Legislative Library a gays | t0 myself, says ! The News !8 the paper to buy says | Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist E& HE DAILY NEWS (= NEXT MAILS ‘or South . Friday, 9 a.m. . Sunday, 6 p.m. jj Ria, B. oA —— _~———- — voL. I, NO. 86 HOME RU PRINCE RuPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AprRit 11, 1912. = : — PRICE FIVE CENTS LL T0 BE INTRODUCED TOMORROW | 1 BRINGING IN Chelohsin in Dry Dock. ee ae aa nies | Sf oe Americane, whic h OLD TIMERS orm 2e.2" 4 COOK KILLED 20" w:%"%in "2 DAFFODIL LUNCH PRONOUNCED nt aground near the North Pa- lays from Australia, was killed E CAPIT A [ FROM ENGL D:: c cite cannery, was hauled off by | on January 27th by the vessel's MOR oe salvage tug and reached | APTAIN Japanese cook. This information BIGGEST KIND OF SUCCESS Vancouver under her own eae |; Was received when the vessel en- nt at is now in the North Van- tered quaré ‘ od States - — 0. H. PARTRIDGE, PROMOTER oF THE MOSQUITO FLEET OF | ..,,,,, dry dock aindergoing re “lupty Story of Murder on the High 1: SrabeHeeo ks ax gra io fae DAINTY VIANDS AND CHARMING ATTENDANTS — SEVERAL STEAMERS Mh GARE heb ot YUKON— RUFFNER, pairs. Seas Revealed by Crew of |ship to arrest the cook, who was BUSINESS MEN CALLED FOR DAFFODILS ON THE HALF THE HYDRAU AND CHUTE OF DAWSON. Gt me cebeanicc bs ans Schooner Just Arrived at San| held ia irons during the comple- SHELL AND GOT SOUP. So eee Francisco, tion of the voyage. — ————————_— 0. H. Partridge, the pioneer of NUDSON'’S BAY wah HERS Novelty knitted .neekwear in - | : In the midst of a perfect pro- p so Lhe icaesaan ae ow a es toe ope en cad neha may Neve, raid ee eg ea fusion of daffodil decorations the WHOLESALE HOLOCAUST west corner 0 ' as t St} 8, sec ; é € sé yraneiseo, April —Cpa- oOuglas Sutherland, storage;| Daffo . a i Ss An- arenes y passenger OM the Princess Mary ~~ Misleading Report of Rupert Company, Ltd. ai3itain Bersen, of the Riiesiead office 225 6th st. at drow'a’ GhEIER att ee ais Burning Mountain Engulfs indian ee oi +e Mec Sai Ce eae ee a bs noon was carried out to the limit Village Near Panama. open up the Ben MeUree oy me = Pay ce 7 are as é ’ Sateen ania: ae Golden Gate, Atlin, He has ion Rk. Myers of Winnipes, | cide comme eee Rare (Special to Daily News.) England and succeeded in hi eo ie on aa order oe prominent men of business hav- Mobile, Ala., April 14.—Thou- ran capital for the en- a me ~ 0 et oe fo ta ¢ ay ing graciously elected to lunch|sands of persons have been erprise, and he took with him Shae Ha is a ra a8 a ing with the jadies instead of at their| ki!led and a whole Indian village Mrs. P dge, this being the 2 I ene s Os ae oN clubs and usual haunts for the/swept away by the eruption of irip she has made to the APY : t : 7 ae Fete “Tayor midday repast. Chiriqui Peak, near Becas Del tside in fourteen years. o ‘a yo A Bebra vray tae cue It was a good humored, friend-| Tero, Panama, according to the 1 M. Ruffner, the well known | an seneral ousieek of Prince ly, thoroughly satisfied crowd,| story of Captain Olevik of the vdraulic miner of Atlin, was soe ha soblbe Phat | rene, Rupert has too. Those who came Aatarc United States fruit steamer Fort table passenger. He has| suffered greatiy through false cancels mined to have daffodils on the| Morgan, which arrived here to- ized in mining opera-| and Pie eine eer ana a rela- re half shell for lunch were daintily | day the ever sinee gold was|tive to the climate is the positive S : ve ' affodil Be ue oe Mather an Men eine Highly Important Representations Issued by the Imperial Mari-|::' »» = affoait"meny wes it i . sa > . A . sath . . . : 5 ass oA INS i ‘Southern B.C. cities especially! time League of Britain Pointing Out Paramount Importance |v" 2! ® Japanese slower feast.) AUCIDENTS—Phe only | com. i Chute is a Dawson pio-| y give o os aoe ij 4 All who desired to satisfy the|Plete protection is a policy wi staker of the Lone|feporls. He suggests that a gen- to the Old Land and the Empire of Protection for Food |inner man were most bountifully| the Ocean Accident & Guarantee Star ¢ f placer mines, He|@?al publicity campaign aimed . f provided for by a bevy of charm-| 0rporation, the largest casualty om England weil partic alaeis to correct the wide- Supplies and the Arming of Mercantile Marine ing attendants, ; insurance company in the world. ' develop -that [spread erroneous impression of} That there were charming The Mack Realty & Insurance Co., ty, jthe climate, would be vastly bene- Special to The News {the battle fleet. jdistribution of such food in time}ladies also in attendance as Agents, tf os ene ‘| ficial to the city. London, April 14—The Imper- As regards battleships, it need| of war. guests goes without saying and PbS Nanas | Saas palin ial Maritime League has issued} only be observed that: The objeet of » las 10 e enjoyme of f niore’arhion Mr. Sivert of Jedway, Queen | EXTRADITE BANK CHIEF a memorandum which states to} Our strength has suffered il taut ae +4 e Fe cieua eivins a Beau wa ie ae Suapeey Sanne ere On erreme Islands, is in town. Mr. — the deep misfortune of the na-| most grave relative decline in tial peak by regulating prices to feature of che anol WA : ee ily CSDeOIn) fo ere See x lias sold his wharf at Jed-| prominent tdaho Man "nder Ar-| tion, public attention is likely, as} course of the last six years; and] avert panic and thus enable our the representative ueineke of ‘he Victoria, April 14.—(Speciat; 0 Oe severe rest in Vaiivouver. usual, to be fixed on the subject} that: ( coputatiag -rationed like the in-| patronage Eiveryous was there The steamer Monengis, wae ; vt sek oe ar ed ee j}of Dreadnoughts, to the exclu-| To build additional M)read-| habitants of a besieged city—to] from the ‘veriest Liberal fotha teen ie Williams... Bend). vhere he expects to en-) Vancouver, April 10.—Bernard) sion of the two really vital prob-|noughts required is yet only to} have the full advantage of such|most pronounced Conservative aaid to have a suspected case, of . he wOsie Ee. 0 Neill, an Idaho banker holding} lems, which are: { that of|make a present of them to the]food as the British Isles contain,|and all were frank friendly and amellpod APOGeA: ite Leneel aes -- ;}& prominent position, has been| preserving our population fromjenemy, unless due and timely|the amount of which would be;in the best of good humor. The proceed $0 quarantine, We have for sale a lot on 5th|ordered to be extradited. The) starvation in the event of war, provision is made for the men re-| likely to suffice them for from|luneh did eredit to all concerned Ys ee \ Section 6, for $500 cash,| charges against him allege em-/| and 2) the provision of the cem | quired to man them, for the/at least two to three months, if|in getting it up and more than Fine double corner, section 7, isy terms. H, F. MeRae} bezzlement and fraud in connec-| plementary-units and accessories} docks on the East Coast needed| not longer. In such a” period] satisfied all who -were there to|easy terms. O. M. Helgerson, i Co,, 315 2nd Ave. at tion with his bank’s failure. absolutely essentil to the use of|to clean and repair them, and for|the war might be finished. get it down. Ltd. tf [tte scouting cruisers and = des-} PRINCE RUPERT MAN STIRS UP SASKATOON Young Helgerson Buys Four Blocks of Best Business Locations in roe City---Turned Over Couple of Millions in Nine Months troyers which are essential alike to their effective employment and their freedom of action. As neither forty, nor a dred, cruisers will be of the j}assistance until they are ithe Imperial Maritime jurges upon the country the interim hun- least built, League | three | following measures: LW.W. AGENTS RAISING TROUBLE ALL OVER Seattle Judge Delivers a Solemn: Waruiie About Followers of the Bloody Red Flag---Their Doings at Other Points .- {| The arming and otherwise 3 : Sawle, who has been] purchasers must erect buildings The Saskatoon Daily Star of}equipping during peace of a sel-| Seaftle, April 8.—The parade | Besttle following the bloody, red; red flag and those who take their d the Dominion|of from three to seven storeys,| March 27th bears out the state-/ected number of British mer-|ef 800 Socialists and I, W. W. flag of revolution. stand under the flag representing four months and re-| This, Mr. Sawle says, is one of| ment of Mr. Sawle. In the second} chantmen to match those of Ger-| last inght, headed by the red flag, “Recently other persons have} the lawful flag of the country. the George, says that| ithe biggest real estate deals| column of an article deposited| many, so that our mercantile} was made the subject of an ad- marched behind that red flag in Sees left: Saskatoon Oe }Saskatoon has ever known tnt the subject on its first page it} marine may cease to be regard-| :. so inka Bhat os lthe streets of Seattle, in which Scoffed at in Tacoma. lt HaskaLloon é ‘ : aa Re ere : : re : dress ) ec States Judge = a . ? ; j pulled off a big deal Fadditioi to this he was told that} concludes: jed merely as a target, but may akt i Hanford at jmen enjoying the rights of citi-| Tacoma, April 8.—Although :— ' "|Mr. Helgerson had during the} Mr. Helgerson, the man re-|become also a sword; sornellus H, Hantord in the ted- jzenship of this country were in- A E . » COFROS oe Pwentieth | : ; | . te i » Tp , ¢ feral . “tt li th > J lige “A | j 1, Ss { t . | the le ade rs of the I. W e W. had d Third avenue thé eum (Past nine months turned over no} sponsible for this important} 2 [he passing of a short; eral cour oday, the Judge pre “lel udec ome of them were born ‘ ; ‘ ‘hich $75,000. This is the conclud-|!e8s than two million dollars}movement in the heart of the}Act of Parliament making all) dicting a conflict between the ad-|in this country and others have set today as the date on whic nis 1s > oC ; - | g purchase of a very important worth of city property over his| city’s business section, is not a) food in the country on the out-|perents of the red flag and those|®¢ quired the rights of citizenship] they would succeed in fore ing the \ fown name, | be lievér in partnerships, and|break of war become automati-| ,¢ «ye American fl oe ning th by professing and swearing al-| st. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Com- | . ’ } ‘Tice ae. ‘ing e ; | I'wenty-first street is the lead | Mr. Helgerson is well known in| }does not do a commission busi-| cally the property of the goyern- : a, ¥ | legiance to the constitution, |pany to suspend operations, the th rou hf; t th lt} itcmnd cali. wilieb leased | Ness, buying and se ling his own|ment of the day, at the market} *C8U!@! motion calendar, per-| “Tt has been declared in the|pbig plant has been running full am oroug are 7 s © and a © eas ¢ f . Ae . | ; Canadian be eyit a Ae | Ae , I |property only. During his stay| prices previously obtaining; mission was asked to present two| speeches of their organizers and! }last since early morning with ace Nor or 3 ‘ar r s co > success, |} a . ss pas > q } , . orthern depot) (o learn of his continued succ here he has bought and sold 3) The immediate appoint-| applicants for citizenship, After|in public statements that those|no sign of a walk out of the men. b { beyond his has OE a ed ae came here with a modest] property to the value of $2,074 te pal business street, but couple of thousand dollars, which| 750, practic ally all of which ites Mr son’s plan is -to make| Was practically expended before between Nineteenth and I'wenty- | tI take the lead, With} success came to him, ‘Then he| third streets on W inal, Second, he and his partner, W.| purchased the lot at the corner Third and Fourth avenues. have bought both]|of Sixth street and Third avenue, TS ey {his avenue for a block | erected the handsome Helgerson Ninety-nine feet frontage side of Twenty-first| block on it and sold it to English Seventh Ave., near Hays Dima} are putting it on the] capitalists at a big profit. He| $3,500. H, F. McRae & Co,, 315 mene vith reservations that] still holds large interests here.| 2nd Ave. 2t paperman’s battle without respite HERE’S HEALTH FOR HIM! RED DEVIL DID for several years. His present A Word of Well Wishing for al lay-off, due to a sharp spring} Brother Scribe in Repair Dock. | ¢ hill, will it is hoped prove rather a blessing in disguise, being at | ANOTHER RUSH My egret it is learned by| least a relief from the jar and | Mi friends a ., {fret of the newspaper maker's Ww phi ‘adie ieee Che daily day, if not exactly a desir-| Alarm Again from the Alder ha ined Aen on witt@) able holiday. Elock—Wild Excitement but wo} the Evening fae W. Raymond of eee << Fire — Red Devil Ready h for the oe nent ee aR Ladlog Always Want. Many| Pounce on Even a Sunburn. ma 'e@ past day or twO]new seasonable things. They al- —_—— = ep ne for a day OF} ways go to Mrs, Frizzell’s for the Another furious stampede by th ayinond as one Of}jatest styles in suits, dresses,|{the Red Devil & Co, from the i papendnal aie are of collars and millinery, tflcity fire hall at’ about 7:30 last hi ihe Genii ae cern has Semen cont cep ais night resulted in a hullabaloo 19 news~ Warm, clean rooms a °Y+ down in the business section for —=ja few minutes, but fortunately So rerroooee, not a spark of fire. The alarm reported an outbreak in the Alder PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO block, but -the spark hadn't a chance against the swift efficiency of the devil with hose pipe and "he litter from that submarine blind pig is now at the chemical, Chief Dan MeDonald, “hateau Vickers, whose appointment to his present \ssistant Sherlock Holmes Webster is busy about the po- poRiliog was noticed by the Mone- court. : lary ‘Times, is tuning up the Going, going taebcal) deabcheluabia hbabl ‘and good will Devil & Co, to such efficiency that Prince Rupert's ait ee vale He heart and B the whole outtit is liable to be on Big buneh of ace wes ned ry Daffodil salad and the job if they hear of oven only Daffodil Eve cakes. AR MON. enjoying YAROG! Falan a sunburn on the back of a bo- Clancy, Chr a hunk’s neck, ‘y, Christie, Wallace and the postmaster take a stroll Rh seek ie the city after a daffodil lunch. Choicest “atoaks at the Royal + eooee, Hotel , tf eovernment of a| asking the usual questions, Judge devise; Hanford said: for the “In the of experts to ment by committee jthe best | | } | | | | | scheme possible admitting you to eitizen- pee, — a} ship, I give you a glad welcome, |} because you have proven to the C. P. R. EMPRESS feourt that you are attached to jthe constitution of the United States, HAD HER DAY “Yesterday there was a proces- sion marching in the streets of Fam Trans-Pacific isha! "| ead Last July and Re-| | floated Will Be Sold to Be | Broken Up. ——e | | (Special to Daily News HOME RULE BILL NOW COMPLETE ictoria, April 14,—-Word has| ae received hae that a C, Great Measure Will Be Intro- , ss Oo ; t ;P. Ry steamer ee es lina, duced by Premier Asquith To- o|" hich stranded of * ; apanes: Morrowe mill Much. Ranembles cast last July and which was Gladstone’s Famous One Aoalad after being on the rooks| en for several mone sr be peat (Special to Daily News.) at auction as the yessel has been) : - ; declared a total loss. She can- London, April 14, Li ading not be profitably repaired, members of the British cabinet }today put the finishing touches to whieh Pre- introduce in Ithe Home Rule bill, || mier Asquith will THE WEATHER. | || the House of Commons tomor- For twenty-four hours ending 5) row, Members of the govern- a, m., April 44: Bar., 20.6 825] ment and a few Nationalist mem- max. temp., 56.0; min, temp.) ihers who have been taken into 38,0, ltheir contidence have kept secret -— ithe details of the measure, but latest} with the exception of clauses re- the control of excise Straw hats, spring suits, arrivals at Sloan & Companw,|lating to Limited, 3t |and customs and the number of —_——— Irish representatives to be re- Lot with good cabin, section 5,)tained at Westminster, the gen- $800, half cash, H. F, McRae &{eral outlines of the bill are pre tty CGo,. 2nd Ave. 2t | well known, It is expected that ii eee Be lithe bill will follow closely that Douglas Sutherland, shipping| which was proposed by Mr. al6 | Gladstone, phone 262 agent, who marched behind that red flag The mill workers paid no at- have no more respect for this|tention to the I. W. W. pickets. flag of the United States than|In the morning fifty members of they have for the flag of Russia,|the I, W. W. paraded the streets and that their purpose is to de-|on the tidewaters, but searcely stroy this government. lattracted any notice from the “If these demonstrations con- | mill laborers. During the noon tinue, the time will come when|hour a crowd of mill laborers at there will be a conflict between|a street corner scoffed at the those who march behind the red) i, W. W. agitators. Roads Bad to Hazelton. | THREE HUNDRED PERISH The first. pack train for the| tees: iste season came intoctown on ‘Tues-| Nile River Excursion Boat Sinks day night from the end of steel After Collision. with the mail. The roads are so (Special to Daily News.) bad that it is impossible to man- London, April 10,—The steam- » with wagons, and wagons are age also very scarce.—Omineca Her-|¢r Which foundered on the River ald. , Nile as the result of a collision with another boat was a local ex- pe 7 Lee ey cursion boat with 300 passengers Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. aboard and it is believed that all ) Phone 4. have perished, .The place for the very latest. Always the most fashionable de- signs in suits and millinery at Mrs. Frizzell’s. tf ——s NEW FEDERAL OFFICE HERE Authoritative information has just been received at this office that the Dominion government has decided to estblish a branch of the Public Works department in Prince Rupert, primarily to disburse the appropriation of $365,000 voted for this district for the building of wharves and similar purposes. These appropriations have formerly been paid through the New Westminster branch, that being the only Dominion of- fice of this character in the province. The Prince Rupert of- fice will be a new one, under the direct control of the de- partment at Ottawa. Our summer shipment of Eng- lish silk and woo! underwear just arrivals at Sloan & Company, ited, 3t meee es ne eee ee