'! f PAGE TWO Tango Pumps New shipment of Hlack Kid, Brown Kid and Hlue Kid in sizes to AAA to 0 widths, just arrived. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes MAKE YOUR FUEL DOLLAR STRETCH And YOUR FUEL BILL SHRINK Buy Bulkley Valley Coal The Economy Coal Night or Day PHONE 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Fleated Cars February Clearance Sale ALL LADIE'S COATS Half Price WALLACE'S MacKenzie's Furniture BLANKETS All wool, while and grey Flannelette Sheets Per pair Our Famou$ Edstm Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 2.50, S3.00, $3.50 Phone 775 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Ra(es 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 r.O. Box 191 Malkins Boost Bowling Lead Defeated I). I). S. and T. O .Night in Five Pin League lows: MALKINS Landeis Stegavig Skinner Connell - 942 979 921 D. S. O. It P. O. Leah 115 181 Dvkloa ... 73 74 1" Morrison 218 1JW m Graham 168 145 267 Wishart 127 172 HK Low Score J22 Handicap 160 160 169 , Malkins ,Wrtm Oil i n T)S f TO Fixture .... 156 170 ... 159 160 Withers 167 Handicap Per lb. 130 870 TV.. ii l imcuc surname: IS 10 0 8 99 1S8 171 186 130 LINZEY DAVIES PHONES 585 586 Butter 1st grade. Qs 3 lbs. &OK, Aylmer Vegetable A XUU Soup-Per tin Cut Green Bean Per tin Niblet Corn 2 tins Wild Rose Flour-Pastry, per sack KIU Biscuit! 2 pkgs. 40c 10c Toilet Soap Colgate. OCn 6 for . T Quaker Oat Large f Qp size Purity L. tc D. Tea Per lb. Cream Cheese 2-lb. pkg. $1.85 55c 55c 25c 154 142 40c 35c Sandwich Biscuits &0 9p Fresh, per lb Shaker 'Peaches Per tin 9c 15c Try Our Fresh O round COFFEE 122 234 139 130 931 944 ft 8 i 13 Stock Taking Sale All FURS At Goldbloo 9 ms 25 Off Take advantage of the low Prices to buy now W. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" 10 "I 8 THE DAILY NEWS SPORT GHAT With Sonny Beyaon. the Oil shamshooter. as coach. ,ASt'the local intermediate basketball oieam sponsored by Ben's Newstand wTO nav i vfett f Port Klmiwm. SeatUe 15 MARCH 15 to 23 15 112 105 16 86 106 19 106 113 ! Surprise Shower For Miss Gemmell i Mr, i, P. Moller Ilostest at Be-lightful Affair Uut Night A surprise slower u held on They will leave Friday night, ac- .... - v MnH . nnn AT Malkins further extended iheL- comparted by a large J1"'' ?.i Myrtle Oemmell. Those pjfent. be-margin of readership In the nvelsurtm- M haU.,tlmerEf V, lde the hortmiand brWe-elect. Pin Bawling League hut nhc by.iU ve an exhibiUon of skating , wf MnL p j. Gesuby. MK. Len scortn a" two games to one V-j v , Sandvor. Mrs. J. 0?en. Mrs. W. tory over D. D. S. and T. O.. high! Mnrint t nniTlfTC Kyle. Mrs. J. Jormttsen. Mrs. t. averaie trorer for the evcainc log Jobir Connell of Malfcis with J Mr W. Bashroai, Mrs. R. I VanderSluys. Mrs. H. Uoderdahl. MO. Home Oil and Bankers will , xhf 1. .tandine to date: ! Mi M MacDonald. Miss F. OlUlx iwi meir iixutre at a ier aaie Vancouver 20 Individual soorinc vm as fol-1 Portland . Is 42 and Miss E. Okke. 35 33 Try a Classified Atrmtteement THE NORTH'S FAVOURITE BEER 5TILL P FAVORITE! Plioenlt F.ipwl l lieer (tf rare iltolinrlHin. hear Frum mny Northern Mnrer. Since 1 lrew Ila lrarllnl rlli a rre l llrilMi (ttiinl.la,i rual. To iimrli a lliirl ur So frl a cae ln.la . Iea It'a lieller PHOEniX EXPORT J.RGER BEER i man) c 9JB' M m L I This alveru-- ! it- is i. .i i.iil.Ii-1. ii ! i l:i f.i l.v ine I.irjuor Control Hoard or by the 'jOvc:niut..t .ji British Lnlumbu. USED FURNITURE Axminster Scattered Ru. 27x51 X2.05. Wilton Scattered Rug. 37 x 54 $3.95. Kitchen Stool 95c. Extension fable. Balfet and 5 Upholstered Chairs to match. 7-plece outfit $37.50. Extemton Table and 6 Diner Chairs $1750. chesterfield, converts to a bed $3950 Walnut finished bed with centre panel, coll spring and (alt mattress, complete $15.00. Quebec brick-lined lter $i0. Monarch Range for burning coal or wood $31.00. ODD ARTICLES Pair Tube Skates and Shoes, size 3 $2.95. Pair Tube Skates and Shoes, size 8 $255. Eastman Kodak, size 110 $4.65. Cyma Watch. 7 jewels $650. Double Barrel Hamraerless Shot Gun. 12 guage $20 00. Stanley Mitre Box and Saw $550. Single Bitted Axe 95c Hunting Knife 95c. 3-gallon Crock 95c. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Oreen 916 Store Hoars 8:30 a.m. (o 5:30 p.m. ' asper .... Edmonton Calfary Reglna Sasttatoon Winnipeg , Porf Arthur ... $16.30 2155 2SJ5 31X0 270 33.20 42.75 THIRD AVENUE RETURN FARES FROM PltlNE RUPERT 30-Day Return Lfmlt lo S19i5 28 45 31.75 28.65 34.10 40.G0 52.25 $2355 31.15 37.5 45.65 4U 47.93 Springtime In the Rockies Klopotrrf allowed at all Hilnl rn rnule, f.le yoixurlf an rtlra treat wltli i inVAty In .llie inminlalii pla?tniinIa, either SihK or rt lnrnln'. The (ilral aeaioii for tkling llic mow 1 animtth ami fast. I'rnfHtrliotmtrly Ixncer Vires from Interior Poind Cl.il.lrrn S Vrara ainl VoAtr 12, Hall' Fare. CANADIAN NATIONAL V-17-40 Save WITH WESTMINSTER 1 ii -. j . & W'l' ITfj -JL -s iw JUm aJ.al m-Hi tjr WM-aTICO. IT'S WISE TO BE THRIFTY! Coal! Coal! Coal! Wrier L- drecAifi77f.)p&&Mx i rindyour II ( i needs rfillirraA i . i I it n inn Tt I FfiotluILs Kulkicy alley Nanairna-Ucllinfjoi We are equipped l nryi any af thev roaH rrmj0. rarrfutlr crfene4 u4 (radrtl U Mit Thonet LjV -O Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans 1'acui in Vancocver via Ocean Falls sm! W; T S3. PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Ever) Fr.d... To Vanrouver Direct 88 "PRINCESS LOUISE" Feb 15th. 26th. Mar !: Winter Eicurslon Fare Vancouver and lleturn Tlrlteu on Sale to February 291 h r t0 Rrturn Llmlt-Marrh 31st 1-4 Connections at Vancouver with t'ajuidtan Pa r TitkrU and Itrxemtiont From W. I.. TOATES. Orncral Arenl Prlnre IttHXTtlt Select Your EASTER CARDS NOW ; A complete ranjjc of beautiful ami appropriate cards for Kaster lie-. member all your friends and ac-' rjuainfanccs with an Raster (Ireet-Tnff of cheer and inspiration. From 2 for 5c and Up St. Patrick's Day Cards Also On Display It'a interesting to know when reading the Daily that the people of the whole district are dointf the