ROOSEVELT , o ir CONDEMNS ' INVASION rrtsidcnt Of United Males Out spoken Against Aitlon or Ueich v;a sHLNOTON, D. C. April 1: r i nt Roosevelt f the UnJ- v- has pub'i'iy condemned - invasion of Denmark w.iy "Force and military .dm are again on the he says. "If dvliteatton 1c . unrive the righte of smaller : s must be respected by the powerful nation. ' Norway ' wm the respect of the world, r ' national Integrity and eon- I President ti delivering a :' address today which will be 2-1 ,.st throughout the world. Bulletins COLON IS KAZEI) COLON, Panama The enure bstinrM district of Colon was viprd sut by a S4.090.C00 fire Saturday night. Ten thousand nt homeles but no of life h reported. The United Stales Army is leading in relief I.KWJS CHARGED WASHINGTON, I). C William Ctfen, president of the Amerl-Mrt Federation of Ubor. charg-H Uftt night that John L. Lewis, Wd of the C. I. 0 was plot-tog a political revolution with a tkw to seirlng a dictatorship cr the United Stales. RANGERS WIN CUP New York Takes Stanley cup Emblematic Of World's Hotkey Championship TORONTO, April 15: (CD- New York Rangers won the Stanley Cup, emblematic of the world's professional hockey championship Saturday night, by defeating Toronto Maple Iafs three to two In the sixth game, an overtime contest. The Rangers won four games and the Maple Leafs two. The Maple Leafs got away to a good start by scoring once In the first period Apps from navm-son and again in the second period Mets from Schrlner. In the third period New York dominated the play and evened up the count Neil Colvllle scoring after eight minutes and Tike after ten minutes. Ilexstall, after two minutes and seven seconds of overtime, drove In an unassisted backhanded shot from the right side which won the game and the Stanley Cup for the Rangers. Puppet Gov't Has Resigned LONDON. Anrl 15: (CP) Reuters said that the German rniifrnllnrl rnrtlr, nf. Osln and announced the resignation of the puppet Quisling Nazi gov-' crnmcnt of Norway. This Is the government which Ger- many had said It would nego- late with as Klne Haakon and tit? Norwegian covcrnmcnt had failed to co-onerate. NEARING SWEDISH FRONTIER STOCKHOLM, April 15: (CP) Fighting between Norwegian and German forces brought the invading Nazis nearer the Swedish border today. Swedish authorities announced that three thousand Norwegians had fled across the frontier near Halden where they were interned. However, it was reported that Norwegians were clinging to positions elsewhere. A Reuters dispatch from Stockholm to London said that a state of preparedness against aerial attack had been proclaimed in southern and western'Swedcn, invasion being considered imminent.. t rlTr? 1K Tf ii'oi: rffi?nllv nn ti ni 1 n ivrl tn- day that British forces marines and soldiers had been landed at several points on me coast, 01 iurway iu mm, the Norwegians in tne campaign to unve out me uumiau PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. ON BRITAIN'S AIR PATROL OF BRITISH ISLES v.. .. n. .. .uif, ,,r M' irniat ion this olcture shown a Daf fin dane about to land on the fiu;i.s clcolc cf vlie British Aircraft Currier Eagle on the aerial patrol of sea routes around the British IMca. BRITISH HAVE LANDED AT NORWEGIAN POINTS: REICH IS MINE-BLOCKED Pocket Battleship Admiral Scheer is Badly Damaned if Not Sunk Submarines and Airplanes Do Pine Work for Allies , Italy May Hear Call Of Bugles , nnKV. Anril IS: Italian naval manoeuvres are being held earlier than usual this rinp th fleet concentration belnsr undoubtedly due to the tense International situation nH thp iwulbiiitv of suread- in war. "The bugle call may sound some morning soon for Italy," an official spokesman warned yesterday. H.M.S. YORK NOT SUNK Another False Report From German Propaganda Machine LONDON. April 15: There is from the Brmsn invaders. The announcement that the Allies had occupied JJJ, confirmation a number of key points on the Norwegian coast was made clalms 0l the tne t? wmswjn ui,iiri rhure.hlll. wmiu"". " . tt VlUUc illUC utOHUJb,a " v " vv. , u.iu ..." c German propaganda slnkine in the North bv Rt Hn .. gea 0f h, m. a. xorn wuu First Lota 01 ine uu:,,ali ed last Thursday morning wun ai hundred men on Doara. m. m. o. director of the British armed for lfMt rouf wu b torpedoes from.York visited Prince Rupert in 1938 wmu th exact oolnts of landing . . ...... ... in the course of a Pacific Coast ie submarine bpeariisn, in com- - . ... . it was believed 1928 were nut. ""'- .. . .,., t w . . J NarviK ana nwnu oi wui.. vmma.. was srauonea that two of them were and untn rccently Trondhiem. both Imporiani ran- Forbes, wnicn mus got us revenge at Bermuda as nagsnipi. wav terminals. Off Ictal Undon was for an arduous experience last lau rerorted today to oe more cunricu wnen u was ta ... ne Qrltisn uoiumoia usuc over the war outlook than at any Heligoland Bight. announces the appointment of ,in(. the invasion 01 ruiauu xt was aiso anuuuiiccu wmi, Alexander Turnouu 01 trince nup- i.t Kontember. merman cruiser n.awiu, h- crt c j rTeaericKson ana a. u. ia5l DCl";" ,!, i..., ..1 J Kr milt VlW . . . .,-1 r, J Throughout l"e wciw-cjiu w- iuuiy onm w us -j staiiora OI rrince ucuigc British Air Force was delivering - Norwegian shore batteries, had ac-'j, F K English of Pouce Coupe to hivv blows against Norwegian I tually been the victim of torpedo be commissioners under the Evl-eoastal points which had been oc- attack by Uie submarine Truant off dence Act. rnied bv the Germans, paving the chrUtlansund. ! of the expedl-1 Fourteen supply ships, of the Ger- i - " " L' I Way , 7rtr for t the he landing ianuB 7" . M AHmin stavnnirer. do ne extensive damage tlonary lorcw. yA hppn sueeessfullv to German aircraft. This - was only eir the weeK-ena mc .............. - ,..,.:!., , extensive B uu,lk . ... .u lr1n7 Of the have compieiea w.w -"::' entire German coast xrom to Memel in Utnuan - - Bet.her with the diociu(. i?in":t OI,d Kattegat, gives Baltic and, with we r v. urdav at Narvik, cuw on entirely as far as u".- r-neTfrom its much-needed sup-. . from Sweden. P'y 01 ""'ir ,, cement was Is- night in regard w "7, -j Tj..,ir,r the week by submarines. c5 statement was the The feature of ... nrement that me p, i Admiral mlral Scheer tscnetri,, oit. sister battlesUlp battleship Wmir akillClllCilbt v wwvwww...rf . attacked by the Navy, ten being part of activities carried definitely known to have been' out over the week-end by the Royal Tho iniimrntion dirt tint in-' Air Force m narryinK uie cunuj have been sunk at Narvik nor Meantime the Norwegians con tinue their stout resistance against mnlrlnsr their occuDation of Norwav tne more auucuit. It is renorted that German planes shuttling across the entrance of the n.iMc Sea are transDortlng troops superior mechanized and motorized Into Norway at the rate of 4,000 per t h inviHn Ra-pHish nnri rfnv Two hundred rjlanes are re- V .. -- . J j Finnish volunteers have joinea wim poriea to dc cugaKcu ui uujiv.- wnrwav tn flcht off the Germans. Ine troops In this manner. Mrs. The Germans are concentrating on Nails May Withdraw Konesvlnger, a railway junction) in a oroaacasi irom uenm m north of Oslo, one line or whicn morning m ingusn tne amiuuut leads to Trondhjem and the other suggested that the Norwegians did in cfrvUmim That some aavances not aDnreciaie wnat me ueniwiw have been made by the Germans In were trying to no for mem ana. u ana 'that that area area Is is not not denied. ueiuiu. they cua uiu not nwn co-operaie i Deuer, w.w., u o.. 5,1m leather Forecast Tomorrow sT ides High 7:55 ajn. 173 It. r , , Rupert a! l Char- 21:01 p.m. 173 ft. I unds Mot3$ 'esterly Low . 1:24 am. 9.0 It. stly fair at 14:16 pm. 5.9 ft. J NORTHERN AND CENTKAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1940. dns Are Cutting Off Reich LATEST ON SITUATION Week-End Developments In Scandinavian War SummarizedVarious Important Moves British Forces are reported to have landed in Narvik under pro- lection of naval thellfire. An earl" ier Norwegian communique said Norwegian troops north and west of the ore port were ready to at tack the German ; who are said to have fled into the interior follow- u . Krt th landing on Satur day. The Britbh War Office and Admiralty announced British forces had now landed at several points in Norway. The British Admiralty an nounces two German troop trans ports sunk and four torpedo hits scored on a convoy of transports in Skagerrack since last night. The announcement added that a transport had been set afire at tergen and a small supply ship sunk by combined naval and air action. Earlier Great Britain reported a -rr-'fu! torpedo attack on the German pocket battleship ad miral Scheer. the lavinr of a mine, field across Germany's Bal tic back door and 'other blows against the German navy, ""An alr'raia oivStavanger heved to have destroyed a gasoline dump. There have been repeated British air raids on var ious Norwegian coastal points now in the hands of Germany. Germany officially denies that any points on the Norwegian coast have, been recaptured. There is no official comment destroyers met a formidable British fleet have not yet been A British Broadcasting Corporation broadcast to the Norwegian people assures them that the "invasion ot your country will not go unpunished. British soldiers are coming to your assistance. When vou see them do everything you can to aid them. If you know where Germans are tell them. If a British soldier needs food, give it to him. If he needs shelter, give it to him. fass on the word. CLEAR UP SUB CALL Distress Message, Turporter To Have Come From British Ship, Said U-boat Had Been Seen THOMASTON, Maine, April 15: (CP) Mackay Radio said that a A ... . n radio station, presumamy Cana dian, had reported a distress signal from the British freighter Craig early today after sighting a submarine eight hundred miles northeast of New York. The mat ter had since been "cleared up." SLAIN IN Roumania Decree Has Prohibited Wheat, Oil And Fuel for Germany Jugoslavia Also Joins in Move to Prevent Hitler From Getting. Supplies From That Quarter Crop Failure Given as Reason BUCHAREST, April 15: (CP) A Roumanian decree tonight prohibited indefinitely all exports of wheat, petroleum, coal and wood, cutting off Germany's main source of supplies in southeastern Europe. The government economic council has decided to void all wheat con-tiacts because of prospective crop failure and has ordered foreign delivery of other products REICH GUN BOATS ARE I WINNIPEG George Harrop Is Charged With Murder Of Her Husband WINNIPEG. April 15: (CP) George Harrop, aged 42, was shot killed his home town today and In . i . . . Police Chief George smitn Hint Mrs Harron will be v..... - . vtPrriav British nlanes dropped might be necessary to withdraw charged with her husband's mur- ship of the ui-i , . Uack. tons ot bombs on an airdrome at from the country. der. 'Spec, had been successiuuy THREATENED Roumania Takes Strict Control All Traffic On Danube River Germany Al'eges "English Sabotage" BUCHAREST. ouKniuw., April 15: (CP) - ?Y7 IT TWO SUBS SUNK from Germanv on what may have BERLIN Germany claims the happened at Narvik except for a j 'sinking in the North Sea of two vtatrmrnt statement that that lossp losses when when Nail Nail ' RritUh British submirines submarines which which were were surprised by Nazi bombing planes as they lay on the surface. NAZIS BUNGLE IT PARIS German dead were left hanging in barbed wire entanglements as they were driven off by French machine gun and rifle fire after an unsuccessful attempt to penetrate French positions on the Western Front in the Vosges section. There was a heavy German artillery barrage with howitzers Ibeing brought into play but it was badly handled and machine guns proved effective in killing many ot the enemy. It is now said that there is no indication of a general collision of forces on the Western Front. AFTER KING HAAKON STOCKHOLM The Norwegian government has advised Great Britain that German air attacks are being directed personally against King Haakon. This seems apparent, it is said, through German planes bombing all towns where Haakon has been. The King and the Norwegian cabinet had a meeting today at an undisclosed point. stopped until adequate reserves are assured for the army and railroads. Jugoslavia has also intimated that all its exports will be limited to a distrance of 100 miles from the country. LONDON, April 15: tun Strict' control of Danube U The British Navy lived up to Us iralltc was emorcea Dy rummama traditions ot yaior and ! tllZ ! BLACK-OUT ORDERED BERLIN German radio tonight broallcast a warning that all lighthouses and signal fires on the south coast of Sweden should be extinguished. No explanation is given, not even that it is for the "protection" of Sweden. NORWEGIAN SUNK LONDON The Norwegian steamer Tosca, 6000 tons, has been sunk by a German torpedo. The crew of thirty was taken to safety In Scotland. SHOT DOWN BY SWEDES STOCKHOLM Swedish antiaircraft guns shot down a Ger ' Narrilr Norwegian ore Dort. and sank seven German des- trovers, causing the German soldiers, who had been garris- oning the place, to take to flight over the hills. The Bri- tish Admiralty late Saturday nisht officially announced the ' success of the engagement and I it has since been confirmed in Norwegian statements that the British are definitely in control at Narvik and are mak- lng their way up the railway line which leads to the Swedish iron mines. The retreating Germans are believed trapped between the British and Nor- wegian forces. The recapture of Narvik is a severe' blow to the Nazis' Scandinavian cam- Daien. L'u Navy Upholds . I . Its Tradition . FLOOD IN ALBERTA One Hundred Homes Along Red River Near Drumheller Arc Evacuated DRUMHELLEiy, Alberta, April 15: (CP) Rising flood waters of the Red Deer River have forced residents to evacuate one hundred river side homes at nearby New-casUe, Joining refugees from East Coulee, Carbon, Wayne and man military plane which was flying over Swedish territory. All but one member of the crew were killed, Another German plane came down on the west coast of Sweden and Its crew was interned. DUTCH IN FIELD AMSTERDAM Martial law has been extended to all strategic points in Holland. Hundreds of thousands of. troops are In the field and everything Is ready for Holland's effort to defend its H. F. S. Wolverton was a pessen-ger aboard the Catala today going through to Alice Arm where ht has mining Interests.