AOK THRW Lumber in Carnival Hangovers School . a iotr1 rtf t.hp fart, that iho nnmhn. . i th Prlnr Rnnprt frVrhv tto-Pthor m-uh tk 111 tl 'Kt 15 HI ltv" -' i v..v n UiC . a. i ilNWf. Iiova viavop Kaoii rnV1 1 tVt cA rt- il. ' 1 .".. nnhiir. these were as follows: U1 .u 01 r Ticket Holder Vni Norman A- Watty t....... Tommy n.-. - tcond Horse. bird Horse, W. Drake;-Tr..- i starters 1, J 2, oeorgle Brooksbank 3, 0, B. Church .', 4 n, W Inch -NET CASil I Books- Ink paper. 8 !5cr4 for 25c, 2 for 25c, 50c lltrt- Pencil paper, plain isi. 5c each, 6 for 25c l Pfncils I Canadian ippedl J for 10 c iciat drawing 5c is ikool Paints Box, ! brash S5c ffinftbes 5c, 10c, 15c lint Books 5c, 10c, 15c . 10c flios Ink 15d las 5 to 25c m Protractors and 'Set i'r Each JOc iMeasure Compass . 15c Sharp Ttnclls IRtfils 5c, 10c,j 15c 10 c 5c,l6c 25c 5c, 15c Ticket Number 1252 1528 689 McLaughlin 250 - 660 - 1739 w - 2043 J. Hewitt .! 389 0n-Starters-l, 2, A. McDermld - - ., 461 3 Mrs W. Barton 1962 4, F Warne, -Jj -r-. 1775 5 Elmer Perkins 1516 e! Mrs. G. Rodger f 1980 7 James Conrad .n. 395 8, Mrs. L. Randall 1705 Postage Extra Cash With Order Wxufim.Jk Headquarters for Text Books and Stationery rencil Boxes 10c School Bags Best values. 75c to $3.50 School Suit Cases 16-lnch English make $1.75 Science Exercise Books-Hard covers 40c and 50c Loose Leaf Books Complete 15c, 20c 25c Itefils 3 pkgs 25c Waterman's "In ...1. ., ... if Schaefer's Script 10c and MacLean Penholders 10c MacLean's Nibs Pkg. 5c MacLean .Pads 15c Music Dictation Books 10c Scrap Bookg 15c Graph Books 15c Home Work Note Books 5c Loose Leaf Reinforcements 10c Fountain Pens, 50c, $1.00, up Blotters Pkg. 5c Complete Line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. TIIONE 117 (RUPERT BRAND" Hnperi Smoked LACK COD Smoked Daily madian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. BrltUB Columbia U you low anytliing. advertise lor it I LOCAL NEWS NOTES j i Prince Rupert Legion Defence Corps. Parade at Armory tonight 8 p.m. (207) Mr. P. W. Hart sailed Saturday night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Mlss Florence Johnston returned to the city on the Catala yesterday morning from a brief trip to Vancouver ' on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hill-Tout returned to the city on the Catala yesterday morning following a va cation trip to Vancouver. Walter Ferguson of the school teaching staff returned morning after spending the summer vacation In Vancouver. CARD OP THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson of Kitselas wish to thank the people of the village and Mrs. Sampare of Kltwanga for the many beau tiful floral tributes and help and sympathy at the time f their recent sad bereavement In the los3 of their son Edgar. LANI KEfSISTKV ACT NOTICE tin rrrllflratc of Tltl No. 14S3-F to the rt Half of thp North-Vtj liiiarifr or rwiion at. iownnip '.itViA James 8. toynes, rap3tlvely has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby elven that I shall at the expiration of me mrwvth from 'the date of the first Jean MacLean A.T.C.M. and Ruth Nelson A.T.CJVI. Announce the Opening of PRIVATE and CLASS TUITION in PIANO and THEORY Commencing September 1 Thone Green 83S or Green 403 Studio In Federal Block NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Froprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot tt Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phono 281 T.O. 1 ELSIE F. HEAPS A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory Experienced in all Grades. A.T.C.M. Successes. Special Training In Beginner's Class Work phone BLUE 997 Classes Open September 3rd Kindergarten Rc-Opcning Wednesday, September 4th ST. ANDREW'S MISSION 6th & Tallow Phone Blue 997 Start saving for the next depression, call 32 Taxi. (206) Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Cheesemah returned to the city on the Catala yesterday morning after spending the summer vacation In Victoria. Mm. Charles Ellison la salllne! Mrs". Neal M. Carter ana ons re- this evening on the Catala for a turned to the city on the Catala visit to Vancouver. yesterday morning alter a visu at Mrs. Carter's home at Keremeos. No meters to worry you, nothing up our sleeves. Call 32 Taxi. Its us S. O. N. Meeting Thursaay, a p. that stand to lose. (206) m., Oddfellows' Hall. Followed by dance at 10:30. Excellent music. Refreshments Everybody-welcome. We may not make any money But we have a lota fun. , (208) Call 32 Taxi, five for the price of one. (206) If Mr. Ranee Place wishes to ob tain the ham he won at the recent J. a. Johns returned tn the cltv carnival but lorgot to iase norne, on the Catala yesterday morning! he should enquire at Kaien Hard from a trip to Vancouver. He was ware. accompanied by his son David. (207) Mr. and Mrs. Alex Strachan and .'famllv. who have been on:fl vaca tala yesterday morning. Hugh Burbahk, son of Major M. A. Burbank, sailed by the Prince return to school at Vancouver afteri spending the summer here. Prince Rupert Saturday evening on . his return to Vancouver after,' spending a couple of weeks here on ' company business. I rate of Tin No. 1121-f to tw Et morning. She spent part of the Half of the North-Wext jnarter of '-,.. summer vnpaMnn vacation vlsltlnff visiting in in Los bos Sei-tlon 33. Townnhlp 2, Krange 4, C'out District WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Ortlflct of Title te-niMt In tha name of Enoch Moore and Miss S. A, Mills, principal of Borden Street School, was amongl jlocal school teachers returning to. city on the Catala Monday Angeles with her mother. Nell Ross, who has been here during the past summer as director of Gyro Supervised playgrounds, sail ed by the" Prince Rupert yestefday publication hereof, tasue Provlslontl afternoon Certificate on nut m wu tu buju , . .... . . . i M TV, mi n t lOHt UTT.H UB.l. Ulliw time valid objection Is made to me In wrltim?. DATED at the tand Reglatiy Office, Prince Rypt. B. C. Mite 12th day of Aviffust, mo. A. THOMPSON I Deputy ReglatW of Titles. couver. on his return to Van Miss Janet Rochester returned home on the Catala yesterday morning after spending a vacation In Vancouver. Her mother, Mrs. H. B. Rochester, will be returning (later. William Jones, Port Esslngton school nrlnctDal. returned to the city yesterday morning on the Ca , tala on his way back to the Skeena River after spending the summer vacation at his home in Victoria, Miss Mary D. Sim of Borden Street School teaching staff and little niece returned to the city on the Catala yesterday morning after spending the summer holidays in Vancouver. Announcements AU advertisement In thu eU-nmn will be charged for a fall month at 35e a word. Eagles Bridge, August 28. Orange Ladies Bridge commencing September 4. Eagles bridge Itember 11. Stewart Donaldson . of Port Es-slngton returned to .trie city oh the Catala yesterday morning from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Norton Youngs and son arrived In the city on the Catala Monday morning to Join Mr. Youngs and take up residence' here In the Summit Apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wanamaker and family, who have been on a vacation trip as far East as New Brunswick, returned to 'the city on Saturday afternoon's train. C. H. Lelghs of Borden Street High School staff returned to the city on the Catala yesterday morn ing after spending the summer va cation in Vancouver. Memory Of Laborites Is Honored The executive and delegates of the Prince Rupert Trades andj Labor Council on Sunday visited; president of the local Council, President Thomas Elliott gave, a brief address, recalling work' done by those who are now resting after lives filled with endeavour Rupert yesterday afternoon on his0 Vf A. . . ...... .. ,. Jmen. At ,u, this time, , when v. the -world wfl fnrprf with dictatorship cause of labor. Series and dance Sep- Annette's Fashion Review and Cabaret, September 13. Tea and refreshments.' ' Hill 60 Dance September 20. Ridley Home grocery shower, October 1. ' ' ( ' Catholic Bazaar October 2 and 3. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATUS Make Appointments ZOO Rooms, 50c and np Also CENTRAL APARTMENTS Mrs. CL E. Black, Preprictresi CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Cotton, D.C.i.C, W-Hr.e Block, Phone-M0 'f the threat of which would rob or- labor of lfc had galned' W. E. Drake, general manager of fnlzed a,l Edward Llpsett Ltd.. sailed by the thfe wa,S T " mU,Ch0r THRIFT Gash & Carry Phone 179 Back to School Specials in Effect All This Week Free Delivery on Orders $1.00 and Over , Butter Nu-Thrlft. First grade. 3 lbs. Pastry Flour B. & K. Handy 3V2-lb. bag Salmon Fancy red, 1-lb. tins. 2 for ... jjauncba 79c Ritz Biscuits Christies' New stock. 4 En 25c Bacon Swifts Premium. 18c Salad Dressing Miracle ' Whip. 32-oz. Cake Flour Swansdown. Regular 25C package CANNING FRUITS 5 Extra Specials and the Quality is the Best Italian Prunes No. 1 Okanagan. QQC 16-lb crates Concord Grapes Finest Okanagan blue, buy them while they're fresh. Large g2C baskets Crab Apples-Hyslops. 4 lbs By the box Finest red Onions New Okanagan. 8 lbs. Sweet Potatoes 2.1bs 25c $1.85 Pears Just right for fjg canning. Lb By the box $1-69 Elberta Peaches Per crate Mmmm I Coffee Nabob. Regular or drip. 49,3 LD. 17c $1.34 Our Last Shipment I Bananas Firm and 90 ripe. 2 lbs 25c 19c CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank those who tried to revive our daughter after her drowning, especially the Clax- ton Cannery staff, funeral attendants, and those who sent flowers. We also wish to, thank Mr. Gillett and those who investigated the death of our daughter. MR. and Mrs. JOHNSON RUSS The following sent flowers:- Massett Mr. and Mrs. A. Adams and family. Port Simpson Miss B. French, Crosby Girls' Home. Mr. and Mrs. David Musgrave and Marietta, Mrs. Ethel Musgrave and Alice, Miss Vera Tait, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dudoward and family. Hartley Bay Mr. and Mrs. G. Bird. Greenville Athletic Guild Club, Greenville W. A., St. Andrew's Church Choir, St. Andrew's Church Guild, Greenville W.A., Royal Purple. Klncollth Senior's Society, Maple Leaf Guild, Church Army Sisters, Klncollth W. A. Kitkatla Ladles' Excelsior Club. Alyansh Young Women's Christian Association. Falrvlew Cemetery to pay respects' evening on the Catala for a trip to tn thp mpmnrv nf tnpmhprs whn . Vancniiver have passed on Including the late ration trip to Vancouver, returned toi3- D. Macdonald, for many years "e frm the 0 on the Ca the city on the Catala yesterday Mrs. M. McRobble Is sailing this Dally News 'Classified Ads orlng ' results. Attention! REDUCED TAXI RATE Call 32 Taxi ANY 50c Free Hi H RELIEVE --H SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH ASTHMol KELLOGG'S DC I ICC -J Mr. and Mrs. O. J Haughey and family sailed on the Prince George on Saturday for Vancouver where Mrs. Haughey and family will re side. After a business trip to Ocean Falls, Mr. Haughey will return to Prince Rupert about September 18. f "Build B.C. Payrolls' In Place 01 Butter Ira .tVAWKTf.15 "I have used Pacifh Milk In many ways," writes Mrs. P. Ji D. "For instance, in place of butter for seasoning, in mashed potatoes and other vegetable dishes. We like the '. result, otherwise we would j use butter." 1 PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed PICKLING SUPPLIES Arriving Wednesday Sept. 4th Pickling Cucumbers Gherkins, large and small White Onions, small Cauliflower Red and Green Peppers Green Tomatoes Dill Weed MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 10 Days Supply Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder With each 4 cakes Cashmere 23C Bouquet Soap All f or Cashmere Bouquet Lotion 25c bottle only lc with purchase of J 40c size. 65c value for Colgates Tooth Powder 20c tin only lc with purchase of ' 34C Giant Size. 55c value for Free 25c Woodburys Lotion With each purchase of 50c Woodburys Cold or Vanishing Cream. SIIC 75c value for Ormes Ltd. W7htt Pioneer Druqsrtets The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m- till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 pm. and 7 to 9 p.m. MacKenzie's Furniture 25 pairs "Ayers" Pure Wool Blankets, white and pastel shades; 15 palre Grey Wool Blankets, Flannelette Sheets- 2.00 From, per pair Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE 'V- r - V1 1." i ma,!