PAG1 TWO Extra Special clearance sale Broken Line 'Now is your opportunity to take advantage of our many super bargains in short end lines. While They Last Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BBITISU COLUMBIA Published Erery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion Local Readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and CircuIaUon Telephone News Department Telephone . SUBSCRIPTION KATES City Deilvery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance . Paid in Advance, per month By Mail to all other countries, per year PMLY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 98 86 By Mall to all parts cf British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance across the River Luce. 3i)0 In The Record THT DAILY NT5C? Canada's War Chiefs BRIGADIER KENNETH STUART Deputy Chief of the General Staff By KEN CLARK, Canadian Press Staff Writer i Copyright, 1940. by The Canadian Press i In a wide, bare office at National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa, Brigadier Kenneth Stuart holds down one of the biggest jobs in Canada's expanding armv. He's Deputy Chiei of tne General Staff. That means'that, if ior any 1 eaton tne Chief of Staff Maj.-uen. H. L). G. Crer-aris unable to discoarge his duties on the spot, then Brig. Stuart would be in cemmana. To pat it miieiy it is a most Important precU TjW mmxrJ rL .. do 001 uk civilian hero wwap .! J I .v. f! .u i hysteria and t,b reaiiy. as thi ficult man to see. But every day he is at his desk, much of th time in his khaki shirt sleeves. He wiars a -pair of light, horn- a uiu oa. of line even to see the press. On the other 'hand the brigadier has a sort of Journalistic vie. He SATS hp IjC mrtro nmiH nf life umrV rimmed spectacles. He has a neat, th words than anything else. In graying military moustache Some- 192o he became editor Qt e Cana. times be smokes, his cigarette dlan tenc. Quarterly and did package lying precisely on his on unm thc cleared desk. Sometimes he writes war Droke mL in a round vertical hand and he otherwise he. was commandant numbers each paragraph 1 2 3. at vimta The deputy chief of staff U a Kingston. OnUrla With hta It's lean, spare kiitf of a man. with a a business-war. It runs in the pleasant voice and an easy man- ramly. jt December the Brlga-ner. an engineer, a professional son. V. C. Stuart, graduated soldier, now middU-aged. who was Irom R &L the briga- born at Three Rivers. Quebec. atr recently , t nU pS S i9""0":! as a officer .7? , J Ryal Canadian Air Force. fallen. Royal Canadian Engineers. particular stuarts were J around Vlmy Ridge and at Passch- mostly ffor S .25 endael The nexf vear at a "l?c- RHrtir-. . iu., called Hangard Wood the Cana- S&f- !dians were advrncln nnd-r whx ers. Before famUy ed the official records del'catelycaU ta for Jofl UJJJ ,5)0 "heavy shelUin." nd Oolong Stu-' grandfathers and greattgrand! smart's outfit had to nut a brMse -., j lauiers were army men. d .. t .... , Before attending M. c., the brigadier went;, to Bishop's Col- -' ine cemmanain oiucer per- 'sc omwi ai icnnuivuie, wueDec. jscnallv suoenrlssd th'.s operation. H was commissioned in the Royal bib W TUB U.n.lOL PKF.MS j . rmMI.. r- i , ... TU CctlUn Pit U txlui.l7 UUM u. u- !oi republlc.lkxi of H 'C cllc,5U recorQ sys- ana Ve -""-" 6cc, u. rfune, er4yd o to Auocuted PreM to thu paper ni tiso tt 'act that field guns wer? able to and proceedjtQ the school of WJxEa rSn u tptcU aBpecb. therein ,j rTs ,fro" ,he WA''! Ur hours after Mlutary EngSjeering at Chatham, ' . 1 - zero the time they gave the word England. 4 Thursday, September 12, 1940. .. HEXP BV PROVIDING ROOM OR FLAT to to) "largely contributed to the He remained there for two years success" of the o-eraUon. ber of people have made small alterations in order to con- route for artillery under heaw vert then horae3 or other buildings into flats. If one -iifirc" the record reads but, if hundred people would make room for only one couple or hw '7 about small famih the present shortaeo of houses would riot be .and served about nine For this sort of thlns over a.wh.the 1st Division (Brit period of years the Brfttadlerfgotldershot lie went oversea; in the Distinguished Service Order .command. of-Jry 1st Army Troop 'Cob months ltlsh) at People who are living in a large house only part of the Military Cross. A counl. 'Company. Royal Canadian which they We using, mieht help out the situation just 's j1 was ""i!? drw 'ffiw5MT?efaT?1,ded , . jP b' 7 the patches "for conhtent good workJth Field Company and then En- thf now by renting a room or so to soldiers living m city antl dPTOt, to duty eecond m of the 7tb who wish to bring their wive3 to Prince Rupert. A nunr -pewonaiiv reronnoitrAd th Battalion. After the War he was stationed as a permanent force officer at Winnipeg, Calgary and Quebec un-Ul in 1925 he went to the staff college at Camberley, England. felt as acutely as it IS today. A few aro puilamj h-0ltSS whre h works now U nlre and' On his return he was stationed but most people are unable to do that It is too much of an enort. In Britain the people are taking strange children into their homes and caring for those injured or deprived of homes by the air raids. Here we have no such troubles. The soldiers are fighting this war for us and we can make life a lot more plcawuit for some of them if we trv to house their wives here instead of compelling them to remain in the south. The men are ready to pav but just how there are nd rooms available. FOR SALE - Helntzman plane i,,,tee whe war broke out and m bedroom suites and household INVASION COMING furniture. Phone Armour. 78. tf. It is evident that Prime Minister Churchill believes for sale cary safe. Price tso. an attempt will be made to invade Britain soon. It is also Daily News. tf. evident tnat he w pi tpated to resist any such invasion. A for sale-4 '"room' cottage just large part of the country is under arms and the country is off nth Ave. $500. with furni-aroused as never before, Every old bluncerbus in Jic t 550- h. a. Heigerson. 2i6) country is being polished up against possibility of an in- for sale-5 rooms and bath. 317 Vasion. 8th Ave. West. (218) nnlA" th! T I A1"1131" Wflr WH1 bC CaLP FOR SALE 01" Chesterfield only by soiuiers but by every man, woman and child in the suite and other articles. 2225 At-country. Lads just out fi'6m school will be ready. Women lln Avenue. (217) are armed in manv communities and it will be a diffiwiH. job for a parachutist to land in any part of the country, all-in war, a real war for freedom, PERSONAL HYGIENE AND SANITARY SUPPLIES for men and women. Write for latest price list, and receive Free Novelty premium The British now look upon themselves as the liberal-j JS "5SSS ZS, "!S S' ors of the world. Everything depends upon them. They Vancouver,, b. a s. 15) and New Zealand but also for the United States and for r albiiS conquered Europe. Never before has there been1 such a war, never such an ideal. Fighting in such a cause lends steel to the muscles; determination to the mind, spirit to the whole being. Many in this country would esteem it a great privilege to be in such company. A NEW WEAPON While Hitler and his arch-liar friend, Dr. Goebbels, tablets. Contain tonics, stimulants, oysters elements aids ta normal pep. If not delighted with results first package, maker refund! low price. Call, write McCutcheon's and all other good drug stores. WANTED have been talking about using a new weapon in their at- wanted small safe; state attacks upon Britain, the British people have been saying Box .on t7elht anU makeoti? little but working hard and have evolved a new and ef- Dar ! fective form of attack. At this time of year many of the domestic help wanted. Elderly German forests are dry and ignite easily. The new weapon TS!L9US not phon is effective in setting these ablaze and exposing many pluVl8:, ii? rlnmno PHP IffcXTI, m victoria as District Engineering Officer and went to Ottawa as Assistant Director of Military Intel ligence in 1929. He stayed fou-.years at Defence Headquarters, j Then the Brigadier went to R. M. C as second in command, remained in that Job for five year? and came back to Defence Head- .ouarters on the General Staff as Director of Military Ooeration' and Intelligence. He held this of October 15 he was sent back to R M. C. as commandant. Last July 6 he was appointed Deputy Chief of the General Staff But there is nothing Colonel Blimp about the brigadier. Rather it Is reassuring to visit headquarters and observe the professional atti tude of this professional soldier who has sufficient humor and pliability to understand it might be advantageous if the general public learns Indirectly something about who is conducting operations. to Washington, because of his ac tlvlty in attempting to cripple Am erican plants making war supplies for the Allies. COST IS SMALL Be sure you telephone 98 if you- wish the Dally News de- llvered regularly at your home or place of business. The price 1 11 1 i l. ' mi 1 .j ' I. 1 1 is only 50c a month. 1 Vi iilia IB au"lc,-,UIiy FOR RENT Bedroom in . , . , , uu, S"' private of which the Hitlerites had not dreamed. house. 447 sth West, Canada At War 25 Years Ago September 12, 1915 United State? requested recall of Dr. Constantln 0?nTHIS BALANCED BREAKFAST British Air Ministry Thinks Ger-mans Will Repeat on False News Mongering By D. E. BL'RRITT 1 KEEPS ME FIT "WfcoU gram cfMh," or clowxj M oa of lW Mmfe! "prots,-fooA, by Hi Corof Mdical AjkxxiIkhi. NabUcs Skrtddtd Vrti it "wHol. grai mftoT it a 100 pvft ahol. wKot w it, .j dtKuoot form. Tro Noboca SHiJfef Wkot wftk riltt on J frj, contoia ao km tfcoa gM itot fixxl voU,: TkrM Vrtaauit A, , C), lro. Cslciwa. Pkotpkorvt, Protautt and Car bohydrotM. . . tvrit, font mataaca (Joily ilfc Ait prttr tU vtiaot t I "lp Cl to do yoor bit." THE CANADIAN ttaiOOtO WMtAT COMTAMT, ITO. Hifn rafe. Caaaaa IM,I.l.talWLl,iiI,B.l1rilLl;1IiI,lilI1IiBnl-I,fciI-TTJ I 'F I'l'll IT" VI M 1 l l'ir i III T IM BROADCAST n dc if the story had been genu- of the Dominion airm. g me " tc tell how badly he . cu-pei 1 he spokesman added: one which occurs uatuis. XT p Dl?f There are too very stril Ylljj jjljlilj poinU about the story. First, striking Nazi mind." am an The broadcast was expe-t i to attempt is made to suggest that the spokesman to be the prelude a Britain Is careless of the lives of a similar series in an e'. r' tatter sons from the Dominions and botage the Empire scheme I sends them out in antiquated ma- chines without protective equipment. This is a vile libel, as hun- FOR HEALTHIER INDIA Idreds of Canadians can testify; ::n it will be thousands. TEHERAN, India, Sept 13 (CP Canadian Press Stan writer -.v0 aircraft could even take off With the modern icientifL m!s. LONDON, Sept. 12: (CP) For from a British airdrome without ment under experts. India Pasttar the benefit of relaUves of Canad- parachutes, and no one Is prouder Institute now prepares sena ians serving In the Royal Air Force, t ni$ aircraft than the Canadian agalnjt rabies, smallpox, typhis an official of the Air Ministry u3t. But no doubt the idea that and diphtheria, all scourges of I branded as "laise ana malicious a the British staff mieht h afraid dia. German broadcast purportlngjlo i record the death of for Canadian - - - airmen. The broadcast, made to America ugust 22, was believed by officials o have been a "vile" attempt to mpress youths now enrolled under '.he Empire Air Training Scheme. "But." said a ministry spokesman, 'If there still Is anyone who does ict realize the depths of foulness o which the Nazi propaganda ma-' :hine is descending this example, nay convince him." 1 Picturing Canadians as flying an, tntlquated machine and paid a ; remluro to fight without para-' 'hutes and other essential equlp-nent, the Nazi report told of the! ' 'death of four Canadians" which a German announcer said had been , brought down In a Bristol Blen-. Veim by German anti-aircraft guns a France. Ordinarily, the ministry would lave ignored the broadcast as rou- 'ine propaganda but a spokesman aid officials had taken into consideration the feelings of parents of 11 Canadian fliers and wanted to usure. them that the entire broad-, cast was false. "Now, .first of all," said the I ipokesman, "It 1$ quite definite that h whole story is imaginary. No Blenheim manned by Canadians has crashed in France. In fact, Canadians In Britain do not use llenheim planes at all." No Names Given Failure of the Germans to name the Canadians was described by the spokesman as another weakness of the report. He said it would have been "The easiest thing in the world For Ladles and Gentlemen's TAILORING Experience Oldest Tailor In Town 2 M. T. LEE Quality Dumba, Austrian-Hungarian envoy j Cleaning, mi ...... Preslng, 0, "vf.uu., Repairing Our Famou Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain HEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 jmd 559 J 3dAv. Phone Green 960 P.0.975 J Magnificent Quality Consistently Maintained Haig 8c Haig 9Ive 9?ar THE OLDEST NAME IN SCOTCH CIST1UEO, BUNDED AND BOTTttO IN SCOTIAND 26H ol $3.75 aaaaaaaflaam aaaaaaaBZ' I This advertisement is not published pt displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD SmokedDaily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. (Meet Her in a Meter ab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 Can Ride for Price of One