EYES . LUenree for NamoanU Full-Toe Frames, The Newest In Eye-Wear Modal B-62 34 .95 eompfete teith batlttitt. EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelcry Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties COAT SALE Latest Fall and Winter Styles Reduced Q0 Up To Ov jo Fur Trimmed Caracal Untrimmed Sport Not ohsolete coats but new fall arrivals which have proven so popular. Tailored models. A style for every taste and a price for every purse. Offered In the very heart of the season. DO.VT MISS THIS SALE! This New RCA Victor 1941 Battery Saver Model ij NEW . . . BETTER . . . MORE . ECONOMICAL to OPERATE EVER BEFORE ! Right! never before have we been able J to offer such values . . . measured in ' performance and operating cost ... as we can give you now in the 3-62 sets. . Check these features: Com nl tie tun. Bard wave broadcast band indudiag sj fcome police calls, low battery drain. Automatic volume control, beautiful ! J..: j. . i i . i vv"ti ui-iii, uiaiance Doosier ior ore stations. Has the oew l'A volt ! A" battery, and new 1.4 volt rubes for longer battery life ... and many ether advanced features. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE 5 "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" ? THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Fh6nfe; nLjfi.9rf, An cmtmndiaf tiIoi bccioM of low btatrf dnin, fupcrb toot to 4 quililj, d 1 f t a C booKtf for intteittd touitiritj, nqniuutf (iniihcd Ublt ttjit CabioM, oew tirj-lo tead dial. "THE BEST mUESTdlEllT in EIlTERTRinmEnT I EUER fllflDE" THAN Wt carry a tompltle range of tw RCA Victor Batlirj lets. There' t a modil for every purie and borne. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district gre tfcing thg Kime, Man in the Moon Some people may be hurt on the Banna Road but nothing like the hurts caused by those who try to sing about the Road to Eden was in Palestine. That is where we always thought it was. Isn't It curious what a lot of different dialects those Irishmen have since they got themselves into uniform. Fanny was thoroughly angry at her swimming teacher. "That fresh thing!" she exclafcn- hed. "After I won the race, he came to me and said, "My dear, you kept your end up magnificently!' Teacher: "What is it that binds us together, sustains us and makes us even better than nature intended?" Tommy: "Girdles." The class was studying magnetism. "Robert. asked the professor, "how many natural magnets are there?" Two, sir," was the surprising answer. "And will you please name them?" "Blondes and brunettes, sir." ' "No, been x-rayed but Ah has been lately ultraviolated." . . . SPORT CHAT Two South London foccer tea were o'rdircd5ni4ftfld bji referee in a recent m'alfiabf;$ first time in the history of tfc'F: ball Association. When a penalty was given against Mlllwall, playing at Crystal Palace, the visitors dls- For Ladies and Gentlemen's i TAILORING t.lee Srronri.tiinfl Knit ft..rrn It I 1 , . . , ' nawcuais, ana wonting Pants. Bargain. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing Ji 3dAv, Phone Green 960 P.0.975 , Everything in Novelties At Evas Novelty I SHOP 625 3rd. Ave. West S3 it Waterfront Whiffs Serious Situation is Facing Halibut and Salmon Industry Bird Hunting Season in This District Opens ; a.v . . . . ... - ironing ior saimon during tne past fishing activity In spite of the opportunity, has now been finally closed to all types of salmon flsh- Pu,ud h? ,declsl0" nd 0"e 01 lini for the. season. Miuwau piayers xwice KicKe.o ine ball away from the penalty 3poL Judgment for the plaintiff has The crowd of 2,500 Joined in the ar-:been given by Judge W. E. Fisher gument and the referee ordered J. m countv Court in r in wi, R. Smith. Mlllwall ' international Thomas H. Payne sued the Esper-1 nc rciuseu anza Mines Ltd. of Alice Arm "for (u. uum iluJ cie wat kj ireir'v,-a;B. W. O. Fulton acted dressing rooms where the referee counsel for -the plaintiff. uufcea wiin uie piayers. j?ive mm-1 utes later the game resumed with' Smith on the sidelines. Another I penalty enabled Crystal Palace to score the odd goal In three, ending' Mlllwall's unbeaten record. To provide soccer recreation for war workers whose only free day Is 8unday, the Football Association has relaxed partially Its rule forbidding 8abbath play. During the war, works clubs, which cannot play i other days, may now arrange Inter- departmental and friendly matches on Sundays. The following conditions must be observed: 1. Permission1 to play must be obtained from thecounty association with which the club is affiliated. 2. The club must satisfy the county association that they cannot play on any other day of the week. 3. The teams must be restricted to members of the club, j 4.Nb gate .receipts may be collected. C.N.R. Trains as For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pjn. From the East Tuesdays, Thursday's and Saturday 11 p.m. Large Stock of the Latest Styles in FUR COATS JUST ARRIVED All are Invited to come In and look our stock over. Prices to suit everyone. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good Central Hotel Modern Rooms Steam Baths CAFE Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress FRESH SHRIMPS Daily After 4:30 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIER'S DOCK Mike A serious situation is threatening the British Columbia fishing industry by reason of the refusal of the British Ministry of Food to issue imnort permits for frozen salmon and halibut into Engtana. Large quantities of these fish have already been packed on definite orders from British importers and are now in Canada awaiting shipment. Unless these permits are . granted without delay, dlfficiiitjcs will arise in finding refrigerator i PTTAXT A space for the handling of these' , 1 JrixMj shipments. And, if the permits are refused indefinitely, the prodeceri will face a disastrous loss store there is no market in Canada for the quantity of frozen salmon and halibut packed this year in British Columbia. These fish were produced on orders from British importers. As a matter of fact, the orders placed were greater than vas possible to fill- There seems to be no clear reason why import licenses for the snipping of these frozm fish have been held back bat reman current on this side of the water DRAMA TOO "ihootwt HiclT and I Has an Adventuress" restored at Capitol Theatre This Afternoon and Eve nine "Shooting Htch," a fast-moving action romance of the western range featuring Jane Withers and Gene Aatry, and "1 Was an Adven sah," explained the colored i at some sort of a Brttisfc 'zorina in her first aorfng picture the doctor. "Ah nevah'trade cartel whkh 15 lntTe8teJ ain't nd. .th r r.rn nrt. in developtag business wtth lee- doohle ram at land at the expense of Canada. Capatol Theatre . ! CanL Paul Armour, manawr ail ThttT " I0 riding urn uiiAiib ui uie nousenora was: i dutm m m . m iuu craaie. ine e neaa neaa oi m uie - - ------ --- , Colussi Accordionist and Teacher AAJi. Certificate PHONE RED 811 and in "Shooting High" as Jane Withers and Gene Autry strive house was at home, peevish and-ine clly on ine mcess Aceiaice , . . ' . . fault-finding. At length he became yesterday afternoon from Vancou-. unendurable. iver on business in connection withi ; " - : J ' You've done nothing but make. local marine affairs. I l'Z mistakes tonight." he growled. : ZZT:: "Yes." she answered meekly. "I "av'ns wen delayed ty neavy "7r" "7' " . Lifetime." "Little Old of began by putting the wrong baby I "eights for waypoints. Union to bed." steamer Cardena, Capt. John Boden, l is not due in port until 3 o'clock "Remember, my boy." said the this afternoon from the south. She elderly relative, sententiously, "that s11 three hours later on her wealth doesn't bring happiness." return south. "I don't expect it to," answered the young man. "I merely want it With this week-end, the bird so that I may be able to choose' hunting season in the immediate the kind of misery that is most , vicinity of Prince Rupert opens. In agreeable to me." . the northern district the bird scu- son has already been open for the past few weeks but the game, owing ; to the open weather, has not been , very abundant as yet. With hunt ing about to become legal In more I accessible quarters, it is expected more parties will now be heading ' forth. The Naas River area, after having iCH: reopened to gillnettlne and Band Gold.- "Shanty of Dreams," r,iVan-derers and "On the Rancho With My Pancho." "I Was an Adventuress" Is set against a panorama of smart Con CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Coltor.. D.CJ'h.C. Wallace Block. Phone 640 Our Famou, Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO, Phone 58 and 558 THE SEAL of QUALITY mm "Oto'J .5 -J0 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert AMERICAN REACTION Acting City Commissioner Quotes From Lawrence Hunt Regarding Aattitude To War , Acting City Commissioner J. W.I Matheson at the Rotary Club Thurs- ' day afternoon gave members' and visitors a picture of American reactions to the war with a summary by Lawrence Hunt in which the German propaganda in that country was analalzed and many of the arguments for remaining out of the war refuted. With all our faults, we Ameri cans have a great faith In certain ideals a faith that has moved mountains and had contributed mightily to our greatness as a na tion. When Wood row Wilson struck the moral note, the heart of Am erica responded. Most Americans did believe that we were fighting 'to make the world safe for democracy." Whether we succeed - Self-Delusion Perhaps the lovnest self-delusion .WP OTP fknlmrtrtfV Qf tVn mnrMn,. I. tlnental backgrounds through a tewtZ of Intrigue is woven as the lavUhly a SVf hn'w.th,n-,.. 2.,.. v-i nj 7 . "-v-- Saturday TONIGHT OMv 2 Complete Shn. . JANE WITHERS GENEAUTKY In support' and gr fool ourselves. We be too adult for tha Thls is a good '.ns odd piece of furn. ir ty, . ' !... ,'rulnMr wheh the war ends," said a dollar oh a glides through a sophisticated ca-'nunt. "We will be happy, comfort- ment reer. Green has the romantic lead. while Erich von Stronhelm Is seen as a suave, relentless Paris swindler and Peter Lorre as one of his confederates. While Zorlna ensnares; the men, von Stroheim and Lorre' fleece them. Sig Rumann and Fritz Feld are also Important members of the cast In a story which has a surprise ending. for sa. 1 Shooting High" o:a and 10 51, Plus-ZORINA, r,CIIARd GREENE In "I Was An Adventuress" (At 7:00 and 9 JO) COMING MON TIES. WtD Jack Benny and RochtsW 'BUCK BENNY RIDES ACALY able and "dlsuv point We did fight for something' through the hell " worth fighting for and we need desperately tried w feel no regret or shame for that suffermg . motive and purpose. out Therefore w "Somewhat allied to the foregoing, more preaching. reason were our national heritage sort of peace the? and traditions. English, people.' (not too harsh on French people and American people , because they are a believe In their hearts that Indl 'and how they mu vidual freedom Is one of those few they are to be llkp things worth fighting for and. If I ..w.,t u u. wm uymg ior. Nazi-Communtst s ine ucrman iaeai in me last ithers and staters, if . war. as in the present one. was well have to do an aw different, and what is important , than preach fw us to bear in mind-really en-j - thf AUtf8 W l dangered our ideal then as It does aW by what ht today. Despite all the effusions of Se SXT? PhUr f have br Am. "b,by TtUalS' f r.,dema: button? A few cheer ' . ii ,. i i . . hoi uie uruy onving lorce in Am- Wl;.' W :J v. adv- B. C. Furniture Co. Ncn()ijsetl Furniture 4 Reconditioned Oil RarigeV -rbtrpete with Qtfi pump and tank. From V 1 Electric Washer In perfect shape. 50 6 Healers In perfect condition. jJ gQ TO QO e,IS . 812.95 3 Typewriters Of various makes. 00 j22 5OTOS27 New Furniture 6 Unpainted Display Tables Very durable and strongly constructed 24 Table Lamps Latest styles and finest shades, real values Phone BLACK 324 Next Door to B-C. Clothiers t WKTPU For Your New 1 " V X vH"Cim. tai rr: trior UUJU JJC1UAU 1UAI X V--v Call- SG.75 S1.95 T0 3.95 2 Chiffrobes With 1 round mirror and 1 full length WJ-drobt and plenty of drawer space. QQQ A A Regular $15.00, now 30 Spring.filled Felt Mattresses Of the very finest CI g materials and patterns, reg. $22.50, now 25 Felt Mattresses In all sizes. Special S7.50 12 Chesterfield Suites Latest styles and colors in the fin"' $75.00 TO 598.00 THIRD AVEMJt For Service And Dependability