. , '4AV. e r Vol. XXIX.. No. 282 Air CHURCH IN LONDON IS BOMB HIT t .. . jlelropolis Has ns Longest riim; Raid of War But Survey Shows Damage Not Extremely Heavy LONDON, Nov. 7': (CP) One of 4 the most famous churches In Lon-j flon was hit by a high explosive bomb during last night's longest raid of the war on London. The church was crowded with homeless wmen and children singing "Annie Laurie' when the bomb struck. The pianist shouted: "It's only one of out own shells" and started to play again with the refugees sing-ipg, None were hurt although a woman outside was killed. London sirens 'howled again at noon today nd the raiders dodged '. through clouds to scatter bombs on thf London area. Alter the all clear, the Air Ministry announced that five Oerman planw hid been shot down. Last night's raids were widespread I but ip early morning check-up j ihovcd that damage was compar- a'Jvely light A ttrange wblne of motors Indi cated that Italian planes were being used in last night's attack on Lon don. LAB0RMAY BE UNITED tallity f Reconciliation, Be tan C.I.O. and A.Ffl; . Seeni (s ' -i-l I l nv YORK, November 3 Re okH "ion of theTwarrlng Labor, lnltl'!nv the Ccnsrress of In tonal Organization and Ameri-' W Federation of Labor Is seen V i possible requel of the presU t!al election. Jchn L. Lewis has' Tf intimated if he Intends to! implement his pre-election threat" fn Mptai. a m i hwm. m ' u as nraa oi xne ua.u, u resident- Rooecvelt should be reelected, GALLABAT RETAKEN Kih Troop, Win Back Point In Sudan Which Italians Had Cap tured Some Time Ago lairo, Nov. 7: (CP) British "oops have recaptured Oallabat cn U1C bUdanPKP - Pthlnnlon Knrrtar 'rm the Italians, British general wadquarters announce. Oallabat on the Sudan side of the line and occupied by Italian troops soon "wr that country went to war. An "jilan counter-attack failed to dls-Mee the British after they re-took the town, ' PARLIAMENT OPENTODAY F"nuljt at Ottawa Reduced To ""nimum Governor Presents Speech "JTTAVM, November 7 (Cana- r?w" vold entirely of the w?rVor Parliament was opened cL 7 e Governor General of . the Earl' of Athlone. His JJJncy rode up in a closed car hL 8 mct by Prime Minister Da a Senate Leader Raoul anjurand. After entering the Thron rCad Spech from duties ldwcll has taken over the H'calfv, '"Perative uommon' I w Federation Vnrl.r nnnoiinc ttatfl0 Press for more Infor-R rtsarding th0 war effort. wservan.. , " ; " v"" " i 'AviCTOBJB' WeatHen Forecast Tomorrow sTidei prince Rupert Fresh to strong northwest win f"rt cloudy and She I War News R.A.F. IS BUSY LONDON The Royal Air Force active last night bombing military objective in the suburbs of Berlin, elsewhere in the Reich, in German occupied territory as well as channel points. LONDON HEAVUY ATTACKED LONDON' Inuon was last night bombed harder and more "enf-nil'" r "V-' ni-raft than for many nights. Fire fighters were krnt on the jump and it W3s a Inn? alarm. There were also intensive' attacks on other part rf the country. llltlNDlSt PUNISHED CAtRO British bombers hive mad" 9- punishing raid on Brindi-sl, vital port and naval base at the hee' of the Italian boot, the Royal At Force announces. Brln-disi in nn important base of embarkation for Albania. BELGIANS C M LED UP MONTRFAL AU Belttans In Canad). between 16 and 35 years of age have been retrjtrcd to re-no r'. (or possible military service. Between 19 and 25 military service is compulsory. Others may volunteer. DOVER 'S POUNDED DOVF.n Oerraan ttt; Bertha guns. fron acrONv-itie Channel, again nounded thCj Dover area today. They are believed to have been aiming at a convoy. Berlin claimed tha4 one ship had been sunk and was believed to be sinking-, j , ; : FALLOWING I i ' KING LIVERPOOL Not long after the King and Queen had paid a visit, the Merseyside shipbuilding area was bombed by German airmen yesterday. Berlin And Rome Not Surprised Results of United States National Election are Received With Indifference BERLIN, Nov. 7: (CP) Berlin and Rome officialdom and press re-celved-wlth Indifference the results of the presidential election. The outcome was no surprise was about all the comment that could be heard. President Lays Cornerstone Of New Post Office NEW YORK, Nov. 7. President D. Roosevelt laid the cornerstone of a new post office In his home town of Hyde Park yesterday. NEW YORK COPPER NEW YORK, November 7 Copper prices were off .03c. to .15c. yesterday with December closing at 11.25c. per pound. Yukoners Jor War Service Aboard the steamer Princess Norah. which Is In port this afternoon, are nine Yukoners going through to Vancouver. They are all volunteers for war war service with the Canadian Active Service BVirce. Attacks Become More Intense Japanese Withdraw t To Coast . SHANGHAI, Nov. 7. Japan- ese forces continue their with- drawal from many Important - central China points, leaving them In flames. The Japanese. it is said are planning to evacu- ate China extent a strtn fnrtv r m w w cj v miles from the coast. Some observers suggest a drive against Hong Kong may be the ultl- mate plan. , Bulletins MORE DESTROYERS WASHINGTON The possibility of United States making; further destroyers available for Great Britain is seen as well as merchant ships to replace those lost in the war is seen as one of the results of the United States election In which the policy of aid by this country is implied to have been endorsed by the people. ' BLACK DAY FOR. REICH , LONDON Commenting: on the re-election of President Roosevelt of the United States, Lord Beaver-brook' Evenlnr standard says that it was 4hf blackest day Berlin has had jlnce the war began.' The London Times classes Roose. VeU with Washington and Lln- coin among the presidential "greats." FORD GETS CONTRACT DETROIT The Ford Motor Co. is awarded a contract for 4000 airplane engines, to cost $122,000,-000, under the defence construe, tlon program. - CAPT. LATTA DIES LONDON Caot. R. G. Latla, who retired in 1938. as master of the Empress of Britain, died at his home in Cheshire yesterday. BALTIC SHIPS SEIZED LONDON The British government has seized two dozen Es-thonlan, Latvian and Lithuanian ships. Negotiations are on, with Russia to ratify the taking over. MINISTER RESIGNS BELGRADE Because he believes that the government did take strong enough stand not a . . - . . . against the bombing Dy iuy oi a Yugoslav town, the minister oi war of Yugoslavia has resignea RUSSIA AND TURKEY ISEANBUL Soviet Russia Is reported to be withdrawing Its forces from the Turkish frontier. A new trade agreement between Russia and Turkey Is reported to be In process of negotiation. ACTRESS CRITICALLY ILL HOLLYWOOD Mary Boland, well known moving picture actress, was critically Injured when her automobile collided with a station car yesterday. She sustained several broken ribs, a dislocated hip and gashes about the HUNTERS ARE DROWNED RED DEER Two Red Deer men hunting at Sylvan Lake near here, are believed to have been drowned. nnr.'S SHELTER irMnoN. Nov. 7: (CP)- First K-1,.1. tha first dog's air raid shelter was laid in Kensington Gar dens by Sir Robert Gower MP. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIF H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1940. HIS LEAD INCREASED j later Return; in United States Election Show Further Gains I For Roosevelt i NEW YORK, Nov. 7. The latest tabulation of returns from the United States Presidential, election give.-; President Franklin D. Roosevelt thirty-nine of the forty-eight states, New Jersey and Michigan havlns moved with later results from the Wlllkie into the Roo3S7elt! column. In the electoral college, therefore. Roosevelt will have 468 vote-to 63 for Wlllkie. The popular vote so far accounted for gives Roosevelt 25,694,747 and , WUlkte, 21.427.832. Incidentally. Winkle's nopular vote is the largest ever obtained by a losing preslden- tial candidate in the history of the country. The Democrats have gained twelve seats in the House of Repre-rentatlves, their total now being 264 whereas 218 are necessary for control. The Republicans have gained four scats in the Senate but the Democrats are still easily in control. Regal Quarters For Slum Babes Wartime Mothers From Lonon's East End Bear Chlldrenln . . ' QueenVTormer Home LONDON, Nov. 7: (CP) Poor mothers from London's east, end are giving birth to babes in regal surroundings. Evacuated from their bomb-shattered tenement areas, the women are sent to a big estate, for many years a residence of the Queen's parents, the Earl and the late Countess of Strathmore. Penniless mothers now sit knlt- tlrtg In the room where the Queen used to sleep and also In the King's former bedroom which has been turned Into a large ward. The estate, set amid beautiful surroundings, was turned over to the London Hospital to be used as an emergency house for expectant, mothers. ' British House Sits Secretly Confidential Report on War Pre-fc sented by Premier Churchill LONDON, Nov. 7: (CP) The House of Commons was in secret session yesterday to receive a con- flHAntlnl rpnnrt. from Prime Mln- - - ljter Winston Churchill on the war. NJ announcernent was made. TRAINING FINISHED First Batch of 25,000 Trainees Out Of Camps Today OTAWA, Nov. 7: (CP)' Twenty-five thousand young Canadians today completed a thirty-day period of training under the national service plan, leaving 39 camps In Canada to return to their lobs. A con siderable number were, however, so enthusiastic that they decided to volunteer for the active service In cluding the Royal Canadian Air Force. Those returning to civil life meantime will continue to ittend periodical drills. The second batch of trainees will go into camp on November 22. POUND STERLING NEW YORK, November 7 The British pound sterling was up at $4.01 yesterday. S n A I I HAD WILL ruiv OVERSEAS One Thousand Men Sought For Radio Service. OTTAWA, November 7 (Canadian Press) The Royal Canadian Air Force yesterday received the call for 1000 volunteers for ground radio mechanics of the Royal Canadian Air Force. The limit has bsen reused from 45 to 50 years. Recruit must be phvs'.cally fit but need not have perfect eyesight. They may b dispatched pverseas within thirty dayi to complete training. i SHIPMENT OF FOXES Animals to Value of $100,000 Bcin Transferred MONCTON, Nov. 7. -A small fortune in platinum foxes left Mcncton yesterday In a Canadian National Express car for fur farms in the provinces of Ontario and Alberta. The consignment of live platinum foxes, which is valued at over $100,- CC0. Is from the Colpitts ranches at Salisbury, w Brunswick, on which mey were Drea ana raised. Tnesp pMlnum foxes. It Is understood, will be crossed with the so-called wh'tft face or. ring-necked foxes. The .ColpittejrabeftRoruKO Whe mosi extensive ipx Breeding organ izations In the world, claim to have 95 per cent of Canada's platinum foxes. British To Bomb Rome LONDON. Nov. 7- CP1 T?!ch'-d Auitlrt Butler, Under Secretary of state for Foreign Affairs, told he House of Common todav that Great Britain must "reserve full liberty of action In resrnrd to Rome" since Italian filers have now bombed' London. Roosevelt Gets Big Reception Welcomed Back in Washington To Day Following Election WASHINGTON; D.C., Nov. 7. High Low ... ... . Germans Are Advised To Quit Greece BELGRADE, Nov. 7: (CP) Trustworthy advices said today that all Germans in Greece have been advised by German diplomatic officials to leave the country at once. The move is internreted as indicating the possibility that Germany fore- sye no early fulfilment of ex- pressed hope for a quick settle- . inent of the Italo-Oreek con- flW and that Germany may be oblip ed to enter the fight there to help the wavering Italians. '.NO CHANGE IN POLICY . ... . VT ' and Preparedness To Still Be Keynotes for Soviet Russia MOSCOW, November 7 Soviet Russia wlu continue the policy of neutrality in the war with con- stant miUtary preparedness as a precaution against any eventuall- ts. It. wan -authoratlvely 6tated at nl3nt on the eve of a Commu. - rrisyWvWvewary celebration, - SHELLING Gr?ks Keep Up Attack On Italian Base Only Fascist Air Force Is Feared ' ATHENS, Nov. 7. The Greeks are still shelling the Italian base city of Kor!tza In Albania. M.-ntirr?. the Italians claim further advances beyond the Ka- lamas River, fifteen miles across the frontier In Greece. Athene is reported to have ad- vised Lcndon that, If Great Bri- tain can hp!d off rthe Italian air force, Greece will have no dlffl-' sulty In defeating Italy. i Italian Ualm i President Franklin D. Roosevelt te- interpreted as neraioing opening turned to Washington today from;of the expected Italian big pushl Hvde Park where he snent the e fc- tlon period. He was given a great reception in celebration Of his victory. There was a triumphal procession down Pennsylvania Avenue which was lined with spectators. STOCK MART HAS BREAK Reacts Sharply to Result of United States Election NEW YORK, November 7 The New York stock market teixted to the result of the presidential election yesterday with the widest break since spring. It was taken as an ldlcatlon of disappointment at the defeat of Wendell Wllkle whom Ag business had favored. The downward movement appeared to be checked In early tradhig today" with recovery looming In most Issues. V The day's turnover was 1,310,000 shares. The Industrial average, at closing was 131.98, off 3.53; rails, .28.87, dawn' 1.29; utilities, 21.51, down 1.37. t 8:50 ajn. 18.0 ft. 21:00 p.in. 16.7 ft 1:52 a.m. 7.4 ft. 14:51 p.m. 9.1 ft. price: s cents 'POUNDING ' GERMANY Long Range British War planes Reach as Far as Berlin Witli Many Other Points Visited As Well LONDON, Nov. 7: fCP) Long range British war planes bombed the suburbs of Berlin and a railway junction northwest of the German capital during the night, the Air Ministry announced today. Attacks were also made on synthetic oil plants at Leuna and Hamburg, factories near Dusscl-dorf, the inland port of Duisberg-and railway yards and junctions elsewhere. Other sqi-drons bombed long range German gun-emplacements at Cap Gris Nez on the French coast. The Berlin suburb attacked was identified as Spandau. In daylight attacks yesterday the British bombers pounded oil refineries at Salzbergen, starting great fires. Three Degrees Of Frost Recorded T the Most of Prince Rupert People, However, it seemed Colder Owing to Chilly , . Wind - The minlmumtthermometer read-, lng"for lasfnightras officially recorded-at the, Dlgby Island meteorological .station, was 29above. O'ving ,to the strong nrth- wind, it, seemed to! the p(ot of local people to be a good deajf colder han that. The frost has cut down most of the dahlias arM more delicate plants In Prince Rupert gardens. Paul Satko Here Again lit of "Ark of JuneaU" Fame Aboard Coasting Steamer Enroute to Seattle Paul Satko, who during the oast summer went north from Seattle to 'Juneau nhoarrl his erndp home- Norah, Paderewski In United States jWill Undertake Some Form of War Work Says Noted Pianist . - NEW YORK, November 7 (Canadian Press) Ignace Jan Paderewski, noted planlsst and former Premier of Poland, arrived in the United States from Lisbon. He will undertake some form of w;vr work, Paderewski said. . f VICTORIA NEW HEADQUARTERS Pacific Coast Command of Canadian Army to be Based There VANCOUVER, Nov. 7: (CPTrMaj6r General II. D. O, Crcrar, thief of Canadian staff, in Vancouver In he course of a tour of Pacific Coast defences, announced yesterty that Victoria will be headquarters of the new Pacific Coast commands which includes the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, Part of the Fourth Division; 1$ already In the Area, s-r.12 Crerar. j' In, Rome the Italian High Com- j made boaf'Ark of Juneau" with his mend claimed today that its divls-1 wife and family on board. Is here Ions have passed beyond the Kal- agam thls afternoon travelling amas River In western Greece. Thesouth aboard the steamer 1'rincass river roughly parallels tne Albanian i b&rder from five to fifteen miles in side Greece In the Eplrus region where the Greeks admitted a slight withdrawal. In London the report- ed crossing or tne Kaiamas Kiver against me ureeius. Vancouver Woman Hit By Car And Is Badly Hurt VANCOUVER, Nov. (CP) ; An unidentified woman was struck by an automobile last night at the corner of Georgia and Denman Streets In the west end. She was taken to the St. Paul's Hospital. Big Business Wonders What Will Be Next NEW YORK, Nov. 7: (CP) 'Ihe financial and business world looks, now that the election is over, for Increased defence activity and expenditure on arms with drastic measures to raise the needed billions of dollars.