PAQE TTVO Spring's . . . LATEST STYLES IN Julia Arthur Vanity Maid Miss Atlanta and - Plio-Pedic JUST ARRIVED Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year . Classified advertising, per word, par insertion . Local readers, per line, per Insertion .... . News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION in 3.00 9.00 02 25 Monday, March 11, 1940. EDITORIALS UNITED STATES SOON Leon Trotsky is predicting that United States will be taking part in the European war before the end of this year. Evidently many Americans feel the same about it. That is why they are so emphatic about remaining neutral. Evidently the famous former Bolshevik leader sees which way the wind is blowing. In order to keep up his reputation for wisdom he has to come close to being correct in his prophesies. GROUP MEDICINE Dr. Hugh Cabot of the famous Mayo clinic is coming, out strongly in tavor of group medicine. He thinks that doctor's fees are much too high, so high that most people go without expert services. The result is that many doctors are starving while people are dying for lack of their services. Dr. Cabot says he is appalled at the inadequate, inferior and terribly expensive care that the American peoole are receiving and as a result of which many thousands of people are dying needlessly. He suecests that doe tors should organize so as to put their services within the . reach of everyday budgets. It is already being done in a ' ie cases oy group medicine. He is anxious that the group system be given a fair trial as it would enable doc-tors to get more patients, to live better and would increase the general health of the community. FEW ARE WORRYING Very few people are worrying about who is elected to Parliament just now. The work of the war will carry on much the same no matter who goes from Skeena. Assuming that conduct of the war is the most important matter just now. would it not be best to allow the Liberals to car-rv on? Thev have had a tremendous job in organizing to place the country on a war basis. They are'sending men and arnlanps to Britain and more are being prenared to p-o. Should the Government change, it is bound to delay the procedure, just at a time when there should be no slackening up. Wo think that the people of Skeeria riding will be interested in having the war work continued without a Wak and will re-elect a man who has served them well in the past. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 5G8 War Issues (Continued irom Page One) was Mr. Weaver asserted that under a Boxing - Wrestling MOOSE HALL Tuesday. March 19 8:30 p.m. Admission Men 75c Ladie$ and Students 50c IDORA Roller Rink Daily Sessions as Follows: Mon.. Tues., Wed. 8 to 11 p.m. Thurs. 7 to 9:30, Dance 10 to 2 Friday 6 to 3:30, 830 to 11:00 Sat Children. 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to. 4:30. 6 to 8:30, 8:30 to 11 Special Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties GENERAL CONTRACTORS CASEY and MORRETTO Stone Masonary, Brirk or Concrete Work Excavation and Landscape Gardening Macadam Roads or Sidewalks Phone 35 for Morretto or Green 527' for Casey .THE DAILY NEWS Mo:id', i jtrue democracy, a. man was en titled to devote hU life to what h thought, was the right cause. De- mocracy should" be control by' the i people and not "of" the people as' Villi. tliUIIU bVAJaAJ1 V V WW . the C.C.F. had expressed itself as democaUc countrles. Socialism was' .jay starts in Prince Rupert Clui ueuiB ojjuuju mj war. i.iiui au lne oniy answer m the preserva- Annual Tournament To Con- been made to put the C. C. F. In a llon of tru. democracy. wrong light in rcgara to me span- por lasting peace there l6h Civil war. Mr. Weaver threw out have to h nhandnnment or citizenship to already here. would of ex- disaffection. The fact was that the difference between the so-eall- ''unity of Canada" was a fictitious rd dictatorships and the average Issue. The speaker was not aware democracy of today? The former that Canada was in such chaos with 'a ke1 natural resources and mar-disunity as might be suggested. !"! ih ..-Thp uconle were told that they nires and had areas for exnlolta- would be electing a war time gov- Hon. Fascism was but a develop-ernment. Mr. Chamberlain's fore- ment of capitalism with its backl . Regarding operation of the dry dock, Mr. Weaver said, if it was in ine best interests of Canada and practicable to build ships at Prince-1 Rupert, he would be for it. ! In answer to D. A. McPhee as to what the C. C. F. would do in' the ' event of obtaining balance of i Dower, Mr. Weaver said it would, take advantage of its position to' do the best it could for the ad-' vantage of the worker?. ' Union steamer Catala, CapU James Findlay, arrived in port at 9:20 last evening from the south and sailed a couple of hours later for Steward and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow southbound. 13 SISTERS CAFE IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS 3 Your Patronage will be highly appreciated "Aim to Please" fa our Motti to S Thank You 2 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor ' "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phono 281 P.O. Bo IN r ' " " If Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain 1. f v PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and S58 Dr. R.C. Bamford Successor to Dr. B. LUNDAHL Will Continue Practice of Dentistry In Rooms 1, 2, 3 Besner Block BADMINTON ' Hockey Standings UNDER WAY tlnue Tonight Following are the results talked of the importance of the War. The real cause of war was the! Mrs. Long beat Miss Astoria, ll-,i unity of Canada in the war. By lm- , osoiute necessity for markets, raw. 2; 11-2 plication, those who did not sup- materials and cheap labir under port the Liberals or the Conser- the capitalistic system to which yatlves as the case might be) were r0liticians and statesmen were disrupters, hindering the effective- slaves and a system which they Miss Thomson beat Miss Joan Cross, 11-5; 11-2. Ulcy beat Moe. 15-7; 15-10. Miss Morgan beat Miss Frances lies of the war effort and' causing were unable to control. What was Cross, 6-11; 14-10; 11-3. cast was that the war might last to the wall. Fascism was now duled for this evening: three years. In that case the new spreading to France and England' government, elected for a five- and would in turn extend to Can-year term, would make the peace di Quite possibly this war would terms and carry on under the new end In the defeat of Hitler but the peace conditions. Even war, Mr. nuie Empire would be mortgaged Weaver declared, ha'd not relieved in th bargain. Profit-making unemployment. With the return of must cease. Otherwise civilization peace, men would be thrown out of would alsocease. The workers war industry employment into an operated, invented and created already oversaturated labor mar- wealth but it was the non-workers ket, to say nothing of the men re- who owned it. Workers must take fuming from war service who over control and complete the urnnlH hj pynpt Inir Haonf front- thlrrl cir4 nf f Vo f-rtoMiA l?jment. Even in the war, with wages ing socially and consuming what SO.belnc held down In the fare nf In- thev nrndnrpd The a creasing living costs, the standard socialism and the place to start It of living was being reduced. What was at home. would happen after the war? In- Asked by Robert Kydd, If a C. C. flation would be inevitable. Mark- P. government in Canada would go ets would be further contracted, like the Labor government in BrI-1 With high speed production and la- tain, Mr. Weaver replied the C. C. bor saving devices, unemployment F. government would hope to pro-, would become a more serious pro- fit by mistakes of previous labor blem. With governments during and socialist governments. As for' war taking control of industries tne British Labor government It with boards, there would be in- has not been a socialist but rather creasing difficulty in reverting to a reform government. The purpose private competitive methods. Even PI a C. C.F. government would be in Canada monopolists control was to eradicate, not Improve capital- developlns. Capitalistic govern- sm- ments would be unable to with the Dbst-war plight. Onnosed to Conscription Stntintr that the C. C F. deal In answer to a question reeatd- ing Orientals. Mr. Weaver said the' c.c. F. .did consistenly advoca ted shutting out Orientals nl. definitely opposed to conscription, though it favored extending Parson beat Weaver, 15-5; 1-2 (Ret.). Mcintosh beat Folger, 15-3; 15-1. Mls Thomson beat Mrs. Long, 13-14; .14-10; 14-11. Hume beat Blay, 15-6; 15-5. Tonight's (lames The following games' are sche- :uu p.m. Pearson vs. Fisher. 7:30 p.m. Miss Vance & Hum'' vs. Miss Davis & Mcintosh. n.m. Fxrrest vs. Bellamy. 8:30 p.m. Miss Davis vs. Miss Morgan. 9:00 p.m. Mrs. Lon? & Fisher i vs. Miss Macdonald & Bellamy. 9:30 pjn. Miss Joan Cross and , Forrest vs. Miss Morgan & Pearson. 10:00 p.m. Mrs. Long & Miss Thomson vs. Miss Joan Cross & Miss Davis. G0LDBL00M "The Old Iteliable-HaVe Big Order For Beaver Postive can pay more than anyone else for all furs. Do, not sell your furs on the waterfront, bring them to GOLDIILOOM and get 30 per cent more. " " " ' the ' " - those dflBHHHHHHHifebk. 4 LINZEY DA VIES PHONES 585 580 L. & D. Tea Is going over big. Per lb. First Grade Butler 3 lbs Quaker Oat Large size Quaker Corn Flakes 3 for Golden Loaf Cheese 2 lbs Libby's Kraut 2'2. Each Sweet Mixed Pickles 32-oz. Each Woodbury's Soap-4 cakes Golden Shred MarmaladePer Jar Tomato Juice Orchard City. Per tin 100 Whole Wheat Flour Per sack I-Lb. Fruit 55 c 95c 18c 25c 55c 16c 30c 26c 25c 5c 35c JUST ARRIVED! Fresh Layer Cakes They Are Delicious Only 25c Each 25c I'acific Coast League Vancouver 22 2 16 134 116 46 Portland 17 5 i8 96 118 39 Seattle .16 3 21 119 125 35 A. II. (Bert) Ebden, for years well known as chief steward of the ion steamer Catala, has retired the hint that the Dominion Elcc- wt,;.. t nKminr. nfMmp. nlavpd In the Prince RuDert Ironl lne company Teftiiinc service. His lions 'Act provided the means of walls and opening of world Badminton Club annual tourna- successor on the Catala Is i "arry dealing with the offence of Issuing' commerce to all nations. Mistakes !ment yesterday: Audley. coming over from the Car- false, statements. , had been made at Versailles buti Hume beat Paulln. 15-4; 15-1. jdena. Ted Scottcr, lately relieving Fictitious Issue Versailles was not the real basis,' Pearson & Mcintosh beat Folger on the Catala- becomes chief stew- The Liberals and Conservatives' rather the excuse of Hitler for this M Moe, 15-2; 15-5. .ard on the Cardena. ASTHMA BRONCHITIS nu IUU6I, HANC-0 COUGHStocC0LDS Try a Classified Aa MacKenzie's Furniture licautyrcst iWatlress v Sfumlier King Mattress Slumber Kinjj Spring 100 per cent New .Material. Phone V,) Coal! Coal! Coal! Wittier winds aum Arechilliitff Tina needs m m Foothills Rulktey Valley Nanaimo-Wellington We are equipped to supply I any oi tnese coals promptij. careiully screened and graded to size Phones 051 C3J Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. pivnuii ciJiirix :,. i . ii .1 autumn aftwimi is always 111 m-umiii ihu inert i so much more to be done at this time of year, SPRING Is TIME SINGER TIME SINGER SEWING Make and Keep Your Home Modern and Up-to-Date with CURTAINS, DRAPERIES, SLIP COVERS, Etc. Easy to make on a Modern . SINGER 1 Every Woman Needs a Cood Sewing Machine SINGER is it See the Newest Models at Our Store Liberal Allowance Easiest Terms As Low As $3.00 a Month "RUPERT BRAND' Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert ()q JJ British Colom"1