i r- earner ru clum j, Rupert and Queen Char- .... i ,ands - Strong noutheast r gales, unsettled and mild :"i rain XXIX No. 73. Liberia to!- wa.t received. Irvfttlves. 1 Mtif-.lcor zle King had a clo.se run She T!'! C f F national chairman. M. tf0n George Black. National Oov- Cc: "W' a was re-elected In Rose- crnment, was elected in Yukon oyer 3 B!. ,:af and John Blackmorc' Reid Liberal. i) Pri1i Un.. In Vl lilltl Manitoba IVBUll . was returned la Lcthbriage., KnnTTr m in Provlnre Br Tiovlnre Edward Island Vcturned a d blor of Liberals to make the fi tiriy evident after the polls 'YTrl K -4 I.Lt Neva E otia elected eleven Liber- h a . . ill . . nflf i u pussiDic vweivu. A U.V.r . ii in cape urcion-ouui. Now Brunswick, formerly Liberal n one exception, divided ten v i De; ween the Liberals and Na- final n . "viycrnmcni. Quebc" returned 61 Liberals and lUlLJCIluClIk Willi 1 III 117 " voting deferred owing to the "ath of the Liberal candidate, WIN Ontario elected twenty-five Na-"nal Government candidates, the ame number as last time, with the mAM .1. . . . . . . An out landing Ontario switch was n Lpcd; Cnnsorvnllv .Inen 1003. iuii, ii. a. tiicwari was ac-i ma W Oeorge T. Fulford, Llber- i. ne only National Government sue- K 11048 ln Sourls- inree k c.cv i?.i. riwnrio HUll 1.1 lllllll 1J1 in i LK lk , , "v.u '"e voung in drlel-out j wiii 'Wan. Prime Minister W. RESULT IS UNCERTAIN mMONTON March 27: CP th .wiion of the minister of ag riculture, Hon. D. B. MUiien. in, Camrose increased the numoer oi, Social Credit candidates so far def-i lnltcly elected In Albertas genera, provincial election to twenty-three, six short of a majority. The num ber of Independents so tar ae m.ic-ly known to be elected is fifteen, leaving nine seats still in doubt. TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Changes or New LuUngs for next issue of Telephone Directory to be made in writing to Telephone Partn!ennr i City Hall not later than April 6th. British Columbia Liberals 10 National Gov't 4 C.C.F. 1 Independent 1 Skeena Total to I)atea Hanson 3;990 Weaver 2318 Cameron 1253 Morris 121 TODAY'S STOCKS (Uuurtfaj S, O. Jootistoo Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .09 V. Bralorne, 10.75. Cariboo Quartz, 2.44. Dentonla, .01 V4. Fairvlew, .01. Oold Belt, 55. Hedley Mascot, .43. Mlnto, .02?4. Pacific Nickel, .08. Pend Orlelle, 1.70. Pioneer, 2.21. Eremler, 1.25c Privateer. .65. Reeves McDonald, .15. Relief Arlington, .0714. Salmon Oold, .03. Sheep Creek, 1.10. Cariboo Hudson, .04. Oils A. P. Con., .15. Calmont, .35. C. & E., 1.97. . Freehold, .02. Home. 2.46. Royal Can., .17 1j. Okalta, 1.16. Mercury, .06. Fralrle Royalties, .18. Toronto Aldermac, .26. Beattle, 1.08. Central Pat., 2.157 Cons. Smelters, 43.00. East Malartlc, 3.70. Fcrnland, .03. Francoeur, .54. , Oods Lake, .50. Hardrock, 1.10. Int. Nickel, 42.75. Kerr Ad'djson, 2.52. Little Long Lac, 3.20. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.08. Madsen Red Lake, .45. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.35 Moneta, .73. Noranda, 72.50. Pickle Crow, 3.65. Preston East Dome, 2.25. San Antonio, 2.43. Sherrltt Oordon, .90. I UchI, .73. Bouscadilllc. .041,4. Moshcr, .07. Oklend, .06. Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 36.50 PRnVINHlAI. Bulletins UUSSO-FItPNCII BREAK PARIS Complete break of diplomatic relations between Russia and France appears foreshadowed In recall at French request of the Russian ambassador to Paris. Al.TMtRK AT KIKL BERLIN The steamer Altmark has arrived at KteL This Is the prion ship which was intere-t-ed some weeks aco by the British Navr In Norweeisn water and British seamen taken therefrom. MUTINY OF r.RAF SPF.E LONDON The Admiralty announces that the reason that the German pocket hatllebip Graf Spee was sriitMed in Montevideo Harbor at the order of Chancellor Alf Hitler was because the crew of ihe vwel mutinied and refused to take her out. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dlnewall returned to the cltv on the Prince Oeorge this morning after an absence of the last few months in Vancouver. The result In Prince Rupert city was in line with those of the rest of the riding. Only at one of the eighteen polling divisions did Mr. Hanson fall to lead, this being at the waterfront poll where Mr. (Weaver received 75 votes to 37 for iMr. Hanson and ten for Mr. Cam eron. The returns for Skeena, as celved to date, are as follows: o p 3 rt 3 3 a M o S Prince Rupert ....484 1582 ' .Smlthers 71 Terrace 60 ' Ocean Falls 188 Port Esslngton ... 8 lMassctt 12 Queen Charlotte 8 Haysport - i 314 163 390 26 58 32 13 o 19 5 7 42 1 1 0 re- NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1940. Digby Island 8 Namu 6 Osland 0 Little Canyon 1 Atlln 30 Spruce Creek .... 12 Telegraph Creek 4 Big Missouri 40 Premier 41 Stewart 74 Anyox 0 Alice Arm 3 Alyansh 2 Klsplox 0 New Hazelton 8 South Hazelton .. 4 Kwlnltsa 0 Inverness 5 Quick 22 Walcott 5 Bella Bella 5 Bella Coola 11 Hagensborg . 6 850 Belarko 2 132(Surf Inlet 12 139tOona River - - 1 164 Blllmor .. 2 17 1 Galloway Rapids 1 66 1 Work Channel .. 0 68 Nadcn Harbor .... 0 42 Pacofl - 5 H M 25 0 23 0 67 4. 54 1 9 0 11 0 12 0 16 0 19 9 13 0 23 1 23 0 29 0 36 1 20 0 11 1 109 2 33 5 48 3 32 0 98 4 164 3 14 0 27 0 18 0 18 1 36 0 18 1 5 5, 9 0 53 0 12 0 65 1 84 2 59 3 16 2 34 2 15 1 2 0 3 0 7 0 7 0 13 0 lr narty or faction but the people of the constituency as a whole giv- irr hi- best attention to all rcpre-! spntatinns no matter from what' were In keeping with the w atmosphere of goodwill. 4 37 0 5 66 3 22 4 26 9 18 13 18 6 12 6 29 36 6 10 "9 TomorroW s Tides Tides 4:11 am 21.1 ft. 17:10 p.m; 18.1 ft. Low 10:50 a.m. 3.8 ft. 22:59 pm. 7.4 ft. general I He was interests. "After all. the world was ... . mi n near only a lew uuiuuu jci m there are a few more million years V- . i nrt Amf Coming, lie cwiuucuuru laughter. The C.C.F. efficiency but sentiment must be nvAar'nA o c troll nc rpacnn Pan manifested to listen tolerantly to opinions as well as to give (hem was a factor ln which he saw much hope. riding and their sugestions and , tapre&ntatlves, -a member could 5 ndt give the best service and he 27 hoped these would bo freely forth PRICE: i CENT3 Victory Is Greatest Yet ackenzie King's Wartime Gov't Given Fresh Mandate; Is Now In Stronger Positon Than Before Mackenzie in Vancouver Manitm Defeated Hut j Woodsworth May Be Re-Electcd I OTTAWA, March 27: (CP) Whisked back to power! i i. i : o i! t r1 ercaiesi majority ever uccurucu m a Canadian gen- rlertion, the wartime Liberal government of Rt. Hon. T P. I. r If - -WW . 1 i 1 1 i 1 Urn Lyon AiacKcnzie rung prepares louay ior iisuisk h a fresh mandate, giving it a stronger position than r Party standings on the civilian vote at 10 o'clock this ve seau as leirowa: , Government. 38. ray.7. ogreaslve. 3. Liberal, 3. r rm. t. .t. 1. Undsllde was greater whn Rt. Hon. R. B. defratd and over-Di R J. Manlon. : - vf leader, who was F r- WUIUm by Rv. f ibcral. and whose Na-r.mcnt party was fe- Of candidate n.nnJnir NaUAnnl Hovprnmont In V nviUnn voir but In w nners held substan-ic - whirh are unlikely - m! when the active reported next week, liberal war cabinet 1 to fflce including Mackenzie, minister of Vancouver Centre. u figure defeated W xiaworth. C.C.F. leader. r..'-ed in Winnipeg North .114 lead over A. R Mac- m rnnce Albert, nit majority being about 1000. Alberta failed to support New Democracy candidates as strongly as In 1935 when only one Liberal and one Conservative were elected with fifteen Social Crediters. In BrltUh Columbia The Liberals counted ten victories In British Columbia, a gain of three over 1935. National Gov ernment won four, C.C.F. one and Independent one. The latest Liberal victory In British Columbia came today when the election of James Sinclair. Liberal. ws Indicated In Vancouver North ever the former C.C.F.. C. Orint .UacVellL I Hon. If. H. Stevens. Reconstruc- this, lost out In Kamloor to the former Liberal member. TJ. O'Neill, Other members otlat Parliament elected were Gray Turgeon in Cariboo, Tom Held in New Westminster. Olor Hanson In Skeena. Ian Mackenzie In Vancouver Centre. O O McClWr In Vancouver-Burrard. all Liberals; H. C. Ofeen. Vancouver South, and Orote Stirling in Yale. A A Haos. C.C.F . Winnipeg voiinnol riflvommpnt: Ansui Mac- H W D. Herrtdge. found- ( Jnnl c c F ,n Vancouver Bast, and ' K. v Democracy In Ktndersley. . Nemt independent In Comox- ! leader runner-up. In J rjr. O. E. L. MacKinnon, National H C 11. Cahin. former Government, was elected In Kooten- 8tate In Montreal-St. ay tnc former H. H. Stevens . M. m ( 1 Itmki ' ted Farmer of Ontario In cariboo the C.C.F. candidate.' npr for Orey-Bruce since wnillam Irvine, gave Turgeon a good t to W. E. Harris. Llb-'run e N'aUonal Oovernmentl candidate. Fred Stephens, trailing, far behind. I Allan Chambers. Liberal. wcn Nanalmo from the ana ' r t; ' aid himself that he was Qeorge Cruickshank won Fraser t 'Tuie result until the mill- valley for the Liberals from Con- Election Summaries Canada Liberals 176 National Gov't 38 C.C.F 8 New Democracy ... 7 Lib. Prog. 3 Ind. Liberal 3 United Reform Independent . . . Unity Deferred Doubtful . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 6 Easy Winner j Political Hatchet Buried With OLOF HANSON E. T. Applewhaite of Stewart, after having been here and elsewhere in this part of the district for the past couple of weeks la connection ?.lth the federal election campaign, Mutual Goodwill; Fraternizing Of Candidates In Party Rooms Prince Rupert buried its federal election hatchet soon after the results of the battle of the ballots became known last night on a high note of goodwill and amicability which " us a fitting culmination to a campaign which all parties nhe.-itatingly admitted was one of the cleanest and least Mtt.pr that has ever been staged locally. This spirit could have b;en nc better Illustrated than : by incident which occurred at coming. This was of particular im-fimmittee rooms of the Liberals, portance In a riding of such vast National Government and Co-oper- size as Skeena. He would continue ative Commonwealth Federation ! to eive the best service he could, parties, the highlights being calls He had no quarrel with his political which were made and reciprocated opponents. In the past he had be?n by the candidates and sentiments abIe co-operate with those who which were exprejsed. might have differed with him po- The Liberal candidate. Olof Han- Utlcally. Speaking 0f present wortd son. early took occasion to visit the conditions, Mr. Hanson commented: committee rooms of the National "We re a11 Pce lovers and we all Government and C.CJ. where he want peace but we have been shov- -as heartilv received and A-elcom- ed into a chaos and we must all give ed. Mr. Hanson, ln speaking at or our best ln fighUng our way out hese committee rooms, made it It." 'tear that it would continue to be 9- it naa Deen in tne past rus poacy sailed by the Prince George this to represent at Ottawa no particu afternoon on his return home. SKEENA GIVES HANSON CLEAR MAJORITY OVER FIELD, 'TIS INDICATED TRAGEDY DETAILS ouarter thev mt;ht arise. He ex- Further Particulars Of How Ocean pre'sed goodwill for those who. Falls Logger Came To Grim might have ooposed him In thej End election ard the hone that, now the j cmtest wps over, he might receive Further Details have reached their co-oneratlonj and enjoy their the city of the untimely death of -rntidence in the 'task oterrtng Marvin Gore, well known logger the Tidine-and the country. of Ocean Falls "and" Bella Coola, Liter George Cameron, the Na- who was killed recently down the irend OI KCSUltS licncrally iOt JlUCh Jiltlerent lhan in tional Government candidate, and'eoast by JalUng! Into the engine 1935 Weaver Second Man Cameron Loses His Deposit 1 1- Seventy-five out of 115 polls in Skeena riding this morning gave the total vote to date as follows: Hanson, Liberal, 3990; Cameron, National Government, 125.1. Weaver, C.C.R, 231S. Morris, Independent Liberal, 121. The remaining polls have a maximum total of 2200 votes. Results of Yesterday's federal election voting in Skeena riding indicate that Olof Hanson, the Liberal can 1 didate for re-election, received more votes than his three Rupert city. I opponents combined. Of course, the returns are still in complete and there is a remote possibility that, when all George Weaver the C. C. F. candl- 0f his boat, date returned Mr. Hanson's court-j The ' .'skipper of another boat 1 esv bv calHrtf at Liberal headquart-that wa following closely saw er -whe bth we"U cordially wel-. Gore's boat suddenly swerve from corned and called uoon to speak, 'its course and head towards shore. Mr. Camc-on had no criticism to Upon " investigation, Gore was offer in regard to the choice of the ( found found lying dead on the electors of Skeena nor did he have engine. He had evidently been and recriminations. He saw ln the attending the engine when his reult of the election here an ex-' rfeeve caught in the fly wheel, presslon of appreciation and loyalty His arm was torn out at the to one who had served the riding socket and he is believed to have faithfully and well. He had noth'ngjdied almost Instantly, but the best of good wishes to offer! Mr. Hanson and ln the years to come he wiched success and pros-, nerlty to Skeena district and Prince i In Good Humor Mr. Weaver was In excellent hu- NAZIS ARE SHOT DOWN 1 voting has been Accounted for, there be remarks' Br"ish Vccl may not a clear mor and his good-natured And cAnd f1 over-all majority. The general trend of results In this riding are c to a large extent similar to those" of Skldegate 1 the 1935 elecUon and surprises wereiPort Clements 6 " few. Oeorge Weaver, the C.C.F. Telkwa 23 candidate, was second man. Evidently. George Cameron, the National Government candidate, has lost his deposit as did the Conservative candidate in the last election. ' Frank Morris, running as an Inde pendent Liberal, was not a serious factor. He received only nineteen Usk 17 votes' ln Prince Rupert but at Ocean Copper City .... 8 Falls was given 42 votes. Terrace, which Is his home and where nineteen people went on his nomination papers, gave him only seven votes. Hazelton 12 Big Bay 4 Tlell Port E dward Port Simpson Remo .. Pacific Some Members Of Crew Not Reported 22 ready to admit that all were aiming! " T" 38 at the.best interests of Canada. A! NN' Marc announced today that- for the C.CJ-. It would never des-,"11" Gean aircraft were shot 27 to'V pair " even If people were unable .... Hnwn in fnmoc vecrorn n v n rrm u agree uoon what was ln their best " , ' " , 4 2 5 7 6 30 wait with Royal Air Force planes Metz on the western front. One British plane was also down ed in battle but the pilot para- . i rVintjrt tn safptv. was an lorr . .TT. : . . . ine uriusn tanicer uagnestan, 1 5,742 tons, is reported to have sunk on Sunday from undisclosed ada, undoubtedly, faced difflculUes buthebelievedthatallpartleswere1- B1 150 ,5teamsHn,P out to do what they considered to.CaT'' 6'5I t0?S' " V!r?U! I be for the welfare of the country. 14 Mr. Weaver wished to comment on 34 the exceptionally clean campaign 9 UH. !-.J 1 v, xti,u-, and It Is feared that she and her crew of 40 are lost. Thirty-six survivors of the British ship Ros-sington Court, 6,922 tons, rammed 1H Anything "anc on March 13. dirty or disreputable hav- ""V;: The The Italian Italian steamship steamship 1 I ..1..aJ jh 4V.A nnmnq An i " lO Ut? UollalllCU Ul utt vamu. The disposition which had been Balbo, was damaged ln colli sion with an unidentified Danish ship off the southeast coast. The Netherlands coasting vessel, Saba, 400 tons, a week; overdue from Amsterdam, Is feared lost with crew of seven. An Amster- Mi.na1BHM.Hv.' ronnrt rt saM said thP NorwPfrian iu. ..MJUvn nnrl ntr Ae tn v f " ---- indication of that spirit of unity which was so much to be desliPd. He was appreciative of the honor of re-election and also of the res- 8 ponslbllity of office. Without the 20 pn.nnpratlon of the neoDle of the freighter Cometa and sunk at the British, contra band control base at Kirkwall. Mrs. Hawthorne Dunn of Cordova Mines, Ontario, arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning for a visit with" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Krlkevsky. She has been visiting with her husband at Rossland with Mr. arid Mr. Q. W, Dunn.