PAGE FOUR EYES Licencee for Numounls Full-vue-Frames, The Newest in Eye-Wear Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jcwclcry Repairing, Hand Engraving Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties HHBaHHHHani Smokes Ran Out After Dunkerque Stocks Of Chocolates And Confections Also Ran Out At Heading READING, Eng., July 15: (CP) Demand for cigarettes, chocolates and other gifts for soldiers was so I heavy after the evacuation of the ' dence on Eighth Avenue East to Ot-B. E. F. from Dunkerque that the : to Jerstad. Mr. and Mrs. Ivarson army comforts depot here issued are taking up residence in a' suite an S. O. S. for more stocks. It had at the Inlander. HI 6ENERAI i ELECTRIC OP A G-E Ilotpoint is scientifically designed to save you money to cook faster, better. Come in and see these new, 19 10 G-E ilotpoints with their exclusive features that reduce cooking expense. Models are priced from $116.50. We have, ho, other efficient G-E appliances that lighten household labour. Budget terms if you wish. G-E WfFl Iron Price $8.95 G-E Mixer Prrif5J4.95 EYES CHAS DODIME'AI) Optometrist in Charge Phone 2C1 for Appointment distributed more than 1,000,000 cigarettes and more than two tons of coffee. Eighth Avenue Residence Sold Adolf Ivarson has sold his resl 5 models from $79.95 lot 11 G-E Rcfrljcnton 8 models front SI 96 G-ETttechron Clocks WoJeh from $-4.93 Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited ANDY HARDY STORY HERE Feature picture for the special "Win the War" free show tonlgftl as well as for the regular showing. Tuesday and Wednesday, another of the popular Judge Hardy family pictures, starring Mickey Rooney 'and Lewis Stone, is the current at traction for the first of this week i at the Capitol Theatre. This time . it is "Judge Hardy and Son." ! This picture deals with Mickey's efforts at amateur detection and in-; volves him with three pretty "Ms. i financial trouble and comical trials and tribulations In plenty. The plot starts with the Judge Interesting himself in the foreclosure case of a loveable old couple, Mickey turning sleuth in order to locate an essential relative. This ceU Mlckev into contact with three pretty girls and In trouble with his own sweetheart. He also engages In a daring speedboat trip on a flooded river. Other members of the cast include Cecilia Parker, Fay Holden, Sara Haden and Ann Rutherford, all playing their parts as people in the country hamlet. CONVENTION UNDERWAY Conceded That Roosevelt Will Be Renominated by Draft CHICAGO, July 15 With the concensus of opinion that President Franklin D. Roosevelt will accept a' third term nomination by draft, the Democratic national convention opened lere today. It Is not expected the President's name will be placed In formal nomination but! ihaf thorn nrlll ... V.a n 4-nft vnpAlnffMn i - n nj, c ui ail i i;ovyiui.ioii. ! I At least 790 delegates are Dledeed to the chief executive. He himself has i made no direct promise to run. Senator Robert F. Waener. chair man of the resolutions committee, indicates that the platform will in clude planks f - o opposing r ""o the sending THB DAILY NEWB Monday, July i5. j,la ' ' j of American youths to foreign wars, . lln-approving Roosevelt preparedness' Pierce, 20,000, 9.8c and 7.5c, Pa- policles, reaffirmation of the Mon- roe Doctrine, condemnation of io-! talltarian governments which would undermine world democracies and J the security of human rights. j Postmaster General' James A. Parley, who managed the last two Roosevelt ramnalerii anA nhn . . in, f.. -1 v. ij i 'SunnrtsM.-'tiv wr-lri Jw.i ti-.ij.i,. $&&MttiMk Inten-' WmmUWMxmmKma would go' before the coMkffffn and. I would not be withdrawn until bal-. i-ii . . . i luuiig was completed. REHASIIINtt TINS LONDON, July 15: (CP) Groc- ers are buvlna harV hionif n.,.azc. from the public to minimize thp ' use of the metal and meet thp I demand for tin In armament pro- i auciion. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Coiton, D.C.Ph.C. Wallace Block, Phone 610 ' inoitA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed., Thurs., Frl., 7-11 . 2-4:30, 6-11 on Sat. ; j HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANQAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN Massett, Queen Charlotte Is. B.C. 1 THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin IU The new remarkable Plant Stimulant in the proper proportions, a mild insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors W. II. Malkin Co. (F.B.) Ltd. ii- - a fV l l ife 40 oi. 4!3 85oi.2.65 $Sk$AP (DISTllf 3 UMITI0, TOtONTO. ONt. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Halibut Sales American Teddv J.. 18.000. '9.6c and 7.5c. At- clIIc Eureka, 14,500, 9.8c and . 7.5c. Arcade, 14500, 9,7c and 7.5c, Stor-iman' age. Frisco, 11,000, 9.66 and 7.5c, Booth., Alliance I.. 10,000, 9.5c and 7.5c . . .. . . Storacc. .(60.000 sableflsh.) I " I n Canadian Viking t n.000. 9.3c and 7c. Rov- i. . Gonv, 1G.500. o.4e and ir ppifir Embla, 12,000, 9.5c arid 7c, Stor age. E. Lipsett, 11,000, 10.2c and 7c, Edmunds and' Walker. Kaien, 11,000, 10.1c and 7c, Stor- Cape Spear,, 12,000, 10.2c and 7c. Edmunds and Walker. Mltkof, 15,000, 9.9c and 7c, Stor- age. Selma II., 9.500, 9.1c and 7c, At- lln. Oslo, 7,000, 9.3c and 1c, Storage. 1 Dovre B., 20,090, 9.5c and 7c, Roy- al. Arctic I., 14,000, 9.5c and 7c, At- lln Balsac I., 23,000, ' 9.8c and 7c. 'Booth. Mae West, 17,000, 9.4c and 7c. Pa- clfic. . Neptune. 15.000. 9.4c and 7c. Pa- win;. Oldflcld. 4,000. 9.1c and 7c. Stor- age. Toodie. 11,000,9.2c and 7c, Pacific. Annabelle, 6,500, 9c and 7c, Booth, Gulvik, 14,000, 9.0c and 7c. Atlin Bum, 5,000, 9c and 7c, Booth, I Dorreen N., 14,500, 10c and 7c, At-lin. r j Fredelia III.. 11,500 (holding over) c-oyenant, 13,000, 9.9c and 7c, Storage. Rose Spit, 17,000, 9c and 7c, Storage. Oregon, 6,000, (holding over). Joe Baker, 7,000, 9c and 7c, Stor age, Minnie V., 4,000, 9c and 7c, Stor- !age. Dally News Classified Ads bring results. FOR SALE LICENSED STEEL BOAT Built at Atlas holler Works. New, 33'k 9' 10"x 5'. Engine 90 h.p. International, truck engine. Coventry Reynolds reduction gear. Atlas Boiler Works Whifflets From The Waterfront Salmon packers In from Dundas and Stephens Islands today reported coho trolling there as being "real good." In port from 3:30 to 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon southbound from Alaska to Vancouver, C.P.R. steamer Princess Charlotte, Capt. William Palmer, had on board a total of 185 passengers. Three persons disembarked from the vessel at this Dort and ten, took passage from here for I Vancouver aboard her. I , . . I union steamer uuua, cap.,, jam- j es nna ay, arrived m port ai, last nleht from the south and sail ed at midnight for Stewart arid other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert H. H. Brown, R. Douglas, J. A. Maxwell, A. C. Baker, M. G. Doyle,' J. D. Forsythe, Mrs. Goff, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.' Jones and Eveline Freet-1 by, Vancouver; J. D. Taylor, A. Bag-attan, and R. Bowerlng. Victoria; Mark Rukin, Georgetown; Mr. andl Mrs.jt. Fisher, Hyder; M. Sarano-vlch, Francois Lake: Mr. and Mrs. (Morton, New Westminster; N. N. Foss, Montreal; K. McMillan and A, j D. Pearce, Allford Bay: E. G. Enz- llsh, Frederick Point; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Muttaker, Miami; Dr. C. A.1 Armstrong, Port Simpson; J. Bey-non, city: Mrs. A. Rutherford and Perry, Port Esslngton; Mr. and Mrs. Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. McKell, Winnipeg. Central Gnr. J. Maclvor and H. Ball and E. Haapala, city; Gnr. P. A. Halvlk, Gnr. W. Lclghton. Gnr. O. Kincs and Onr Laughton, Frederick Point; M. Larson, Telegraph Creek; Vic Johnson and Harold Selfjord, Vancouver; John Solomonson, Prince George; Neil McNeil, Oceanic; Car-nes Lelth, Metlakatla; W. A. King, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. McKell und Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, Winnipeg. Royal T. W. Wller and Harry Hauper- Vancouver; Gordon Holum, J. I" - oeaion ana Fred Castell, Bar- retl Point; R. SDanw, Frederick ,,ro,ntl l- ToraiffC E. K. Bodaer. .It diitclr o . or rr. j ... . --"- t. iiciic ana w.. J. MniiiH n ..un, omuners;,M. L. Clalrk, 2TK?tow?V:0.; L: MIeynd John ,ooe - rwncc.RniM.rtW. - - P aw and James Smith, Vancouver; E. Taft, Salvus. Major and Mrs. C. V. Evltt are sailing this afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. P . vr n i.. 1. i.i. muutatuii, wen Known iana surveyor. wh0 was formerly located in this district and more w recentlv nSQ hoAH natfll. A. rl i ..- jciiuujjj at BS Victor Victoria, .1 was "c,c uuara me princess Louise this mornln5 Glne through to the Tele- 64 af " V aistnct. ". llOVF.IINMKYr I.KJlOlt .lfT stiin 12x1 "l, ;',l'" iw lu-w .Svtafh..,,,v' !ifin?1 '"n to p-iy" to u Lienor:? I ' ,a tDJ a Ilccnc rcr,rct ta rSrSS : iv uZL , JL4n..A,i" , Zi -- iiJWi Ullliirify ipaui ,No. f)87 fti. Eunice Crtelt. BrKlsJi Cnl. tC "dX" V JiSS. "i' tfcn Ojiuirji for Ker by .t OT ay tn0 Douie tor con- euinpiion on premise or -lBewhorA l July and. 1940. SPRUCE CREEK HOTEL LIMITED Applicant THL SEAL QUALITY llll GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by th only salmon canning company with an all th year round payroll Io rrlncc Rupert Bulletins MUST TAKE OATH Aunllcants for civic relief were reaulred to take the oath of al legiance at the City Hall today. Of the first fifteen who took the oath, six were unnaturalized per sons two Norwegian, two Rus sian, one Italian and one Jugo slav. REGISTRAR FOR S KEEN A T. V. Itrown, who was returning officer in the last federal election, has been appointed registrar for .Skeena electoral riding in con nection with the national regis- ,ration o( manpower of the Dom. ,nlon fof tne y s wson ,s named assistant registrar. There will be a four-day period for reg istration in August. Each polling division will have deputy regis; trars. . VELVET WINS CUP Velvet defeated Dry Dock 5 to 1 in the postponed Dominion Day football cup final yesterday and thus won the trophy for the year. FIRE AT ZEBALLOS ZEBALLOS Four business es tablishments were destroyed this morning In the first serious fire In this West Coast Vancouver Is land mining settlement. There is no estimate of damage. EARTHQUAKE IN ALEUTIANS NEW YORK A series of very severe earthquakes which were said to be In the vicinity of the Aleutian Islands were recorded yesterday on seismographs at Fordham University. No further reports of the intensity and ex act location of the quakes were to be had. It was believed the intensity was sufficient to cause extensive damage. REYNAUD MYSTERY NEW YORK There seems to be somewhat of a mvsterv concern. Inp the former premier of France, Paul Reynaud, since he has not appeared In the news for some time. ..It was reported some time aeo by American correspondents. however, that he had been In volved in an automobile accident In England and had suffered se vere head injuries. He was 'hot expected to recover; :-v.t-i d i5 Just I Arrived 5 J! Qlnnr. C.'i... IV 5 OHUCi IUI OlbliT. DMinPr. filti KahV fllll If . FOR SISTER S.? serv,ceable stylw In blacks, browns, white M , waijwus ana straps. d girls like. Priced up from , ! FOR BROTHER Boys who are boys demand rugged hard wearing serviceable shw- They wear so much longer if you buy them at C?4 rif Cut Rate. Up from t1.7t) FOR BABY w S'eet lfud?Ub,yu,mportanl b5cause tney' that devei ,p. lng stage. Both low shoes and bootlM in n U r. f i 5 i from O lln An Inur o . ? The Cut - Rate Shoe Store PHONE GREEN 615 - Mail Orders Promptly Filled Mackenzie's Furniture 500 Square Yards PRINTED LINOLEUM aa At tl.UU 400 Square Yards INLAID LINOLEUM a Ri At 3ltiiU 250 Square Yards FELTOL m m At 45C Phone 773 It's interestinc to kn that the psolg of t6s who!? Tonight 8? The Theatre Owners .,f vcwioiiu nimc 1011 to SPECIAL Pnvfnvmni-.,. In aid of the Snln t Canada's War Savin. Stamps and Certificates AT YOUR FAVORITE THEATRE Sponsored by the Canadian Motion Picture Pi tir-:j Enjoy a Fine Evening's XJIlltl lUIIIIIIUlll . , ..lllfl Aid Canada's War Effort .' NO CHARGE FOR AD. MISSION You set a FREE Ticket with a minimum purchase of TWO 25c CANADIAN WAR SAVING STAMPS! These Stamps remain YOUR property . an investment in Canada and its future I . . . Pre-View Show Tonight MICKEY ROONEY In Judge Hardy and Son Let's AH Go! i . ,1 . 1 r 1 m 1 ' 5 New fashions the $1.50 1: i n THIRD AVENUE Open ujich nmiiruay Saturday Night fig"i. district are doin the 6ame.