Saturd; l tnA inn nf Mr nnrt Mrs. T. donaga, who was drowned in the n River last week, iiu many gathered to pay their last :t at St Andrew's Cathedral Tft niAM TentM IIittllmnTn Hayakawa, Hlrojl Yamanaka Kayzl NUhlo. but Wa hrniiffhti un nnr pdn- w at prince Rupert. He was a n the local high school. During fchool life he was popular ni his schoolmates. In his out- S activltv hp was a vprv art.lvp - J .... n .0 M TV. J " . " rker among the young people at wurcn ana ne was chosen presa- t lT V. XTI-. 1.11..- ir...HH r-" a 'wovLiauuil LillA ttriiii. aval Observers or Uncle Sam Spotted In Various Sections ' Western Hemisphere Includ fstern ing Martinique 1 under British blockade. (IRP MIMF AREAS ARE DECLARED kiuvhiii uii"1"1 and Bay of Biscay 'sj The Admiralty announced mrday nleht that tho Wnirllsh "nel and Bay of Biscay are 'Serous to nnvliroHnn rllhnnl I n i . o " iwiructions from Brltlsn eFs- indlcatlnor Ihaf min had CHECK UP anada and U.S. i v. n vi.r nnvn n'l 1 1 rT I n 11 womnm nam ennn rn TRAITORS bate bate followed followed when when the the Prime prime Min- Oldflcld, 17,000, lie and 8c, Stor- Gulvlk, 24,000. lie ana h., -.. North Forland, 3,000, 10.5c and 8c, Atlln. r.u..i- vtrtiand. vice-president . .. . riini Rank at se- States Famous Car Manufac turers Passes in New York NEW YORK, August 19 (Canadian Press) Walter P. Chrysler, sr . motor car manufacturer, died of cerebral hemorrhage at his home at reat Neck, Long Island, yes r.nmoiAM tit 4 ntttm 4 m incmrMMn ROOSEVELT AND PRIME MINISTER KING age and had been ill for some j..!.i: ncfnViliaVi a normannnt minr hnarfl nf r p. . . . . . , aeciuiiiK tu w"""1"" vwiimiv.iv in ne sianea me unrysier i i. ,j:; ;:nii.. nrn. niiiiuuuvviiiviiw v v.. v.w..w.w.. jv - ww.uw. r.: r.ti H.1 onlrnirrin kinir anrl I'rosiilonr Ifnnca. HsnKlnff Intprpsis aKsnriaiM wim . . . . 1.1. It A a t lolnt board on defence shall set up at once Dy me iwo coun- fivt members from each nation if L .U4I.. 4- kafrfn M. will meei aiiwiuji mj ivbui - I .MUU1E3 1CUIUI1. Ml OM. . W . . M Ur DroDiems inciuaing person- md material." 1 If 11 HlH I I IHill lay . Wilkie And I uic auLviiiuuiic iiiuuaiijr icicutru iu 'Walter P. Chrysler as the "doctor of sick motorcar companies." I He was recognized as possessing genius for organization, expert iviiuvvicukz; ui AitiaiiL-c aim liitiyiiou- RnfiCPVPir ,cs' 3 dr'v'n5 Power of will and an lVUUoCVCIL enormous capacity for work that carried him always forward, and ELLWOOD, Indiana, ua, Aug. nuS. 19. i. - ....-e made him sought after by compan- Wendell Wlllkle. candidate for President dent of of the the had had dealt dealt rather rather severely severely. Chrysler could have built one him- elf PrcvlouslVi he had reproduced lstr refused to answer questions ; t a ranroad lo. concerning Ihe personnel or mei . ri.rfpct ln ever detail.! committee. The committee was es-' . M, tabllshcd secretly some weeks ago. . applled mechanics that was to make him notable in hU Halibut Sales I Chrysler's experience with auto- . imoblles began ln 1911 when he be- Amerlcan 'came production manager for the n.iM. tnnnn m rp and 8c. Roval. Ruipir Motor ComDany. He was IVfVWt .v.ww - - vnrfioir innno. 11c and 8c. Atlln. nresldent of that company when Frela 14 000, 10.3c and 8c, Booth, he resigned in 1920 to direct the Wizard 40,000, 10.6 c and 8c Pa- affairs of the Willys-Overland Storage. Glacier, 13,000, 10.8c and Booth. I Canadian ';wuihutun, D.C., Aug. IB. - uara, io,vw, YailUUS KCCLIUIIS Ul UIV. iWOU - Storage. 'nnmnfinv. Laier ne went iu uic cine ... J0. r.'r a Sea Bird. 29,000, lo.oo ana oi,iMaxweii-c;naimers um") 4i 1091 hpcnrne head of his own com 8c. nnnv. the Chrysler Corporation. .4 1 , - - - Chrysler has no set iormuia iur success. He bellevea in courage, definite objectives and qulc deel PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, JB r. slons. "If you don't have tne courage of your convictions," he once, said, "vou worry. Hard work does n't hurt anyone, But nara wors and worry are impossible." ThP hues Chrysler buimmg in New York city is one of Chrysler's achievements. When he was Dorn April 2, 1875. at Wamego, K.ans., the site of the building was known to - New Yorkers as tne iexingion oi tne nrsi nuv" ---- - .i-- , .rtn attle alflp and and nt at one one um time managvi d avenue bu Chrysler was the the Bank of Alaska at SKagway j rhrvsipr. ft locomo- mt - englneef, and Mary Brayma tne nncess Ai.e o from graduated hasinhrvsler. He was noon returning to "...,. r""u,w n, -emii. Kans.. and beenOTa7Mtto.AJaion business, having been w"-r.- a four.yar ap. Washington. Miss Marie Lock returned home on tho Catala this morning from n visit to Victoria. . a. - ,,Hppshlr) In the shops of the TTnlnn Pacific Railway. no urns marrlea at bins, June , 1901,to Delia V. Forker. They had two daughters ana two sons., GERMANY HARD HIT Royal Air Force Continues Pulverizing Attacks On Reich; LONDON, Au;ust 1! Royal Air Force nlanes ranted far and 4. in 1905 wnen Chrysler was super-. . m lntendent of motive power of aiVllc. nrlKtv-H mldwreternTillroadr he borrowed rllV $4,300 and with $700 capital of his 4 own bought an automobile M rnnlrln't drlvp. on it. It took him nearly three years to re pay the loans. His path to the tl- 1 nf sunprlntendent of motive t the servlie was held, Rev-g ,a Fi(th column Committee In power had been an arduous one. Oibson officiating. Peter Lien Un,led states .starting with a Job at five cents an hour as locomotive wiper. . , 1 He brought the automobile solely set up a committee to check mm activities ThU announce-, column saId lQng afterwanL ment was maae in me nouoc . , tn Commons by Prime MinUter Win-l'nlne down tnree or four tes ston unurcnui ana an aiis' ...Kft. - ..AnU lr 11144 ance speecn, expressed mm- nmu.,. 4..c ....v-. and injurfd Tne German au- sen in general agreemeiii iui " thorlues claimed live Hriusn I President Roosevelt on the 1m- wnen it urst attracted nis in-, ,anfS brou ht dowIlt ! portant questions of foreign terest. Yet to him It was new. Back j ; relations and compulsory mill iary iraininK. wmwe ttiyy' - . i ftl i. runner ai iiDsrauici rwi . . - 2 Kadonau jJst the forcM of aggression. I funeral took place 8aturday' me 111 joev rvaaonaKa. uuuuiat U loved local hleh scnool stu- Lib 1 jl VlVV14 vnvw: BOAT LOST feather EorecasV Tomorrow sT'ides" High 2:25 a.m. 20.9 It. RuPrt and Qu"n Chai: Prince 14:53 pjn. 202 (t. south IZ Islands-Fresh to strong 8:46 ajn. 3.2 ft. Snds. mostly fair and warmer and LoW 21:05 4.5 ft. p.m. doming unsettled at night. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vYIX NO. iwa . I'u, . ' "PRINCE RUPERTrBTC.f-MPNDAYf AUGUST 19,1940. PRICE: t CENT8 ritain Is All Set For Invasion ilitary Help ityBct magnate yn; : IS DEAD,; sates ; .nme. time. The ine son son 01 of a a Kansas Kansas locomo locomo- qqq jtive engineer. became a machl-j nist himself and at the age of 14.14.. ....... H..nM4nnMAn4 I wilt tj-uve waa a auirciiiibcuuciiv nr.TlF.NSRIJRG. New York. AucUSt 19. Canada and for the Chicago Northwestern . 1 rii nUcA. n n millUmr ollinn.n f Railway. At tortv-one he was nro Standing of Candidates up to Saturday night In the Carni- i val Queen contestlwas as fol- lows: r TnriltVi Jprstad., Rons of Nor- ' way Ladies' AldJlOO. 1 Elsie Murvold, Junior Cham- ber of Commerce?M,000. Florence Obucmna, Oyro Club, 20,000. . Adele Mussallem, Moose, 19 Molly Ellison, 1,000. Whole Counrty Made Defence Area As Zero Hour For Nazis Invasion Attempt Approaches U.S. SHIP NOT SAFE i .... I. . U'jrninr in Rezard llianj J " .. " Rotary Club, to Refugee Vessel Now at bea ncaaf twjjai .... w.wv headquarters announce the loss of suits, of hypnotic treatment. The I ..... . . 1-J Tt 0Ma.nt A In. a marine craft due to explosion on illness puzziea ui. oaiBck u.-the coast of Nova Scotia. The crew.ducing the soldier to describe the is safe and only suffered a few frightfulness on the beach also fall- . . U. 1 1 - n.V.tVt frt minor injuries. ea to proviae a oau u ,( formulate a cure. Bulletins RUSH TO REGISTER As registrants began to gather ibly. WINDSOR HOTEL FIRE WINSOR, Ont. Fire destroyed a Windsor Hotel early yesterday morning following an explosion of suspicious character. Among the guests were many soldiers. There were several deaths. The Home Guards have been called out and members of the militia are guarding ine rums. NEW UNDERSECRETARY WASHINGTON, Aug. 19. J. Fore stall has been appointed Under secretary of the Navy It was learn ed from Washington. To Issue New Loan Ottawa Aue. 19. Canada will Issue a second war loan early next month seeking a total of 4300.000.000 dollars f or war funds it was announced by Finance Minister 3. L. Isley. I Under hypnosis, however, the soldier nirtipr uavp gave Dr. Dr. Sareent Sargent a a clear clear Today's Raiding Activity is Light After Heavy Onslaught On Sunday Churchill to Make Full Statement Tomorrow LONDON, August 19: (CP) As a precautionary measure, all Britain was. made a defence area today as the noUnn nrunorcrl frv a nnaoiKlo ofnifrftrlo in rlofnnrl ltd crU auSTm 'With the Germans believed neanng the zero hour for the Berlin, - oermany Saturday night warned unitea rtiieiJiiJt ui a uuat iiiyuoiuu, mc uum xin x uivc munui- States that it would not be re- ed a thunderous attack against the sponsible for the safety of the J A 11irDir A IM American transport American uk- d 'bi i'" Alfir. It f I 111 glon which left Petsano. miana, on one oi uranauj s iaiBcu mum-Friday night for the United States lnum factories Just across the Rhine with 895 refugees on board includ- from the Swiss town of Reheinfel-lng Mrs. Oliver Borden Harrlman, dan, bombs being reported to have -. . itHoH ctotec amhassadar dronned on Swiss territory. The lUrUlCl UlU.U : - I to Norway, and Princess Martha of raiders' objectives were widespread i Norway and her son, rrince nap old. wide over the Reich and Ger- . man occupied territory, enraging MnfTfOC NnaHPfPfl CU In terrific bombardment of 1m- nerVC pUailCl portant military, objectives. The r .117 flwJnlo Republican les with which the post war period j 0mans complaIned; of attacks 3V War S UrdealS . 1J.!. districts J,.,.,.,4. of , cities i,t.. -J United States, in his accept- wnrysier was noi a pioneer oi me Hypnotic Treatment Aided In Res toring Soldier and Sailor to Normal Health 1 - . . . .A. . r.m h Tl r 1 rttsVSr- t htJoo..ow wttl make .his first full VM" f ..r nnhllA fAvlAiTF nf frtrotfyn affair REAL PERIL and the bombers attacked a Ger- j United States Ambassador to United .vi.h, hmther to hasten nu -.- . .v.,,.. y4.-w- gantj, at Dunkirk was smce assuming office In a state-: paring the way In the same man-rnervTus wreck until hypnotic ment on the progress of war to the i ner in which they prepared the teataent revealed the reason for House of Commons. ! " France, he said. aliment, a wrlt- w . ..... - ui 'vessel ursirojcu t,iniiuu "crazy"; others said things less i Atlantic Coast But Crew of er disclosed in a recent issue or 'harsh but shook their heads du- T.n u' s.r." 1 Lancet. British medical magazine. blously. But Chrysler had a hunch j , The writer. Dr. William Sargent and he wagered $5,000 rvnriwi Anmief 10 (ran nd lan nsvchlatrlc SDeclallst. cited this and ti i Tn.!.i ronriian -Air tviwK nnnther case to show beneficial re- man Industrial district on the nor . thern side of Lake Constance. ' Germany Issued a warning today that there would be reprisals on RA F. prisoners If Nazi parachutists in England were mistreated. Waves of Nazi planes attacked on Sunday but today's activity was . slight. One German bomber was shot down this morning In the south west, Prime Minister Winston Churchill States Warns His Country PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 19 William C. Bullitt, United States Ambassador to France, urged Americans to telegraph their Congressmen demanding that over age destroyers be sent to Britain's aid. Hitler will attack America it Britain Is defeated Bullitt said. The agents of the dictators ate already here preparing theajteF: for . their armies - - they are pre- HEAVY DAY OF GERMAN BOMBING ON OLD LAND; SCORE WAS 141 TO 22 Royal Air Force Continues to Carry Fierce Offensive to Important Military Objectives in Nazi Territory , nxmxt a m mr. a i. i oicture V of his ordeal beside his LONDON, August . 19. The Air Ministry announced 1 41 -1 1 CI 1 J ? 1 brother. The incident had tortur- 141 berman planes were destroyed Sunday during raids H Via enlHfpr's s w mind mind . but but he he COUld could ir on Prifoin Britain, AJllVUilit flio the Vll British Rriflcli A. lllk..'ll lnca loss A Vy.!0 beint? hoinnr KJ Ivill 4 99 22 AvM d nlanna f71t.liVhJ anes. TVn The X 11V fiehtinp- XAClitVlill. firrVifinv V wv.ww. not remember what he had done, ovfonflnrl nvpv vvuIp rpfrinns nf innlnriinrr flia T.nn. exceDt when hypnotized. After tne , mi, j;,,,,,.!.,! 4.u,x t i doctor heard the story he was able . . . fh h as thpv flew i I.a U a mtn nrVirt nttl1r IV VP- " ' w u n.c h- - hnrlr DacK tnaards towarus home. nome. i thP, Tarlous local stations to- I..., ... un, ilectlves. These bombs were droD- . i autCU ilio iicatviii riav in lar?rr numbers than could I .lu.. Mnf.A r iu.f Ar a tnr. tiua kAmKare ocrnrt. Ded in Kent. Hamoshire and else- be handled readily, T. W. Brown, 'pedoed merchant seaman who con. ed by twelve fighters attacked the where to the southeast of England. district registrar ior na.... .fmed under hypnosis, that he felt Portsmouth area. Six were shot wem, 10 incur wvuuo- rceistratlon. appealed today for rMnn,n,ihi for thP deaih .of hU anrt thpv ipttlsnnpd their Pfoof shelters ln high spirits, sing- more volunteer workers, particu- L . frlend who untll he sank, had bombs as thef fled at the appear- lnS war S0nss such as "Pack Up larly persons who can write leg- bcen swlmmlng at his side. 0 ance of British fighters. Y.our Jm- .was" Whpn wnen fhP ine sauor callor bpcame ocvciinc cuiwiuu conscious -yne -rv. TJnval Air Air Vnrpp f orce homBed uumoeu r iJlcl'c ui ' V" uiaic- Koyai after the hypnotic treatment he Boulogne harbor and blasted- 26 ,c?rde4d . warnings and went . was told the story and assured .by airdromes In northeast . . France. Hol-jout their normal pursuits. A la-. ........ t'.j tpr dlsnatch reDorted hleh-flvlns tne aocior tnai ne naa no cause iur. jand and Belgium. " r .v " V.'... ? .. . 'German bombers off the southeast self-recrlmlnatlon. His worries i van ished Thousands At State Funeral Munition dumps, on tanns anu, - VnMA' out airplane shops were also attacked. EnSland; bombardment but doing little dam-; further rai took place Sunday , c.r:L 'age 5 and causing no casualties, night on Nazi , occupied French, saturdav Channel ports by heavy bombers. I Qetween and sunset Ba. Attack in London turday there was hot a single air Swarms of Nazi bombers cam; raid on the British Isles although again to the very gates of London. the Nazis came over again at "nnt ana dropped a iew nomas. and there was vicious Australians . . : .. Honor viii Victims . of i m. Tlane Sunday . . mMnft1ltan Hitler was. aDnarently. pausing to Crash at First of Week c.." . Vv,:. review the si uatlon folloWlnff his UUU OUUUl UU11 UAMW xh " , . . wprp driven awav across the North MELBOURNE, Aug. --US- EngUsh channel. It ands of persons thronged the streets wns n us nnslaueht ln which approaching St. Paul a wtnearai lanes , hundrcd coffins bearing the bodies" when the HnIn hnwpver. however, a a mll took disappointing bliterleg In which he lost 491 of his planes while the British lost but 115 as well as Sav ing .many of the Royal Air Force minimum 'pilots. In addition to showing their of national leaders and airmen, lost J;, ' mftp0,and causine relatively! vast superiority as air fighters, the ln last week's tragic plane crash, fgw casualties- So devastating was (Britons inflicted damage "pit inlll-were carried from the railroad sta- .. Rrm.h. antl-alrcraft fire that. tary objectives in Germany and Hon to the church. the enemy were held at great German-occupied territory which Counter Warning WASHINGTON. Aue 19. The Un ited States eovernment announced It will hold assurances that they would not attack .the army .trans port American Les;ion wrucn is bringing nearly 900 Americans home from Petsamo, Finland. height and were unable to damage me uermans coum not nope i 4v. jfr.Po nf hp rrpat rltv. AC.maicn wun ineir leeom cuuu w ;least five of the enemy planes wera brought down and there were pro bably more as only 53 of the ioa I planes which came over were seen shit of killlne women and Child ren and attacking civilian property. The Royal Air Force continued Its pulverizing raids against Ger- In retreat. In leaving, the Ger- man military ana inausinai ooje-mans' jettisoned their loads of tlves and extended . the naval deadly explosives over open towns, blockade by mlnlns tnQ Bay oc making no attempt at military ob- Biscay, Ml