Monday March 11. 1940. g? COLDS Relieve misery direct -without "dosing". Use rwlf t-actlng VICKS VAPORU1 Hockey Scores Saturday Detroit 0: Canadiens 3. Chicago 2; Toronto 5. Americans 4; Boston 2. Sunday Americans 2: Rangers 4. Canadians 2; Detroit 5. Tomnto 1: Chicago 2. M, m r M " 11 returned to the Cil fill llle tawm '""' buMiit'ss trip to Vancouver. Northland Transportation Co motorshlp liner Northland, Capt Len Williams, southbound from Ketchikan to Seattle, was here from 7:30 V,. 9:30 Saturdav nldht hi Kergln were paseners aboard the Catala last evening golne through to Stewart in which district they 'night's train for a visit In town win uunuuci campaign meetings on naau oi uioi Hanson, Uberal can-, C. A. Brlnd, local manager of the araai in me ieceral election. They will meet Mr. Hanson and E. T. Kenney MX A. In the north and return here with them on Wednesday. Mr. Hanson and Mr. Kenney came1 In from Smithers on Saturday night ! ana proceeded north yesterday. Advertising is an investment Your Eyes First! W ith Spring openings around lis . . . thoughts of new rlotliex, minsliine umi pleasure uheuil . . . pi e jour vvn first consideration ... it U jour ability lo "see" Mint makes all eWe worth while . . . Quttr likely you have Intruded litr your ryr cured for . . to i now Have them Ex ami ned lir jour Otomf tritt . . . the man win, h jrmrii of training and e-rif iue, ln bring the lalrl and iiiot rITrrllti- findings of Oploiiielrlc neiener to your Individual need . . .' am! dura ttliatetrr l iieeeary lo ghr you eomfortalle ! im In Httroelite eye wear. March 9th to 16th For llie Sake of ihc Future ol Your Eyes See Your OPTOMETRIST SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! wiling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer leaven Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trnlnt leave PHnco Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. A Steamer for Ketchikan Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. ind rA. mtf . mil or wriim ijF City Ttclut Offlt, 528 3rt A, V-fl-40 m,, - - mmmm" . . - -.t, THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING 0t COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMIT"11 Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superpnos-phates, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand r-old - silver Cadmium - W"""". - Lead - 7Jm - mony and Zinc Dust-Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur Si!!ce and Works Trail. B.C. G. W. Cripps, provincial assessor, Is leaving on tonight's train for a 'trip to Terrace on official duties. He will be returning to the city Thursday night. J. B. Woodworth, well known coast minlni man, arrived yesterday at Dutedale from Vancouver on the steamer Catala, being on his way to Surf Inlet where he has CONCERT IS VERY FINE Last evening the Prince Rupert Operatic Society, in conjunction with the Hodgson Dancing Academy, presented a concert to a ca pacity house in the Capitol Theatre, total proceeds from which are to be , donated to the Red Cross Society. It was an excellent entertainment drawing favorable comment from all. sides. jGeorge Cripps welcomed the audience and thanked those present for their support, stating that they were patronizing a worthy cause. The program opened with "Greet ings to Spring" (Strauss) and "Go- in' Home" (Dvorok) by the choir "Hawaiian Dance," by Ann Stev ens, Lois Thompson, Lenore Raabe, Junior students of the Hodgson Ac ademy, was followed by "Two Little Polka Dots" by Jean Murvold and Monica Holtby. Male section of the Operatic So clety rendered "Border Ballad" 283. Quaker Com Flakes 3 pkts. Jewel ShortenlnS-2 lbs. NEW POTATOES 3 lbs 23c 21c Canada Corn Starch 1 1UU On Per pkt FRESH HHUBARR Per bunch THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES charging Alaska fish for transship- ' ment East over Canadian National1 Herman Engelke sailed last night For prompt and courteous Railways. i0n the Catala for a business trip to vice Phone 13 Taxi. Senator J. H. King and Dr. W. T. i ' Stewart Mrs. Olof Hanson arrived In the city from Smithers on Saturday WINNERS OF DRAWING ler- tf. Bridge Dance Series, Moose Hall, Tuesday 8 p.m. Cash prizes. (61 W. O. T. M. Tea, Mrs. Lineham's Fifth Ave. East, Tuesday afternoon. (60) consisting of Iris Edlund, Thelmai Edlund, Marie Boulter, Patricia Love, Danalda Rlx, Mdrgaret ChrUtensen, Englna Christensen A drawing on program numbers Vance and A. S. Nickerson. Prize winners were as follows: Five dollars In cash, donated by' concert management, No. 623, not called for. Maunder.) .t.hls. number belne f ol- i- 0f jamb donated by Bulkley lowed by "Madrigal" ("Mikado") Marketi won by Mlss Morsef No. 620, rendered by the full choir. $2.5o, donated by F. A. MacCal- Vienhese Waltz was danced by jumi won by 0ibb Taylor, No. 392. j Jean Murvold and Ray Rlx. Follow-', $ m trade, Thompson Hard-: ing this the "Waltz In White" was warC) not called for, No. 326. danced by the senior students Iris Framed Picture, donated by Mc-Edlund, Thclma Edlund, Marie Rac Bros., won by Mrs. Morse. No. Boulter, Patricia Love, Donalda Rlx, 934, Margaret Christensen and Englna rjox 0f chocolates, donated by Christensen. Miss Iris Edlund Macey's Confectionery, No. 103, danced a solo ballet In this number, called for. During the Intermission which $250 in trade, donated by John followed this number, F. A. MacCal-Buiger.( won .by Miss McCubbln, No. lum, presirtJnt of the local Red 49(3. Cross branch, thanked Len Cripps; Four tickets to any show, donated for his splendid work with the Op- by rj. q, Borland, won by Robert eratlc Society, Charles Cameron, No. 543. companlst, George Cripps for his ' Boobv-Dopey Prize, donated by management of the financial work, Frank DIbb, won by Lieut. Col, S. D. and D. G. Borlana for the use of Johnston M.C., V.D., No. 1248. the theatre. Ushers were the Misses Margaret Second Half of Program. ! McLeod, Jean Wilson, Florence Second half of the program op- Parker, Muriel Vance, Margaret Mc-encd with gems from the "Pirates La?hlan and' Francis Thompson. OVERWAITEA LTD. CASH or C.O.I). Phone 813 Free Delivery on Orders of $1.0.0 and Over PURE STRA WHERRY JAM Q 4 -lb. tin Ttil Borden's Chocolate QJf Malted Milk-l-lb. tin"'1' Heinz Spagetti-3 tins -10 oz. 25c Texsun .Grapefruit 9if Juice-3 tins Aylmer Prune Plums-2 tins Aylmer Pork and Beans 3 tins. , Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn 2 tins AYLMER CUT GREEN BEANS 2 tins Fels Naptha Soap 2 bars Oxydoi Soap 1'6'wder Large pkt Royal Crown Cleanser-Per tin 19c 25c 23 c 21c 15c 23c 5c 25c 5c RUSSO-FINNISII PEACE IS SAID IMMINENT (Continued from Page One) of Finland, appealing to Finns to stop fighting and revolt against their capitalistic government. Fighting Continues Russian planes had resumed their bombing of Finnish cities and Intense fighting continued along the various fronts. Fury of the fighting was unabated and Vlipurl faced greater threat of capture. Imperial Oil Co.. "returned to-the, Despite severely punishing city on the Catala last evening Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., month- Finnish air attacks against troops, from a trip to Vancouver on com- ly meeting, Wednesday; executive , tanks and sledges driving over fro pany business, I meeting, tonight. 60) jzen zen Vlipurl vnpuri Bay. nay, the tne Finnish lannisn high nign ers forced a landing and captured "some Islands" from which to base Included included were were -poor "Poor Wandering wandorine I further Iuriner drives anvcs w against Vlipurl vnpuri and ana One." "How Beautifully Blue," "Pd- outflank the Mannerhelm Line. The ? lleeman's Chorns," and "Police-' nnns claim to have brou&ljt down man's Song." j slx Russian planes In Vlipurl fight- ' ' ...I ii . 'inor 1 ing ftntnrdav Saturday and and to to have have cantnred captured usi, numwr on vne program oy the Hodgson Academy was ,the "Mexican Dance" with a choni3 j eighteen tanks. Hotel Arrivals ad Fisa Kraupner. "JAlv; Nona irW linnni Hodgson danced the solo number r. L. Richardson and P. K. Rich-which accompanied this -dance. lardson, Tie 11: A. R. Mallorv. port The full choir rendered the num- Fdward: A. S. Mclntyre. W. C. bers "At Thy Feet" iBach), "Halle- Warren. F. Lobb, Harold Lanning, lujah Chorus" (Handel) "Abide C. S. Williams and Lieut. F. Win-, With Me" (Monk). The program ert. Vancouver: Mrs. D. Rutten closed with the choir and audience and Howard B. Phillips, New Mas- singing "God Save the King." race: S, then took place conducted by Mr. - Borland, assisted by Miss Muriel Mayer, Smithers. Build II. C. Payrolls" Five Dollars In trade, donated by,' , . Gordon & Anderson, Ann IVIv won by Ml JT I ,1IU nftlPP 1LC Wlnslow, No. 400. Reading lamp and shade, North npii srn British Columbia Power Co., Jfl JVllk won by Mrs. W. W. Wrathall, No.. 1 334. Hat, donated by Watts & Nicker-! , son, won by John McLeod, No. 678. , Nabob goods, donated by Kelly Douglas, won by Irene Foote, No. I From Mrs. H. T.'s letter: "The! first and foremost reason why I use Pacific Milk is because It is good .Milk. I have used no other over a period of years. I use It extensively. I find it ex cellent for dessert, It whips I splendidly and measures up more than adequately to every I requirement." I PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Announcements All advertisements in thU column will be charged lor full month t JV. word W.O.T.M. Tea, Mrs. 142 5th East, March 12. L. O B. A. Daffodil March 15, Metropole Hall. Play" March High School 14 and 15. Lmeham's, : Canadian Legion Tea and Annette's Fashion Show, March 14. Dan":e, Auditorium, . Garrison St. Patrick's dance, 102nd Armouries, March 15, admission 50c. St, Patrick's Tea, Catholic Hall, March 16. 18. Eagles! Bridge March 20. Presbyterian Little's, March Tea, 21. Mrs. J. J. Moose Gingham Leap Year Dance, March 21. Daffodil March 25. Band Parents' March 27. Tea, Mrs. Parkin's tea Mrs. Hogan's S. O. N. Fishermen's Dance, March 28. Farewell Orange Ladles' Sale, April 3. United Spring Sale, April 11. Presbyterian Spring Sale April 1 St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 9. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MUk VALENTIN DAIRY FDONE 857 W.VMV.'.V.,.V.V.,.V.V.,.V.VAV.1 t y m gxir, wiry x -afc. COAL ' PAGE- TTTf$B SETTING I THE SHOE STYLES For Spring' Heel - hugglra. foot - slimmlns: shoes of suede, fine kid, bright patents, with, el- astlclzed gabar dine, attractively designed gore pumps, plain pumps . strap sandals, ties and oxfords, in all the new spring colors. Cuban, low and high heels. 2.50 to $4.95 The Cut - Rate Shoe Store PHONE GREEN C15 Mail Orders Promptly Filled THIRD AVENUE NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PHONE 116 Night or Day PHONE PHONE 117 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture 1 Child's Play fiale Slightly QQ A used . . . . : ipd.OV 1 Wooden Baby Crib Slightly (jjg 25 .Uvitchen Range and Imperial Oil Burner Complete with fittings. flyQ ff A For quick sale T tf J V 1 Five-piece Dining Room Suite Genuine oak, round table with $201 tZfi leaf JJ.Jlf 16 Complete Beds and Springs All in first class con- 3""... $12.00 t0 $17.50 1 Typewriter Excellent C) A ffA shape. y&UV 1 Fawcett Kitchen Range Used only 2Q ffA two months, for quick sale iprxVOV 1 Couch and Pad 5 50 New Furniture 0 Three-piece Chesterfield Suites In tapestry and velour and in repp, in latest styles. From $ $65, $89, $98 -"p Phone BLACK 321 Next Door to B. C. Clothiers J. H. BULGERII Optometrist Royal Bank Bldr. TIIIftD AVENUE Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S.L. Dally at 4 p.m. TKOTIER'S DOCK f jett; C. M. Winter. Edmonton: E. T.VJWVv.VAWJVSW.w.VAWW.VAVVAV.V.VVVW.Vi Kenney and Mrs. Georee Little, Ter- Rlnel 1 1 vimaiiiD i v---- S T .al Smj.:.i i , ft.:- 1 i