PAGE SDC :!.f 3 STRR RVE A special quality old fye o fine flavor, thoroughly matured in oak. nouinniv nw A 25 OZ. take possession of Dutch Indies, . -en s Zipper Sweater JAGKETS Assorted shades and styles, all wool. Sale Price $.95 MEN'S LEATHER tapk-ptc 1" a big variety. All sizes at re duce djirjces. 5350 BOYS' ZIPPER SWEATER JtChETS All wool, assorted f.irdcs and styles, two-tone and plain. Sale OS) A-, price tjAetD MEV'S DRESS SHIRTS- In good broadcloths. All QQn sizca. M to 17 Sale price OC ! v-ORK SHIRTS 7Q nle price . ME'f3.iyr3SS SOCKSr, - v. " In farcy shades. All QQn sizos. r:- tul MEN'S ST NFIELI) MEDIUM wei ''DERWJJAR 'White and natural. C- Aff .Sale ""'IC i?jLuo 40 OZ. tious objectors' tribunal. The son duty. ty. AGE GOVERNMENT JARANTFED . YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S TENNIS SHOES 7Qo Sale price 'wt ROYS' SCHOOL SHOES Good hard wearing, solid leather. All slzes 1 10 5. Sale price S2.95 Ac This advertisement Is no! published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Bntish Columbia Zealand Anxious Regarding Dutch Warns What May Happen In East Indies If Nazis Attack Holland land there will b? hd Netherlands East Indies." he declared. This would mean the end of Pacific security. Another Pacific power. wnicn ne "ned not name," would leaving Australia and New Zealand in a dangerous position. The United States might step in but It was not possible to say she would. AT FATHER'S PI.EA LIVERPOOL, Eng.. April 15: (CP) A man who went to the front in 3 the First Orcat War against his will 'm- a ttntrt h . 1 . ....... Queen Approves Canada's Pipers VANCOUVER. April 15: CP-Ouem Elizabeth thinks there -s nunutiwu, n. z., April is: oui earnea ine Military Medal wunc are aic i.CP) Because of Hollanti s Parific "possessions, maintenance of Dutch is viCwed by New Zealand as of vital importance. Oerman troop movements on the Dutch frontier are considered In some ways of more immediate Importance to the Island Dominion than any other aspect of the war. Peter Fraser, deputy prime minister, left no doubt of the New Zealand government's concern at threats to Dutch neutrality In a recent speech. '; . "If Germany walks through Hol nleaded for his son at a consclcn- uc"" p,l,e D3nas m nacia man . . . .... - In In Scotland RAfttlfllirl hufr but she V.n drowsed - - hsr V. registered for non-combatant ,vlce t0 wn,Per A ded this to Pipe Major Kdmund Esson of the Sea forth Illahlandeni COBRAS GALORE ho was presented to her la Scot- CALITZDORP, South Africa, Ad- land--1 15: CP A farmer and his wife Both of them lauahed over her here had killed five cobras in their remark but the pipe major only house in a s-ason when they saw inclosed the cause of their another peering down from the fimusoment in a letter to hla rafters of their bedroom. They another. Mrs. II. R. Karon or Van-fumigated the house to kill It. :''iver. wvvwuuiii iriiiHrKHn" lain, a F-ee Church adherent, will "With Pine Major Esson. who halts aridre. the National Free Church from Vancouver, the queen had a Council here tomorrow Prime Mm- toke that made them both laugh ister Stanly Baldwin .-. addressed heartily but what at he refused af-the council while In office. ' terwards to tell. 'Not whtlem in THE DAILY NEWS if Whifflets From The Waterfront J Having been delayed several hours by heavy freight cargoes for waypolnta, Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Ftndlay. nrrlved at 4:15 this morning from the south, sailing a( 6 a in. for Stewart and other northern nolnts whence she will be back here tomorrow after-! noon southbound. The Catala, Included in her freight, had lumber mm dd at Telegraph Cove for Ar-randale cannery, the material to be used in cannery Improvement work, ! Northbound on a regular voyage fmth Vancouver to Skagway. C.P.R. steamer Princess Norah. with Capt. S. K. a ray In command this trip, . was In port from 9 to 10:15 yester day morning. The vesfel had on , board 106 passengers of whom two disembarked here, seven going notm from this port. I The anagboat Essln?um, Capt. I J. D. Watson, left this morning for the Naas River to commence the waton's work after having been tied -up for the winter. The Essinfton will be on the Naas River until, May 17 when she wilt, ... v . v. w m jm ci 1 1 . Armour Salvace Co.'s service boat Pachena. which returned last "niurtday nleht from a trip to Vancouver with CDt. Paul Armour t bnird. Wt this morning with a -idrivr for Sunnyslde cannery "her the outfit has some work to for the B. C. Packers which """1 oetr the next week or ten 'vs. capt Reg Oreen Is In 'hart. Scotland, said he laughing. 'That's a secret.' " The pipe major told his mother he quen asked him if his band had played before her and the King during the royal visit to Vancouver last summer and then said: "You know, I have heard better pipe bands In Canada than in Scotland." pnng See Our Line of Sport Crepe-Sole ""fords at Reduced Prices NEW DRESS OXFORD SHOES Balr price ROYS' JACKETS wool. 8 air Prir S2.95 Melton cloth. S2.95 ROYS' CAl'S-AU silk lined in assorted shades. M. Sale price ROYS' ALL WOOL GOLF HOSE Hula price 3C 39c 6 Only LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S RAINCOATS Q9 QC To clear at t?0t) 1 LOT OF LADIES' HOSE "ilk and wool. To clear at In wool 59c GARBO IN GAY FILM "Nlnotchka" Is Feature Offerinc at Capitol Theatre for First Half of This Week Oreta Oarbo sings, dances and laughs In "Nlnotchka." the famous SwdUh star's first picture In two pnrn which Is the feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre for the first half of this week, incidentally, it Is Oarbo'g first venture Into the field of sophlstocated modern romantic comedy. Oarbo plays the part of a stern Soviet commissar who U sent to Paris by the Russian government fo sell the confiscated Jewels of a noblewoman. The noblewoman and a French count fight the deal jn court. Oarbo and the count fall in Jive. The noblewoman manoeuvres to get Oarbo back to Russia but the count counter-manoeuvres to have her sent to Constantinople where they are married. Mrlvyn DougUs has the Dart of the French count. Ina Claire is the noblewoman and Oarbo s love rival. Bela Lufosl ts the stern chief com-mlsanr. A nw corned trio li Introduced In Felix Brart. 8l Ru-mann and Alexander Oranach. The storv l renlrte with hrilllani rlli with nrK htrln one hnflrd oercent more tinea than In any of her previous picture she alv danre an ultra-modern swine with Doutlas. tints a French chan- eommtoar "tone pari- and Intro-Hue , -orbo- hat to the world of fashion. Blackout Helps Bag-Snatching But Six Months Report Show Lew umer imences In Old London LONDON. April 15: (CPt- A survey of crimes committed in the Metropolitan Police Area ha Just been Issued by Sir John An- ROYS' ALL WOOL PULLOVER Crew-neck, in white. Q-f in 2-toned Ox.'iJ ROYS' TRENCH COATS In blue and fawn. qq ne Sale price OO.UD ROYS' FELT ROYS' OVERALL PANTS Sale price No C.O.D. - Every Sale Final S1.65 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MEN'S DRESS PANTS QO qj- Sa!e price QAVO 9np -iL Redout "STORY THAT COtri.D.VT UK PRINTED" CARTOON KITTIAS' MITTK.N8, SAVE TIME... SAVE MONEY . . . WITH OUR THRIFT-TICKET BOOKLETS! GAR BO Just wait'il v . . Garbo Ernst L voalsin 'NIN .7 r She's vtvacr . r tious! A r.-.. Garbo with a " hither" look m r f More qlamcrcu- r wonderful than c.-a typically ra y t-Lubltsch iovt ef Paris! Easily o r -prising, bigg .-. r v tic event ot : GARBO In Pans !-. . In ERNST LUBITCCHS "NINOTCHKA: MELVYNDOUGLAS INA CLAIRE (At 111 ar.d 2 Showi NUhtl - ' ;i t TONIGHT TUESDAY andi n CAP1T01 , inc six wie unimi), previous ' C I months ending February 25. when in cases ro the bUckout was longest, showed Burglars an.) an increase in bag-snatching and Den x shop breaking compared with the 574 ertn f ame period last year. Cases In !!!2ft ,fu" ' , 1 burglary, howeaklng. robbery 1 and atfnpted robbenr with vti. . ence decreased. Shopbreaking was Keep no P to Ca- a. 41 " -attempted 1M times more than ,,rty CLEARANCE SALE We have to clear out stock to make space for new season's goods. It is a great opportunity for men and boys to stock up at pre-war prices. Call and look the goods over. MEN'S SHOES-Klcks. heavy crepe rubber. Made by Goodrich, none better. Q9 OS Sale Price i?lUO MEN'S TENNIS SHOES QOn Odds, to dear wOt ROY'S TENNIS SHOES QQ0 To clear lOly YOUTH'S and ROYS' LIGHT CHECK LONG PANTS- Q- QC Sale price 3X70 CHILDREN'S KLtSTIC TOP SOX-LETS In all colors of the rainbow. In rayon silk. HC " l n,i. K.i , . .. " - ' . . ... I me Importers Men s Suits Worsted, nice assorted shades, plcilcf) mk Only 10 in the lot. Sale Price $-7.95 1 1 ATPVC CIIIV' 1 1 A Ts. by Biltmore, All 2.95 Shades. S:ilo nr ro ft-,w AIPM'C friL'TMi 'ntT. Navy and fawn. 25 95 Srfld nnrn ?0tdl A. XlftK I ot OK MFN " ' lAAWTS-i-In all shad for men. Sale nric $3.95 aral $4.95 MEN'S CASHMERE SOCjKH In fancy colors. JJJC oum price