taAz four Fraser Street At Seal Cove Basketball Game Saturday Night Resulted in Score of S3 to 30 ' Fraser Street basketball boys visited Seal Cove lor a game Saturday night and. In one of the" best matches to be seen in the east end. won by a score of 63 o 30. Seal Owe started off attacking and surprised fraser Street with some snappy combination. Fraser Street was trailing at the end of the first half bat moved into action in the second and got their shooting eye. Alexander and Ourvtch fed Arney who got 45 points. Pavlikis. captain, and yickovkh did some good guarding, picking up the rebounds. CHe Stat-ta starred for Seal Cove, netting 12 points. The Fraser Street team, which has won several games, has two return games scheduled with Seal Cove for the next two weeks. Individual scoring Saturday night was a follows: v Fraser Street Vuckovich, 8; Pavlikls. 6; Alexander; Gurrtcrw 2; MacDonald. 2: Arney. 45; total, 63. Seal Cove Slatta, 12; Anderson. 8; Hlnada, 4: Nagasuye, 4; Parsons; Borensen: total, 30. Don MacCouver refereed. Quietly Wedded j Saturday Night .Miw Beatrice Mona Yates Becomes i Bride of Oeorse Tcrguson at j I Interesting Ceremony j A quiet but interesting marriage took place om Saturday evening at the parsonage of First United Church, Rev. J. C. Jackson officiat ing, when Miss Beatrice Mona Yates, daugnter oi Mr. ana aits. Robert Yates, became the bride of George Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson. ' The bride was pretty in a rose colored suit with grey fur and hat to match and corsage of pink and white carnations. i The bridesmaid was Mi Helen' Hampton who wore a black tailored 'suit with had to match and corsage 'of pink and white carnations. ' The groomsman was Peter Fergu son, brother of the groom. i The couple wiu resrae on oeveuiu 'Avenue West They are well known and popular and will have the congratulations and best wishes of many friends. The bride has been on the staff of the Court House here. The groom is identified with Sterling Market. HARRINGTON RUGS Have Become Part of an Old Established Prince Rupert Business. You Do Not Have to Send out of Town for Your CUSTOM-MADE RUGS HOWE and McNULTY Are in a Position to Supply You With Rugs Built to Your Own Choice as to Color, Design and Size G. H. HAUGHEY Phone 364 npsau-jm-a-aaarj Representative FURNITURE Clearance 2 Only Flat Top Maple Desks QQ AC Each QO.VD Clearance 2 Only Writing Desks 040 QC Drop front Each A i . J7 J Clearance 3 Only Chiffoniers Q-f A QCZ Walnut finish. Each J.1 . 57 1) Clearance I Only Six-Piece Breakfast j g J J Q Clearance 1 Only Six-Piece Dinette ggg QQ Clearance 3 Only Table Lamps Glass O OK base, complete with shade. Each . . Clearance 2 only Linoleum Rugs Q7 Qff Size 7x9. Each i &U Clearance 2 Only Feltol Rugs 7x9. QA QC Each tPl.tJD Clearance 1 Only Inlaid Linoleum QQ Qff Size 6x9 tJKJ.tJt) ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Green 916 TIIIKD AVENUE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDOKA HOLLER ARENA King Gov't (Continued from Page One) session and Mr. King had prom ised that this would not be done. Under the circumstances, it might have been expected that the gov ernment, having been given enlarged authority to pass on war measures and raise funds for the war effort, would have given an accounting to Parliament on what had been done. Instead, almost immediately after the opening. Mr. King had suddenly caused Parlla 1HZ DAILT NZW3 IshouH have replaced him entirely. On the other hand, had he thought the eritteJtm unwarranted, he j should have had backbone to stand . behind him. But what had the they would be found side by side And wh,t htd been done about the united in a supreme effort on be- wmlt unU1 tomorrow man" done'j half of the maintenance of the He couldnt kick the mintster out liberties and institutions of the " demoted him. placing Dominion and an mankind. One nBn in charge ot the department i would have expected that the Prem- un0r which came the men who ier would call Dr. Manion Into con- hd strTd to the last war. Col. solution but never once had this Lfteche, the deputy minister, had been done even though Dr. Manion been lven a 'aSt- cuh W ln had Riven Instructions that all po- mnce to get him out of the way. litieal activities of his party should AaA wnt had bee ndone about the be suspended for the duration of appotntment ot a successor as . . ... . . nini?tr nf mtlmui A n ux war ana na reinunea irom w-mt avi ny- nnlntnun W.J i. i M. raising ail questions controversy of noiitiMi pomuneni naa been made of man who had made a batch Dr. Manion had asked the Prime tnmg" ln Department of La- Minister if it was the intention to m cnre 01 un employment, dissolve Parliament before another No Tmr toT rmic io accent nennie should stand for this kind of thine, asserted Mr Cameron This was no" time for party polities. It was the time for a government representative of all the people, a government which would use Its efforts 100 percent, without any deductions, in doing the best it could for the country Mr Cameron made allegations of other inefficiencies 0f the present novernment in its condut of war matters. There had bad been Dimes ment to be dissolved and an elec- ( . Tn S1" tton called: The only explanation H"?1 en0Bh PropeUrs- ere Mr King had to offer was that the purcbase 01 a P"- ffnvprnmMit Karl Kau - perty in Vancouver for an officers' ticized and that he ldX meM l xemt of .0K vl ' the record to the iool could have beenlUsted eect, Ior There had been that had bfn w- nn unifornu aad uat im ? key thrown away before anv oo- portunity had been given to study , Bnp,re alr and and discuss discuss the the facts. fact? Wa Was it it2 that when flrst !"erea While a mighty empire trembled and history held its breath their ill-starred love burned clean and strong! The story of the queen who could be everything Vt a woman. ..the man who could be every thin s but a king! BETTE ERROL DAVIS FLYNN 'The PHvale Lives of ELIZABETH AND men close co-o ESSEX reature at 7 21 and 9 31 S Shows Nirhtly. 7:00 and 9:10 la.. i SKH O;' HSHI HLJHK BBBBBW SSBBBBBBl I rSB. BkT.f isv ssv sssm BBrsK. - rr . bbbbbw i v av i a lBm II ' XrVBBaSWSSJBvJLlW fiw )sm wr- if. fciL -..(f 'BBC&AiBV TONI EXTRA 1 Polorrd Cartoon Early Worm Gets the Bird Vincent Lopes and Orch OLIVIA DE HaYiLLAND vox aid ctnr tXM .' t IIT TIES. win. I "V ."T,""H -1 and their dependents, orgy and taxes wlU be awful With n J PonoiroJ Deration eration with Great Brl- a national government, party poll- DllUgC lACpaircUj tarn ana ouer pans oi we am- act will be a thing of the past p CI plre in air training, co-ordination people of Canada will express HraPr NhinniTlff . immediate review thtXMKlye la March M. I am sat- rr"'b the Prime Minister did l ot wish to JL k f . ' of eensar,hlp and othr rttrtcttT . lsfled that the ctttsens of Skeena D D ft(11B1J take the responsibility for the ac-;! t KT reulatteM and steps to keep the 10. by their votes that they DCing KeSUIIied Hons of his government and iu'SSJ S?Ji f peopit My intormM 00 w r' are not oan to be governed by, failure to carry out its promises' S " . J I frU' appolnUn'nt 01 a mtauter a lob-sded toveroment but by a. t-. , , ... ea Qown, H others beine eiven work .ifr tk. , . .. vi. unira naa epressec nimseil ' -"v. iv percent uanmamn governmeni Dm, . . vru vrrrftvs proper care and protection 1. had not mw vbbimi .1 . .. mninvmnt wmhUm imidiM. . . . . . uii uic manner 01 aissojuuon. un- . . , , " , . oy ana ior we peapie 01 uanaoa. irnt. f. . ing the Prime Minister not to do fj,f,T" I UUon f recommradaUo Mi Brl. tntoopentn, ad- , kTFZ this unfair and unconstitutional 11, 51 i commiaalon on'dr relerred to the Wton ot w?rLj, n thing and J. S. Woodwwth. the C oL rT '"ent. postponement of pt, beto a ao spten-1 f,rM , C. F. leader, had aareed with Dr !!"en 1U 1 a i411 W3rt mimedUUly dld jJJT. I J"' tt ui iiiiamanasMTunT farui tnafrUM. ..Si. I a. as. A - " - -.. - . wjsrj UIP liuuc BIU w ivoovmhbi WW -& w ciitflt, ifV- si rt - - mLrlM Pmlnl -! ' S tdK "".TkL " ts Uke thU govern- w M wuiii mM1 tAt an arwl. ! J V Jl vision to mmen returning Irom W n ' w a merriment of Canada for the '""t nxt four vcan m a ouMilon of and industry setting up of Totan- TOt Unportence Women of Can-j of , ' young " man W tarv ritlwna' MimmltljkM thnaah. . .... I the actions of hi. leader. Mr. Cam- Z Zt TZrZl JJft: tested overs e7en be-.- eron aecteired. No man had the tiarv uZ iZT , in how the soldiers and depen-i tin tent toft and f . right to be in public We who was What then 'was the alternative TcTTo Basic Prlnrlnlr, i1"1" uk bath .dWUoctli thmuK') v. lauulc 4 ii sern- a iM nercent man all th aj,L, rv. ku,c" .nave we Deal id-, r was said that there was no oar- u th iim.tin. .1 ., - Hull wi UIC i Ali- . ... tiaUty in this government. Eagh- roads of Canada, he was opposed teen special war boards with as to rMMt.i. 1 r ..I vimu ana was ... ... positions liad been formed. . To pledged to abrogate the present these boards only six known Con- treaty and keep them out he was servatives had been appointed. definitely opposed to conscription I Mr. Cameron then turned his at- and all his supporters were ln the' entinn to the Department of Na- same position Conservatives Lib-, tional Defence. He criticised the erals and others were falling lnbe- former minister, Capt. Ian Mac- hind Dr. Manlon's national govern- ut. jui his actum, tie naa ment plan, been given large sums of money to Mr. Cameron paid his respects to provide for the emergencies of war. Premier King by saying he was 10 mobilize Canada's defences on "nothing but a Jellyfish, residing an efficient basis. The speaker south of the lme during the last then went at some detail into the war and returning to Canada to orro episoae ana ine uaan con- uve on preferment. The speaker tract which had led to the appoint- then asserted: "By golly what we' ment of a commission of invest!- want now is a 100 percent Cana-1 gauon 10 ascertain we iacts. The oian in charge of the government. recommendation of this commis- The Conservative candidate con-slon had been for the appointment eluded with a review of his party's of a defence purchasing board to platform, the planks of whieh ln-handle subsequent matters of this eluded successful prosecution of kind. One could not escape from the war. full mobilization of Can-the conviction on reading the re- a da's resources for war, use of Ca-port of the commission, that there radian uroducts wherever possible had been negligence, extravagance, in the production of war materhls waste and dereliction of duty. the closest possible co-operation The speaker expressed the opto- with Great Britain and the ap-ion that. 11 the Prime Minister "ointment of an overseas minister considered the minister of national in England for that purpose, en-defence had been inefficient, he couragement of voluntary recrult-. m fullest possible use 0f offers of THE SEAL QUALITY "oioci'n IIP GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the 'year rotm payroll In Prince Rupert service of veterans of the last war. no politics, patronage or favoritism ln aonolntments and war contracts, no profiteering or exploitation, honorable treatment of en- MINERAL ACT Notice To IHInqomt Co-owneri To John vr. Allien a nd (iundrr nirkt liind of Kttlr. M,hlnjton, V. B. A. WHEREAS vtmt Me owneri other than njyiteir to tb ertent ot mor than or quKrtw Intwent la each and all of the Star No 1. Star No. a. Star No. SI. Star No. 4, Star No. S, Star No. B Star No. 7. 8Ur No. S. Btar Na an Rtar No 10 WJneral CUlm attuate on th north doe of Porcher blana In Chlxmore Pamte about 600 ft-t Irom ti beaoh in the Sfceroa Mlnln D;vtalon, Province of BrtUh ColumbU: TAKE NOTICE thai UrOnw you d3 pat wMhln M dayi Irom the dat hereof tt nun of 11537) belnf your proportion of Ue eajiendlture require: yeari im, jg3B and 1B3B by Bectlon 28 of ttw Mineral Act, B. S.l B. C. 1B36. Chapter lit. together with) au own ot uiu walce, to the tinder ilgned. the retjlatKred owner of ald Utneral Claima. your Interest on said Mineral Claim thai be forfeited and twoonte vevted in the underalr&ed who na made the requirni t tpewllUure. DATED at Prtnce Rupert. B C. tnl eta day of July. lost.. . I E. B. BERNET. FOK SALJi FOR SALE- Terms: strictly cash: Lots 9-10. Bile 11. D. L 309. Terrace, Hugh M. Adams Estate. I nnr ai as vnai nw man vim nan : as b-'ore irL hZT 'amlly he hid 'eron. "If, time to rt back from huZ once to tK, w be dilLlL, 2 8CTWI PBlry uith d-the worh, of UwT sda and to T 7J,.vT, L a tLf, Mtm "n overseas In the last war and 'return to basic principle, of gov-' JST 'St?" The meeting fr" nada" and ekrd w the King ivin. " MUi mms H v. W1 ure pre- naa returned home to serve in ernment education rntn ana " u-tuir fuslv PrUment'-d -bS posl- bneL arcing anew era COfn ,U PrlmP MlnUl lh oth Vf at the plan 7 P:attf, fL p3' "T' !1.0M- nOV becomlng thc Ieader 10 Canada If the MackenUe King ' ' V.Vk1I I . J Dr Man4on' 1)0,111(1 br wwrnment goes back there will wht What has been the record of the h niBfrwr vi- . . .... . .. 'i x, -v.. v. wi ww iwiy. naa De a continuance 01 me spending Mackenzie King government? it nrf. h .u.. u. v. J n vKJVu i MJSStmaaSMB1-. ABaaaaaBaaaaBaaaaaaaH EXAMINATION FOR INSPECTOR OF STEAM ROILERS AND MACHINERY Competitive examinations for Inspector of Btearr rt Machinery will be held at the Office of the Chief T Boiiera in the Workmen's CompensaUon and Lbm: n All Dunaoiulr Street. Vancouver. BC. commencing . 140. at ID a .in. Application forms and further In formation may br from the Chief Inspector at the above address $500.00; Sub Lot 1 of Lot 1429, 3nnr,nnn Range 5, C. D. Laketee Road. 10 MOOOOOTO00000'o'ooooooovoooooooo: acres, Peter De Boer Estate. S100.00; Lot 20, Dlk. 11 8. 6. Prince Rupert, Oeorse Macklln Estate $900.00; Lot 4, Bit 37. Sec. 5, Prince Rupert, 3. D. Peel Estate, $125.00; Lot 3053, Cas-slar, 103 acres, situate near Aly-ansh, Wm. Stewart Estate. $100.-00; Vnsubdlvided portion Lot 2199, R. 5. CD.. 142 acres, and cottage. Estate Neil McCarthy. $300.00; Ascd. Lot A of Lot 5 Blk. 2. and Awd. Lot A of Lot 0 BIk. 2. D. L. 45. Port Easington. Estate Mary D. Holland. $200.00; Unsold portion Lot 3822, Caseiar (Alice Arm), and cottage. Estate John W. Btrombeck. $500TjO. Official :Admlnistrator, Prince Rupert. B. C. tf. FOR BALE Baby orous new blood stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100. pul lets (91) $25.00 per 100. Also Rock and Red chlcka $12D0 per 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mission City, B.C- tf . FOR RENT First class six-room house, three bedrooms, furnace. Moderate rent. II. a. Helgerson Ltd. (60) WANTED WANTED Small furnished suite or, two light housekeeping room, startlngvAprll 1, Reliable tenant. Reply to O. J, ,IIaughy, Room 3, New Royal Hotel. (03) o a O o o o o o o g 10 ig is s i a ' a o o i o g o ! io 10 r. t EASTER NOVELTIES A truly fine selection of chocolate noveltie? N" f' before featured in the city 15c to $3 lJZZl ' 1 Any R?m ervetl till Easter on request Make ioESXSS selection while the" assortment is compk-'c FOUNIi FOUND Two keys on ring at Ben's News Stand. Owner may have same by paying for this advertisement, tf FOR KENT g SYMPHONY EASTER CARDS An excellent assortment, reasonably priced 2 for 5c 5c and Qc i Ormes Ltd. g ZZfui Pioneer Dnu&iats P The Ilexall Store Phones 81 & $ 6 Open Dally from 8 ajn. till 10 p.m. 5 . runuays and Holidays from 12 to 2ji.m. an4 5 g 7 to 9 p.m. J. aooooooaoooooodaoooooooooooaDdoaDoooobao6baooD6o'