L L islands Mode. winds, mostly falr and warmer Vol XXIX.. No. 165. UN bfclb i WORST OF ; AIR FIGHT .... in.lnr Heavilr In Air At- at Dtcu - tacks R.A.r- aincs "rn ni Germany LONDON, July 15. British andj .irrff mprp In fierce com- i ...in Rnnriav afternoon over. . ..n.v, Phannpi nnn nnu-air- ... anH nursult nl&nes ki Antr at least, seven Oer- v 1 -i 1 while the British lost . t- tlniul I (Via AAdlncf rnnvftvpfl HrltUh LLALft. " t.i-i T9avq1 Air Pnrrp counter 1 M. m. PETAWAWA Hoi. J. L. Ralston At Camp Where Prince Rupert Men Are Located PETAWAWA. Ont.. July 15:1 (CP)-Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence, visited the artillery and engineer camps here Speaklnn to the soldiers. Col. n . 1 . ' "won said: "Canada is ready to T 5 1 - 1 rr.1 "c on any jod anywnere. inc government Is not only behind you but with you In the biggest Job Canada has ever undertaken." Former members nf 102nd. Bat tery from Trlnce Rupert are" now at Petawawa camp. Gibraltar Raider Was Driven Off Lone Plane ruiievxi Tn Have Reeri French, Visited Rock On Saturday GIBRALTAR. Julv 15: A lone air raider believed to have been French flew over Gibraltar Sat urday, n was soon driven oil' uy Shore batteries. , - Terrace Girl Is Home From England; Unusual Crossing Of Atlantic Is Described ASKS NO IMUST WORK QUARTER' FOR NAZIS "No Terms, No I'arley" Wanted By Britain, Says Premier Unafraid And Ready LONDON, July 15: (CP) Great Britain "seeks 110 terms parley, de- DEMANDS Winston in a speech to the world last night. He said Great Britain was unafraid and undismayed by the prospect of attack or attempted invasion. There was every indication of a long and hard war extending not only through summer into winter but from 1941 into 1912 by which time it was trusted it would have taken a different form an offensive instead of a defensive phase. Mr. Churchill was as convinced as ever of ultimate victory. Great Britain now had 1,500,-000 men under arms, fully trained and equipped, ready to assist the Navy and air force. Behind the forces stood a resolute people and a united and determined government. If Germany ever attempted invasion, it would not find a people who would lie down In submission. Every city, every town, every village would oc nc-fended. Britons would rather see London In ashes and ruins than enslaved. As for France, it would be treated with every sympathy, the Prime Minister said. Central American Nations Not To Concede To German Economic Demands SAN JOSE. Costa Rica. July 15: aerman,.ln a note to Costa Rica. has made, economic acmuuus. Whether or not similar' demands , were made In notes to other Ccn-j i t it.n t ni-nnirq t nrv . Former French Soldiers Are Little Better Than Prisoners Now- LONDON. July 15: French sol-idlers numbering 1.800,000 who iwore uniforms are now virtual ! prisoners following the surrender of France to Oermany. They are being forced to carry out such work as the conquerors dictate. McNaughton i Promoted j I ! OTTAWA, July 15: (CP) 4 1 With consent and approval of ' the Canadian government, 1 Major-Oeneral A. G. L. Mc- ! Naughton, commander of the ' First Canadian Division, ha REJECTED:;; new British Army Corps which has been set up by the British . War Office and which In- eludes the Canadian forces ' now in Britain. Announce- J ment of the promotion is made by Hon. J. L. Ralston, ! Minister of National Defence. J. nntiAi-al MW:nTht.nn is in his 4 -- vivilttn. ...1..1M-0..'".. . ! early fifties. He was In North- l em France after the German t invasion or the lowianas ana t advised In connection with the successful evacuation of Flanders by the British Ex- pcditlonary Force. The corps he Is to head is being formed ' for a special contingency, lt is understobd. HOLY LAND IS BOMBED Enemy Planes Dropped Missiles on Haifa This Morning Damage and Casualties JERUSALEM, July 15: ((CP) A : " YZr ' number of enemy bombers dropped gr7 t;bomb. in M. area thU morning known! BIt is kowa, to however, that in the first raid of war on Holy Land. Some damage was done and all five Central American govern- menu-are fejtctlDg the notes. ' mere we a tew i PF0V1NCIAL LIBRARY vKjroniA, b.c ! Tomorrow 's Tides prince Rupert, . 71 Y- Ki7 High 11:26 ajn. 17.7 It. Ark Royal And submarine terranean. An Italian NORTI1ERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MQNDAY, JULY 15, 1940. SEA LOSSES COMMITTEE Hood Damaged t Big Naval Vessels Wei e Hit in At tack on Gibraltar " t. GIBRALTAR, July 15: It was repotted two days ago thai the British battleship Hood and the aircraft carrier Ark Royal were damaged in an air raid near Gibraltar. Further details were tlvrn out last night. Italian and German bombers made three attacks on Gibraltar and on the British vessels in the harbor of Gibraltar. Most Of the superstructure on both the Hood and the Ark Royal was demolished hv bombs. Yesterday! Italian planes made another .series of attacks on Gibraltar and guns aboard warships In the harbor and shore anti-airr.raft batteries havMy shelled the attacking 1 planes. Fome direct hits were i sa'd to have been made on the fort. (Escort, after being torpedoed in ,the Mediterranean Sea. Two sailors lost their lives. The Escort Uank while being towed to port .after the torpedoing. It was not 'determined whether lt was a Oer-man or Italian torpedo. The Escort was built only recently at a cost of. $1,200,000, carried a complement of 155 officers and men and was of the Ecllpes class with a speed of 35 knots. Today the Admiralty further announced that H. M. S. Shark, a 1 submarine, was presumed lost, There were no details as to how or where she met her fate. She n valued at. si. 500 .000 and had a crew of 40 men. failed to return. An attack planes were brought down. was ATTACKS ERITREA RJV.F. Sets Fire to Military Objec fives Effective Raiding Alonr North African Coast Air Force communique said today.! Fires could be seen for thirty miles. The Air Force engaged In exten sive raids yesterday all along the enemy controlled coast of North Aden and Malta were Ineffectively raided by the enemy. At Mayale, base on the Kenya-Ethiopian frontier, the British garrison has withdrawn after heavy attacks. M Thousands of her soldiers dead. Millions are unemployed. Available surpluses of. food have rationed. Burma Railway lj Agreement Not Yet Concluded TOKIO, July 15;- UNLICENSED PETROL I FOLKESTONE, Eng., July 15: '. (CP) For keeping 1,470 gallons of petrol without a license, Henry iDurrell was fined $222 here. CAIRO, July 15: (CP)- Heavy )A AmiSa SSafW.S fires resulted from Royal Air Force bombing raids on Italian stores, l PrniTIKPC' barracks, ammunition dumps, tanks j lllatVC 1 I U1I110CO t and airdromes In Eritrea, a Royal j United States Senator Seeks Inves. tigation As To Pledges Of United States Entering War Africa from Libya eastward along WASHINGTON, D. C, July 15:-- the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.'senator Ernest Lundeen, Farmer-Bases and supply dumps were ef fee- Labor, Minnesota, seeks an lnves- tlvely attacked. Shipping was tigation as to the charges that bombed at Tobruk. ' have been made by Germany that Two British planes were brought ambassador Joseph P, Kennedy to down. Great Britain and AmDassaaor William C. Bullitt to France prom ised that United States would en ter the war, on the side of the Al lies. A German white paper said that documents found In Warsaw, Poland, Indicated such pledges. IUU1C. .'J 'Surrender I " exclaimed .Alexander, "why. Great Britain has Just started to fight! We are more than ever determined to maintain our wav of civilization, our tolei- "e ant, kindly way. Dally our defences are growing stronger against in vasion. Dally we " are ' proaucmi Every dominion and every colony is giving help with devotion and onrifixo Wa nlsn hnvp the svm- regara to Hong K.ong ana uurma(Stin 681 to one against, wnere, was Germany's ix.cn ...... - -- - . lf railway railway as as a a possible possiDie basis Dasis oi of set- sei-.on on the the other other hand, hand. ) Lieutenant-General ana nu TF"rB 'ed t,ement of the whole Sino-Japan- merchant shipping? been been placed placed in command of a was further ,u stated. Four Britbh uriusn elve1 war. sne win, hnwevur. nowever, give Great .f n... Britain ese was not oniy, up none of her commercial or In- fighting defensively but was hlt-j ' dustrlal prlvlllges. Negotiations be- ting hard and carrying the battle . atm. T3nVAt rinlta anH the i i . I . . Hnm TSl.tiuin Istrovers had month in addition to other vessels. ENQUIRY 23:16 pjn. 20.9 ft. Low 5:09 ajn. 3.7 It. 17:09 p.m. 7.9 ft. IS MADE France Asks United States in Regard to Western Hemisphere Possessions PRICE: I CENTS o Make Offer to Great Britain Vtltrntv nrrpfiil . t- tUm nmv hart fr thM r t?n1lA In ih Hav Marl . i j . ft.... nvA nnrJ rioa f a rH nth L.i..a tvr m1H rah tVipIr Twelve German planes were 1.. J 01. ..WVi t It A . tU.na TlrlftcVi maVttnc Th - 1 1 1 i I 1 . T" I 4 I . I. Meantime the Royal Air Force ' bases such as Kiel and emden Ufnnany urusseu ana ustena in invito otcr mc iiojai Air force un " " c i.n'ii -i-." Fourteen airdromes all over Oer- anv nnn in tha. Nathar tnrti war.. - I . . I I Wfiimrtav Tn arfrflttnn rfnolr. ir. ana tolerates nu raft raofnri. n finrin. dared Prime Minister unitlon dumDS. suddIv factories nurcn"1 other plants at many point3 W.. a n naval Rn.i ri Ah .n,t,a. 111 Rhlneland had been pounded In a single week, It Is claimed, TERRACE, July 15. Miss Barbara Sherwood returned to Terrace Saturday by train from Eng-land. Miss Sherwood recently completed a course of nursing extending over the past four years. She is pleased to be home again with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Sherwood, and away from the war zone. The journey from the Old Country proved to be very unusual as Atlantic crossings go. The ship contained a large number of notables and an even larger number of children and young people who were being sent to Canada to stay for .the duration of the war, safe With friends. One of the experiences Miss Sherwood does not regret was the work of a committee of ladies with whom she joined in attending to tie wants of many of the children. A number of young women formed themselves into a committee to do this work which was too much for the available staff on board, so crowded was the 20,000 liner. The authorities allowed the passengers to carry with them only 10 in cash. This brought some minor hardships on the long journey from Montreal to Terrace. However, Miss Sherwood stepped off the train looking well and strong and she says she would not have missed the trip for worlds. BY BRITAIN NOW KNOWN II. M. 8. Escort Lust In Mediter- rannean Also Submarine Shark RECOGNIZED1 National Committee Of Ciecho-Slovakia Accepted By British Government ! LONDON, July 15: (CP) Tha . Czechoslovakia!! national commit- Italy and Germany To Deliver Ultimatum In Few Days, It Is Said tee in England has been officially . Choice Will Be Between "Surrender and Destruction," recognized by the British govern, Authoritative Fascist bditor bays loday ment as the official government CzechoSlovi."T'r mv occupied byi Oermany. ! INVESTMENT TOTAL LOSS United States Has Little Hope Of Saving Holdings In Axis-'Conquered Countries NEW YORK, July 15: Some American corporations have already given uo as lost their holdt ings in axis-conquered countries of Europe. However, legal claims are being retained. Billions of dollars are Involved. MOURNING IN FRANCE Bastille Day Not. .So Merry ' France This Year . t ovnnM .Tnlv lSr r!Pl The . , . In nohday, was yesterday devoted to services of mourning. Wrecked and enslaved, France Is now prostrate under the German heel. ROME, July 15: (CP) Virginio Gayda, Fascist editor, whose articles some times reflect Premier Mussolini's opinions, claimed in an editorial today that Germany and Italy will serve an ultimatum on Great Britain within a few days offering her the choice between surrender and destruction. (Prime Minister Win- ston Churchill intimated last night 4 there would be no surrender.) FIRST LORD TELLS HOW WAR GOES: Great Britain Getting Stronger Every Day While Enemy Loses Ground Id.ui.i, .nAtnioM tH . - .. - . .man planes and .probably fifty nuunioiij.-"..,'".,. ,-...- viCHi France vuiy 15? mup -r- IOSS OI we ltia-wn ucauujrc nav f,.-m-prlv -ft merrv Turning Out ' German Lies LONDON, July 15: The German lying propaganda mill continues to turn out false reports and manipulate fig- ures. Here Is an example. Be- tween July 4-12 the Germans claimed to have brought down 75 British planes whereas It is known that actually no more than 30 were lost. On LONDON, July 15: Rt. Hon. A. tne otner hand, Oermany says V. Alexander, First Lord of the she lost only 35 pianes where- , British Admiralty, says that, with- as lt is known she lost at In eighty days, the British have lpast ?9 shot down at least eighty Oer- -.i;t4r,.. . REGISTERING CANADIANS heeh taken and the neoole stiffly ? i -" m -Preparations To Organixe Man , . more ana muie uiuuiuuw m " Power Are Proceeding OTTAWA, July 15: (CP) Or- ' i .-1.1 1U. pathy and understanding of the gamzauon wore m "& I United States. We would ask the tlonal registration will be com-i United States to regard that this Pleted about August, accord ng to the Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Minister fkht is as much for them as it Is 'for us" of National War Services. The ex- n.r,'if . the new submarine act date oh which the four day will begin will not be campaign of the last six weeks, registration Nn conclusion 4 .,hih so nnn tons of shlDolne decided until the organization iJElKir to negotla-'hac been and the much work Is completed. 0",'haif . M lo tions between Oreat Britain and, boasted Oerman blockade, Mr. '"K"- '" " u"v.v.ov potto, mc i.unvt u In the Eastern Medl- jormsn submarlne nave oneea conci"oii " seis Dcing sunn in convoy was AGREEMENT ON DEFENCE Eire Will Permit British Forces To Enter In Case Of Attack Being Made LONDON, July 15: An amicable iwcru on iwirci, viaiiw into UlC CllCIllJf taint. ill.ctu . . . . 4, Vo,,A m t- n .nnttrtu. ,1 . . J il til "till till- IO ICUlbCU rfapa.icoc Bu,t...f..t... ... w - Italian auumamics aim u - . . . ... PH. lng. been been lost lost in in one one "TA L,7 l.-T L I tain win co-operate wuu cue u-i defence. . In case of aggression against or j Invasion of Eire, Great Britain will be permitted to send in its forces Immediately .but not, however, until there has been an attack. J22 KILLED BY LIGHTNING VICHY, France, July 15. The Electrical Storm Results In Fatality French government has asked thei In Kamloops District United States government to state I Its position regarding French pc KAMLOOPS, July 15. An Indian sessions In the western hemisphere, was killed arid an Indian girl was Including St. Pierre and Miquewn, Injured at Goodmans cree near off Newfoundland, Foreign office here In an electrical storm Satur sources here said. SMUT FROM FRANCE EASTBOURNE, Eng., July 15: day night. They were strucx by a falling tree. CHANGING NATIONALS c.P) Flowers, vezetables-and LONDON, July 15'. (CP) The white shirts were spotted with names ot i&e uermans, w aus- soot when millions of particles trlans and 28 Italians were from the burning of oil on the' included t na list of. 272people ad-other side of the Channel fell on mltted to British nationality dur-southeast coast towns. lng May, In the Londort Gazette.