PAOE TWO CAMPACS If you have not seen the new crepe o!ed ateel arched, ventilated designs assuring the maximum comfort, wear and durability in the very latest style, you are missing something in summer footwear. Ladies' and men's. Priced from 2.50 T0 3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISO COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. T. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Nrm Department Telepiione 86 A (Tver thin f and ClrcnUtlon Telephone SS Member of Audit Bureau ot Clrruiatiuni Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parti of British Columbia, the British Empire and . United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mail to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, pr insertion , Local readers, pet line, per Insertion TAILT EDITION LLOYD GEORGE AND THE WAR M 1.00 9.00 02 25 Saturday. May 18. 1940. Letter Box Rf.LIGION IX SCHOOLS Editor Daily News: The Anglican Church hag just concluded a conference at New Westminster. At this conference a movement was launched to make ,bMgatory the reading of portions ,f the Bible in pubUc schools. It U hoped to obtain "the co-operation if aB other religious bodies Roman 0a f nolle and Protestant." In an impassioned speech David Steven declared British. Columbia to be the only province in Canada whieh make no provision for some kind of religious instruction in Its schools. A recent survey, said Mr. Stevenc. showed that GO per cent of To Show how sure Lloyd George was and how he 'ground of a Christian education are threw off worry in the previous war when he had full ; liable, sooner or later, to make ship-' charge of its activities is shown by a little story publish-' wr" of their llTW- i ed in Saturday Night this week written by the EnBllBh.-jJJ. COrreBnrJent. said. "Render unto Caesar the The late Capt Shearme R.N. was with the Admiralty! thing that are cawarv- h hmi during the terrible days when British ships were being 'not include the souls of a nation's 'nesday 4. torpedoed every day. ihe strain was great and feeling n? when wiu they recognize he eooJd bear it no longer the Captain stepped out for a!H!af- when Jesus 83,(1 " teaeh" talk. . Finding : himlf ?n front of the Adelphi Theatre, hejS, went in ior a iew minutes ana sioog at tne nack. r rnmi there he saw in a box Lloyd George, then Prime Minister,! watching the show and laughing and clapping as if he had not a worry in the world. "I ean't tell you what it did to me," said Shearme.l "But I know that I turned around and walked out of thati intaire ana oacn to uie aamiraiiy wun my cnin up. And.i l r i t l u . . . 1 . . . uy uou, i Knew mat we were going to win Decause 1 felt that he knew it" "That is just the point. Lloyd George did know it: He LIMY & DAVIES Grocers FREE DELIVERY Phone 585 58C H. K. COCOA 'rib. tin FRESH GINGER SNAPS. 2 lbs FIRST GRADE R LITTER l lbs. ...... C. & li NUT LOAF.and CHOC. CAKE Per tin ! ORCHARD CITY TOMATO JUICE Buy now. Pqr.tfn r RICE PUFFS 3 bags FRESH GROUND COFFEE iAn Tt's.lilip?nna T .h VV 15c 25c 90c 15c 5c 25c 1 1R ERIC A. BEAVON. LUST never lost confidence. And sn hp rrtir new hoar into iUa LOST Brilliant clln. Finder nlease entire nation. He did a lot more than that, of pnnra- return o "r News. tf. you don t win wars by sitting in theatre boxes and ciap- ping mc suim uuu u may wen oe mat nis courage and cheerfulness, his refusal to worry, was his greatest single contribution to victory. It's the spirit that counts." We have been feeling that for the past few days, possibly the past few weeks, things have not been going well for us, in Europe. Let us remember this story of the "Grand Old Man" of the British House of Commons, who is still there, criticizing when need be but confident that it is the destiny of the British to win and lead the world in working out the most perfect democracy that has yet been knov n. sua PERSONAL VACANCY THROUGH DEATH Rawlelgh Route now open in Northern part of British Columbia. Dealer who recently died sold there 17 years. Trade well established. Exceptional opportunity. Write at once. Raw-leigh's Dept. B. C.-166-202-E. Winnipeg. Canada. tf. NOW Is the time to get a govem-I ment Job as steno., clerk, postman, eustoms cleric, etc. Applications for next stenographers' exam to reach Ottawa May 25. Free! booklet and Information from M. C.C. School Ltd- Winnipeg. tf. INCREASE YOUR INCOME Sell shoes. Highest commissions. Free Selling equipment. Write The Ritchie-Bart Shoes Ltd., 455 Craig St. West, Montreal. 1 1 15) YOU can run a Homo Kindergarten with our help, Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Wlnnl- peg. Manitoba. tf. FOR SALE I FOR 8ALE Baby Buggy. $8. Ap-ply Johnson' Oorcery. (118) 1 SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until close of office Tuesday May 21st for cottage at 417 Dunsmulr Street. 4 rooms and bath and full base ment. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms 50 per cent cash and the balance spread over reasonable period. Chesterfield suite and Helntzman piano for sale separately. Official Administrator. (120) FOR SALE 30 foot trolling boat I with gurdles and anchor winch. 1 Apply Sneddon's Cow Bay Groc- ' cry- (ii9) THE DAXLT NKW3 Saterd, Ui.. Hi 'SOFTBALL ! SCHEDULE nuhnn rwiv nf th diocese of Vic- Nurses vs. Whirlwinds toria ys that "religion must form May 20 Velvets v. Ckle: the very basts of any education Orotto vs. Nurse, worth the name.- Professor M. L, June 24--Cookies vs. Service Jacks of Oxford caOs for "a Christ- Club: Velvets vs. Whirlwinds, ian philsophy of education express- 27 Grotto vs. Cookie: led in and through all aibiecU and Ve'vu vs. Nn-ses acUvtUes." Ju,T l-OrHo w Whirlwinds: i Thus we see the whole world wak- 'V" Sri Cluh. ing up to the truth that education July -Cooki vs Whirlwinds: r.uotnn i. lWu than VelveU vs. SeTvlee Chib. worthless. It is positively corrupt- tl s, WhM-Md v Velvets; Uve. It Is against the temporal and ,,ro"" vs u, j eternal Interests of Individuals and . nations. But how much good will It do have Irreligious professors, cynical agnostics and sponsors of a devi talked Christianity reading or even expounding the Bible? And where is the sincere non-conformist who would want the Anglican mould put upon hi children? There is no satisfactory altema- blon 1 tlve to a Christian education In Barnsley 0. Blackpool 1. Christian schools operated by the vartou? denominations. Nations that have drifted away from reMg-; ion are making shipwreck of civil! zation. Youth without the back Old Country Soccer F.niIKh War Cup, Third Round Futham 2. Notts Forest 0. Everton 1. Stoke 0. Huddersfield 3, Westham 3. Coventry 0, West Bromwkh Al Arsenal 1. Birmingham 2. Blackburn 3. Sunderland 2. Neweattle 1. Bristol Rovers 0. Sooth "C" Brentford 2. Charlton Athletic 1 Southhampton 3. Tottenham 3. Midland Luton 5, Leicester ). Wolverhampton 1. Walsall 5. Eatt Midland Doncaster 2. Rotherham 1. Sheffield United 3. Grimsby 0. South "D" Aldershot I. Southend 0. Crystal Palace 6, Bournemouth 0. Queens Park 4, Clapton Orient 0. Reading 3, Brighton 1. Watford 0. Norwich 0. West Chester 4. Liverpool 0. Manchester Gity 7. Port Vale 0. New Brighton 6, Manchester 0. Northeast Bradford City 1. Mlddlesbro 4. Darlington 2. Lradfbrd 2. Halifax 0. Hull 1. York 2. Hartlepool 1. Northwest Barrow 5, Oldham 1. Bolton 4, Accrlngton 1. Preston Northend 5. Bouthrwt 0 Rochrlal 2, Bury 3. I C...1I . I Bristol City 2. Torquay 2. Newport 5. Swindon 2. ORT CHAT Knuuuiau UHiv with Tor Girls' Leatue To Sw.nj lnl Action onlo MapJe Leaia on upuun from On Monday Boston of toe ffatmnal Bm- baB Leue. pWetwd hlmsell back ached- Into eonskleraUon for a t,- oi-i.- Tje ule for the season is announced league Job one year ana this yes . fn with the 'MOn Vancouver school children know; jUne ft Whirlwinds vi ncthkig of Christ or religion. ThejNurses vs. Velvet. London Times, in a leading article, Jane 10 Service Club U. Vel-"Religion arid the Nation.- now be- veta: Whirlwinds vs. Cookie, ing quoted m many different eoun- May 13 Grotto vs. Vdvets: tries. call, lor a "sobituaUzation of Nurses vs. Cookies. . n n the whole educational process." May 1 fmce ciuo . u., at &f . . . beat racehorse ever REPORT ON CLAIMS OF B. COLUMBIA be accorded a debt 3 laMead r $3,029,391. the air. the prairie pnmnr. fererfec between i, . increased debt an.. , the province , , Ms. Dominion - rrovlnrial Cmmfm U claims ht ih, tUx Not Think Dominion (M niKhit. no- Should Take T. U. v.. k urea . . . i Nil im uwuan ntt v . kiin Haiuflurv ihi i ' May ja-senrice uwo v, . - OTTAWA. May 8 CP British 'run from Simt Maay 33-VeIvets T4. Grotto; lory hi 23 We4r rted he 1910 Whirhlnds vs Nurse. ,P the roster Barton in ton to we nroTinr iat gurrm- --ri r nw ki: way 4 otihtv.u-.. - , rMivH Mrtiai recognition I vaiwwiver for th. Nurses vs. Grotto. m turn a in th ronnrt of the Rot! Com- 'PacifJc Rallwrv a May 30 Cookies vs. velvets. Brooklyn Dodjcers rwider and and Chieasn Chleaco i i mtesion an an rvwnininn.Prnvtnclal hen the Domini,,, June 3-1 Serrlce J J1 Club: Cookies, vs. Grotto. Orotto: Colombia's Malms tat adjustment The prevlnre eontrn,; of tabtidiea payatHe by the Dom-p! pMn Ifr ,t, bat the commission Grand Trunk .-nd - darkness stesed their game at tne.feund no basis toe the province's the CtfMrflan Nth end of 19 innings one year ago claim that the Dominion should the Canadian Nat. yesterday It was the lonest game take over the Pacific Great East- Th romm.'n- n In the NaUonal League sine Aug- m RaUwvy. for rwkllng that - ust 17. 1W3, wben the Cubs bea FV many year BrttMl CWom- should mmt t the .. Boton 3-2 in N lnrdncs. 'bl has wmfht an upwurd rerMen mi unprfluble rau t . . of iu subsidies and In 134 the cane In the pa Man OVar. M ratad A by manv ex- . . i... -.. " - ' uominion rrconnrsea me ctaun ov wner rauwtyi r fWI In the United State. the Preaknes Stakes at Ptmlico 20 years ago today In that year ! Jn- ion to " aulrr ' th. l 1 the three-year oM created fe ,h. 1 r-., records. His mark for the and lJt routes still stand Baseball Scores National Leaiue Chicago 4. New York St. Louis 3. Brooklyn 4 ivst innings. Cincinnati 7. Philadelphia 2. American Leaene New York 0. Chicago 1. Washington i. Cleveland 18. Others postponed. Baseball Standings National Lea cue W L Pt Cincinnati .11 S .773 Brooklyn It 5 .191 New York 13 9, 591 Chicago 13 12 Philadelphia . g It .400 SC. Louis g JH Boston g J4 jtffi Pittsburg : i.'iX'l American Leatue Boston 18 6 .75 Cleveland is g .Mt Detroit 12 n X2 Philadelphia li 12 .478 Washington 10 14 .417 St. Louis 9 13 4M Chicago 9 14 mi New York 8 14 364 "MISSING- TURNS UP HANDSWORTH. Eng.. May 18: (CP)-One week after being ofn-; dally noUfled his flying of fleer "son was mlaslBg and "hope abandoned" J. E Boxall had equally official word he wa "uninjured and well." Cardiff 2. Swansea 2. Scottish Mnt Aidrie 3. Morton 2. Motherwell 2. Albion 1. Partlck Thistle 3. St. MIrren 1. Queen of South 2. Clyde 2. Queeng Park 0, Kilmarnock 1. Rangers 2. Hamilton 2. SentUh F41M Hibernian 2. Aberdeen 0. Dundee 4. Falkirk 2. Dunferline 2, Dundee United O. 'SERVICE' 40 TENNIS RACKETS To Choose From $3.00 T0 $22.00 TENNIS RMS 35c 40c 45c SI'OHTINO noons iibadquaktkus Kaien Hardware Co. PHONE 3 no 98 maklftg m Interim increase f rtMway Isad contrart annually. Ths was to be 111 niulln a mmnll lnMlia. audi. ii Wiid. of r.m nwnnn m pan or "W- think the orotiflce. beeauw NaCkmrl v4m bu of eeotvTnle eondiUons similar to a on ess law of r,i us oi we prairie provinces, is we are not elLd i entitled to same adlustment fer nowrrd ta a4vw If he neried arior to 1030 both In mlasfon. th matter of revteion -f lis debt ana in me mtier i revision tawwanee of per eaoHa subfktie on . two-aM--ialf vear basis.'' Mid the remrt "BhI in view ef the I" .different am444utional status of I British Columbia from that of the luralrie province prior to 1930 It enUUed to the full amount Pnot Its claim under these head " The interim subsidy of $750,000 .started in 1934 was adequate to take aeeount of all items on which Inrovinelal elslms sou Id be alkrarrd. Use report found, but to remove nv dowbl as to the future nosl-Uon. n-Hl.h Cotombia should be .arorded the ame treatment at !"he nrairie nnHrtnM In the revi sion of ner cantu sub(de D'bi Allowance , The prairie Bfovlftea have a etu everv five year U, deter-wln the amount of oer capita subatdte. In Its general recommendations the commission sug-sated the prairie provinces' een-u be taken only every 10 year mce the rest of Canada unto the census of the whole eoantry la taken every fh-e years If this re- 'ommendstton h 001 'dovUA the British Columbia censes should be taken everv five years Further. BriUh Columbia should DHv oert ,f News a sure tn bring ulta (Meet Her In a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for, Trlre of One USED FURNITURE Md 1 rt. THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLL SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SX.iL Finest Pink Halrr.un rarted kj tb onlf ttlau rsaolac rooipaay Hh in J Ibt ear round parrafl fr1re Korfi 2 MrATerw. $8.50 a,)d S10.00 in7t $9.00, 12.50, S18.00 ovmWtt,r; S1.50 10 83.50 8 r'tZ rum 88.00 11 816.50 IKsUnonT.hlev- gQQ to 10.00 2 CablneU- 812.50 and 816.50 1 It-Ouale Doable Barrel Hammerles Shot dun C9O.00 At , I Kitchen Range with Oil Bqrner . 45o00 C Kitchen Ranges For burning coal or wood. Q4 QQ From, up tJJXt.v 1 Electric Vacuum gQ l Prlnlrd'Llnoleum jjrfj50 2 Kitchen Tables 4 Nuraery Rockers j,50 $17.50 SPX S2'00 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building, Third Avenue; Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. I'honr C1REEN