March 27, IftjO. L, a P Nirnoifl, u ..aj.urcu rut Keeping nauor In other v,f, fd, , . . past couple of months a private guest room. Alexander f..' Vancouver, returned to Oooch was fined 150. with ;m the outh on the of thirty days' Imprisonment, In! , tui- morning ruy ponce court thLs morning. I'HOXKS I and 19 T 14 -rrt bot lltJni tream ioiniu iinn up 1Q oz 2 tins lemon and Vanilla O Extract 4 oz Oranien. California 35C small White Itean JQq .ome lleauty Apple From Coffee -Per lb. Per lb. P.O. Itox 375 Mussallems konomy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" foulck Quaker Oat Non- . i.ioni Large oC llund' Sandwich Spread r, r ed wondrrful OOn "" , 3 un.s Tomato Kelt hup ftp Libby'c Grapefruit - A Juice- 15 oz Per tin "w IJbby' Ripe. Olives- iQp J-Ov 10 oz Per tin Akt this 7Mncm Cur CRYSTAL 7 STt. ' BOTH FOR Mimallem's Economy Qff tl U 43c VIX.ITAIU.IS kept fresh under VAPOR SPRAYS. COOKED MEATS kept in ELECTRIC HErillOERATOR DISPLAY CASK fight or Day TAVI 'HONE I IX rfi I'rompt Service 3 Heated Cars 0VERWA1TEA LTD. asll or C.O.I). Phone RH l; rce, Delivery on Orders of M and Over Shamrock Hams Per n, 33c Kerr Sliced Bacon. 29 C P Tollel Paper 23 C iWsnd s Meat Pates g Hwiey Graham Wafers Q '( -i Tomato Catsup lied Arrow soda jC Wax 17c Paper 100 fxt rolls Per roll f OtTTMl 7 IMCH. McColls Mincemeat OCn 1 AbsW CRYSTAL 4-ib.un ouo S-VSU BQUJL.y rrS , Aylmer Prune Plums 2 (Jrapefrull Juice 25C liV-SM BOTH FOR X lliw ! dSrm 29c Tr'io.,pmtuv" 19c lui-SH itm li.Miii 5c P lb COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. . m piionk ue rno ' (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One S. O. N. Fiahermen's farewell dance, Oddfellow's Hal!, tomorrow at 10. Colussl's orchestra, refresh menu. Admission. 60c. 73) E. T. Ken'ney. M.LA. for Skeena, after having spent the past couple of weeks on the coast assisting In the federal election campaign, Public Notice The first general meeting of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Credit Union. Charter No. 14. will be held In the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union Hall, Thirsday evening. March 28, at 8 o'clock. Election of officers for the ensuing year will be one of the main Items on the agenda. Any fisherman knd the members of his family a swell as employees of fishermen's organizations are eligible for membership. A- SINCLAIR. Acting Secretary FOR SALE I FOR SALE Baby chicks from vlg I orous new blood leghorn breeding stock. Unsexed $10.00 per loo, pui lets (87" I 3Z3.UU per iw. Rock and Red chicks $12.00 per 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, MU-sioit City. B.C. U. FOR SALE Easyette washer, Klean Kook range, household furniture Apply V01 Fifth Ave. I West. WANTED WANTED Experienced dry goods girl Apply Box 36 Daily News. (73) WANTED- Two or three furnished rooms, or small house. Apply Box XI Dally News. HRUSONAI. THEDAILT NKW8 page TTraEt LOCAL NEWS NOTES leave by this evening's train on his return to hlsixune at Terrace. Correct the acidity of your soil by applying agricultural lime. Use C. J.X. Fertilizers for best results. You can economize by getting our price on seeds, fertilizers and poultry feeds. "Best procurable." i The Crackroan.Ker Milling Co. Ltd, (75) Keep up to dai AUnUe re$ti larly. For prompt and courteous ser vice Phone 13 -Taxi. u "Buy B A K Jumbo Package Seeds and save money." "More seeds per package." All seeds are government tested. Brackman-Ker Milling Co. Ltd. 75j Rev. Frank Bushf ield, former well known United Church clergyman of this district, having been located at various times at Anyox, Port Essing-ton and Burns Lake. U now stationed at Bralorne. Mrs. Bush field and son are in Vancouver. BOY SCOUTS IN SESSION Plans For Future Activities Outlined Last Nijht Last evening the patrol leaders and seconds ol the First Prince on the work within the troop. In the absence of the Scout- (74)'' ply Prince Rupert Hotel. 74) JiPARD ANI) KOQM FIRST CLASS board and roomj clow in. Phone Black 9G5. tf. i HOW TO OET A GOVERNMENT j JOB as Letter Carrier. Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner. Clerk. Etc Free Booklet. The M. C. C Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest I ln Cnnaoa ARenU j YOU can run a Home Kindergar ten wun our neip. ianaaian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. Manitoba. tf SWIFT SURE RESULTS! For am bltlous men a,nd women. Famllex will show you how. 900 success full dealers now on our list! Inquire for further details and FREE catalogue today. The Famllex Products Company. 570 St. Clement St.. Montreal. " Till: MTHKMK COI HT OV ItlMTIMI : roi.i'MiUA 'IN Tins MATTER OP RAONHTLD HARRIS otherwise known M Rognhlld I Pfderem uxl RAjnUlW IVcUwo llarrti- rxosl, and: i Tfi xitK HATTER OP TltE "ADMINI TnATlON ACT' t a vP vnncK ltu-r of Adlio julnUtmtlon ol iw or Ded formerly of Prince Rupert. BrltW OoJvuubl, w) died t Vlkliig. ih.iii- m th lSOi day of November 1939. wre duly jrwited In my favour At nf March 1340. All persons In h,Wd to the lxvo Estate Me r.. iWednnMo nu. forthvfKh and alt pert Kovirur diUma wralnBt the bov ':Z.; r,,il to file them with we Wcfc the 30tih dy Of AprU 1940 i falling htoh JtatrlbuUon wUl be mid :JrtUwt.xtnJ to any cl&ima of which I shall Wit Vhen ve u""- . I nTED at Prince Hupert. BO, lith day of Maroh 1940. NOHMAN A. WATT. matter during the next three weeks the troop will be In charge of Quarter-master Sergeant Mc- Lauchlin of the Sixteenth Cana dian Scottish Regiment, late Scoutmaster of Ladysmlth, assist ed by Private Dave Rlddell of the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. Recent tests passed Include the Ambulance Badge by John Davey and Clifford Wanamaker. Debater's badge by Harold Nordon. Ted Capsttck and George Wlllett were also invested Into the Brotherhood of Scouts at the last troop meeting. . a 1 1 f . J In Memoriam In fond and loving memory of my beloved son Norman Sydney Short .who nassed away March 27. 1939. WANTED Pair of binoculars. Ap-. deeply mourned by his loving moth- er. Mrs. Nellie Beveridge. C.N.R. TRAINS For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - 8 p.m. From the Fast Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 p.m. v Announcements All advertisements In -this column will be charged for a full month at Kv a word S. 'O. N. Fishermen's Farewell Dance. March 28. Orange Ladies' Sale, April 3. Eagles Bridge, April Z. Anglican Spring Sale. April 4. Hill CO Dance, Moose Hall, Apr. 5. N Football Dance, Irish 'Fusiliers V. R. 102nd Armories, -Friday, April I 12. Admission 50c. United Spring Sale, AprU 11. Presbyterian- Spring Sale April Toe II Dance. Parish Hall, Seali Cove, April 19. Scout Tea, Mrs. 'Carter's, April 23. ' 102nd Auxiliary Dance,. Armoury, May 3. j St. Peter's Spring i Sale, May 0. j Itiisyia May 23. c Carnival, Moose Ocean Tails Man Interred Many Pay Final Tributes of R- peet to Menoryvof Late Leander Holmes nrF-AM FAUK March 27. Fun Hall! ; eral serylce for the late LeanderK Benson Holmes, who died here a?j hpM from thfe J tw " tj ucean rams uujicu wuiui iui Rev. E. S- Fleming officiating and numerous friends In attendance to pay final tributes to deceased. Fol Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Starr, who the winter at the Mother's Auxiliary to the have ' fading Plr Pr!n. Rilrvrt Trnnn l MA. OtaHJC auu ll wmuuiui, c- a iM nt hp hnm. nf fr v turned to the city on the Prince M rartAr tr, rait fnnrt n rnrrv . George this morning. Albert Farrow, steamboat Inspector, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, being here on official duties. A. B. Martin, president of the Pacific Mills and years ago resi dent manager at Ocean Falls, ar rived at the paper town on the TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY uowara nougan uiu wuioiu VVANTEDWoman tnr hoiiseworlr. wanamaKer nave passea tneir t Qf mm phone Black 620 nrst Class First Aid tests. ,74l ! Prince .George last night from San Francisco, accompanied by other officials of the company. They are on an inspection trip and will return south on the Prince George Friday. CIGARETTE PAPERS NONE FINER MADE G0LDBL00M "The Old Reliable" Have Big Order For Beaver Postive can pay more than anyone else for all furs. Do not sell your furs on the waterfront, bring them to GOLDBLOOM and get 30 per cent more. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZareW Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert," B.C. Phono 2S1 r.O. nox IN NOTEWORTHY SHOE VALUE! SOLID LEATHER MCM'G CUACC $5.95 j Genuine Goodyear Welts S Yes, you can duplicate J this price but you cannot duplicate this quality at 5 this price. 1tf1n Vie VttirVl CArvlrA 1ntPT- Isvsttl W.. -msiiiva 4Vt a i n rUo taAiira tViO ment took place in the local cexne-if tmot In ,quaMty, wearability and Xoot comfort at this price. m 5 tery. Besides the son of tleceased.K Furtheraore ue have them in Just about EVERY STYLE YOU 5 . . in..- nl. . . - . J waiter Hoimea. paajocare wc r. ,r waht -iciuoing pointea ana rouno toes. n.nnm t? rtsnenn flnnaU McKen-1 wnu m. w.v-.. 1 g zle, L. Powers and Clifford earner on. The late Mr. Holmes was sixty-nine years ol age and was born at Ilant&DOrt. Nova Scotia. .He cad resided In Orean Fall for five year with his son and was well known and highly esteemed by old and young alike. Besides his son, deceased is survived by two grand sons. Harry and Walter Holmes, and Rupert Troop held a Court of two .sisters, Mrs. J. D. Johnson and) Honor at the home of the Scout master when plans for the future were discussed. On 28 the troop, .will par ade to morning service at St. An drew's Cathedral. The First Prince Rupert Company of Olrl Guides will also attend this service. On April 29 the third lnter-troop competition between the First Prince Rupert and Canadian Legion Troops will be held at the former troop's headquarters.! This competition will Mrs. J. M. Shanks. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Byrne, who have .been on 1 trip, south, return-1 ed to the city on the Prince George this morning. Mrs. W. S. Anderson of Terrace is a visitor, in the city, hav ing arrived from the interior on last night's train. Otto C. Young of -the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental be based Station staff Is leaving on this on both tenderfoot and second' evening's train for a trip to Ot- class tests. tawa on official business. I April 23 being St. George's Day, the patron saint of Boy Scouts, I OTIIKU irA"S SHOES PRICED rilOM 53.13 TO !$7J0 Coal! Coal! Coal! Wittier winds atom Arechillijig Tina yozzr- codJbin needs refilling. Foothills Bulkley Valley Nanaimo-Wellington We are equipped to supply any of these coals promptly, carefully screened and graded to size Thanes C31-6S3 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. 5 Shoes lor Sister, Brother, & Baby Too! We have thcTops in Style. Price and Quality for the ir J- Whole Family. Don't forget the children. Pumps, O C tO 5 Cf ri r9 Dvfnrrlt in tn 1 f ac ton t All a11 IrnnTrn lines. Exclusive agents for Classmates and Keds--Jack and Jill, llewetson. etc., complete stock. $3.45 The Cut - Rate Shoe Store 1 PHONE GREEK 615 THIRD AVENUE A Mall Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Reconditioned Underwood 29.00 1 Reconditioned Remington 00 Typewriter v." 1 Monarch Typewriter In A-l ?fl O.DU working order 16 Reds Complete Sizes 3-3, 4-0, 4-G. From $12.50 t0 $16.50 2 Washing Machines A-l condition $25.00 $39.50 iaSt. 5.50 1 Five-Piece Dining Room Suite Genuine oak, round table with QO-f C A leaves ty&M..DV New Furniture 5-Two-Tone All-Enamel Kitchen Ranges Of very Semraakes 364.00 t0 $109.00 6 Three-Piece Chesterfield Suites In velour and y,c..S69.00to$98 12 Spring and Cotton Filled Mattresses From $18.75 t0 $22.50 Phone BLACK 321 Next Door to B. C. Clothiers THIRD AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pan. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 561