... iful.tm annnnnCM that ns au 4.. hra nmv nlnnp. includ- CUWJ - V w w n is bombers, were shot down 1 - A a . nrlt I AtffVtf tnfA lirinff yutciuajr ww .. rnlnir malrlrtfr a hat? nf 31 ilia mv o - n si hours In addition to many ...... h.iUvaH in hava hppn an! 1.1. t hark tn thplr hnmp. i,r LU likV " T ... fiif TtrfHch flffhtprs rmorted. One squadron of Brl- i The death toll as a result of turriav'i Herman raids on Ens- . . . a a i a -. nrt tnt Alien iwcniyiwu. it ra . J I I 4 41-. l.lAnilUt H n (ft Mirn n sunn wrrt- uiuuiib . Ai t..i 1 WllClliCL It vii4 ...... oblwtlves on which the? tmnm tneir oerjiiv careoes. The central district of a city on KiailUA AUUVll CUttRb UCIICVU iv P rlVITltJl.LIl I Wits HrtaLCU 111 tllV . . . . M . 1 ft I ill L (iv i iin ill iiriiiimi niii.iaii in. i-iiivvi niiu .imv...w ow"!. th mirn In nlmrvtt. rnnxtant rpiavs. me KuvriiiiiiriiL iruuum. All wiv iisi miriy-six nours u was esu- man nianpe navp nppn nnr nnwn nr h(ilv riamaDpri In thplp flprPA si- saulta utxtn the British Isles pre paratory to Adolf Hitler's exoected Ibllezkrleg invasion attempt. Casu- were heavy at least fourteen Iaities persons were killed and forty-seven Injured. The -south coast city I was not officially Identified in the I communique of Jhe Air Ministry and Ministry nf Hnmo Rpiirltv. The Royal Air Force lost four fighters im beating off the onslaughts It was I said. King Sect Battle Kin? HpnrirA lnnpptlnr his troops along the south coast, watch- one phase of the battle as a Iea German plane flew overhead with I British fighters In hot pursuit. The all-war of western Eurorje reached a new peak of Intensity we today as Royal Air Force at- I tackprf matfhoH tha flurmani raid I for raid and defence forces levied n unrelenting toll on planes attacking the British Isles. The attacks were on southwest Eneland and northwest Scotland. Today's nrst casualty report came from northeast RpnflonH whprp. it was "aid one bomb killed ten persons ana injured many others. The plane which dropped it was shot doum and the crew perished ln flames. By mid-afternoon at least ?'jht German planes had been add-d to the twenty-three shot down yesterday. i Usinr Stukas I In Berlin, German sources stated that their stnkas (dive bombers) e being used to deliver stagger- mi blows on thp British Isles with SlUph Ham Almnrfe ormsmpnt Plants, piers and docks were badly damaged, the Oermans claimed. Fires were set In Industrial plants. An oil t.ant-pr ami fnnr merchant vessels, It was said, were sunk, Thlr- fn British planes were brougnt down during' the day, the Germans claimed. MAUSOLEUM RAILS CARRICKFEROUS, Northern Ireland, Julv 12: (CP) Malor A. F Dobbs Is giving ornamental railings about his family mauso leum for use as scrap Iron. C 1 i . .i n ii- .i.i. . I isiucu ucsimc iiauan iom-'., inatlon-IIaile Selassie Ilccor- .,,un8a'y And Buigaria Under Ger- nlied As Government Head man Coercion Abandon Demands Upon Koumania LONDON. Julv 12: Nnfcwifh. standing that it is still dominated' AfES,T' July "Hungary nd Bulgar a outf denc to by Italy, Ethiopia is now regarded as an any or oreat Britain In the." , " " , ,'"'v -"vi war. Emperor Halle Selassie Is re-!thelr. terrltorlal claims upon Rou-cognlzed as the hpad of the gov-,manla' ltf 13 statfdD ln ahorita- ernment oi tne country. : 7 - v.rv iiv uwbt glHWO, 4ilUO U would seem, there may be con-k uuu uu n i n tlnuatlon for the time being at lYLiLil 1 JurVi I least of the precarious state of IN BALKANS GT. BRITAIN AND RUSSIA sions now heine encaeed in at G0ERING WARNING Suggest That South American Na tions Should Keep Clear ui United States BERLIN, July 12: Vice-Chan- INVASION QLSPAlN One Hundred Thousand German "tourists" reported to Have Arrived There, Accompanied by Mechanized Units trvtfnnw .TnW 12 Srjaln may be the next nation for the Germans to move Into, the London Telegraph military observer believes. Vrnm 100.000. tn 15U.UUU "luunaw are icyuitcu i.u - peace in the Balkans. Appearance of heavy German armed forces ln the vicinity of the Hungarian frnntler matr Vihia A rntYinllilnn mihj iiau aviiltbllitlg Germany, Italy And Russia Have , to do with" the postponement of iicmiiru agreement, ll is nungaiys xransyivanian ae- Reported Jmands, it is suggested. I Meanwhile, despite Russia's as OENUEVA, July 12: Germany, surances that she had no designs Italy and Russia are reported to i against Turkey, the latter nation have agreed upon a Dlan to Dre- continues to call more men to the I serve peace ln the Balkans until colors. alter the conclusion of the wat . in ttome u was reported Italy between Oermany and England, land Germany had obtained prom- ,lses from Russia, Hungary and arrived In Spain together with mechanized units. The "fifth columnists wi be ready, to change to uniforms when the signal is given. This could mean nothing more than an attack upon Gibraltar. STOOD UP Mosrbw mtrhl remove da'necr "of " Nonrfah""H the Soviet worklne economically erlcan Red A a. militarily 1 1 ! 1 . . : I .. n..nei aealnsl Great n.l Brl umn an a rr or tain in the Interests of Germany. BOMBS AT BIG MEET 1 Rnlwaria that hp nnt Hl. turb the peace ln southeastern lEurone until after the battle nft 'Britain Is over. In return for these promises It was said. Italy and Germany gave assurance that they would not forget their friends ln Relation, Between Two Countries the gencra, reconstructIon of Eur. Have Been Looking Better In Recent Months LONDON, July 14: (CP) It. A. Butler, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, told the House of Commons yesterday that success In Great Britain's attempt to make friends with Russia "appeared more likely" in recent months. He said it was hoped Sir Stafford Cripps In discus jope after they defeat Britain. TCI UITT EE 1 J lllil4JUl( won an umuiiii-ui mi nin. . It was in 1937. and Davis, the rov-1 i ing amoassaaor, was in r-urupe ua I disarmament. He talked for two ihours with the chancellor. Hitler spoke of the -American Civil War and now oaaiy tne florin naa treated the South. He said that was the way with France and Germany af-t.pr the First Oreat War. Explosives Found Near Republican! Davis' eyes twinkled as he re- Assembly Place In Philadelphia plied: "Now we are on ground which I know. I am from the South. It NEW YORK, July 12: - Two was 13 years after that war hefore powerful dynamite bombs were j southern representatives were per-found near Convention Hall dur- :mltted back Into the American Con-! Ing Republican convention at gress. And It was only nine years DhlMrialrtVil'i turn wppkft afro it WaSt 11-. ttw 1 tt. . Un -in. 1 iniaubiKiiiu " a- aner tne r not uicttw vvai uia u- . 1 1... ...inMil nfViAral . ..... .. learnea. yesieruay. occim many was invitea into tne League were also found ln a hall fre- Jof Nation3. From some aspects quently used for Communist meet-. nas treated Germany gener-t, n..Acti havp hopn made. I . .. 1110. iwwwivsi'v 1 ousiy. Hitler laugnea and saia: 1 see 1 Since 1937 he has been chairman of the American Red Cross and now CcllUl llCliuau wh.--.-o I v v..w .....v - many has warned South American is charged with direction of the ii.. niriincr. n nwinn liic uui- nimi iiimi Ampnra riH.1 Dfeii uaiwcu llitllUlia wb"'""" o r i---' ' ted States to monopolize their 1 to pour Into the basket of mercy for trade. This would react to tneir Europe s refugees, disadvantage after the war. he . Mr. Davis' life-long disarmament suggested. have chosen a bad example." More than any other among the diplomats who have tried to patch up Europe's wounds f rorn the previous war, Davis has been associated with patient, persistent, tolerant visits in one capital after another, preaching co-operation. He has served under Presidents Wilson, Hoover and Roosevelt. hopes lie smoldering ln the ruins of Flanders. He says: "America must become disciplined. America must make sacrifices today that are still only half realized. We must work. Look at France and England. They were helping their people lie1 on softer beds through the very years Hitler was teaching Germans to lie on a bed of thorns. "We must realize this: As long as we live this world will be an armed camp." BASEBALL SCORES American League Chicago 2, Boston 3. St. Louis 4, New York 6. Cleveland 8, Philadelphia 5. Detroit 3, Washington 7. National League Boston 2-2, Chicago 8-1. Brooklyn 5, Cincinnati 8. New,York8lSt.toul6.' Otherfpbstponed, PROVINCIAL LIBRARY Xi feather. Forecg' She ! TomonoW slides - . . nnnrt ana uueen i;nar w. High 7:59 am. 18.2 It; ... Moderate shlftlnc a."3" 5. 20:19 p.m. 19.2 ft. Jflndi. cloudy and cool with occas- Vfy J Low 1:35 ajn. 6.0 ft. ,ional rams. V 13:37 pjn. 6.9 ft. V NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ol. XXIX. No. 163- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRipAY, JULY 12, 1940. PRICE: CENTS IR RAIDS KEEPING ON . . r.erman Machines Brooiht "oWn Daring AiiacRs Britain More Intensity . . i . arllt ting Fuy una" '"" R.AF. Matching Nail Attacks LONDON, July 12: (CP)- After . rlav. Oerman raids on --J artBtirn1 lOCr. n Iff nr. fin u. r i r. ataa.MkM j .nnt.nnmi todav as total aer- ntl LUiIMM-- ! , hPtwfrn ureal uritain 2i waiioit . n.manv irrfW In intenSltV. Ethiopia Is British Ally QUIET IN BALKANS Mayor Of Ixew York Visitoi; At White House WASHINOTCN, D. p.. July -Mayor Florella LaGuardla New York was a guest at White House yesterday. Bulletins 12: of the HAS GOOD FISHING SITKA, Alaska Film actor Frank Morgan apparently is having little trouble today,, catching fish ln Alaska wateri Morgan and his party arrived at Sitka with the report that ,thelr big-test trouble was not catching fish but keeping them from jumping into the boat. ! NO FORCE USD OTTAWA The Canadian government Thursday officially denied that any French vessels had been brought Into Canadian ports by force. OUSTING KING HAAKON OSLO. Norway The newspaper Arberderbladt reported Friday that the Norwegian Parliament soon will appoint a state .council of fifteen members to assume King Hakon's prerogatives and direct the government affairs. After this appointment the news-nauer said Kin? Haakon will no longer be ruler. WORK ON SOUTH AMERICA .. , .. , I LONDON Great Britain has j t.c j r c. - Amer- Head of U.S Red Cross Says consul(ed Uned States I lea Must Accept Discipline Xmerlwn I iv.ciiTKTP.Tnv fGTON. July ti 19 12: (CP) (MMI I Rei Republics meetlne In Hayana this 1 f f (tUIUPU A V4 i Cross, Is one man who, ,nR ... ...... 1 rea. 1 1 U TTIH. month-will 'co-operate lnSrevent- their surplus products 'from reachint the Axis powers. It was announced Thursday night that Great Britain is anxious. to co-ordinate European and American, plans for pooling these surpluses. CUTTING DOWN RELIEF VICTORIA Every able-bodied man in British Columbia must show ihat he has been turned down for enlistment before unemployment relief can be securr ed, it has been rijled. This applies to single men under fifty and married under forty. CLOSING LOGGING DOWN VANCOUVER Owing to the serious fire haiard due to continued dry weather on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland, logging has been ordered closed down in many areas. AUSTRALIA GAS RATION CANBERRA Gasoline rationing goes into effect In Australia September 1. Private motorists will be limited to 39 miles a week. Group travelling will be encouraged. BUILD FOR BRITAIN BURBANK Vega Aircraft Corporation is about to start on a $30,000,000 contract for twin-motored planes for the British government. CONSIDER FISHERMEN OTTAWA After A. W. Nelll, Contox - Albernl. and Howard Green, South Vancouver, had made representations In the House, Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King said yesterday that the condition of British Columbia salmon fishermen made it necessary that they receive consideration. Mr. Neill said that 9000 fishermen threatened lo strike unless better prices were paid. SNOW IN HAMILTON HAMILTON A light fall of snow was recorded here yesterday It was the first July snowfall In the history of the city. MAKING NEW PICTURE WINNIPEG Production will start Immediately of "Forty-Ninth Parallel," the bigfcst. moving picture to he made In Canada. It will stress the friendship existing ENORMOUS 'Evacuating CONTRACTS Alexandria United States To Add 25,000 Planes To Army And Navy Within Two Years , WASHINGTON, D. C, July 12: (CP) The possibility of 25,000 planes being added to the United States navy and army forces within two years developed ln a de fence commission announcement of contracts for $100,000,000 worth of planes having been let recently and other contracts being completed, rapidly. The administration's complete defence program was approved yesterday and Congress is adjourned wer the Democratic convention week. Congress acted sTiftly Thursday to nrovide total defence for the Un ited States. It sent to the White AIR L RAIDS AVCTLULriwr Kins was never In danger. It hav- age the soldiers and workers. Warnet Bros. To take Children Moving Picture i Take Care Of Corporation CAKELESS DAYS LONDON, July 12: (CP) The Food Ministry Is considering I "cakeless days" to conserve sugar, and deliveries of condensed milk and powder are cut ln half. Regulations governing milk do not apply to Infants' foods. between Canada and the United States. MARTINIQUE ASKS SUPPLIES MARTINIQUE The French Island of Martinique may ask United States for supplies. This Is reported in spite of British denials of a blockade. MITTELIIAUSER DISMISSED LONDON General Eugene MU-teihauser, French commander-in-chief in the Near East, has been dismissed by the retain government, the London Telegraph says. SEINEBOATS TUT OUT VANCOUVER An agreement having been reached In. the price dispute. Vancouver salmon seine-boats are putting out to iti. Civilians Removed To Safer Re gions As Precaution Against Air Raids ALEXANDRIA, Egypt. July 12: Following the commencement of Italian air raids, eighty thousanf civilians have been evacuated from Alexandria to safer regions. AIR LOSS IS HEAVY Italy Announces Over One Hundred Airmen Have Been Killed Since Country Entered War ROME. July 12: An official House for President Roorevelt's slg-Italian announcement In Rome nature the four billion dollar naval says that 151 Italian airmen have expansion bill which would give the been killed and 103 wounded In r.(.i.. Ik. iViiocf Kittto. fh 1at twpntv riav nf war Num. would not accept W. L. Mackenzie king's Invitation to become an associate member of the war committee Sf the cabinet. Premier Klne expressed reeret MOVING TO VERSAILLES Petaln Government To Transfer Capital From Vichy To German-Occupied France viun-u owra wic i.6iii.ii. m-vhx- - j staie. state." Petaln retain assumes assumes the me com fleet In the world an armada cap- erous ItaUan planes have alsoblned oIfice wltn a military die aoie oi mccuiis ouuuitancvuo n.v- v... on either coast. When the naval program is completed the United States will have fleet of 70 warships, 45 battleships, 20 aircraft car- riers, 378 destroyers, 88 cruisers and( 180 submarines almost double the present fleet. I Assistant Secretary of War Johnson Thursday night estimated that It would be another year before the tion to have the Job done ln time. KING NEAR INVITATION UNACCEPTED Conservative Leader Is Not Joining War Committee Of Canadian Cabinet equipment needs of the United States Army would be met. John-' OTTAWA, July 12: (CP) Hon. son added that It would require all r. b. Hanson. Conservative leader, me enon ana ingenuity oi uie na- told tne nouse oi uommons yes- terday that he i Prime Minister Full Dictatorship Democracy Completely Wiped Out Under New French Order BERNE, Switzerland, July 12: (CP) Premier Petaln, ln a broad cast heard here, v announced plans to transfer the French government from Vichy to Versailles near Paris In German-occupied territory. Marshal Petaln announces tnat, under France's new Fascist totali tarian set-up, the nation will return to the old provincial system. The office of President, now held by Albert Lebrun, is abolished and combined with that of Premier, with the title of "Chl?f of French com- that Mr. Hanson was unable to I tain. "We must fight . British constitutional lines. LONDON, July 12 Stories of how n y rj TT IQT King George escaped a Nazi omb-, oUlVi ivioE m orforir nn o rnwn in .stiiiLiierii 1 111 U. VVUV. " - -vw 1 England are said in an official j itatement to be exaggerated. The; BOULOGNE 'pg been some time after his visit R A F Pays Vj5it And Does Cen. that the bombing occurred. Exact siderabte Damage, Destroying time and place Is not revealed. j Five Planes Terrific Attack The King continues to make ire itatorshlp of greater powers than ' .. T7.u a . .1. ..4m Aomn Vims Vi .ally riClllt otaicauiau uao iifc since the. days of Napoleon. While a form of corporative legislature remains, Petaln has full power to legislate without recourse to It. In an announcement Petaln decreed that capitalism was abolished ln France, twelve ministers will assist the chief of state, the coun try Is divided into twelve provinces with governors for local ad- ministration, the ministers are drectly responsible to Petaln, the chief of state has full exxecutlve powers and the present senate and chamber will continue to exist pending the formation of a Fascist Chamber of Corporations. "Capitalism and socialism are a thing of the past," declared Pe- acceptUthe acceptLthe Invitation. invitation. He He gave gave no no Internationalism. internationalism. .a surprise visit to German-held (Germany. I Boulogne yesterday and, diving low over the airdrome there before anti-aircraft guns or pursuit .planes could get Into action, drop-'ped bombs which did heavy damage. It is believed that five planes jon the ground were destroyed. To I Royal Air' Force planes, wave 3000 Refugees ton wave in terrific attacks, visited I other enemy bases in. the lowlands HOLLYWOOD, July 12: War-'and the coast of France yesterday ner Bros, picture corporation island today. They did considerable ma King arrangements to onug tu uamuc. this country and take care of From the English shores huge some 300 children of employees of fires could be seen burning on the corporation In England. the French coast. MAY BRING SOME HERE DALADIER agalnst all , i 11 1 1 1 rwMi-Arn rf a Hrf q f rv rtf - ..- . . mnnr. siitrn-ncr inni crnnniF i.rtiir. nun uuntio vi n uiktnvvi w Nail Attack on Southern Town government would continue along France barely twenty-four hours after the seventy-year old republic was voted out 0f existence. After taklncr thp nrcsidencv awav from I Lebrun, assuming all powers Into I his own hands as chief- of the French state, Petaln announced the formation of a new compact cabinet of twelve members. Alrr ugh Petaln became dictator the real power directing France's shift from a democracy to dictatorship was Pierre Laval, vice- quent visits to troop centres and. LONDON July 12: Royal Air 'Premier and champion oi couao- munitions making points to encour-'porce rorce medium medium size sue bombers uumueis paid'01"31100 paiu; between trance, ltaiy ana KEPT OUT Former Premier And Other French Leaders Unable To Get Home From North Africa VICHY, France, July 12: (CP) Former Premier Daladler and other French political leaders, be lieved to be ln North Africa, are unable to return because tne French armistice commission de nied them transport. Vice-Premier Pierre Laval said the commission had not yet replied to a government request to bring the party back to France. Possibility Of British Refugee I uexence w "au Children Being Absorbed w Investigated rlot Interrupted the proceedings L jof the National Assembly gathered TORONTO, July 12s: The Brl-'to pave the way for France's new tlsh Broadcasting Corporation is totalitarian Constitution, iierrios requesting the radio industry of ran to the speaker's rostrum and Canada to assist In the absorption ' shouted defence of his former of three thousand children of colleagues after catcalls greetea radio people of Great Britain, the reading of names. Employees, advertisers, and agen-l cles of Canadian radio stations are belne canvassed with a view to ascertaining their capacity for taking care of such British refugee children. Transportation of the children to their destination will be taken care of but those accepting therrl will be responsible for the maintenance and care. C. H. Insulander, manager of station CFPR at Prince Rupert, has received an Inquiry along the above lines and Is Investigating the nosslbllltles of some . of the refugee, children being brought here. CONFLICT IN KENYA Italian-British Forces Are Reported To Be in tierce uaiue CAIRO. Julv 12: Italian and British land forces are reported to have been ln conflict in Kenya Colony. The outcome of the battle was not immediately Indicated al though fierce Ilghtlnsr was re ported.