Rnval Canadian Air Force ensiens flutter from flatr. i wily white man aboard was Lnf.l.t.l Tl-I t, 1 p ii below deck when the ftt ilartfd foundering. "He (bed atck In time to dive over. HAMBER PLANNING It FOR YEAR pan T German Assumes PresU ncj Of Junior Chamber Of iCommerce New Members Admitted v He succeeds A. S. V served as head of Junior Chamber durinz the Alfred M. Rlvett was B'l Vlr -nrcxidpht Trevor J. e the nw treasurer is Clif-0. Hum The executive for "ww "3 year consists of J. C. rtt R i- Ingram IP- u. L Rorte, Robert Parker p,rw' p Tommy Fraser. W his preildenilal report before ov.t t.ho gavel to his suo- pr Mr nlnn ann t T-::t. r,.i Postponement of the reooenlnz of PS HI ICIllWn; v-ivcn iiigo muiiu iiiiiCS Ui Will- ir 4 . i nocHinn onroinct n V1..,1.. P ..., " & " ""6c u oi..H- Tl f ' T. ' 11 im hnpnn .v. , n u .. I . 1- 1. 1 . . option. Reconnaissance bomber planes patrol more,leaBUrcd indefinite pot- "r -- - 11 a am' it i .,.i -j Donement of the Hrwwr Krm-r rnntp . . . i nun u.uuu mites oi coasi, inie. anar ; - ----- m T ft T J ft F 1 1 T 4 1.... . . in fThlnn wn -1 f f iln I Wr annnnniiaH Vancouver. Now there are at least i..n j i seven luiiy-mannea oases. At least three of these bases may ' ing surf rolling in from the" 'wide sweep of the Pacific Ocean. . Coal Harbor Is another remote Vancouver Island base, situated on n Hn!v-pnt fiord. Alliford Bav on the Queen Charlotte Islands is the; first line of defence for the ex-I treme northern coast area. Accord-1 jlng to some airmen "It rains 99' 'days out of lOOr and heavy wci; mists pile up in the mountain-1 guarded channel leading out to the I wide Pacific. , To such stations as these are as-j signed huge Hying boat bombers for reconnaissance out over the ocean. To them would fall the task of spotting enemy craft approaching Can- - ... ..1 . l II ' T 'V. S ,...iiaaas western coasi, mie. mtu i i unrman, accoumam, i . . . . .i.n,. N , branch if the Bank'dut , to "Pfrt- ?on. I? ktrai. was elected presldent;d Jnable toafdfest PP01" a r"aft or naval ves'' N'b rE Ttlonof the Prince I W seis 10 uie aiuic. -Cfeambrr of Commerce at , v.,t' Around Prince Rupert ikibi hi. ., m,.i f v. ... i.ii.i.v.u6 i . r, . j m- ricar rtllltC xvufciv aiiu .iiv "v. them mainland coast Is another Maitarr 0f certain activities the strength of Western rwm-N'Ae adrons will be rar owing to a serious jmand. Fighter to1 based strategically should there ex-IW P'kage of membership owing li X forces and the' 1st the possibility of Invasion by that, remaining members had I enemy aircraft. . . hnuch busier than fai previous Reconnaissance bombers range However. h Mt ih Junior out over the long ground swells roll- Pwr might bo proud of some P W tha had been done. Mr. a street decorations as usual. movement had been sup- continued on Page Three) wXNIPEO WHEAT JNNIPEO. Qrx. l9: (CP)-Wln "in:ar hrin f ir October at 70 Vic. Naval Changes ' Are Important well be termed outposts of Empire : for they are entirely remote from British Newspapers are Impressed any city, town or village. Here are , By Changes In High Command men of the Western Air Command, R.C.A.F., living under as rigorous LONDON, Oct. 19: (CP) The service conditions as any defenders London press regards as highly iin-of Empire. 1 portant two changes in the Royal Their nearest neighbors may be 'Navy command which were made, in a lonely logging camp, fishing j Vlce-Admlral John C. Tovey. des-settlement 1 and hero of Jutland, or small mining camp. troyer expert No leave for them in the evening ' being appointed supreme corn-to go to town for a show or dance, 1 mander of the Home Fleet, the Job for It might take them days to ge- corresponding to that which Ad-to such amenities of civilization, j"1 Beatty held in the last Ucluelet on the west coast of Van- war. and Rear Admiral Sir Henry couver Island Is one such R.C.A.F. H. Harwood, hero of the Battle of River Plate, being promoted to base. Sheltered only by a gener-,lhe ous spit of land from the open Pa-'Lord Commissioner of the Admlr- clfic sleeping airmen may waken at assistant chief of naval nloht li hoar h thunripr of holl-ltaff. .. . . ....... ?- --. INVISIBLE IN CLOUDS Thick Weather Makes Attacking Planes on London Hard to See Dwelling Houses Hit EASES UP TODAY LONDON, Oct. 19: (CP) The German air selge of Great Britain eased unaccountably in fine autumn weather today with the London area raided only once and two bombs dropped up to mid-afternoon. The Air -Ministry said t that two German planes were shot down during the day. rugni raids are also lighter than usual. LONDON, Oct. 19: (CP)-Invislble in iiniiri over London a numoer oi hacB fAr airrraft which would form fiiHinir nlanes were heard yester- trA cppnn A lin of defence In that av afternoon although sirens slg- onrt ft Mioianas iown wcic cipal targets ithen as they have again been since. Dwelling houses bore the brunt of the attack but first reports Indicated that casualties were few. In spite of continued uniavoraDie ing In from the open Pacific. They weather, German warplanes lnten- are on patrol wnen wesieuj t, , smea .men " - -f--- -lash shores of Vancouver Island In- don and other parts of the Britloti en.t. k a. """"V. . nnrr ...fViirnr surf. Fair t1m todav. In a F Lart Christmas, under direc-f1 01 Stanley R.ivI11p ihirt had C.'s fields, mines or forests, well may they beware of the RCA.F. The signal would go out for supporting aircraft or naval vessels, while patrol planes proceeded to the attack with high explosive bombs, holding actual contact until (Continued on rage Three) Miaianas iuw.i tack was renewed on London from various directions. The enemy made the first ap-nearance In several months over thpnst Scotlsh town. Dam- 1 UBBARY 1 .rmA.B.vM RAILWAY SLIDES Due to excessive rains, there is slide trouble on the local line of the Canadian National Railways on either side of Pacific. One slide between Usk and Kltselas delayed last evening's eastbound train eight hours and it was further delayed today by another slide near Ritchie. Tonight's (rain, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported at noon to- h I I Aft A II . A .te-, " . 5 a.r"lB.eaJ yesty despite the M.-r - ,ate which LI A Ui MM JL A JUIA & tuivuiiwmuuj, uccpiy - jiiuchlcu - - , .....! M hrincr l In nt K a m nA IT 01X117" C t.i Island barrier t.i i i would be reopened simultaneously I BUA1 dlfllVd Thursday in nign seas near Jf V J to ....11. Ua.a r iruti was iiiuuic null! na- nnthp Inrinn. f.Mrva I'ntrpll i . i 1 " tf ! 1 -1 9 UHril IU tUIHUA llU3JJIldl BUI- nr irom kiiulk iii&cr immrn in the water for more than hour before being picked up ithe fishing boat Pearl Harbor. ipt J. Haldane of the .Mildred Clifton while await-rncur. clinging with Alan Iapportfd t and John I-outh to the irfin orrrturned dory. protecting a part of the mainland. large Before war was declared, the R.C. . .-inlfliin lie. Ii'iln Tflnnil. AT! tn n In t a lnH nn. eaanlana rain- trin; of Seiner Mildred G. ling station in British Columbia at mi . . . . mil ii u 1 1 i iA.anu. 'with the Burma Road. BLUM-RE VNAUD qilARGED VICHY The PetainLaval government today brought formal charges against Former Premier Leon Blum, Former Premier Paul Reynaud and Former Minister of Interior Georges Mandel in the war guilt trials at Rion. Blum Is charged with having betrayed duties while Premier Reynaud with embezzlement of public funds and Mandel with attacking the security of the state and simulating in national currency. Others charged with betraying duties are Former Premier Edou-ard Daladier, Former Air Ministers Pierre Cot and Guy la Cham-bre and General Maurice Game-lin, former commander in chief. While charges have been lai, dates of trial are not yet set. OIL AGREEMENT TOKYO Newspaper Asahi reports in a dispatch from Balavia conclusion of an agreement governing oil exports from "ihe-Netherlands East Indies to Japan. No details were Riven although it has been reported that a six months' supply for Japan is guaranteed. In London the agreement is not given much credence as the Netherlands East Indies is under contract to deliver its oil to Great Britain. SCIENTIFIC WORKER HURT NANAIMO William Anderson, 23, assistant in the occanographi-cal research department of the Departure Bay biological station, Is in Nanaimo Hospital, having been ..severely ..injured ..when a bottle of acid exploded while he was at work in.a station FLOODS DOWN COAST VANCOUVER Torrential rains have resulted in serious floods at Zeballos on the West Coast of Vancouver Island and in the Bella Coola Valley up the coast. Some taiiiatic; families liwii- have been mvv. marooned - and fc.w. ----- - area. i 'nailed wj the first alarm for the . , aay.. others havc had (o leave lhelr Vancouver Island and Its clusters , making It one of the quietest since. of satellite isianaa guara wiwu the bUWKneg ow- Columbia's lower mainland from ' ,urtalled both British and German ih. nn Pacific Narrow water- nri-ii or nnerations yesterday and Sydney El-Uays from the north and from the ,ast night but it becamp more in-VwTh- south give access to the main In- tense again today. dustrlal and seaport centres. During Thursday nignt ine en- Workmen are swarming over R.emy had attacked with dozens of CA.P. west coast bases, rushing new groups of fighter bombers. L..itji . i. .nmniatinn in micmcnt t rtwHrtr fho Llvemool dock area INVESTIGATING DEATHS KELOWNA Coroner Finley McWilliams and provincial police here are Investigating the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Dewart in their home at nearby Winfield. The house, garage and woodshed were burned. DEMOCRATS IN SENATE;1 By II. M. Peters Canadian Press Staff Writer Oct. 19: (CP) ' talor ChlZ rCJ T.-r'murkv mist down Into lagssd treo London Hal Its mnn " ' ".... Z.Z , ST. JiJ rSST S. Tsierday was one of the calmest'. been ted to run lor the 35 b bP "l.war 8crv,c- A.ne '".rZr. r.l nrSur-HavS for the metropolis In weeks, seats in tne unuea oenave Kri Ki::'"":a un ween campaign u u nKU.y ,hB ' hotn(r Kf. nn. alum between to be filled In the ciecuons wov r "en CQuduotcd with cood re-lface raiders attempt w uimuH - w:"eTiiiif thi nt- ember 5 rinw Af nt vital vifal ro raw xir m material A terlal from from B.idawn and dusK. L.asi nigni. uic At a: . " iv- l t i irrn m i ri o i-ivii- iptr, There will be Senate elections In 34 states. Vermont is to pick two senators this year, one for a short, unexpired term. Ralph O. Brewster. Republican, was elected . , j tiui-v in in arvt.PTnber. makln.r 36 age in Liverpool anu ii imu. - - - - i A.,nr, vriHa leht was re- senators In all being elected for tunn nvi...fc - - " ported. 'teims beginning In January. eatHenEor:ec(ist ! Tomorrow 's Tides Ml) Prince Rupert and Queen Char-otte High 3:25 ajn.' 18.9 ft. islands - Strong southeast 15:12 pm. 20.1 It. triads or moderate gales, cloudy and Low 8:18 am. 1Z It. with rain. 21:58 pjn. 4.8 ft. 1 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1910. PRICE: i CENTS ; r - ' ---- alkans Are Centre of Interest DMril All hftfrp Kncoc fin 1 1 w r f m mm m. mm cm Pacific Coast Guarantee Warm Reception To Enemies WAR GOODS Petroleum Material STRANDED Products And Railway Held Up At Port Of Hons Kong HONG KONG, Oct. 19: (CP) Bulletins DEFENCES ON Reports and Denials TUK mACT t A . rv 1 Esquimau Station Being Estab lished Nothing On North Coast OTTAWA, Oct. 19: (CP) Re turning to Ottawa after an in Greece, Also Turkey spectlon of Pacific naval defences, Hon. Angus Macdonaid, minister Cairo Hears That Territorial, Governmental and Econ-of nattcn.il dcf?npe for naval af- omjg Concessions Arc Sought From Former Nation fairs, announced pla-u far ccr- ntiSn ' There are reports and denials that the Axis powers Mr. Macdonaid 'ati tiw. an- have sent final warnings to Turkey and Greece that they other naval s ation cm th? ncr- must cease their co-oneration with Great Britain or feel them British Columbia cc",t was te mnitary might of the Axis by invasion. From Cairo S "STffi nd Budapest emanate reports that final warning lias probably be takrn up by th? in- ueeii Kiven tnc tvvu uamuu uauuua iu icuuumc tutu am- ternaUonal defence commission. Eden May Pay Visit To Moscow ISTANBUL. Turkey. Oct. 19. Capt. Anthony Eden, British Secretary of War, Is due in Is- stanbul this week-end to pre- side over a session of British 4- diplomatic representatives in eastern Furope including the British ambassador to Russia, Sir Stafford Crlpps. Following the conference, Eden and Crlpps are expected to proceed to Moscow with a view to im- Drovine .Anglo-Russian rela- tibns'atfd'theasslble'negc-tla- tion of a mutual assistance pact between Russia and Tur- key. R.A.F. KEEPS UP ATTACKS I New Cruiser IFor Britain Is Launched LONDON, Oct. 19: A new for the British Navy was launch ed yesterday in a British ship- ard. WARNINGS BY TOKYO TOKYO Tokyo newspapers today warned Great Britain that the British portion of the Burma road may be bombed following its reopening to traffic for the transport of goods to China. The papers say that the reopening of the road is a "clear expression" of Great Britain's attitude, constituting a "frontal attack" against Japan's plans for the Far East. Therefore, Japan feels Justified in attacking the British part of the Burma road In order to ln sure that It is put out of commission. The Japanese are already bombing the Chinese part of the road. ance with Great Britain and stand by the Axis. Some observers look for an Axis move through either Bulgaria or Jugoslavia into southeastern Europe. A Cairo dispatch says that the Axis has already demanded territorial, governmental and economic concessions from Greece for Italy and Bulgaria, severance of trade relations with Great Britain and sites for air bases. Abdication of King George 11 of Greece and the resignation of Premier John Metax-as In favor of an Axis controlled ad ministration is also said to be demanded. Both Athens and Berlin,! however, deny that such demands' iave been made and Rome does not I . rt iu i.v.A..L . i .. i kans continues Intense. In Berlin It is declared that the Axis Is ready to meet any PREMIER IN MARITIMES 'air. King Tendered Dinner In ' Halifax After Inspection Of Defences HALIFAX. Oct.- 19: (CP) After , ,,. ., ., , a busy day Inspecting Atlantic Weather Does v. Not Deter n.i... n-nui, British ' ' I Airmen From Continuing Offen sive Against Reich LONDON, Oct. 19: (CP) The Royal Air Force flew through bad weather last night in bombing attacks on shipyards, ' factories and railway stations in Germany, the Air Ministry announced. Severe icing conditions and low clouds prevailed. In one raid fires were started In a big aluminum factory at Lunen while at Dortmund an unidentified factory was hit. At the inland port of Duis-bcrg wharves were set afire. much impressed, Prime Minister! William Lyon Mackenzie King was guest at a dinner of the ' Premier and government of Nova I Scotia last night. . During the day Premier Klngi also met the commanding officer of a United States naval squadron.) IBRYANTS SELL OUT; Watts and Nickerson Absorbing Bryant Co. Ltd. Clothing Store In Deal Just Completed An important local business amalgamation was announced this morning. George Bryant stated to a Dally News representative that he was retiring from business and that Watts & Nickerson were taking over the business of Bryant Company Ltd. Asked in regard to the deal, William Watts said it was true his firm was taking over the Bryant business but it was too soon yet to state what changes if any would be made. For the present business would be carried on as usual In both stores. Mr. Bryant has been in business in Prince Rupert for the past thirty years. During most of that time the location of the store was on Sixth Street, the change being made to the present location two years ago. Mr. Watts is the president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and his partner, A. S. Nickerson, liasl just completed a term as president of the junior chamber. Both are keenly interested in public affairs as well as being good businessmen. War News MUSSOLINI TO FIUME ROME Premier Mussolini has left or is leaving, It is reported, for the Yugoslav frontier in the Fiume. The trip is seen by some as being connected with an inauguration of the Axis campaign in the Balkans. GERMANY GETS GOODS BUDAPEST All war materials lumuul tUlll-UlUUlS . nU ..nttr.H from Its warnings to Turky and Greece. . WM, and Franri wiu Diplomatic activity in the " now go to Germany, it is reported bere. ROOSEVELT OUTSPOKEN WASHINGTON The independence of all small countries which have been overrun in the course of the present .European war will have to be restored and the United Stale's is working towards that end, President Franklin D. Roosevelt frankly stated yesterday. RUMANIA RESENTFUL LONDON The British Broadcasting Corporation says that resentment is growing in Rumania against continued German military activity and the people of Bucharest are wondering what has gone wrong with their food supply. Posters have appeared faying: "Down With Hitler" and "Long Live Britain." "FREE" STATION HEARD LONDON German's "free" radio station has been heard again for the first time in six months. It suggests that the Reich may not be able to stand war conditions much longer. BATTLE NEAR GIBRALTAR GIBRALTAR Sound of last night suggested the pos- ' sibility of a new sea battle. II. M. S. Barham, which was damaged at Dakar, has arrived here for LOCAL FIRM i EXPANDING II. Carson Co. Starts Plants in Toronto and nalifax G. W. Nickerson Home G. W. Nickerson, after an absence of three months, the most of which time was spent In Nova Scotia in connection with organization Of cod liver oil Industries which have resulted In the establishment by J. H. Carson Co. of plants In Halifax and Toronto In addition to the "one In Prince Rupert, returned to the city on Thursday nlght'3 train. Mx3. Nickerson returned home the: week ! previous. Dr. J. H. Carson remains In the East superintending the company's operations at Toronto and Halifax but expects to .visit Prince Rupert after the first ol the year, , War conditions tesulte'd:, in the establishment 61 the new" plants In , Toronto and Hallax, 14 5 1' J 1