FAOI TWO DAILY EDITION YOUR SUMMER SHOES ARE HERE Ladies' White Shoes in AH Styles and Designs Men's "Campacs" By Gutta C9 fi to Q Q Percha. Priced V&0) VO.VO Ladies' Sun .Kay and Bar C4 Off to fA UlD Flex Sport Shoes-Priced Child's Piunners All colors. 75(J to 5Q Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except , Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, limited, Third Avenue S. F.. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor paid in advance, per month : .50 By mall to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 .By mall to all other countries, per year 9.0C Classified advertising, per word, pet insertion 02 Local readers, per line, per insertion 25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone , . 98 News Department Telephone - 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations MUSICAL YOUTH SYDNEY, Australia, June 11: (CPiMelbburne youth is becoming "symphony conscious" says Bernard. Help2e : of the University Consera't6rium. 'lie lauhched a "better music" campaign In 1923 and howhaauaienes df 3,000 at children's concerts. Tuesday, June 11, 1940. EDITORIALS - MOMENTOUS DAY "Yesterday was a day that made history. In the first place there was the entry of Italy into the war on the side of Germany and aeainst Canada. That was the outstand- ino-.pvpnr vvhirh nffpprs this rnnnrrv Thprp nrp thousands r-f Tf nlinwn ,1 Arnl , Tnlinn mfmr i n M n n n tl fl lot"I ui Italians ui JCVJpJc ui Italian ui im in uaiiauu ami mtj mv?t feel .their position particularly difficult. On effect of the entry of Italy in the war will he to close the back door of, Germany to supplies from neutral nations. Another important event yesterday was the death" in an airplane accident .of Hon. Norman Rogers, minister of national defence. He had recently been to Europe am-had discussed the manner in which Canada could bes serve the Empire in the present conflict. He was youn" and energetic and was looked upon by many as a n.ossib! successor to Prime Minister Mackenzie King. His .death is a serious loss to Canada and to the Empire. All this has taken place at a .time when the greatest battle in history was being fought in France. The French are fighting for their home land, for their institutions and customs and they are being aided to the fullest possible extent by the British. The Royal Air Force has been one' of the greatest powers in hampering the Germans because of the destruction of fuel oil and other supplies, blowing up bridges and highways and tunnels and gertally impeding the advance of the forces of the .enemy. HOW CAN YOU HELP? We all have to .consider how best we can aid the Allien in the war effort. A registration is now going on of all those willing to do anything to help the cause. A ready response is expected. Tiiis registration, it is explained, is entirely voluntary. It gives people of the city an opportunity to express in some tangible form their willingness and determination to stand with the Empire in this hour of trial. Already a good number have come forward and offered thPiV es if required and many more are expected to do.so. It is nujjeu mat every Doay witnm tne age Umit specified will register. Everyone should. UNITED STATES HELP yhile the United States is not taking part in the war as a ppjnhatant she is helping a great deal by supplying airplanes, guns, ammunition and other war material. This is (pne not only as a sentimental gesture but as a means of strengtheningtheir first line pf defence in Europe. Lieut. J. M. Cockburn, who Is .Identified with ordinance department of Military District No. 11, sails by the .Catala this afternoon pn his return ,to " Victoria after spending a fpw days here on military duties. Bulletins AIDING THE ENEMY HEUEVILLE, Ont. Andrew Verdier, head of the Deseronto Aircraft .Company who claimed to be a former French army captain, .was sentenced to C to 12 months in the reformatory qn a charge under the Defence of Canada regulations. AIR ACE KILLED LONDON: The Empire's first air ace of the war, Flying Officer Cobber" Kain, unofficially ciedited with shooting down .more than forty planes, has been killed, it was disclosed. Death was due to a flying accident. CONSUL TO GUKKNLANI) OTTAWA: Prime Minister j Mackenzie Kng announced to-day the appointment of a Can- adian consul and vice-consul to Greenland In a move to keep the i Canadian Government .continually informed of matters there. READY TO MAKE PLANES WASHINGTON: Edsel Ford, president, said after a conference with William S. Knudsun, a member of the national defence commission, that the Ford Mqtpr Company was. ready to swing into mass production of a .thousand airplanes a month of standard design for the United States Government, as soon as the Government xives it SOVIET HOLDS KEY ANKARA: Turkey called a .large number ot reservists, to the colors today and pushed forward the anti-air raid defences. The Associated Press said it was acknowledged in informed quarters that Soviet Russia holds the key to Turkey's fulfillment of the mutual assistance pact with the Allies. TRADE IN AUTHORIZED WASHINGTON: President Roosevelt's requist that the United States army be authorized to trade 'in old guns for new, a transaction which would make thousands of old weapons available for sale to the Allies, has been approved today by the Senate. DEMOCRACY INDESTRUCTABLE OTTAWA: The tank is not made and the bomb is not devised that can destroy democracy" Mayor Laguardia of New York told the convention of Canadian mayors and reeves of municipalities hf re today. "Whatever setbacks the democracies may encounter, there is still hope for free men and women", he said. CONVOY ATTACKED LONDON: The Admiralty said today that German torpedo boats attacked a British convoy Sunday night but did no harm. If you nt; aometmng to swap! wjr u lassuifn nu. THE DAILY NEWS TENNIS IS jSATKOS ON COMMENCED WAY AGAIN i i iftr "r i ru.-0-dBv may at Prince First and Second Hounds of Prince JtU hlM .lfe Itupert Club Men' Play lowing result: AlenV Singles, First -Round Fulton beat Mellin 6-1, 4-0. 0-0. Mlnnlon beat Moe 6-3.0-1. .Leigh beat Pearson 13-1. 7t5. Bellamy beat Parrell 6-3, 6-1. Comadlna beat Crulcksnank. 6-2. 6-2. Norrlngton beat He$herlngtonv 6-3, 8-6. Men's Doubles, Second Hound Hetherincton and Qrulckshank, beat Farreli and Paarson 0-2, 6-4. Norrlngton and Borland beat Comadlna and Fulton 6-2. 6-3. One match remains to be olajted in first round to complete second round Blay and Mortimer v. Leisfb and iellip. Mixed DcuIjI's. First Keuntl OwyerUnd Mttehejl beat Coma-din n and Davis 9-7. 6-4. Draw For Today Any time Blay vs. Mortimer. 6:30 pjn Tyler vs. Fulton. No. 2 Court. 6:30 pjn. Comadlna vs. Norrlngton. 7 J) n,m Lnmbie and Gwyer vs. Forrest and Douglas I The tournament committee con sists of A M. Borland. Ernest Wilding and Johnny Comadlna FOOTBALL TONIGHT 6:45 VELVET vs. NAVY NAVY LINE-UP ' Llne-Up for Navy in tonight s City League football game against Velvet is announced as follows: goal, ;H. Morgan; full backs. W. Murray land A. Borland; half-back. R, Vettch, A. Davies and A. Ronalds; : Forwards, N. Campbell A. Smith, 'W. Ferguson. R. Smith and S. Scherk; spare, S. Keays. SOFTBALL POSTPONED Owing to rain and wet ground, .Ladies' League softball game 'scheduled for last night were CIGARETTES Goin Fishin? Our Fishing Competition For the largest Rainbow or Gut-Throat Trout caught on fly or spinner opens May 24th and closes Labor Day You Are Eligible With Any Purchase of Fishing Tackle SEE US FOR DETAILS Kaien Hard PHONE 3 ware c o. Iiox 98 flupcri, ruui b. " - land seven children, set out at iki. mni-nlnir In thair Ark of Juneau in continuation or Ukm. Prince Ruptwt Tennji Club com-1 voyage from the United States v menccd its club tournament Sun- j Alaska. Satko said on leaving thai day afternoon, when nin ; matches he planned on malting the north In all were run off with the fpWnd of Dunda Ifland today, then Lproceedtng U KM6hlkao. U wait raining hesvtty when Satko irt with dark, low clouds Prospect were that there would be a heavy UwU in Chatham Sound through which the. migrants and their crude boat must pass on the ensuing stage of their voyage. On Mctlakatla Bar Copt. Horace Tattersal of the; fish packer Chief Tapeet, arriving thl afternoon, reported the Ark Kin on the TugwvU Island bar this morning, the expectation be-r.jr that the venel would proceed on hlflh tide. Itto the cumiiiaMvt mrt of n.i nrtislng that counts. in Tin; srrnhMt: (tit in or nitmu (;ni.i)Wiiit IS IMIOIIUK In tl lljll.r of llw "AilmlnNtrallon Art- And I In tit MaUrr of llir Mate ot tun-J4inln Irrcuxin. I TAKE NOTICE that b Ordar ot Hi iHooor Judge Pubw dald M lft lb jl u appuintad Admtntatnttor wtUi th - I Will uvimkI nf th -... fc- Bnjarnin IVtsuaon, Dnrwaad. tew of Uw Ottjr of Krincr Rf)rH Pnwlnr oi Urtttall ColunUMo, Uercbaut. mui that all peraotM Indototni to th Mid BMMc Me rrqulred to pay UMtr oUtmi to m (orthwtth and that all prmotn hTtng clalma tbe mid Butte are rr- qulrrd to fH Mkto praprrly vnfld in wrtttng wtth m on or before ttw nOMi dT of June i40 UUUik whleti ! alwll nuU dUtrttnMon of such Estate twTtng rird otUy to oteuna then In my hand DATED a Prtacv riUf-rt. O. C . thk 10th day of My A. D 1M0 NORilAN A WATT. Offlatal Admlnlinunr i tii: m i'iihmi: curiiT t iiiiitimi riu.t MIIIA in I'liuitiTi: la ihr Uallrr af tar l4mlaUlral Wa Arl" A ad la tar Mailer f Ike lUlale af Mania I Iiaur4, lm)eal, lalealale TAKK WWirti Mmi by rdr f H liMr. Ml. K. Wher BMde the Ird (flair nf Juh. ft n lJA I mm. .poinlad Admlmatrniiif f Uw aiai' of Marvin )url. ilw.J. mhJ ail par-tW hnvmir .u.fti. aa-nlnat the aald enlie nr.- h-reht rrtaulred In rurnlak in,.M-rl -t!fi.,l I,, me on nr fcefur. tit- Clli 6n t July. A. T, tS. Il1 'III I.MMI-- Ill. ,l, ,1 I,. Mu u. in. iMianrad in aa th amount if tlu uiU' hi' dii- e i, utr forthwith I f)ATKI the 4th day of June, a ! l4 NO It VI AN A W ATT iiffirml AilnilnUlrnii.r fiitii- Rupert lie H. G. Helgerson Limited 210 SIXTH STREET Prince Rupert, B.C. We have on our lils the following good buys: HOUSE, GRAHAM AVE 5 rooms and finished attic. fine harbor view, modem. concrete foundation. $2,500, HOUSE, Borden St. 5 roomn modern, hardwood floor. 32,500. HOUSE, TATLOW ST 5 rooms, fully modern, on sewer, basement, low taxes. S1300 cash or $1500 terms THE SEAL QUALITY "o.5i 3Ss m GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by to only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll fa, Prince Rupert Your Own Concern - - unur.r nil! Mimnioi ci... " Wnrlrf'c n -.I? Vi w ""u:5i Artists! RCA Vletrola Mod.l VB.4 Hvr the douhlt , tUlh r4io and plum,,; ..,., IUll new HUA uun l tkl Intpruvtd clcun, ,;. tnti ihort rrnM . ine pe'lo'iMnx-. i elude mcmhmhip n '. Sotieiy, S6JM inl ord uni t raV uib. i.M Victor HWfd bmitn Review RCA Victrola Modtl VR-3 lirrt'i nultunilini; Value . . . ratlin ami rti-rd enieruinnHtm ai a trmatVjhl) Um Mkt. Dimmhm Imuikatt mtMma. emtl H toot and volume for both radio and rrtttrdt. I'ricr hkIuuV flO0 otmh of Victor Hramb and a ooe vcar uibtcrip-lion to die Victor HrttifJ it V -I MCRAE BROS. LTD. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Bulldlnr. Third Avenue, Printe Rupert lliiurn from 30 a.m. to S 30 p.m. Phone f UtlVIU Outstanding BARGAINS In This CLEARANCE Chuck this Lint and Save Dollars Priced Lo lor Quick Selling 2 Only Maple Flat-top Desk- Regular $14.60. Special 3 Maple Night Tallies Regular $9.00. Special 8.95 $5.95 2 IliK Uphulslcred Chairs-Xtlftlrom Q4 Q () mhw. Regular $25.00. Speoial . ViJtVXi 6 Only Occasional Chairs High-grad. CO material. Reg. $10.50. Special . . ?tl.uu QUILTED PADS 39x70 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 Hard u arinprquilted pads suitable ' :t or mattress "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'rlncw Itupert Co. Ltd. British ColumbU If you have something lo Bell, a classifiec advertisemen in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyers thocity.