The Oldest Name in jr. HAIC 6 HAIG OlsrilUD. IlKOtO I I0TIKO IN SCOTMND TRESII Fruits and Display Counter TOBACCOS and grocery order. Scotch Whisky Haig This advertisement is not publishea or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia W. M. Watts, president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, was in attendance as a guest at the monthly dinner meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chataber of Commerce last night and was dufy welcomed. Mr. Mist: Beatrice Berner R.N. arrived In the city on the Prince George !N this morning from Vancouver to pay a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Berner. Reporting on behalf of a special ! committee on civil APrvtre matter Watts acknowledged the B good work 1 j . , . . ' . t Gordon German advised the Junior that was being carried on by the j Section of the Prince Rupert Cham- Junior cnamber, referring especially to the Salvation Army war drive and the community centre project. He offered best wishes to the Junior Chember and gave arsurance of Senior Chamber co-operation whenever and wherever possible. J ber of Commerce, at Its meeting last nigni, mat me time was now deemed right to go ahead with agitation for the putting into effect of the merit system in the government services. The committee will proceed along this line. Hotel Arrivals Prince Itupcrt H. Singleton, A. H. Garland, W ; C. Warren, and II. O. Atchison, Vancouver; D. Main, Sunnyslde: A. Jacobson and T. Olanzer. Shirley; R. Moore. Smlthers; Frank Morris and William Bunting. Terrace: Mr ! and Mrs. William Noble. Montreal; Mrs. J. A. Brown, Port Esslngton. Frank Morris of Terrace, who has announced his intention as running as an Independent Liberal for Skeena In the forthcoming federal ! election, arrived In the city on last night's train from the Interior to make arrangements for filing his nomination papers. Notlcej from the Department of Transport that aids to navigation at Regatta Rack and Rose Spit were now out of commission owing to stormy weather were presented to the Junior Section of the Prince Kupert Chamber of Commerce at Its regular monthly dinner meeting last night. MINERAL ACT Nntlre To IHInqurnt Co-owners To John V. Aldn and (lander Blrke-land of Seattle. Washington, U. 8. A WHEREAS tlx are ownen other than myaelf to the extent of more than one quarter interest In each and au or the BUr No. 1, Star No. 2. Star 3. Star No. 4. Star No. S. Star No 9. Star No. 7. Star No. 8. Star No. 9 and Star No. 10 Mineral Claims situate on the north side of Porcher Island In ChUmore Passage about 5CO feet from the beach In the Skeena Mlnlnt Division. Prolnce of British Columbia-TAKE NOTICE t&a, unless you d." pay within 90 days from the date hereof the turn of 11537 50 being youi proportion of the expenditure requlrec for the years 1937. 1938 and 1939 by Section 28 of the Mineral Act. B. S B. C. 1938. Chapter HI, together wit all costs of this notice, to the under signed, the registered owner of aaKI Mineral Claims, your Interest on sskJ Mineral Claims shall be forfeited anl become vested In the undersigned who has made the required expenditures. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C. thU 8th day of July. 1939. X 8. BERNVT 30th Anniversary Sale MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE iNLY through the co-operation and rooduill nff ntip mant nalrnnt anrl frtnr1 In Print Rtinrf 0" and District i onr Thirtieth- Anniversary made rjossible. We annreclate verv sincerelv the confidence you have placed Irrfiis and it is our aim to merit your continued patronage and support. This store is a 100 per cent Prince: TCupert establishment with no outside capital nor interests Our policy is to place before the housewives of Prince Rupert and the District quality foodstuffs at low prices, as our buyin; in car-load lots enables us to do this. The FREE PREMIUM PLAN we have had in effect for the past few years Is something not to be overlooked by careful housewives. In taking ad vantage of this and keeping your home replenished with dishes, utensils and other valuable articles, vre maintain that you cannot purchase your daily needs more economically. A fair trial of thi: plan will convince you. We maintain an up-to-date daily delivery service throughout the city as well as our service to all sizes and types of boats. We also ship t0 all outlying d istricts whether it be by boat or rail. As a symbol of our appreciation to you for your loyalty, we offer you for one week only some values for your greater savings. TOMATOES Choice quality. Libby's or Royal City.2j's. 2 tins .... "vK, Libby's Prepared MustHrd Large 9-oz. jar. 2 for AOI Happyvale Pickles Sweet sweet mustard. 32-oz.jar HEINZ SOUPS-Small, all varieties. 3 tins mixed, 27c 27c ROYAL CROWN SOAP For your laundry. 90s 6 bars Woodbury's Soap Regular 9p size. 4 cakes Canadian Cheese Mild. Per lb 23c FRY'S COCOA Top O-J n quality, lb. tin .... Heinz Pure Vinegar White -fl ff or malt. 16A-oz. bottle .... -a-W 33-oz. bottle 27c SiSSSSSSSSRaHSSSiaiiMMSIaSSSSHMSSSSSSSSSBSflSSSSSSSSSSaHSMSMSSSS El Rancho Corned Beef Packed in the Argentine. 97r 2 tins -"' QUAKER CORN FLAKES Irradiated with sun- OAt " shine vitamin. 3 pkgs. Davis & Lawrence Royal - Extracts 2-oz. bottle . . A 4-oz. bottle 20c Purity Flour Best for all your bak ing, .hirst grade, '19-lb. sack . 6.tvv cl,jWJ,lcl,i,. nu rresn ttmis in season are on display ' CONFECTIONERY--Order - a Xavnrlte cigarettes. u,la xoA cr n $1.83 Smoked Meats Fresh Milk Imported Cheese All our Smoked Meats are kept under refrigeration in our up-to-date Display Case for your nro-RoSnBaCTBayc0oUnCan 8 Welne"' BaCn a"d VZCZc Fresh Milk - Table and Whipping Cream - Hutlermilk - Roquefort Cheese Gorgpnzola Cheese Roman Cheese VEGETABLES All Vegetables are kept earden-freh n Ai.r mo v-ut. for fnr rnii, rt i .,i . ... . " -.. , ubt wuic with your VlCKS TODAY'S (Uourteay 8. U. Vancouver Big Missouri, .08. Bralorne, 10.60. Cariboo Quartz, 2.41. Dentonia, .01. Falrvlcw, .01 14. Gold Belt. .25. Hedley Mascot, .47. MIntn. .01. Noble Five, .01 Vi. Pacific Nickel, .10. Pend Oreille, 1.85. Pioneer, 2.12. Premier, 1.29 Privateer, .65, Reeves Macdonald, .18 Reno, .36. Relief Arlington, .09 Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek.. 1.08. Cariboo Hudson. .04 Vi. Hedley Amalgamated. Oils A. P. Con.. .157 Calmont, .38. C. & E 1.95. Freehold, .02. Home. 2.57. Pacalta. .05 Royal Can, .18. Okalta, 1.17. Mercury, .06. Prairie Royalties, .18. Toronto Aldermac. .2814. Beattle, 1.10. Central Pat.. 2.30. Cons. Smelters. 4450. Bast Malartlc, 3.65. Fernland, .01. Francoeur, .42. Gods Lake, 54. Hardrock, 1.05. Int. Nickel, 431. Kerr Addison. 2.30. Little Long Lac, 3.10. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.98. Madsen Red Lake. .48. McKenzle Red Lake, 155 Moneta, .70. Noranda, 7250. Pickle Crow. 3.90. Preston East Dome. 2.05. San Antonio, 2.24. Sherritt Gordon, .96. Uchl. .75. Bouscadillac, .03 Ht. Mosher, .07. Oklend, .07 14. Smelters Gold. .01 !. Dominion Bridge. 38.00. THE DAILY NZWS WHEN A COLD THREATENS YOU DO THIS To help prevent colds developing, use this specialized medication at first warning sniffle or. sneeze. VA-TRO-NOL STOCKS JlXWiOU OO.) 00?J William Leask of Metlakatla, who I has been on a trip to Vancouver. was a passenger aboard the Prince George today returning home. W. D. Smith, manaser of the Nor, thern British Columbia Power Co. at Stewart, was a passenger aboard the Prince George today returning' to Stewart after a holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the, south. ' SEALED TENDERS eddrtrd to th-SEALED TENDERS atklresSMl U th, warn unpTovttr.f. o.goy IilaixtB C." 1U br recivsd uir.U 13 o'CLOCKNOON, TUESDAY. MARMl 19. 1940. for whsr ' mplimwni snd UnproTmvrnU at Dlgbjf Wand. Skens DtrtrK. B.C. ' Plans, form ut contract and ptfl-caUcn enn be tn snd forms of lender obtslnrd at ui office of the Ch!f En-gtmcr. Depart rwrit of Public Works. Ottawa, at the otflcf of the District Engineer. Pc- Office Bldj.' New West- I minster. DjC also at the Post Offices 1st Prince Rupert. B C Vnoouver. BC land Vkstorla. BC I Tenders will not be considered unlesi made on .printed forma nupplled by thf Deparbnent and in accordance with 'condltftms set forth therein. Each tender rnunt be accompanied by 1 a certified unique on chartered bank In Canada, payable .to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Publlo I Work, equal to 10 per cent of the am-jount of the tender, "or Bearer Bonds of ''he Dominion of Cmvada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and Ita oonaUtuent comfanles, uncondltlon ally guaranteed si to principal and In-Itermt hy the IVimlnlon of Canada, or m aforementioned (bonds and a certifies cheque IX required to make up an odd amount. NOTE. -The DnMrtment will supply DniopruM ota xperd loatlon of the work on deport of a um of 120 00, in the form of a certified bank oheque payable to the order of h Minister of Public Work. The deposit will be released on th return of the blue-prlnU and upecl-f'natlan wlthLn a month from the date cf reception of tenders. If nat 'returned wUh that period .the deposit will b forfeit ed. By order. J"if. rJoMEftVILLti; . Secretary. Department of Public Works. OUnwn, rVbniary 37. 1040. DISCUSS HALIBUT FISIir.UY (Continued from rage One) thereon nv w and this ; UC UUlWiUI IU tain protection. The-re had been a group insurance plan offered some years ago with rates of four or four-and-a-half percent but these I rates had been relied. It was thought that, with provincial government assistance, some arrangement for co-operative Insurance jmieht be devised such as was done in Alaska where, at Petersburg for I Instance, the rate was 4ty percent inn c as boats and four percent on 'dlesel boats. The prelum went Into a fund from which claims were J tl'- la Cnsda nd ihs UJ-Bl.f b4 nw, larf tnmomy ill. H4 GENKKAL CONTRACTORS CASEY and M0RRETT0 Stone Masonary, Ilrlck or Concrete Work Excavation and Landscape Gardening Macadam Roads or Sidewalks Phone 35 for Morretto or Green 527 for Casey Stock Taking Sale All FURS At GoldbloonVs 25 Off Take advantage of the low Prices to buy now W. GOLMUOOM "The Old Itellable- THE SEAL -f QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert companies being there, It was handler for the obtaining of pack Ins and towing charters. I 5 i General Discussion I Jack Mcltae asked if local boats ; would be of much benefit to Prince ,ght nQl hgw greatef I Rupert 'extent in the recent herring fish- j Capt Hanson dlKlo that only ,,nil hfre m waJ Capt 'some five loca halibut four or Morrlson that ey ava,ubie boat carried insurance thedght (boats t Prlnce R had had th percent rate making : it lmpolble tunlt ,n u thu wason, ,ior uie mu.. u. u iFew if -nv iftCal nt were rnuln- ped with deep seines such as were now being used in herring seining J. C. Oilker. telling of what the province of Quebec was doing along "this line, suggested that the mat ter of giving assistance to the boat owners In improving their conditions be followed up. This suggestion was accepted and the president announced he would appoint the eommlttee later. In regard to financing fish boats Capt. Morrison suggested there paid, providing also for dlttrlbu- 'might be some difficulty in tion of surpluses. The result was 1 retard unless there was this some that there was cheap insurance. guarantee that boats so built Capt Hanson aim referred tonot reqwlstloned for naval serine importance of putting up flih-vlc- ;erls products of a high a quality ' " 'as possible. 1 Ulrrt,f Qnt.nn The commission whteh had been' i"V-!VCjr ULU1 set up In connection with export of fish during the war might operate to the advantage of the big, companies, Capt. Hanson suggested. Referring to reasons why some Prince Rupert halibut boats were moving headquarters to Vancou-i jver, Capt. Hanson pointed out thati wholesale houses there granted ten percent reductions to fish- boats. The headquarters of big LAME BACK nuy result from faulty kidney action. Gin Pills help kidney dispose of waits nutter that causes congestion. In th United States ask for "Gino Pills". National League Detroit 2. Boston 7. Wednesday Mar LAST TIMES TON,G,T "THE WO.MRV (Us All About M ; N At 7:11 and 9 ; ' 2 Shows, 7;M and J jt TOMORROW and THUy (JRACIE FIELDS In 'Shipyard Sally Ormes Cod Liver Oil (Norwegian) 8 oz Urmes Liquid Petrolatum I'lus LOUIS- G0D0Y Finht Pictures A. P Allison wr. Charlotte hlaiid '. . Is to be the spr-ik. the regular week! : Prince Rupert R. jubject will be Ik . v.- i Occasional Chairs Occasional chairs for the home. 1m only. Special selling, each 58.95 Lion Brand Luggag Matched sets. Socially priced for quick wllr, on display in our window Chesterfield Suite 3-piece Chesterfield suite. Special e 69.50 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Green 916 TIHItn AVtMI Store Hours 8:11 a.m. to J 10 p.m. I 'oooooooooooooooooooooootroooooooooooooooooooc , Ormes ltd The Itexall Store Phones II & 12 40c Ormes Cod Liver Oil-(Nonvegian "jg Ormes Liquid Pctrolatum- 10 oz Ormes Liquid Petrolatum 10 oz Ormes Liquid Petrolatum 80 oz. (container extra) 40c 75C $1.00 j rli-. . . 1 S. III! uaiion container extra v,vv s Ormes Horchound and Honey Cough 5QC 7TZr Ormes Bronchitis Kemedy - At , . , Ormes Comp. Syr. White Pine and Tar Ormes Antiseptic Throat Pastilles At Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. and 50c a.. 25c aml 50c 25c aooaooooiWoaoooooooooooooooooorKiooooooooociooooooooeo8 NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeplnt Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. K. nlack, Proprietress (Central Hotel) SHOOTING GALLERY Adjolnlnr IIHHtA KOI.I.EK A It EN A