PAQt TWQ Xampacs and Sun Rays SPORT SHOES FOR VACATION TIME The Height of Comfort and Wear in Every Pair PENMAN'S HOSIERY Family shoe store lt The Home of Good Shoes THE PAILY NEWS. FUINCE RUPERT .- BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion LocaJ Readers, per line, per insertion " - .02 .2C Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance '.. $5.00 Paid In Advance, per month ,50 By Mail to all parts .of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By Mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PKESS Tlie Canadian Press lt exclusively entitled to use for republication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associate! Press In ihla a paper Daoer and and alsn also th the DAILY EDITION Friday, July 12, 1940. EDITORIALS DEFENCELESS CONDITIQN COST OF LIVING Meat is expensive just now and so is fruit, compAred with other seasons; Butter and eggs have been very cheap compared with some years. While there is undoubtedly a sua LADIES IN SOFTBALL Second I Half Of Season Starting Next JVeek SPORT CHAT Dizzy Dean was ordered to return to duty as starting pitcher for the Chicago Cubs two years ago yesterday sore arm or no sore arm. Jess Wlllard lost his last fight 17 )one knocked Jnto fistic .oblivion by the Argentinian Luis Angelo Firpo at Jersey City, willard, who won the world heavyweight boxing title from "ac. jonnson at Havana in lalo in local news published thereto. i ,., . . . . u , I. ah riftiMs or republication or special daspatahes therein ere also reserved.1" V tiuwu to - Jack Dempsey uempsey In in 1919 iia wnen nis, seconds threw a towel Into the ring after the fight had gone three rounds.. ! F. A. Drumb, resident manager of the Pacific Mills at Ocean Fall3, and Mrs. Drumb returned to the paper iown .on the Prince Rupert jlast night after a trip to San A wppklv iniirnnl niihliaVio1 in tli TTnifd Cf otaa folio Mrs- F J- Mohr, who comes from of the sad plight of the National Guard in that country. ZnTTtnX They are a military unit supposed to be part of the defence Rupert this morning and proceeded force. The writer depicts them as being a raw lot of men, by train to wistaria in the ootsa clerks and salesmen, bakers and bookeepers, knowing little Lake district to visit with her omnii and less oi army tactics, inev are beme musterea.. UUJ""ulMaw ana sister-jn-uaw. for the purpose of making soldiers out of them. The writer pictures how these boys suddenly become men as they straighten up their backs, slough off the slouch, square their shoulders, get clear eyes and strengthened muscles. The difficulty is to e-uip them. It is estimated that thjs will take a year or more. Then there is the training on wheels and gears, wings and gasoline, bombs and shells, all of which' is necessary before they Are ready to be a real help in defending their country. So far the country has only one fully mechanized militia unit. It is worse off in that respect than was Holland, This js all very sad in view of the condition in Europe,! ... ... Tt.! U.-i. 1.1. 'n i i i I iwwng wuu j-ne criusn navy .at present st.anis in tne way of an invasion of the American continent. Time was when Canadians would remark: "We don't need to worry. The United States can and will protect us if we are Attacked." , Today the people of the United States are reajizr ing that they Are not prepared to protect themselves against German mechanized army, if they should be attacked. The navy cannot be everywhere And, with the aid of the Gernian Pund and its sympathizers, the country would be helpless against modern mechanized units. Well what About Canada ? We are at war And can say little about our .defence activities but we are fully aware that there is much to be done before we can hope to be a real help in repelling an invader. Even at Prince Rupert therfi is a great deal to be .done before we could, with hope of .succesi meet a real invasion. Thanks to the British. navy,,this has notheen necessary but it may be at any time and we-look to our government to see that we are prepared. Evidently CoJonxJ Ralston is going about jt in a businesslike way and it is hoped that good results -will be secured ,a A Jesuit of his activities. general advance ;in cost of living it is not all along the line, only on certain commodities. We cannot understand I why butter prices should be low. If you nave something to sell, a classifiec advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mohr. CIASSIFIEO FOR SALE BARGAIN for Immediate sale. 42 foot .cabin cruiser. Accommodates seven persons. 20 h.p. heavy duty m.arlne engine. Phone .564. (1C8) FOR RENT ROOM to rent. Phone Black 925. MISCELLANEOUS (163) LESSONS in typewriting. Also, high ' speed .typewriting and .shorthand p,ivc. mornings, aiiernoons or evenings. Phone Red 923. ;J. H. BULGER Optometrist KojaJ Bank BlAg. Fresh LocaJ Raw and Pasteurized Mift VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE JK7 CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Airs. C. E. Black, Proprietress THE I DAILY NZW9 Friday, July 12, 910 Canada At War 25 Years Ago July 11, 1915 German r W oz.-r-S3. jO 25 oz. S2..30 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. O. Genburg, Bute- July 22 Velvets vs. Grotto; Ser-1 " U. Hutchison, Usk. vice Club vs Cooiclcs i Itoysl July 25-Orotto vs. Whirlwinds, Su"'y s10Wf " W aeorgc Webster Claton; Velvets vs Service Club j Woman's Clothing .Dollar Goes Kenedy, E. Garner. E. Norman I July 29- Cookies vs'. Velvets; Thls Way and Nlel McNeil, Barrett Point; .Whirlwinds vs. Service Club. vno.,T7 , Richard Mai. Inverness; N. Ban- i August 1 - Whirlwinds vs. J TRK. Juy f12 irm ,CP cork and C. Doll, Terrace; O. E. Cookies: Grottfl vs. Service Club. The ve ?s Mom f Loveless and Edward J. Letchfnrd Sis do with the money you give Smithers August 5Velvets vs. Whirl. Iwlnds; Cookies vs. Grotto. thitT theDs- An uno "la August 8-Servlce Club vs. Vel- ,"1"' ut Statistics compiles long-range . vets; Whirlwinds vs. Grotto. ay- p August 12 Cookies vs. Club: Grotto vs. Velvet. August 15 Sprvlce Club Whirlwinds: Velvets vs. Cookies, , hand to "be ready to pitch within a week." Dean told his boss he was "ready to go." Dean Is now with Tulsa of the Texas League. Servlce,erage5 '.Iorr .7 1 uau TT. .AV.A.i . V,dIlieiU men spenu far less on clothes! both both spend spend most most be- be-( i .than women, v, tween th ages of 18 and 21, and: JjQ (jfCat WOtR girls up to the age group of 12-17. ' Here's Here's , . how how 'In 'In Cents) cents) a a WO- wo-' A"?! "aias on ncrmaiiy rc r.t (man's clothlne dollar goes: Dresses,; feftiye as Result of Good 122; coatsand suits, 20; shoes, 17; ! picture ianing This advertisement is not published oi displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Rteamers Leave Prince Ruperf for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- TS.H. CAUOKNA FKIDAV DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thun. pjn. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, please purchase Ticket at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations ,anrt Tickets from FRANK i. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 5H "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlncu Rupert Co. Ltd. Brltlxh Coltimbti hose, 13; underwear, 12; acces- sories, B-.hats-, six; sport to?s, 2. LONDON, July 12: (CP)-Deadly i ; ., -7.ectlvenes of Royal Air Force BEU OF B. U. C. raids on military objectives in Ger- LONDON, July 12: (CP) Be rnany has turned to' admiration the cause the ringing jof chyrch belH scoflng remarks of those people now indicates the landing of para wh n the earlier weeks of the war, "w"" Tl RA.F. reconnaissance flights. has JBroadcasUpg Corporation he had directed his $185,000 hurling . . . f- ,,',. Th0 fiiht. , ni years ago today wnen he was signal, using instead the once dis es frequently released, gave the R. carded "tlck-tock." .A. P. a complete pictorial record of places .of strategic and military kn-j TRAINING TRAGEDY portance Jn Germany. Thanks to MANSFIELD. Eng., July 12: (CP Jnormatlpn brought back by their shot killed two soldiers at "camera guis" on those dally Stanton JI111 here. They were be flights, the British airmen are able Inst shown how to load a serylc to fly accurately to appointed tar-rifle when a bullet was discharged gets. There Is no unnecessary mlle-nenetratfntr both their heads. age and no wastage of ammunition. B I JUST PROPAGANDA LONDON. July 12: (CP) Broadcasting British prisoners' names dale; M. R. Laldlaw, H. Singleton, from Oerman stations Is Just a J. A. Wood, A. C. Gardiner and 'device .to obtain an audience for VV. H. Manuel, Vancouver; W. A. propaganda, the Ministry of Infor- crulser Waterman, Seattle; J. Simpson mation warns the public, as next- Konlgsberg sunk in Rufljt River, and C. MacCormlck, Terrace; R. ,German East Africa, by a British Moore, Smltheis; H. V. Illldrecige, rjver monitor. ' Russians aided tho J Kltwanga; Mrs. B. A. Mac Lean Second half softball schedule for 'Allies by holding Germans under and Clay, Port Esslngton. the Ladles' league Is announced , von Mackensen on Eastern Front. ; ' Central as follows: .. R M.jeJlo. Jiarreit Point; J. July 15-Service Club vs. Grotto; HfnAo Ce-ill Killas and L' aaln Clty: Mr Cookies vs. Whirlwinds. llCaScS UlHl and Mrs. R. Johnspn. Burns Lake; N. Mokxey. Pacific; E. 0. July 18-Grotto vs. Cookies; rri r , w. Mrs. Whirlwinds vs Velvets I I nn I fiSt 1TPTT1 Story, Evelyn; O. Phillips. Jasper; of-kin are notified of such cap Dr. J. Munthe Successor to Dr. JI. O. Johnsei Wishes to Announce the Ke moval of His Oiiiie to Itesner Block from 15th of this Month J tyred by the War Office. ,' J ' " " 1 " I LUMBER CEMENT. SASH and DOORS .Complete line of Bulldinf Supplies Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Phone 117 ,.,l011e jg - ' " ' II III II 4 ml lt MB YOUR WAR EFFORT Will He More Effective Willi A Modern Assorted Rexoleum Alats-r 18x36. Each Congoleum 16x27. Each Congoleum 18x30. Each Window Shades 30x72. Each Wall Tents 8 oz. ... Pack Sack 8 oz 35c 50c -0x8, 2-foot wall SINGER Sewing Machine -w - 'Wi -yTk Congoleum 27x30. Each IWf Rugs 24x48. Each Trapper Nelson's PatJt Board Complete with bag Prospector Wcdje Tent flx'8. 0 oz. 0 Ji'Anio.iis for Active Service Around the World Made iu Canada Canadian Material Canadian Workmen for Positive Savings Consult your "New Fashions" booklet iui spring and Summer Free for the asking Featuring Fashions ard Fabrics, as well as patterns and sewing aids that enable you and your home to keep stylish, prosperous and progressive, and actually save money at the same time. See tlie Newer Models at Your Singer Service Centre I ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building , Third Avenue. Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. phone GREEN 916 Mats & Rag Rugs 30c 75c 95c 95c TENTS and PACK BOARDS $11.00 $2.00 $7.50 $8.50