rmisi.ee ISURING lice T Pv . -I eace lerm Letans re Not Yet Made Available To Public rotiations Arc Now Ileing Opened For Cessation of Hostilities Ilctwccn France and Italy May Ie Some Time Before Particulars Arc Disclosed NEW YORK. June 22: (CP) A National Broadcast Co. report from Compiegne said today that an armis-i boruer but ltl$h 0(fIclaIs makn. i I l . tAMn.i 1 . . i . . . AUH.MU.. .. t T." l f r 1 nail uffii siK'i I'ciwci'ii uuniiany uuu rrana ai u.ou taincd that the measure (8:50 a.m. Pacific btandard Time). The broadcast purely precautionary. ti that the armistice would not take effect until six jrs after Italy had reached an armistice with France. :ance to URN OVER WARSHIPS trV YflltK. Junr H'. fos In the- Mediterranean, At ttie Ocean and abroad would inte British ports "for pro- tton." this action to be taken the Initiative of French of- m, refusing lo give up mcir Bps to Germany, any arrohtlce (withstanding. ihe French navy consists of battleships, two aircraft rrlers, eighteen cruisers, tnf three destroyers and lenty seven submarines. In addition to Britain taking rr the bulk of the French Heet. fthoritative sources heard to- thit France's newest battle- . Bp, the Jran Bart, reaay ior nmlsslonlng next month, has towed to England and ne navy ships under construc- at Brest were destroyed he re the Nails arrived. Scmplovmcnt Insurance Is to be opledM constitutional amendment J necessary. Halibut, Sales yal. P'o Rita, orate Summary merlcan 40.000 pounds, . 1 75c to 0.0c and 7.5c. anadlan 44500 nounds. 9.9o d 7c to 10.3c and 7.1c. American ISea Bird. 29.000. 0.4c and 7.5c, Ta Sherman. 17.000. 0.0c and 7.5c, Canadian Qony 14,000, 9.0c mid 7c, Atlln. Norncn, 10.300. 9.0c and 7c. Stor 0,000, 10.3c and 7.1c, 14.00(1 0 On nriH It- Pnplfle. " French plenipotentiaries are sald would flv in Ttllu. ! for further negotiations before the . i French government TMchrs'decUk.- J - Ion oo terms as a whole. He sal J; that new. cabinet meetings might be; expected before an arrangement could be rea"5hed. World Awaits LONDON, June 22: With ac cep lance of Nazi Germany's demand of unconditional surrender seemingly certain, the world today merely awaited the official announcement to this effect. There was speculation as to the details typewritten document wnicn set down the Nazi "Yes" or "No" demands. The French plenipotentiaries were back at Compiegne today, evidently' ready to transmit their answer to the Oermans. j Meantime It was reported that French plenipotentiaries for similar peace negotiations with Italy had been appointed and arrange- me Export Of Fish Oils Is Banned OTTAWA, June 22: (CP1- 1 ments made for a meeting on I ' .Italian soil. I Early today continued fighting' rnnrfH h(twppn Frpneh nnd MOVING ON INDOCHINA Situation IUlher in Far Cast Continues Critical as Nipponese Shuffle Forces IIONG KONG, June 22: (CD-Japanese troops from South China province of Kwangsi are forces complete occupation of areas near the Hong Kong main land. Towards nightfall truckloads of British troops moved toward the staUments were not official. Technocrats Are Banned was Terms of the armistice will not be RY KHllV revealed until the lUlo-French . ii 1 lLiIJ i General Cas of Prance, head of th DEMANDS OTTAWA. June 22: (CP) Hon. Ernest Lapolnte, min ister of justice, yesterday an- !-. ALEXANDRIA AIR RAIDED Damage Is Done By Their Missiles It 1 Is given by the wartime prices thers to and trade board. The order Is Constable Nor North Vancouver. No I n unwsii navai communique said that two persons were killed and three Injured. j Police Officers I1 Being Switched An order-ln-councll m tne t, British Columbia Gazette to- The following transfers affect- dav prohibits the export of inS the provincial police In' this fish livers, fish oils and fish division are announced: viscera viscera oils ous unless uiuc permission yc ! , Constable wiumuic V. II. Davidson, Sml P. B. Smith, Burns ennstdprod necessary because Lake to Port Coaultlamr of scarcity In Canada of these Constable J. S. Clarke, Smlthers products, t t tn uurns UUCP- Constable E, T. Davles, Port Co- qultlam to Smlthers, I VCTnr... nit 8 $ eather Forecast Tomorrows Tides Prince Rupert and Queen Char- mm High 3:06 ajn. 19.2 It cf.f isianos rresn fiQumeam 18:03 p.m. 19.1 (t. nds becoming strong. Mostly loudy and cool with showers at Low . 9:44 am. 2.2 It. 22:00 pm. 6.9 It. ight NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIX Ho. 147. , Jfe. A.' .. - PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1940. ,-i,W 1 11. J SOLDIER OF PROMINENCE General Smedley D. Butler, Known as "Fighting Quaker," Passes Away In Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA, June. 33. -Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, known as "The Fighting Quaker" reported moving toward French J and long prominent In United Sta-Indo-China as other Japanese I es naval and military quarters, died here last night after a lengthly Ill ness. Few careers In the American lighting forces In recent times have been more picturesque or,surround-ed with more dramatic? episodes than that of General Butler. A young Quaker who Wanted to fight lor his country in, the Spanish-American War. he ran away from home and tried to enlist in the National Guard at Philadelphia, but was turned down because he was only 16. armistice has been effected and aier ne "earn " 5 Marines may not be disclosed until some I KePr,s f Tense Situation Devel- were 8hort of ?cond lieutenants time alter. Pin Between Russia And Tur- and aM,n Uooed away from horns The armistice Is reported to have' key No Confirmation to aopear at Marine headquarter.! been signed by Col. General Wll-I ,n wasnmnon. mere ne misrep helm Keltcl. chief of the German I ISTANBUL, June 22:- Reports rerentcd his age. was passed as ell high command for Oermany and were current last nlsht that ten- Bible and shortly afterwards ton was developing between Rus- commissioned a lieutenant; 01 rieei is rtuinoruaiiTiiy oiu French delegation 1' una ury. ttussia. it was Have Been Taken Om By Earlier at Bordeaux Minister otsil' nad demanded bases in the British hhe interior Charles Pomparet an-fDardanellM from Turkey which i nounced that French delegate's ne- dcmands "ad been rejected. How- lEOtlatinR for the armistice ulth,cver- ,l wa Pointed out these I I - . ts relUbly reported In New crma" bk today that Jrenth war- Notable Exploits was It was not long before the young Lieutenant Butler saw acUon with MrCaU' men at Oauntanamo and Manranlllo and started upon a career that has tnd few narllel. In variety and activity of service. Hl record In Cuba, the Philippines, ChlnajNlcaragua,Mexled5S HalU and France won for him two Con-zres!onal raedaLs of honor, a distinction shared by only four other men at the time: an offer or the Victoria Cross, an Army Distln- gulshed Service Medal, a Navy Distinguished Service Medal and a brevet medal. In addlUon he re-' celved promotions which raised him, mj me rans: oi Drigaaier general at nounced that "Technocracy .39. and to major general nine years Incorporated" had been de- later. dared an Illegal, organization of the terms In the thirty-page and an order ln-councll had been passed providing for "control and management of all properties belonging to as- sociatlons declared Illegal." riAn tITAni . h. Trft M,ntin IUIIan rianes Pay Visit But rllj YY ViVEV region but the expectation was I that this would soon cease. si.ijiLniHrllMii nv rm I A A . employment Protection .Measure r.olwu.inuu. ..m.v.,. ALEXANDRIA, June 22: Four t Ottawa Being Prepared tor Some of the exploits which won; recognition and promotion for Gen-1 eral BuUer were these: As a younj Marine officer he rushed out be-' 1 1 ween the lines In China to bring back a wounded British Tommy; he was caught in ambush in ua: he risked his life to go to Co City as a spy: he charged a ban dit fort at Haiti; lie carried duck-boards with his men at Brest. France, to aid the landing of the American Expeditionary Forces In the soupy mud; he dismounted from his horse at Quantlco to carry the pack of a sick Marine. General Butler uu hnrrnnrerl H Cairo advices said that the French alr niA of warnlngs were sounded;the Qlty Philadelphia to act as Navy and North African fdrces 5mce last nl ht ,n Alexandria. Erector of the department of Pub- would wuuiu w.i-uw continue in me enemv rirnnnprl a nnmhnr nf UC eaietv dnrinc 1001 onH ttv i rr" " w ---o vw iu ivm. of Justice Ernest Lapolnte gave .affalnst the axis powers. i bombs but did no damage and no waging a vigorous campaign against today of a resolution peui c uuuiuccu, "nin ana puuucians, onjy to nir Prime Alinisier wum awuv,iii-' ruu .. .vovmu m-, ; mc wjui. xie re- . ... temnts tn hnmh Alitor n.o. turnprt r.i -. a Maekenzle Kmg "r r . vv . . w vuius ana tndment to the British Norm BRISBANE, Australia, uunc m """'wuh. iin-tttran - uigumeni in unina was frlra Act to emnower the Dom-' (CP)-Sunburncd pineapples are eu"a "u" one oi me DomD-i commanaing general of the n Parliament to enact an un- not marKeiaDie so wuccnsianu - u uirj."..c m vuanuco, va. Ployment Insurance measure. (pineapple rarmers sunerca ncavy. "" oorn at - west vycsi, Chester. unesier. Pa ra, July e resolution set forth ,4If uniform ; losses when direct direct heat neat spoilt spout, nier in me aay Italian Domb-,ou. aaai. General Butler was a de- d effective "iciuvo system ui of w compulsory. f much " of their crop this summer. naa sprayed explosives over scenaant of two old and dlstln- sy5M.ni Alexandria Hnrhnr In lh f rsf nf. eu xhprf fnmlHo. i ... ... ...w . i " .uiiiuuo vt udiwcrs, wis tempt to blast the Allied fleet but 'father was Thomas S. BuUer, for no warships were hit and most many years a Representative" In .uumos icu mro tne sea. .congress - from the v Delaware-Chest ...nHt.-viiroiB er County district of Pennsylvania i .vi u nms ume cnairman of the House Naval Affairs Committee The general's mother was a Darlington and a Hlcksite Friend. One of his ancestors, Nobel Butler, came over with William Penn. The general received tlon at the Havcrford School, which' he supplemented by constant study. In June, 1905, he married Ethel Conway Peters of Philadelphia. They had three children, a daugh- ici porn in tne pmilpplnes, and two sons born respectively at the Philadelphia Nevy Yard and the Isthmus of Panama. Notwithstanding his active military career. General Butler was a home man and took his family with him on his assignments In Various parts of the world. War News CHANCY, Swiss-French FrontierFrench sources reported that French defenders of L'Eciuse tort not only repulsed an attack early this afternoon but drove the Germans out of Bellegarde, five miles away. LIBYA IS RAIDED CAIRO The Royal Air Force reported a dawn bombardment of Tobruk, Italian Libya, resulting .in pouring of heavy smoke from large warships lying in the harbor. Other Libyan bases were also raided. IRAQ AND IRAN ANKARA Iraq and Iran are sending delegates to Ankara to discuss with Turkey the future of Syria in regard to which Italian expansion plans are reported. .MILITARY ALLIANCE BUCHAREST A military alliance between Germany and Rou-mania is reported to be under negotiation. JOURNALISTS EXPELLED BERLIN Four United States journalists Lave been expelled from Germany, being given twenty-four hours' notive to leave the country. TODAY'S STOCKS Couriw 1 n on Ofvi Vancouver Big Missouri, .05. Bralorne, 8.00. Cariboo Quartz, 1.65. Dentonia, .Oljj. , Falrview, .OOi. Gold BJlt, .15&. Hedley Mascot, .31. Mlnto, .01. Noble Five. .00'4. Pend Oreille, 1.50. Pioneer, 1.58. Premier, .75. Privateer, .44. Reno, .15. Relief Arlington, .04. Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek, .88. Cariboo Hudson, JQl. Oils A. P. Con., ,10Viv Calmont, .20. C. E 1.07.; Home, 1.48. Royal Can., .14. Okalta, .60. Mercury, .03 ij. Prairie Royalties, .UY2. Toronto Aldermac, .13 Vi. Beattte, .82. Central Pat 1.50. Con. Smelters, 32.75. East Malartlc, 2.20. Femland, .02. FTancoeur, .15. Gods Lake, .26?. ' Hardrock, .56. Int. Nickel, 32JZ5. Kerr Addison, 1.55. Little Long Lac, 1.94. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.03. Madsen Red Lake, .24. McKenzle Red Lake, .92. Moneta, .42. J Noranda, 48.00. ' Pickle CroW, 2.18. Preston East Dome, 1.48. San Antonio, 1.40. Sherrltt Gordon, .62. Uchl, .25. BouscadlllaC, .03. ' Mosher, .03. Oklend, .03 U'. Dominion Bridge, 23.00. ' fERGUS, Ont.. June 22: (CP) Engineers say that spring floods "will not cause their usual havoc In PRICE: CENTS Has Now Been Signed British Admirality And Air Force Is Getting Active In Combat With Enemy Vessels J5ig German Battleship is Again Attacked and Further Damaged Nazi Supply Ship In North Sea Sunk- Italian Submarine Surrenders LONDON, June 22: (CP) The Admiralty and Air Ministry announced today that the 26,000-ton German battleship Scharnhorst has been damaged by combined action of British naval and air units. A German destroyer was also hit by a torpedo in an attack which was launched when the Scharnhorst, heavily escorted, limped out of j . !!!n Trpndhelm, Norway, enroute to a DAMMING RAMPAGE i k Two Million Dollar Structure ' lipid Back Famous Ontario Flood Waters. safe port where she could repair damage suffered when hit during a fleet and air arm raid on June 13. Five British planes were lost In the two attacks. , The Air Ministry also announced jthat British reconnaissance craft attacked and sank a large en-'emy supply ship in the North" Sea. j Further the Admiralty announced ' that a large Italian submarine sur rendered to the British trawler Moonstone In the Gull of Aden. Depth charges brought the ub- ! marine to the surface where It sur- the Grand River Valley In 1941. rendered after a gun engagement. mansj lo we aiuoa uam uuuh i (construction here to regulate the I (water supply to eight nearby muni-ctmsr Work ori lhe $2,00000 structure Is progressing rapidly with 200 men working In two 12-J hour shifts and compleUon Is ex . pected this faU. Work was held up a month by a; Nazi Bombers Strike in Large Num laie spring mis year ana a wees s , bers on England But Kill Only taoor was lost wnen neavy rams damaged concrete forms. Rising waters of the Grang suspended work for a short time June 11. ! i When completed, the 1,200-foot 'dam will make a seven-mile lake, . two miles wide at one point, cover-In? dams, rallbeds, highways and ' about a third of the present site of t the village of Belwood. The con- crete base of the dam Is 300 feet thick, extending several feet below numbers me oea oi me river. the cost of the dam between them with the eight municipalities con trlbutlng the remaining 25 per cent. Brantford and Kitchener are each paying about 35 per cent of the municipalities' bill. Labor is being supplied from the cities and towns concerned In proportion to their expenditure. BAR GOLD LONDON, r CP) The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was unchanged today at $37.54 per fine ounce. , Rev. Father J: Ai Garrlty Is sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver. i RECIPROCAL AIR RAIDS Three and Do Little Damage BERLIN HIT Royal Air Force Strikes at Heart of Germany as Range of Bombing Activities Widens LONDON, June 22: Raiding Nazi bombers struck In lareer than pvpr at Fntlinrf About 30 buildings In will - - be torn down or moved Belwood oh gher " hand and more than a mUe of the lnjureQ but $ Fergus-OrangevDle road Is being dl- mmor veriea. a wanaaian facmc itan I way line from Elora to Catarac i Meantime, British bombers pene J Junction will either be moved or lixg M far M Betaa T A German news agency said moving the two-mile u line at $300,- that seTen M we mJured 000. A road built across the top of and bulldIngs damaged lh the the dam will take the place of one vicinity of Berlin In the raid which submerged farther upstream. th- flrst alr attack of thi Summer Moisture trated deep into -Germany, reach- "war 0n that region. Two Incendl- Reservolrs to be built along the ary mbs which struck near the upper' reaches of the river arid its railway station .In Babelberg. a tributaries will take care of flood suburb, damaged a garage waters, holding them to supply and automobiles and wrecked an watershed dwellers with moisture automatic telephone system, it was during summer periods of low wa- said. ter. Regulation of the flow of wa- it a also claimed that two civil-' ter to downstream municipalities ians were slightly Injured at will aid In sewage disposal. Bremen by a bomb. Possibility of the dam's spillway Two German vessels were sunk supplying hydro power Is seen but and a Nazi pursuit plane brought; tne Ontario Hydro-Electric Powers down In one raid nf the Roval Commission Is not promoting any development at present, due to war time conditions. Federal and provincial governments are dividing 75 per cent of Alr Force on a Dutch harbor. The Germans claimed to have sunk a 32.000 ton troopship at Bordeaux, 5,000 Allied troops being on board, it was stated. Germany officially apologized for Its raiding planes having, caused the deaths of refugees at Bordeaux, pleading they had not; known It had been declared an open port. , Weather Forecast General Synopsis A deep depression is approaching the Queen Charlotte Islands from the southwest. Th'e pressure continues high over British Columbia. The weath er has been fair and moderately warm throughout this province. West Coast of Vancouver Island . Moderate to fresh east to northeast winds, fair and moderately warm. 1 4,