mil. Da tad a Vrinro Unrrt. It. f. lbl hrllftli day f lUv ItH A. t). QKOIKIK w: KRftn Aanl for Ika aall Quoon rharlollo Olla aivndloati. nm, aii ttrrniii.Kt'M ait N.iflro of Intention to apply for LI.-. nn- In th Qur-n rhrlattr 1al and tjind tlialrUrt and the Iad TXr-J m.MllH., 1 kl .1 rt. nf p,H RuMrf ' I Takr imtte thai Qu-n rharlolla 'OH Syndicate. Ilrad nfftrr. Sit Vancouver n k. TM flranvHJa Ftraat, ,Vanr"uv. 1X '". Intanda to apply for .a llr-n" to praaparl roal, prtrolram and natural raa. ovar and upn tha follawlntc drarrihn) land: !nda altualad n th tlnlty of Tlan Ray. w-t roaal af riraham arul. rrrillah rvitnmhla. known aa lint ? 30 pjn.-.MI Klleen Hamblln Will Speak on the ItaptM Oonvoitlon f n R thlnMh day r May. 14 A. r. i nvxRn: w. kerr 1 Aa-f-nt gr-rt for for tha tha laid a!d thla Qoaan . CAarlotta fill SvndlrMa, Cll. AMI I'lnilOIXVM ACT Nollca nf Hilrntlnn to apply for I.lranaaa In tha guaan Charlatt tl-,'nnd Ind Iltrlrt. and tha Land Ra- rordlna; Dlalrlt ut Xrinr Rupart. Taka not Ira that Uurrn rnanoita ,nn,i f lha n.r. United Church Conference by Mrs. II. T, Lock on. Kyndtrata. Mad offica, cm Van .-,," 'tfl.a notlw Wlllclnvm pourar Rl.rk. TIC dranyllla Wraat, OOK wuai rw -j 7:30 p.m - The Sacrament of the lord's Supper Vancmivar. II. C. Inland In apply for a licna ta proanart coal, patrolaum and .natural k, orar and span tha following daaerlbad land: Land altuatad in tha vicinity of Otard Ray. m-at coat of Oraham tI-and. H C. known a Lot J". Ratad at Prlnca nupart n. C. this thlrtlrth dav of Mir 11(0 A. D. TBI DAIT.T NtfWB j LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's tf. Tonight's train, cue from the ast at 11 o'clock, was reported 'ills afternoon to be on time. Glen Smith, who has been working at Namu cannery, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Miss Kitty Cameron, who has been on a visit to Ocean Falls, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from the paper town. David McNab arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from his naval duties at Esquimau to spend a leave at hlj home here. Gerald Dougherty, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived In the city on the Prince George yesterday morning and proceeded last night by gosboat to Allford Bay where he Is employed at the Royal Canadian Air Force base. He Is a brother of M. 3. Dougherty of Prince Rupert and Allford Bay. James Smith of Terrace, who has been on a trip south to attend an Oddfellows' Grand Lodge convention at Revelstoke. arrived In the city on the Prince Ge6rge yesterday morning from Vancouver and proceeded to the Interior by the evening train. rwtl, nHWMXH AIT Not lor f Intention apply for IJrnaw In ITi- Qu-n har)otlc mnSt Ivind IMrtrlrt. and t- land n- f kt . a . . . I4mm- Vl.irur. j -Ai. AM) rrrniu:i M ait Nolle of inlantlon to apply fori IJcanara In lha Qm Charlotta 11- . anda Utnd lltricL and lha Uand R- rordlnc IHatrtrl of trlnre RuparL Taka notlca that Qua Charlotte Oil Hyndlcata. llaad (Kflca. SOI Van-' rour-r III rk. TIC tiranyllle Srt , Vancouvar. R'. C httanda 1o apply for a llronaa to troaptt coaL pHrolauml and natural r. ovar and un.m tha folloWtn; daarrlbad land: Chaatl laland, Kkld-ifsla Channat Quaan Charlolta lalanda, R, C. mm-manrlnit at a poat nrra (I) mlla weal of Cann Tkaa and ntarkad Q. C. O. 8. NORTH WKST CORNER dalatf May 17. Ulfl. Thrnra alithty (SO) rhrln annth, althty (St) rhaln aat rlghty (SA) rhalna north, and alRhty (tn) rhalna waat. and rontalnlntr lx hundrad forty (C4 arraa mora or la, a par akatrh. Patad at Trtnfa Rupart. R. P. thla thlrtlrth dav of ILY HI0 A. Tf. OKOROE V. KERR m Aa-ant for tha aald Quaan Charlotta Oil Syndicate j OEOROB V. KERR Talra notlca that Quaan Charlotta Airant for tha ald Quaan fyndlrata. naao timca. i van-Charlot OH SrndlH.ta,(wuvyr Bl ck. lit Oranrllle Straat. II. r, latand to apply for (Vancourar. a llcanaa to proapan coal, patrolantn Not Ira of Intuition to apply ror and natural a;a. orar and upon tha t.lrnp In tha Quaan Charlotta Tl I following draeribad land: and I .ami Tlarlct. and lha IvinJ Ra- lind altuatad on north thora of rordlna; Il(rlrt of lrlnra Rupart. Tnaatl laland. Pkldanata Channal, ' Taka notlra that Quaan Charlotta Quaan Charlotta IMand, U. C. com-Oil Syndlcata. lt-ad Offlra. C01 Van.liaanc'nT at a r1 " O) mile wat r .uvar Rl :rk. TIC OranvMla Ptrart, of Canoa Pa, and marked Q. C. O. 8. Vancourar. R. C Intend to apply fori 4CORTH KAST COHNKR dated May a llcanaa to proapart coal, petroleum 1 17, ISM. Thence elKhty (SO) chain and fallowing detrrlhed land: Itnd altnared In the Ylctntty Tlan nay. wel roat of flraham Il nd, nritUh Columbia, known a It Ml. Dated at Prlnca Rupert R. C. thU "thirtieth day of Mt. 1( A. T. OKOntlH W. KF.RR Ag-ent for the raid Qntrn Charlntte Oil Syndicate. , COAI. AMI I'irrillll.lCI M ACT ! Notlca of Intention to apply for ,I.lcenea In tha Queen Charlolta 11- and Ind niitrtet. and the Ijtnd Ra-ficordln niatrlct of rrlnca Rupert Taka notlca thai Queen Charlotte Olla Syndicate, Head Orflce, C01 Van-conveT lllck. TJ nTanvllla1 street. Vancouver, 11. C Intenda lo anply for a license to propect coal, petroleum and natural ara. over and open the following described land: Land ttated In tha vicinity of Tlan Ilay. wet coat of Oraham 11-and. Tlrltlah Columbia, known at Lot !7J3. nated at prlnca Rnpert. R. P. thl IhlTlleth day nf Mr.y. I(l A. Tt. OEOnnR V. KERR Acnt ftif the aald Quean Chnrlottf Oil Syndicate, Cl. AMI rt?TMOLKi:H AIT ' Notlca of Intention to apply for Llcenaea fn th Quen Charlotta Itl-anda Land OUtrtct, and tha Land H-cordlnT Pltrlct of Prinea Rupert ' . . . . V. a ' . . . . . . . n . . 1. - , - I L . nainrni aaa, ovar him. amiin, rianty leui rii.mi wcpu rtnu IKn rhln north and elrhtv (lOt of rhaln eaat. and rontalntnK atx hund-l red forty XCIO) acres more or leu, aa per ketrh. Hated at Trlnce Rupert, R. C. thla thirtieth day of Mty. 1140 A. T. oronnn tt. kerr Airent for tha aald. Queen Charlotta on syndicate. coai. ami rirmoMn si act Notice of Intention to apply for Ltrenaea In the Queen Charlotta Island I.anl PIMHct. and tha Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. Take notice .that Qaeen rnarioue Olli Ujndlcate. Head Office, COl Van-1 cowver UUrk. 73 nranvllla Mreet. I Vancouver. R. P.. Intenda to apply fori a license to prospect coal, petroleum I and natural araa, over and upon tha following described land: t.and situated In tha vicinity of, Morran Point Haines River, west, coaat of flraham Island, Rrltlsh Columbia, known as Irfit lltT. i Dated at Prince Rupert R. C. thla thirtieth day or Miy. It A. D. OEORC3E -V KERR Aer'nt for the nl.l Queen Charlotte Oil Syndicate. j Mr. and Mrs. a. C. Sessions, who arrived in the city on Thursday night's train from Terrace, are sailing this afternoon on the Prince Oeorge for a trip to Vancouver. Inspector C. Q. Barber returned, j, Matheson of the Canadian to the city Thursday afternoon National Railways investigation de-from a week's trip to the Queen partment arrived in the city yester-Charlotte Islands on Provincial po- day afternoon from Prince George, lice duties. being here in the course of one of . his periodical inspection trips. Oeorge Brooks and sons, Harry . ,,,, , Jilrs. Hugh McCreao of Mr. and and Buddy, of New Westminster ar Saskatchewan, are visl-Adelalde rived in the city on the Princess ; Watrous, yesterday afternoon from tors in the dty as the guests of J. the south and proceeded last ev- S. Irvine. They arrived on h enlng to Inverness cannery where Prince Oeorge yesterday morning they win be employed for the sum- from Vancouver and will proceed met. S. J. Jabour, who has been spending the past ten days at Stewart in the course of one o his periodical northern Insurance trips, arrived in the dty on the is tontinnins through to Rupert Rod and Gun Club Picnic, Prudhomme Lake, June 23, open to members and families. For transportation com Cready is station agent at Watrous. Announcements All advertisements la this column win be charged for a fait month at 25c "ord Valhalla Picnic June 23. Students of Misses Margaret lunches, tea and coffee free. Lim- rec,tai June 7 lted number of boa to for hire. Good turnout expected. (147) Presbyterian Tea. (Mitchell's June 23. Mrs. J. R. did. m itmiiH.i:rM jt Red Cross Tea. Mrs. Sid Thomson. Noiic- of mention to .ppir of june m. Raf ffing off teacloth. m)t Imd IWitrtrt. and ihr ln II-1 ' oordine mmrin of prinr- Ruirt ' catholic Tea, Mrs. DeJong's, June T nMit rnt yon Tnotii fMU H-n4l-alr. Htn OfJV. 1 Vn-'' coor 111 elc. TJ OrnH rt' Vancouver, II. lntnda 10 apply for a ll-n In prapt roal. plrolm aixl fMmrat araa. mVM- and T Mi following; dMTlbJ lanan: 1n anaatfd Hi IN- Vlrtnllr of TKn Rajr. wl ntrt of flraini Inland. lirMlah Olumbta known a Itt' rrj. !ld at Prfnr nmrt. t. f. thlf thlHWth f at M. 1M A. F. oicohok w. KKnn Arn tnr hr raid Qon Miss Way and Miss Olofson re cltal, First United Church, June 27. Dance, Moose Hall, Friday, 28th. Dominion Day Sports Celebration. J July I. Big Dance in the evening. C. N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace. July First Fare $2.75. United Strawberry Tea, Mrs. Clark's, Padflc Place, July 4. I J i j ,i , Take noiiw that Qon Charlotte i vurcn iviary uauce iaaiejiaws tma HjndKol. M-ad Xlfflr. at Van-jHall July 5 amrr III rk. 7 OranyHI. ltrrL I Vancourar. n. C. inlanda Lo apply fail a Hranap to vrf'P m. ptroifom . Ho&pital Auxiliary, Bazaar, Sep-and natural . I tember 18. . .... , . - foltowlnar d-rlbI Ian4? I 4inja .iiuiira on nuim ,nwr, ui Ohaatl lalaad. fl4-rat Channel. . Qurn liarhl Inland, n. , rom-j manctna; at a poat thrra () rnllf wart of fan Put and tnarkad Q. C.1 ( AORTH WF.KT CORNER da lad Mr.y IT. ISH. Thp lhly ll)J aV .1.. .waaft. In-WO o. ffAl ..K.lfia Aat i It. ' () rhaln a.rt. and contatnlnc hundrad and forty (CIS) ara mora, or Iraa aa tor fkatch. I Dalrd at Trln- Ruparl. n. . thl Ihlrtlrth day of Mnv. 1JI0 A. T. , OEtlinE W. KERR Afnl for lha ald Quaan Charlotta Olla iSmdlrata. Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 3. L.O.B.A. Bazaar. October 16th, Anglican Fall Bazaar, November Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Servlce-3 Heated Cars HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN Massett, Queen Charlotte Is. B.C. H. G. Helgerson Limited 216 SIXTH STREET rrlnce Rupert, B.C. We haTe on our lists the following good buys: 412 EMERSON TLACE 7-room house, 2 lots. Lovely garden. Fully modern. Furnace. 4 bedrooms. Concrete foundations. Cash $3150. Terms $2000, balance ln monthly payments. We Have Several Furnished Houses for Rent for the Summer Months 6-ROOM HOUSE On Taylor Street. 3 bedrooms. Fully modern and sewer. In good condition. Cash $1600 or $1800 on terms. Benj. H. Harry M.D. EYE DISEASES Lenses Carefully Prescribed p 631 Kirks nidf, Vancouver, U.G Donald Eastman, son of Mr. and! Mrs. H. B. Eastman, and William; Bremner, son of Mr. and Mm. John Bremner, arrived home on .the Prince George yesterday morning from their naval duties at Esquimau to spend leave. A crazy story has been going the rounds to the effect that Neville Chamberlain's wife was a German. Mrs. Chamberlain was Annie Vera Cole, daughter oi Major W. U. Cole of the British army. Her family is 100 percent British. Mrs. W. Thomey and child of Mayo, Yukon Territory, who have been paying a visit at Stewart, arrived in the city from the north on the Prince George this morning and will proceed from here to the state of Maine for a visit. G. Stoker and daughter. Miss M. Stoker, of Winnipeg, who have been visiting here with Mr. Stoker' son, Excellent for Chafing-, Chapping pnd Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding Bottle Free with each purchase Both for 40c Ormes Ltd. '3h Pioneer Druggists The Itexall Store Phones 81 & S3 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Uolidays from IS to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 pjn. ooraoocttoao4Krooo64HcKO0aCKa B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Cabin Stove In good condition 1 Banjo At $9.95 5 Babys' Cribs From 6 Cameras From S Complete Beds Size 4-6. From - 2 Sessins 8-Day Chime Clocks At 1 Baby's riay Gate $10.50 $3.50 $3.50 t0 $8.50 $1.75 t0 $5.00 $12.50 10 $16.50 $9.95 5 ReeonditionedKitchen Ranees Of 28 00 t0 $35.00 NEW FURNITRUE 4 Coffee Tables Of very fine walnut ln the latest styles - .4 Drop-leaf Coffee Tables In heavy walnut. Regular $12.50, now" $9.50 $9.75 10 studio Couches In all new patterns ln rust, brown, green and red. Can be made Into double bed or two BQ tZii singles, 3 spring-filled cushions. Reg. $45.00 now 24 3 -piece Chesterfield Suites In latest styles and colors. From . rhone BLACK 324 $75.00 10 $96.00 Next Door to B.C. Clothiers THIRD AVENUE 4 HOTEL ARRIVALSI S Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Von Snellenberg, E. Moscrop, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Shannon. Phyllis Shannon and Mrs. C. D. Shannon, Vancouver; Harriet Johnson. Grant's Pass; N. R. Blckford. Victoria; Mildred L. Masters, Palm Springs; Hazel Ouree, Los Angeles; Mrs. E. J. Palmer, Marlon and Oerry Queen Charlotte Islands; T. S. White, Wales Island; J. Thatcher, Dundas; Dr. C. A. Ormstrong, Port Simpson; J. Tytus, Barrett Point. : Central : C. F. Sand, James Oungeon. Jone Wick. Vancouver; Alex MeLeod, Fusilier Rothe, J. Molle. H. John-son, city. Royal G. A. Sweden, C. E. Anderson arid J. B. Seaton, Barrett Point; Cn. Pace, Toronto; A. R. Scaton. Fred erick Point; A. Plsogor. Victor Peterson, E. Erickson, J. MacMJllari, A. Anderson, R. McKamey, Vancouver. tapi. ueorge u3r, meoicai ouic-1 riye mousar.e ft4.v Rupert er of the local garrison area, willjoeople read the Daily News. Jt sail this afternoon on the Prince Joays to let them taiow what vo& George for Vancouver. have to tell ooooccooooomoaooowowwowwciocKooooooaoooooooooo a Cherub Baby Oi! 0!