1 1940. m Your Clothes from turning 1 Yellow! Without blue,jaiT cottons or linens (so white when new ) take on a yellow tinge. To restore their lovely WHITENESS just add a swish or two of Reckitt's Blue to the last rinse. No effort. Cost? A cent or two a month I Vlv tnnnsiir.fi l-ui JlUDTl RECKITT'S BLUE PREVENTS CLOTHES FROM TURNING YELLOW Halibut Sales Aukar A. Canadian 11.000. 10.1c and 7c At- jit, 9.000. B 5c and 7c, Storage. D5T . 13.500, 10 .3c and 7c, Stor- Blue Boy. 11.500, 9.9c and 7c, .Pa lme. Fearlr. 4.500. 9.8c and 7c, Booth. Poun May. U00, 9.8c and 7c, At- lin. Dame Margaret Is Eulogized ,";;;u, . 'Aft?? m BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICt r.nvo? MOVED TO KAMLOOPS F. A. MacCallum Receives Notice of i ranee Kupert is aooui io wse es teemed citizens of ten years stand Jne in the persons of Mr. and Mrs ! F. A. MacCallum who will be leav- j ing the first week of next month for KamlooDS to which city Mr. MacCallum has received notice of , transfer as manager of the Bank of Montreal. News of their Impending departure will be a matter of regret i Transfer as Bank Manager G. K. S. Blackaby Coming Here to many friends. Mr. MacCallum's successor as manager of the local bank will be O. B. 8. Blackaby at present manager at Williams Lake and for a time manager at Terrace Comlne here December 1. 1930, from Prince George, Mr. MacCal lum has been prominently Jdentl-fled with the life of the city and many of its organizations, both public and private, ever since that time and has been an Indefatigable worker for numerous causes. The organizations with which he has been Identified have been the Prnce Rupert Chamber of Com- I merce, .of which he Is a past president; the Red Cross Society, pf j which he is at present president; , the Pf jnce Rupert .General Hospital Association, of which he Is a director, and numerous other bodies. t Having entered the service pf tti? bank in the East. Mr. MacCallum Icervor! In th Navv dnrlner the First MUTTON CHOPS- Per lb. LEG of VEAL 6 lbs Per lb. PORK VEAL SHOULDER of VEAL 4 lbs VEAL STEAK V 22c $1.00 50c Rojlf i SHOULDER of VEAL 25c per 10 FRESH KILLED FOWL 25 C Per lb 1 FIRST GRADE BUTER- g Q q . 3 )bs GOOD CORNED BEEF - Lu. TH? pAJLT ffpST? LOCAL NEWS NOTES If ypur paper Is late phone 98 or Blue 709. Ronald W. B. Lane left on this morning's train for a vacation trip to Yncuver Pnd Victoria. Meetlna of Prince Rupert Rate payers' Association. City Hall 8 p.m., Monday, July 5- uwi T: A. McMartin left by this morning's train on his return to Smlthers after a brief business ylslt in the city. Owine to some of the directors finding It Impossible to be In at tendance, the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, scheduled for tht$ evening, Is vBRINOS INSTANT IASI from .nfc our1 pictures. SHOULDER RST. of PORK Cpl pPr lb V,i ' FRESH SIDE PORK 2 lbs, Per lb. 25c i" ..el Announcements AU advertisements to th,l-omn will be charged tor fuU piontb at 25c a word. L. O. B. A. Red Cross Tea. Met ropole HaJJ. Jujv 12. 1 Lutheran Tea and Sale. Rev. Vyrwnn's. 4th Ave. East, July 13. Mrs. C. H. Sawle. after a visit of a few days in the city, returned on this morning's train to her home at New Hazelton. When vou zo on your holidays take the Dally News with you. 50c will pay for the paper for two months out of town. ( Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frew and dauzhter.. Molly, will sail on the Prince Rupert tomorrow evening for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh returned to Terrace this morning after several days spent In the city. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Walton and daughter, Ruth, will sail on the Prince Rupert tomorrow evening for a holiday trip to Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Mrs. Morris Fitzgerald, the former Miss Lois McRae, arrived In the city 1 on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver to pay a visit with I her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mc Rae, Fourth Avenue East. Last night the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council was In regular session, business being of a routine nature. In the absence of the president, Thomas Elliott, the meeting was conducted by Delegate ' James Forman of the Electrical , tfAvruian Hoiiahtr nf Workers' Union. E. Woodward, a Iw 1V1 i-l I V 1ULU1IUIUII UV rr w SJVlSS Mr and Mrsi O. A. McMillan, for- new delegate from the War as a lieutenant and In - - th Unlon. was welcomed. ! J922 came to British Columbia, his " tit. mnrninJ from Wife Of Britain's First Great Wa first service with the bank In this fj T? Ftp 9d Ernest Stenhens of Prime Minister Is Honored , province being as accountant at fXnds iRed4Ing, California, arrived In the' Victoria whence he went to Arm- " clty on the RUpert this fAT?nTEV wnip Jniv 12; (CP) strone as manager and later to . . .nmth .Anth Th A tribute tojhe assistance given Prince George where he spent three Ca Nell McLean arrived In port brothers of M. M. Stephens and are " by Dame Margaret Lloyd George years before coming here. o'clock this morning from here to pay a visit with their aged to former Prime Minister Lloyd Mrs. Mactauum, use ner VancMver powelJ River and ocean mother, Mrs. Mary McKay Stephens. George during his 50 years In band, has been active in various or- !,,,', pnrl v thu aftpr- Elgood Stephens is expected here on Parliament was paid at a public ganizations here and will also be etPU,fl,t whm Uip will tomorrow afternoon's train from meeting organized Dy tne women greauy nussca ay many ir.cnus. return here tomorrow morning Washington, D.C. to pay a visit witn Liberals at Penmaenmawr. , , . . j .nthhnnd Thl, e&xtA had on hi? parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M in a review 01 ner nusoanas and remarked: ."When shall we board a good-sized list of passengers. Stephens. leoDe read the Dally Newt. II. career uame Mar.arei reierrca iu , T ,f Ui to let them toow what yo,an Incident at No. 10 before the "0 " haw town armistice was announced In 1918.. phmV,.Wmi9m. who nre- " sided, said It was a pity that so many young people did not know of the bnsksTpund of "the great romance from Crccleth to pown-Ing .Street." Daily advertisina m Npv in surf to bring suits SIRLOIN TIP ROAST Per lb. PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb RUMP ROAST Per lb ROAST off the ROUND Per lb I SHORT RIBS of BEEF Per lb MUTTON m Datlj dally re- STORY 0F - ' JAZ ;l AGE "Roaring Twenties," With Ja;nes Cagney And Trlscilla Lane, 1 Showing At Capitol Theatre j i Dealing with the turbulent and . pventful decade fnllowlnz the First imtMtKVZmmmsmmmsmlata Great War-lhe glittering, gaudy """" " and fantastic age of flappers, speakeasies, mob rule and hectic lAMrP' II IN KN prosperity "The Roaring Twen- WVAlMwr :,. ... .... t. o ties," co-starring James uagney 17 A Mil Y MARK FT and Piscina Lane, Is the feature rlilllLil ltlllli 1 picture tonight and Saturday at l'hone 957 I'hon.e rpone 957 357 the tne Capltpl uapitoi 1 01 .1 story pf a Saturday Specials -g, smashed - UEEF Theatre here. It is the man who rises to tne nower only to be into oblivion when the crash comes and the era ends. As the war ends, three soldier QOn friends Caeney. Jeffrey Lynn and Humphrey Bogare return Joyfully O Op to America. However their plans A urn out to be no longer feasible. a tin Cagney has to go cab driving and 4UC this soon puts him in the boot-atn legging racket. Bogart Joins with ajU.Is him and Lynn handles the shady m e legal end of the transaction. Rld- 1UC lng the crest of the wave, they rise to the top of the Illegal business but, In the crash, Cagney eoes under first. LEGS of MUTTON 9.9.P There is al$o an element of ' Mm . . j 1 i 11,. per jo aramuuc rumancc hi nic jjh-uuic SHOULDER of MUTTON 4 Cp with Miss Lane playing the lead. Ppr Per lb lb. " .The cast Includes such favorites AAp as Gladys George, Frank McIIugh and Paul Kelly. . J of Interest to sport fans on this bill will be tne LOUis-,uoaoy ugn j S. O. N. Pance, July 18. S. O. N. PJcnlc, July 21. Catholic Bazaar. October 2 and 3. L.O.B.A. Bazaar. OctOuer 16th. .- , Wl A. Canadian Legion Bazaar. November 1. United Bazaar, November ii. t t i. This advertisement js not published or 'displayed by th Liquor Xioiwn)) Board or by the Q ).v,eri)ije.nt r,f Hritn Columhi:" Open Till ltKOQ p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY The Pereet Thirst Quencher nm mm mwm mm SESM) TEA Properties For Sale The City of Prince Rupert Is of fering for sale the property de-. II 1 V.1 ...HI ,a.alva tan-! ders to Thursday July 18, 194.0. The lowest nor any tender not necessarily accepted: Lot 7, Block 14, Section 7. Lots ! "and-2, Block 10, Section Lot 15, Block 26, Section 5. Lot 3, Block 29, Section 8. Lots 1 and 2, Block W, Section i crry clerk, City of Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert, B.C. U'- D DF WHITr chhhMkkhj NEW ROYAl HOTEL J. Zarrill Propriety; "A HOMK AWAT flUU HOME" ' Rates 75c tip ',A SO Rooms Hot & Cold w. r Prince RuperJ, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Bot l Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEPS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 Cherub Baby Oil Excpllcqt for Chafing, Chapping and Pjaper Rash. A Baby ceding Uottle J7rce with each purchase Both for 40c Ormes Ltd. 3Jm Pioneer Drtu&ists Pbones 81 St 82 The Hexall Store .Open Dally from 8 aon. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and. 1 to 9 p.m. m CANADIAN flATlONAl RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls. Monday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean I alls and Ppwejl River. Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. -Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Friday at 11 a.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping' and Dining Cars For Fares, etc.. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 THIRD AVE. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Llues (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One 1 ' m Hi 5.