rW Wednesday, December 18, 1940. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE THE GIFT OF GIFTS FOR MEN WHO ENJOY CIGARS ' ft ry w-m k m ft jfgj s. k 0 h ltr-k You just can't go wrong when you give PUNCH CIGARS. The extra flavour and rich aroma make PUNCH delightfully in keeping with Christmas. TASTEFULLY WRAPPED TOR CHRISTMAS Parttctoi 10 Pantttlas (Boll natuf. boast) r i "pV -i rrift fnr a vnrv .nnrlil wmNinp I ll'!itih nrlooil frnm AH tn tH1 0(1. 15 Lilies (Gloss Jars) CIGAR R.W. Cameron SIXTH STKKET 1 1 The Greatest Achievement in Modern RADIO The Radio You Have Long Waited For SEE AND HEAR i These Mantel and j Console Models j RE FORE YOU KUY j There is No Carrying Charge at Edward Lipsett Ltd. I LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just say "Three Two please." Just say "Three Two please." Fill your glasses!" Using glasses from ithe Dollar Store. There la still time to have a photo taken for Xmas gifts at the Benson Studio. Miss Salome Wesley Is sailing tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. G. E. Philllpson will sail tomorrow t Mrs. A. Dickens and Mrs. T. Mil-burn will sail tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for a trip Vancouver. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. iZKM Eagles Bridge December 18. Watches The Lasting Gift d'liti-lly marks an Important V ' have a very fine selection of VnlUi jj;d 8iss watches that ' ,hr utmost In performance and ! oarance. 53 A JL 7 AS S.O.N. Christmas tree and dance j) Lutheran Circle Christmas Tree December 30. Metropole. 9 hi from the crowd and be a source of loy lor many Christ- i3 ' come' Then look !n and let us show vou our vtry luree I W fellow's Hall, December 31. Valhalla dance Metropole January 3. United Church W. A. tea Jan. 16. MM KB KBrtBSjBSBtaiJCBmKBSaKB .1 p.esent that will 2 J UiN LU FAMILY MARKET Phone D57 BEEF ROUND STEAK Per lb SIKLOIN STEAK Per lb RIB STEAK 2 lbs. BONELESS STEW BEEF i IUj POT ROAST ; Per lb , PRIME RIB ROLL j Per lb T-BONE Per lb VEAL SHOULDER of VEAL Per lb VEAL CIIOPS--Per lb roiiK LOIN PORK CHOPS I Per lb SWIFT'S BONELESS PICNIC HAM AYRSHIRE BACON Per lb BULK TURE LARD ' 3 lbs. .. POULTRY ROAST CHICKEN Per lb. BOILING CHICKEN Per lb riione 957 SPECIALS 20c 25c 45c 15c 22c 25c 15c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c GRADE 'A' TURKEYS 3Q( DUCKS Per lb 80c 25c 30c u:a:ili:Bi:;ji;ii!!B:!iw:ciH;!iiiB:iti;BB:BB:u Your own voice on a McRae Bros. Special Christmas. Capitol Xmas gift (night on the Prince Rupert for Van-, town, couver to spend the Christmas holl-1 days. 1 Canadian Legion B. Mrs. Nigel Sherwood of Terrace Is paying a brief visit to the city, hav-1 ing arrived on last night's train from the Interior. , Duncan K. Ker of Terrace Is paying a brief business visit to the city, having arrived from the interior on t0.last night's train. I - XMAS SHOPPING HOURS Gebrge Eales. who returned to stores will b clrd Thursday the city a few days ago after spend-infternocn, and open till 10 pjn. ing some time at Aliford Bay, Queen !Saturday. Monday and Tuesday. Charlotte Islands, engaged In clec- and cicsed Xmas ray and Boxing trlcal work, will sail tomorrow night Day, Retall Merchants Association, on the Prince Rupert to spend the 296 Christmas and New Year holiday season at his home In Vancouver. The work of the Junior Chamber of Commerce whose members were busy overnight, lamp posts along ! both sides of Third Avenue between McBride and Seventh Street' are now decorated with Christmas trees, further lending to the Yuletide atmosphere which is being well depicted hi the show windows of most stores. m bbWbK This advertisement is not publish or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by tlx Government of British Columbia. ARROW BUS Time Tatle Effective Dec. 2 PHONE 459 Leaves Leaves Post Office . Seal Cove AJU. A.M. 7:25 7:40 8:15 C:3Q 10:00 10:30 11:30 12:00 Sat. Only Sat. Only P.M. T.M. 12:30 1;00 VM. P.M. 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 ; 5:oo 6:10 i 8:30 6:30 C:45 7:30 : .3:00 9:30 10:00 10:20 11:00 11:30 ; H:45 SUNDAY SCHEDULE 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:30 5:00 7:00 7.30 10:20 11:00 Arrangements may be made for Special Trips or Parties I Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Storey are sailing tomorrow night on the J Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancou-, i is. er. i Charles Graham, inspector of imlnes, returned to the city on the yesterday afternoon from a' record at rip stewart 011 official business. rates for Inspector Ernest Gammon, pro- Theatre have special' 'lal Pf; to last train tickets or books in gift George Little arrived in the city on last night's train from the inter ior for a brief business visit to E. S. L. An- 'nual Christmas Bay Dinner for Your own Greeting on a record i single ex-cexvlce men. AddIv at is sure to make a hit back home- See McRae Bros. Mr. and. Mrs. William Trotter and child, are sailing tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Legion for ticket. on night's f rem a trip to Oeorsemofficial duties. ! envelopes for children and adults. ,Prlnce fffr! 1 a aemansiration oi lurKeyareys- ing by H. S. Meadows proved Interesting at the regular weekly lunch- j eon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today. Two turkeys one donated , by H. S. Meadows and the other by W. F. Stone were raffled for the club's Christmas hamper fund.' President G. A. Hunter was In the chair and there was a good attend- ance of members with a few guests. ! ! 1 1 8 ft Announcement Ross Ingram, after six years with the Thrift Cash and Carry, has severed his connection and has taken over Llnzey & Davies Grocery which henceforth will be known as Llnzey & Ingram. Mr. Ingram and the same staff who served you at the old Thrift Cash & Carry extend a hearty welcome to you to call and see them at their new location. Phone 585 and 586 J. H. BULGER Optometrist 4! ! 12ol H.20- 25oz. J2.30- 40oz. J3.40 "JUST THAT MUCH BETTER" si? This advertisement is not pubiisiieu or aiapuyeu u me Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. JOHN GURVICH, Contractor Wishes to Announce the Founding of the Seal Cove Trucking T0YLAND .s of ai Gordon & Andersons and Transportation Co. And for Your Service Offers 4 DILMP TRUCKS TO 1-YARD CAPACITY AND 2 LARGE COVERED VANS Small jobs are our business but the bigger the job the better we like it For Any Type of Truck Hauling by Hour or Contract Phone THREE-TWO Please Hear the call to arms from the toy trumpet! The rhythm of the marching feet of wooden soldiers! TOYLAND IS OPEN ! This grand, exciting Christmas girl-and-boy-land has opened its new 1910 wonders. Here are colorful arrays of gifts that will cause small eyes to pop with surprise and pleasure. And Santa Claus is here iuo! In fact, everything is here to make this the greatest Toylandofalltime! GORDON & ANDERSON THIRD AVENUE Commercial Hotel Prince Rupert Thoroughly Renovated Hot and Cold Water in Rooms Inner Spring Mattresses Harbor View ALEX PRUDHOMAIE Proprietor i DANCE r.VtKl SATUKDAY BOSTON HALL, 9 O'CLOCK a A A A A A WARM HOUSE mirrdtie sleet -ffyotr hove Me proper 1?i Aids In making: the Christmas season an enjoyable one. People have been known to use a ton of coal as a Christ-mas gift. Clean coal, full weight and satisfactory delivery are the promises we keep. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 632 lii 1