f '4 we city. EYES I ieencee f or Numounts Fnll-Tur r amts, The Newest in Eye-Wear Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelcry Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Tisit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties j - SCHOOL SHOES Headquarters For I Ti n t n f i Shoe Store E T W 9 FOR GROWING GIRLS Style leaders that give longer wear. Sizes 3 to 8. From Up 2-45 CIIILDS AND MISSES A full line of patents and leathers. Moderately priced. FOR BOYS and YOUTHS School boots and oxfords. Sturdy build. Up From 2-75 RUBBERS AND BOOTS TOO SCHOOL CASES THE CUT-RATE 1 1 SHOE STORE 1 THIRD AVENUE I Mail Orders B. C: Furniture Co. AND CLOTHING Thrifty Mothers: inc nupcii 111 C II d and Boys Store BOY'S SUITS With Long Trousers 89-95 SPECIAL Styled Just like dads. A complete stock of all sizes. Large varied assortment of colors and patterns. Materials that stand hard wear. Values to $14. In black or brown SI Each with lock and key. RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE SIXTH STREET Promptly Filled THIRD AVENDE U.C. antlilers Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DA J R PHONI 51 New & Used Furniture 1 RMAL.TYPEWKnEU 22.00 1 MONARCH TYPEWRITER $24 00 t RECONDITIONED KITCHEN RANGES For coal & wood, from 28.00 10 39.00 2 1-DAY SESSIONS CHIME CLOCKS Qfk QC . Special JJtf.aJD ENAMELLED STEEL BEDS Q O ff A to Of I ff A Complete, from ?1.DU 14.011 New Furniture 80 MATTRESSES Of felt and pure white cotton, In all sizes from 7.50 10 22,95 j'-i 4 JxTONE ENAMEL KITCHEN RANGES For coal and wood In i S65.00 t0 94.50 ; lfi SITlbV COUCHirsii'Can ba made lhto dtlublejbed, single bed or two single becis. In thegatest pattern! and colors, From-t I 36.50 99.00 24 3-piece. CHESTERFIELD SUITES-In rust, wine, green, red, mahogany, brown, very solidly built and guranteed satisfaction. From 75.00 t0 104.00 Phon BLACK 321 Nut lor to J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. EYES It you have suim-thing to sell, a classifiec advertisement in .this papar will soon let you know if there is a buyer in RED CROSS DOES WELL Numerous Articles Sent Forward From Local Workroom During July And August . During the months of June and (July a total of 1755 articles were shipped from the workroom of the jPrince Rupert branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society, a record which it Is felt reflects credit .on the workers of the local organization and its branches. The total included 1057 articles of hospital supplies, 380 knitted articles and 298 articles for refugees. Report to this effect has been made by Mrs. J. D. Fraser, acting chairman of the Red Cross workroom committee. MECHANIZED CRIME WASHINGTON, Sept. 3: (CP) Mrs. Anna Terry reported that a youth on a bicycle snatched her ' I purse with a hooked stick as he pedalled past her Ei- : - OHIO FOK SALE FOR SALE Helntzman piano. 344 6th Ave. East. t207) FOR SALE Armour house, 4th Ave. West. 7 room house, fairly modem, fine heating plant, fireplace, newly painted, first class condition. Garage. Immediate ' possession $5000 on terms. H. O, Helgerson Ltd. (210) . ; - - i i i i M i FOR SALE 512 Tatlow St. near 5th Ave, 5 room house witb ' basement, 2 bedrooms. Excellent condition, fully modern with new piling. Possession September 15. $2000. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. ' (210) FOR SALE House near church on Dunsmuir with living room, dining room, fireplace, 2 large bedrooms, kitchen, pantry, and bathroom. New modern sink.) concrete piers and good base-i ment. Immediate possession', 3uuu, nan casn. h. q. Helgerson, Ltd. (209) FCiR. RALRftnan. lAtpjst mnrfpl !.li40-4i, General Electric 5-tube mantleradio,: jJlack ?78 (208) ; JIT" ',' J '- '. . I w J ' rarcirENE. and . SANtraitJp-: FLIE3 for men and women.) Write- for latest price lisW and receive Free Novelty premium.' Buy confidentially by mail andi save. Western Supply, Box 667, Vancouver, 0. C. (S. 15) ' MEN of 30, 40, 501 VIM, PEP, VI- ' GOR Subnormal? Try Ostres tablets. Contain tonics, stlmu-fj. lants, oysters elements, aids toy normal pep. If not delighted with results first package, maker refunds low- price. Call, write McCutcheon'' and all other good drug stores. scnoOLS '& colleges! CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT' EXAMINATION for Clerks 'an-' .bounced. Open to all. Applications ' ; td reach Ottawa by Sept. 15. ..Our advice, has helped hundreds ob-'taln Civil Service positions as . Clerks, Postmen, Customs Examiners, etc. Free booklet on request. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Wln-ncpe'g. Oldest In Canada. Nc Agents. all ! MAT.E HET WANTED ' WANTED Man with driver's lic ence. Experienced In dalrywork! desirable. Valentin Dairy. (209) j HELP WANTED, MALE Reliable J man for night work. Knox Hotel, f (209) WANTED WANTED Capable woman to live In and care for 3 school children for two weeks. Phone 762. (208) HOLIDAYS Book1 Your Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAYCAMP Now Also for Fall reticulars Write MRS. DUNN MassetL Queen Charlotte Is. ' . B.C. Tffli DXJDt KUfi Gotham Warming British Forces H ew york Cronp BnST Providing Bnndles For Soidiers, Seamen And Alraen NEW YORK, Sept. 3: CP A big map of the United Slates, stuck with 125 colored' pins in alt sections of the country, hangs on the wall 0f the room overlooking fashionable Park Avenue, where rich and poor will come together with a common bond of wanting to help Britain. The room is the headquarters of "Bundles for Britain," the colored pins doclxte other offices which have mushroomed from an idea by Mrs. Wales Latham, who asked Prime Minister Churchill how she could help and got an answer telling of the need for warm clothes for Britain's soldiers, sailors and airmen. Rich and poor alike have been doing their bit for Mrs. Latham's organization untU now her headquarters present a crossroads of "New York Society. Nina Van Vech-'ten, a debutante, sorty wool next to the wife of a travelling sales-jman knitting a sweater. A woman on relief wraps packages besides a richly-clad woman fashioning a ipair of socks that will go to a British sailor. More than 1,000 letters a day come into the headquarters. One day there was a cheque for $1,000 the life savings of an English Butler In Long Mand, and another simply expressing appreciation for "Your admirable organization and ,the great good will towards this country of which your supplies are speaking testimony." That letter bore the crest of Buckingham Palace. It was from yueen Elizabeth. 1' .ZJjL 1 Now, Who Believes John Bull's Slow? Elxht Year Construction Job Is Rushed To Completion In Less Than Two Years LONDON, Sept. 3: (CP) Here Is an example o how the war effort has been speeded up In Great Britain. A contract for erection of a fac tory In the west of England for .production of government stores was given to a big building firm 'in April, 1939.The contract called I for completion of the job in eight jyears April, 1947. Three weeks after the war start-Jed the contract was sub-let to government contractors. Men be-!gan work almost as soon as the contract was signed and produc- tlon was scheduled to begin dur-jlng the first week 0f August with i the whole Job scheduled to be jcomDleted by February, 1941 more than six years ahead of time. Dally adverttmn m cae Dalb News Is sure to bring dally results. Hold p flIn these fateful days, we must hold Funeral Of Edgar Hudson Of Kitselas KITSELAS. Sept. 3: On Thursday last Rev. Mr. Rowland of Terrace conducted the funeral service for Edgard Hudson who had passed away earlier in the week. He was the 20-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson. A short service was held at the home of the deceased before the funeral cortege proceeded to the' church. Interment took place In the native graveyard' at Kitselas. The pallbearers were Albert Mc-I Kenzie. John Cecil, Eddie Bennett Roy Bolton and Carl Bolton. Besides his parents and two sis ters, many other relatives and, friends mourn the passing of this popular young member of the community. (Former Local Man If Ta MovmaJI id iu nc mauicu In Vancouver Soon I Engagement Announced Of Reld V McLennan to Miss Laura Grace .. Bragg of Vancouver A number of local (rlcnds of Reid Lewis McLennan have received cards announcing his engagement to Miss Laura Grace Bragg, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bragg of Vancouver. The marriage will take place September 11 in St. Paul's Anglican Church with Misses Elizabeth and Edith Bragg attending their sister. James Abbot Is to be best man and Harold King and Joseph Bragg ushers. A reception will follow the wedding at Shaugh-nessy Oolf Club. Fast fast to all our cherished Toesday.sept, love of democracy and liberty - arid our firm faith in Canada. This is a time for cool heads, for resolute courage, for unity of purpose -a time when every loyal Canadian will do his or her part in the fight for freedom. It is important, too, that you hold fast to your life insurance for the security of yourself and your family. For today, millions of life insur- once dollars, invested in war loans, are helping ' our Government to provide the trained men, equipment, and armaments so wgently needed for the I successful prosecution of the war. Despite wars, epidemicsfand panics, . life insurance has weathered every storm in the past hnndyed years. f It is good citizenship to own "1. 1?" mtc in&ttiance HJ.MIillT i.j ii-.... . 2 Show. .,, V1,M, j;ua ,. . RAY MILLAND LORETTA YOUNG In "The" Doctor Takes A Witf With GAIL FATMCK (At 7:31 and 949) ADDED "Screen Snapshots Cartoon. "Jitterbuj Xiihtf Sport following the Hoandj' GREAT RACER DFAn Manfred, one 0f the greater r norses ever ored m Ai -;XiJ, J r . . . ilrr. Manfrrl .. . Viim-. 1 , . ' v V. ...1.1..: j yji '600 while his off. r i ... as winners of 553 rai-- j and &! vaiuea at $453,380 " maijuuc oni' It the bi school tsarhlnp vf .f the city on the Ca a: a wtRt morning after speeding the Z mer vacation in the :utb ot, were Miss Irene Mitih'i . ... .-j.. M Mary Easthope. nve thouinnG rv people read the Daily Men. 1 pays Jo let them tnow whlr w . . .. nave u ieu. ! ideals-i our