PR, ,,,,;,.-V 20 HJj '- - ...... -.rr.-- " ,' . 7 ! ; , ? ; , H . R ...' ''11 EksSBHMpLJF lef Problem liscussed By llic Meeting f me Prince Hup-::i the Canadian L'-asue Hall Thurs- R ipert it was un- Sheriff's Sale BhU'-jiid Timber Company bJ Boille and Nipple for .s.. Sie Baby Talcum r te Nipples Balli Thermometers r .. '-- j anlmously decided to set up a pro- inuvc association. The hall was well filled by an interested crowd. Reports were given that the various works now carried on have failed to absorb any great number of the unemployed. It was also reported that the relief rates, far from satis-factory, had been reduced to such a pittance In many eases that real . lively discussion tanratlon face more especially ut in the relief 'those with large families. It was further reported that the cut In relief was of local nature, not provincial. Llstt for petitions to be circulated among the citizens were distributed. The next meeting will be held in the- same hall Sunday hl.'l B'-irk and Robert Arm- end Nations! Afroplane,rp ! I- n -1 rr C rpanr. Incorporated 11 ClUUllUUC Dl 1UHC E- I 1 Execution in the Held Last NiffHt hy virtue thereof j O Auction at mv' Prince RuDert : A successful telephone bridge day of January. IP"1 WM W at night by Hill 1 00 owRWln'inM011' woaroer,' kimpenai-x;raer, v.mately 2 OOOjOOO ' Dauhtr of the Empire, with baUnm. hemlock W In. play at the homes of . s nn fiiri m. .many members Mrs. J. A. Frew .:. and alonir Btei1" Mr- J- Formaii were con .ill River B C jvenera. Flrtt prtee was won by ire Rupert, B. C., ' January. A. D. A NICKERSON. SherrUf OrmesXtd. 27m Pioneer Drtiqpists The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 0 p.m. "ou uucai uaw ana --. inn iiiirn ' i - ALKMiN UAIDV .rilONE 857 Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S.L. Dally at 4 p.m. TROTI Elt'S DOCK J Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's. I For prompt ana courteous vice Phone IS Taxi t) .1 . . , er- tf. Two Juvenile were In court thU morning before Magistrate McCly-mont for riding bicycles without Sights. They were warned. Roy Wicks, who has been on a trip south, returned to the city front iiktiuwitugs uicy wui vrBVCi ay way) ioi uenver ana Seattle. Police are continuing their Investigation of the burglary earlier in the week of the Rupert People's Store when twenty - three dresses as well as coats and $9 ' In cash was taken. Up to noon today, however, no arrests had been made- Northland Transportation Co.'s steamer North Coast Is In port this afternoon discharging a large quantity of fish from Ketchikan for transshipment East over Canadian- National Railways.. The vessel arrived shortly after noon from Alaska and will continue this evening to Seattle. H;MiS. Names Make Problem Some Of Britain's Bitter Wanhips Named IV French Ilthler Of Years Ato LONDON. Jan. 2C: (CP Apart from actual conduct of the war at sea. the Admiralty has another problem finding suitable names for .the ttrge number of vessels being constructed for convoying merchantmen, mlnesweeplng and hunting submarines. The Job nom- Mrs. Everett Leek and second (generally delegated. prtee-by Mrs. E. V. Allaire. Advertising Is an Investment. If you nfcvr something to swap oooooooooooooooooooooooooooeoooooooooooooo SPECIALS FOR BABY I Various officers chose the names during the last war. The first 50 stoops were named after flowers in the garden of the Acting Admiralty and haje been called the herbaceous border" ever since. As far as possible the names are chosen so that':shlps of the same type have names.' from the same groupseaside owns. racehorsej. naval heroes?' Traditional naval names are divided among the heavier typerof warship. The Ad-holts mlralty Is hampered In bestowing mmmm these -traditional names- ty an order providing that names which ntcred the Navy List through -apture from the French In warsj of a century ago must be admitted. Often, a prize was added to the, fleet with her name unaltered as a tribute td the resistance of her crew. A fifty cent crasslheo ad. tften make you many dollars. Eagles Bridge January 24. wl Ahiiouncements All advertisements In this column will be charged tor a full month-at-55 a word. Presbyterian Burns' Tea, Mrs. Lakle's Jan. 25. Bjrns' Day Banquet Jan. 25 Oddfellows Hall. Sonja and S.O.N. dance Jan. 20. Masonic5 Ball 'January 26. Ttni Vminir tjidles' Tea. Mrs. Clarke' McLean's February 1. Catholic Tea Mrs. McCaffery's February 1. , Hosnltal Ball Feb. 2. ooooooooooooooooDOOooeoeeoooooooooooooooooo j Leglon valentine Tea, Mrs. D. C. ohnhprt's. Pebruarv 14. ' ' " Cambral Valentine Ball, 16. Boys' 'Band Dance February 28. , i Anglican Spring Sole, April 4. THIS nAILT-mf??S' H:G. HELGERSON LTD. 216 Sixth Street See Us For All Kinds of Insurance and Real Estate" Notary Public' - We have on our lists the following good buys 5-ROOM HOUSE Fully modern. 8 th Ave. E.. near school, $1:00.00, quarter cash. CROO.M HOUSE Modern, concrete foundation, 4th Ave! W.. $3000.00, on easy terms. 5-ROOM II0US&- With one acre all cleared, own water system, garage, chicken house, large garden with fruit trees, all buildings In excellent condition, taxes $17.00 per year, in Comox. Vancouver Island, central position. $1500.00 cash. Corp. F. W B. Boyt, transferred from Ganges Harbor to take charge of the H lie lion district detachment of the provincial poltce with head quarters at Smithers. and Mrs. Boyt and child arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday after- nally belong to the First Lord now from the south, proceeding to but, because he U too busy It Is the Interior by the evening train. HOSPITAL FINANCES The financial statement for December, presented by Frank Dibb on behalf of the finance-committee at last night's hospital board meeting, showed disbursements amounting to $557759. There were 1450 hospital days at $364 per hospital day. Dally advertising m Uie Daflj News Is sure to bring dally re- NEW CRNlKAi: HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments Hot Water Heated) .Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rank Bide. COAL Gram Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPEttT . FEED CO. Phones 58 and tol NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zartlll Proprietor MA nO.MK AWAY FROM -HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert,- B.C, Phone 281 P.O. Box 11 REVEILLE FOR PARIS (ChtfauedirPage'One) enti'and eyes 'gradually - grew" accustomed- to it.The outline of the S.O.N meeting and social Saturdaytbulldfrigs 8 pjn. U6)'form' opposite' slowly took Farther up- the street a ! crack' of light appeared around a The condition of ll J. Zumkehr,'1 window. Immediately' the shrill a patient jn the Prlnce'Rupertaen-lpohee' whistle blacked'-It out. The eral Hospital, U quite serious. only light was a pinpoint' of bltie marking an Intersection' at- the Mrl. John" Connell and children corner and the Intermittent strak are sailing this afternoon on the' of the pofaemen's flashlights ' as Venture' for' a trip to Vancouver.' they went fr6m" house- to house to . see that the outsider door to-each Mr.-andMHi. J k noddi ,h basement shelter wan opert so any Vancouver on we winces Aaeiawc have- been on a three weeks', vaea- P385"0" m,ni enier. yesterday afternoon. ; tlort trip Ur Vancouver, Victoria and dipped like,- black shadows ' 'Seattle, returned home on theprfn'--against a black background-back w. Thomey of Stewart, who has ce Adelifdc-yesterday-afternoon and forth-calllng quietly to each been spending a few" days-In the' . shelter chief at the door' to get city, will sail by the Cardena to- ingvald ChrUtopherson, for th peopleinto the' basement and morrow evening- on his return drunkenness, was fined $25, with -' nt a" regulations had -been ,north' option of seven days' imprisonment, obeyed. The " dark sky and slight I by Magistrate McClymont In city mlst save the whole an unreal, Mr- and J W. R Tooth, who police court yesterday. Ole Lee was. theatrlca' effect. In five minutes , arrived In the city from Stewart fined $5, with three days' option, for aU motlon In the treet seemed ' (Thursday evening, left on last vagrancy to have ceased. Not a sound to ..... o vtuiii iui u 11 hj iu wuicugu. ureas me siuiness except me soil paddling of a dog as It slipped ttback into the building. . " . 1 1 "You must co down, mademois elle," said the chief. In the basement only the corridors with their heavy cross beams and thick stone roofs were fin use. Alone each side i chairs. boxes and 1 folding canvas stools were In use. A dim electric bulb with a dash of blue on one side gave a ghostly pallor to the faces. Each carried a gasmask across the knees. All were fully dressed with a scarf or hairnet pulled . hastily over uncombed hair. Complexions were natural and unadorned; Over the door a wet blanket tagalnst poison gas hung dripping. It did not cover the sides and a draught rushed In. fluttering- It merrily. Successive alerts and drenchlngs had made the- wool Lshrink. "I can't help- it." protest ed the colnclerg to the. com plaints. "If you want to have It ; changed take It up with the shelter chief." ... J Several women took' out their knitting another a 'book. 'The men isolated themselves at the end of the corridor' all of ..them were elderly) to discuss the last great war. The rest gossiped or did nothing. . . . - , Hew U-Ended Suddenly a long drawn scream from the siren a scream which! continued on the same' note fori two minutes without the' stops,; starts, coughs and sputters of thej first alert. It announced "all Clear." With that the shelter chief pulled back the curtain to say: "Well I guess they didn't get through this time." There .was a rush for the door. In the streets the' sound of whistles begalr again. At the .corner a small white light came' on and pushed the gloom . back .another 10 Inches: The bells -off St. Etienne-du-Mont rang out as the clock struck six. The 1: smell of coffee floated up from the apartment below. In 13 seconds we were, back In bed taking that nice, peaceful dream about Canada 'and 'Macin tosh apples and pumpkin pie Just where we left off. Notice!! Effective Monday, January 8, our COXFECTI OXER V STORE will open from 8:00 a.m. to ":30 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 1 :00 pjn. to 100 p:m.' Mussallem's ; ' Confectionery Opposite Canadian Legion THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PlNKlSEAfr Finest-Pink Salmon Picked 'by J th only salm cannlnriwnipiaDy.wltn-ah- an' tb year round payroll la rrtnea Kuftt PAfl LIMY & DAVIES Butter First grade. 3 lbs. for" Brookf ield Per lbi Baby Beet- Pef tin ... Sausage Pork Patties They ar tasty: Per ttr Cream Cheese-2-lb. pkg. : LlbbyV Prunes Per 2-lb. pkg. PHONES 585 586 95c 25c 25c 55c 20c 15c Stilton Cheese l's ti -2's, each 25cnd 50 Lettuce California. Per head IX Furniture Co. 8c Oranges Per dozen 20c 25c 30c Rome Beauty--Per box S1.85: "EE 20c"4 256 Sprouts-r Per lb. Bananas Per- lb. 15c 10 c Local ew Laid Egg 400' Wearrnouth's. Doz. UVT New cLtid Used Furniture For rtsn tow prices it will 'pay you 16 come in and look over oua-lar4 stock of household f arnibbings consisting of Kitchen Ranges; Bedroom Suites. Dinettes; Chesterfields. Heaters. Beds, Springs and Mattresses, etc. 1 SlnterSewing Machine I good shape 2 Sesslons'SiDay Chime' Clocks Real snap 1 Bed-Couch At 1 3.PIece Chesterffeld- pattern, at 1 CheterflehKBed 'and At 5 Chests -and Drawers From Phone BLACK 324 t Vacubnv Cleaner From -In latest style, fine "EasyXhalrs- Next Door to B. C. Clothiers S14;50 S9.95' S7I50' 1 Kitchen Uanges-In first cja&3 condition. S20.00, S22.50, 824.50' and S27.50 New; Furniture S98I50 889:50' S6;95 10 $9:50 THIRD AVENUE SINGER SEWING is always in season but there's so much more to be done at this time of year. SPRING: TIME llNGER Make and tKeep Your Home Modern nd Up-T6-Date' with SINGER SEtVlNO ! CURTXiNS, .DRAPERIES SLIP COVERS, ETC. Easy to make on a 3Iodern SINGER TIME fed Every Woman Needsa Good i-Scwinr Machine SINGER is it Secfthe Nemt'Models at Our Store liberal ""Allowances-Easiest Terms As Lov as ' $3)0 a Month Hi I, r f U'you have something to sell, it classified advertisement,, In'this'paprwiraodrrlet'you'lcnow if there Ms a buyefin' the city. . , v