PAGE TWO ' C AMPACS The Finest Styled Crepe Soled Shoes on the Market Comfort, Style and Durability, All in One. Priced From $2.50 TO 3.95 Six styles to choose from. Buy now while sizes are complete Family shoestore ltD, The Home of Good Shoea THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Alteraoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally Newt. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid in advance, per month By mall to all parti, of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance , By mall to all other countries, per year .... Classified advertising, per word, pr Insertion . Local readers, per Jlne, per Insertion . ws Department Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone PAH.Y EDITION Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations g 33 .50 3.00 9.0C 03 .25 Monday, April 15, 1940. EDITOKTAIS WHY IT FELL THROUGH In January of this year the Germans evidently intended to invade Belgium and many people at that time wondered why the plans were changed. The real reason was because the Belgian high command got word of it and the Germans knew they had the information. . It Seems that a fiprmnn nffinar troc n1onn.n 1 by tram from Berlin to Cologne with the complete plans of the proposed invasion. In order to have an extra ten hours with his newly married wife he decided to travel in-stead by plane and accepted a lift with an air force friend The plane became lost and landed on Belgian soil. The (jerman officers tried to burn the plans but were prevented from doing so by Belgian .guards. The result was the Belgians learned all the details of the scheme and it was called off. m It is possible that the Germans have new plans for the invasiorrof Belgium or it may be that some other country will be the sufferer. At any rate Belgium has the benefit of the first failure to help her in her defense, should she need it. SPLENDID WORK . The driving of the Germans out of Narvik on Saturday was" another exploit that shows how valuable is a strong navy with brave. news arrived Saturday it was hard to believe that there' was not some mistakp Wo aa navy to take Narvik but we did not realize there were so many German warships bottled up there. Seven war vessels at One SWOOtl IS nrttv trnnA nmvl- AA ;l was that there was no bragging ahead of time of what The British are making good their word when they said they would come to the help of Norway. Not only have they cleaned out the Nazi nest at Norvik but also they have landed trpons at several places in that country and these will be nrt nnr !m 4 t n .1 at. of their country and to share in the consirable task of Si driving out the Germans. ' p Another very important task which the British navy has carried out fs the mining of the German and Danish coast all the way from the Skagerrack to the borders of Lithuania. .This does not make it impossible for shins to leave Germany but makes it extremely difficult and dan-gerous. Undoubtedly; German mine sweepers are at work fishing out the jmnes but it is dangerous work and takes a Jong time. In the meantime the mine layers doubtless Will continue the work of laying more mines. Nothing so well illustrates how completely Britain and France have secured command of the seas as the invasion of the Baltic by the British right up to where the Russian sphere of in. fluence begins and the mining of most of it. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are dointf the bame. FROM THE SHOULDER Players Hare Much to do ThemselTes With Succcm of Football Lesion Does Its Bit The Prince Rupert Football Association has made a good start for the 1940 season. The success of the season however depends first of all on the players themselves. They must have the determination to back up the association. There Is never a year but the players complain of the lack f support of the genera public. This Is due t r, V. .1 jm me jjiujrcrs uirmseivr. How can they expect spectators to attend matches if teams turn i up short of players, games are new up till half an hour after the time for starting and often team? are not wearing uniform strips. Another usual complaint is that the refereelng is not eood. Here again players and spectators are partjy to blame. They do not know the rules of the eame And In any case the referee chert what he sees. He may miss what someone else sees but he l muth jmore likely to see something that others do not see. . The request from the Association ' to the Canadian Legion to spon-, sor a team was considered bv th Legion. From nrevlous unfnrtnn. I ate experience over a number of years the Leelon decided that if was unable to do so. But they did something which roust help. It voted the sum of twentv-flve dol lars to the Football Association for football nurnosM Th -niA soldiers" are alas too old to play but this substantial contribution is evidence of their suDDort of the game and a real encouragement to me iooioau association executive and players alike. i Old Country Soccer' South A " Mansfield 3, Notts County 5. Xorlh A Wrexham 3. Stockport 0. North B Doncaster 0. Rotherham 0. Junior Baseball Game Was Close McClymont Park Wins Oyer Fraser btreet By Seore Of 1 To 16 wrown. Arnv PavHH , Lonr. Holkestad and RrhrV SPORT CHAT Thfc 1940 season for the Major League baseball elubs onen in. '. r in the Junior Baseball 1 yesterday McClvmont Park . J morrow. Here Is the list of open- Infr fltlMMnv. T 1 I - 1 V I ! bic. iiuiuxiai ieague Brooklyn at Boston; Philadelphia at New York; Chicago at dlncln-atl; PUUturg at 8t. Louis. Amerl-, can League Cleveland at Chicago: , aw Louis at Detroit: Boston at Washington; New York at Philadel la. I Walter Johnson, veteran Washington pitcher, started his 18th sea son in major league baseball by shutting out Philadelphia Athletics' for his JOlst whitewash In big time' 18 years ago today. He struck out' eight A's, bringing his total to 3,000. WAS INSPIRED CLERGY LONDON, Aprjl 15: (CP) The new edition of r.rntrtn.rri: -i.i i , " - Ytuviiivivji) V4CX I- sm wjrecvory records that during the last year 590 men were ordained In Britain, the highest total for any year iince lou eervlng as army chaplains. If you nfcve fcometning to swap try a Classified Ad. a ugnt contest from Fraser Street Pa " a wrir. rf 17 m n.. .r : rung run was scored In the ninth 1 3 tining. Amev was on tho mH for Fraser Street and Macdanald . j ana banterbane for McClymont1 Park. There WCfc llarn nine K ravujcis ana Santerbane. Teams were: McClymont Park Uiruuu aI tori, Simundsen. AntArhatu i oura, neays. b. geherk. l-TSSer Street Vucmirh Tai i. THE DAILY NEWS Women's Club At Ocean Falls Interesting Variety Projram Mrs. Tumbull Of Prinre Rupert It Guest OCEAN FALLS, April 15:- At the Everywsman's Club on Satur day Mrs. P. S. Baeney gavea Tery Interesting paper an Gilbert and Svntvan. followed by the talrc of -nt-Wttlow" by Mr. Gooderteh and The Moon and I" by Mr Jam Kelly. The enintutatUc applause showed that the audience appreciated both paper and songs Mrs. Fatehen's paper on "Old English Gardens" and a dosing "Flower Fantasy were also much enjoyed, carrying the group back to jefcfldhood day. Mrs. Calhoun 'Rupert who broacM ewwHW hark to the war- friefldshts current events. I r In thanking to club members Hllto .DrtATlf tsTnuiu iw w uit wrtppted 19; CP- tlot, urtuorens Hospital. Mrs. Jessup in new need tint A. B. Martin, had contributed $54 toward the cause. A welcome guest of the Club was Mrs Alex Tumbull of Prince here parente to edUr , . were lauded by b, superintend . 'Jan. ahen he ;. ANYOX BARGAIN To Householders, Fishermen, Canners, Machine, Plumbing and Electrical Shops WHOLE EQUIPMENT OF TOWN BEING SOLD! TAKE YOUR OWN BOAT OR MAIL US YOUR ORDER Complete Houses as and where is -No Reasonable Offer Refused SAMPLE ITEMS AS FOLLOWS: Dressers, each $5.00 Piping, 1" to 127, per lb 6c Light Fixtures, Various xizes and prlcw Steam Radiators, per lb. .....Gc Fire Bricks, per 1000 $40.00 Wagons, each $10.00 Brass Valves, per lb. 20c Single Beds, each $2.50 Copper Wiring, per lb.-!. 20c Pipe Fittings, per Ik Jc Steam Coils, per lb. 6c Lead, per lb. ...... ;;!;...,.. 5c Brass Fire Hose Nozzles, lb. . 10c Babbitt, per lb. A Scrap Iron or Steel Pieces-Suitable for mooring anchors, per lb. 2c JUST A SAMPLE OF WHAT IS AVAILABLE. Write or Apply to J. H. BEATTIE, Anyox B. C. THE A.R. WILLIAMS MACHINERY CO. Of Vancouver Limited Vancouver, B.C.