-day. June 11, 1610. Let the Gust-dweller take a trip into the Interior, let the people of the Interior visit 1h Coast, they will both find plenty to surprise and delight them. British Columbia presents scores of different aspects. Its highways are entrancing travelogues, colourful pageants of picturesque activities and r rpatchlcjs scenery. THIS YEAR SZl BRITISH COLUMBIA "The Vacationland that has Everything." THI mm; coiumua govunmint 4 TftAVtL IUHIAU, ; jri4Ml y,t, VmImu. Women's Service Club Strength Is Over Fifty TOT DAILT NiW8 ' 1L -it f J. . 7 0?rT"i4 : ! Rlisso-Japan , , , . ' Dispute Has J BxiUskeolumU r Been Settled, fifteen or tunny new ft' were added Friday night i.icai branch of the British Tibia Wurmen's Service Club. .;. f rm another platoon of .iii ! n-i lor whom classes of u '.ion will now be started. . i: uddlUsn to two com-t'.'.iUmg some thirty-five ' w; ?ave rompleted pro- Of '0 DOUBLE '.ft'0 5 MOSCOW, June 11: (CP) Soviet Russia and Jqpan have reached oh agreement on the long-standing Outer Mongolia- Manchukuo frontier dispute, It Ls announced. . WAR EFFORT LEADERSHIP Need For More Active Participation Seen by Legion Employ-mrnl of Veterans The executive of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion of the lirlttsh Empire Service League, In session lost evening in preparation for the regular monthly meeting of Wednesday, emphasised in. .common with all other branches the need for a more active participation In the war effort by Canada as a whole. There seemed. It was felt, a lack of vital definite leadership to crystallize the determination of Canadians to carry out with inttatlve In this connection it was hoped that all members of the Legion would make a point of wearing their Legion badge at all times. ' The matter of employment pame up again.. Registration for Home Ouard duties was proceeding. The feeling was expressed that the age limit of 50 years was too low and It. was hoped to have this changed so as allow ex-service men who are fit to be engaged in the work that they are so well trained to do. Strong objection was taken to the policy that seemed to be followed local Jy where an ex-eervloe man would have to canvas the majority of the members of the executive of an organization in order to obtain work. Ex-serviee men were not asked their polttteal or religious affiliations when they enlisted for the last war and there woj something serious))' wrong If. now they had to canvas members of a party executive, for endorsa-tlon In order to obtain a job in the country for which they fought. J Too long had the ex-servim man (been shouldered aside in favor of even naturalized stetson of a I party. With another war on these .would he no Justification for putting party before national service. I Committees were arranged for 'the annual picnic to be held this jcpmlng Sunday to Olgbv Island j Approval was expressed of the 'voluntary registration now taking place In the city and full support is accorded the move. Cement Lime Gravel Lumber Shingles We carry in stock, Wallhonrds, Donnacona and HuildinR Materials of all kinds to look after small repair jobs or to build a mansion, Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. rilONi: C31 Estimates Oladly lllven PHONE 652 (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One -'- - M- NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZarelU Proprietor "A HOME AWAY TBOM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Pboue 281 r.O. Box 1M Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal llulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 858 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Corp. J. Wattls sailing this afternoon on the Catala for Esquimau, j W. R. Plckwall is sailing this afternoon on the Catala for Victoria to Join the Navy. M1m J. Gay and Miss N. Anderson are sailing this afternoon on the catala for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. Q. Anderson and family are sailing this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancpuver. J. II. Engelke sailed Sunday night on the Catala for a trip to Stewart on business. On the King's birthday, June 13, Post Office wickets open from 8 Mi. and Mrs. Curtis Ferrell, who arrived Sea on on iast HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Ounner Kalvlk and Gunner A. Orund. Frederick Point; O. Olsen, Seattle. Prince Rupert 1 r ttt nl.. .J ri tr ft..ftt,i ' son. Vancouver: K. G. Barker and' J W. Ready. Allford Bay: C A.' Davidson. Victoria: Robert Sinclair Port Edward. Announcements All advertisements In toll col-amn will be charged lor a lull month at Tiv a word Lutheran Sewing Circle Tea and Sale. Mrs. Murvolds, June 13. Anglican Tea. Mrs. J. W..Nlcholls. Friday. June 14. A Navy Auxiliary Tea and sale of home cooking will be held In the R.ON.V.R. Barracks, June IS, 3-6. Canadian Legion Picnic, June 16. 102nd Auxiliary tea. Mrs. S. D. Johnston's, June 20. ! Cambral June ,IIall, June 21. Frolic, Moose Valhalla Picnic June 23. Presbyterian Tea, Mitchell's June 25. Mrs. J. R. Catholic Tea, Mrs. DeJong's, June Dominion Day Sports Celebration. July 1. Big Dance In the evening. C. N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace. July First. Fare $2.75. Queen Mary Hall July 5. dance Oddfellows' Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 3 Angjlcarj Fall Bazaar, November Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, and Ids alstant, W. J. Lynott, silled on the Prlncesa Louise yesterday morning for Atlln on official duties. Gordon Daniels returned to the city on the Catala Sunday night from -o trjp to Rivers Inlet and Klemtu in connection with radio station installation work. F. M. Burns, inspector of customs, and O. E. Morris, assistant inspector sailed yesterday morning on the Erincess Louise for Wrangell en-route to Telegraph Creek on offlc-loLdutles. Provincial Constable J. W. Blake-stan-Qray of Telegraph Creek was a a.m. to 12 noon. The lobpy will be passenger aboard the Princess Lou-open from 0 a.m. to 0 p.m. Ise yesterday .returning to the SU- klne River post after a trip to Van- Sergeant Dan Wick,. after spend- couver on escort duty. Mrs. Blaki-tne a leave at hls.homo.here, sailed ston-Gray ls remaining in Vancou-by the Catala'thls afternoon on his ver for a while longer, witurn to Vletorla. - - - U.S- Repudiates In in the me city city on on the ine North Norm r g- Sunday from Juneau, left JaZl VUTrenCV evening's wenlng'a train train for for a a trip trip to J Minneapolis. i Credit Mark in .0cupled Cnun- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 8mlth and ,nes t,ooa 'vutswe, hays Robert Matthews of Premier, after spending a few days visiting In the city, sailed by the Catala Sun- day night on their return north. NX Authority NEW YORK. June 11: CP The New York Foreign Exchange Market views Germany's new 3.000.- Mlas Clara Stegavlg R.N. of the p00-000 mark credit for use of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital nvQdlnK armies in the Nether-nuin staff Is sailing this after- '"nds' Bel-uni and occupied ter-noon on the Catala for a vacation '""Tv" Northern as mere telD to Vancouver I ",m,ns press currency" or no. ivalue outside the Reich and Oer- J. Priuow. A. E. Lea and G. W 'man occuPied territories. Latest Andeon of the Royal Canadian '.ita1teJn5nt? ctndlUons oi the Air PrrA at Aiifnrrf i.rt nn Relchsbank show gold and foreign evenings train for the training n"h,ane Tl"8! p" mark U centre at St. Thomas. Ontario. 1 ' oc per ctau. Judge C. D Maeaulay of the Yu- All i f I , kon and Mrs. Maeaulay were here aboard the Princess Louise yester- , day going through to Dawson for MiniRtPl SpatPfl ! 0t Ut(llCU the season alter having spent the. ' Hon. Solon Low Amured of Election VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION I when Opponent Withdraws FOB NATIONAL SERVICE Willi take place at City Hall and Cana- EDMONTON, June 11: (CP) dlan Lotion TONIGHT and WED-' IIon- Soion Low. provincial secre-NBSDAY. 7:00 to 10:00 pjn. Males tary. was assured of elecUon on Sat-only ages 16 to CO. 137 arday In. Vegrevllle when his only opponent withdrew. Election date Is June 20. Low was defeated In his own seat at the general election in March. A Social Credit member In Vegrevllle resigned to give him the seat. Special Railway Rates For "Gone (With Wind" Here -Special bargain excursion rates having been arranged by the Canadian NaUonal Railways for (points (com Burns Lake and west In connection with the showing of the picture "Gone "With the Wind" at the Capitol Theatre here on July 8, 9, 10 and 11. It ls anticipated that there will be a large number of visitors here from the Interior for the occasion. CAN ITALY ' CARRY ON? Doubt Expressed As To Whethfr She Can Sustain Long War ROME;, June 11: The Catholic Tablet, published here, doubts If Italy can sustain a long war effort on account of so many of her supplies haying to come from outside tlie Mediterranean area. Oil supply will be one of the principal prooiems. The Russian reaction Is also a matter for anxletv. Bebe Daniels Aids Wounded British Soldiers Lnjoy Her Bene-fapUons Jn Military Hospitals LONDON, June 11 Bebe Daniels, noted American screen actress, ls actively Interesting herself In British military hospitals and, many wounded soldiers are enjoying her ARE READY TO ASSIST , Desire of Prince Rupert men to assist actively in the war was amply demonstrated last night by the ready response to the first session of receiving of voluntary re gistrations for national defence. The committee members and their assistants had a busy time in the city council chamber. Registering) will continue tonight and tomorrow evening. The questionable of registration includes conventional personal queries. It ls asked If registrants' are willing to serve If required, overseas, with militia in Canada, as home guards, special police, muni tions workers or in any special !g work wherever called. Suggestions i o are also made as to special quail-1 o ficatlons. The registrants are to!g laree extent offering their services i o unconditionally. The registrants are given a card certificate, and In a few days but-1 tons will be issued. Service, Not Mere Ideals Required In World Today Holding of Christian Ideals are not sufficient In the world today, declared Rev. H. G Funston, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, In morplng service at First Presbyterian Church Sunday. There must be active Christian testimony and service as well. Neutrality, being found an Im affairs today, was likewise impossible as far as Christianity was concerned. The Indifferent believer and the inactive professor were no more benefit, possibly mere det riment, than the out-and-out unbeliever. There was no middle course. It was either a case of for or against. A floral cantata entitled "What the Little Flowers Say" was pre sented at First Presbyterian. Church Sunday evening by the combined senior and junior choirs under the leadership of Mrs. E. J. Smith. It was splendidly performed and was appreciated by a good-sized Car Inspector At Kamloops Is Drowned KAMLOOPS. June 11. ' CP -David Strong, car inspector far the Canadian National Railways, was drowned here Saturday. The body was not recovered. 'Gone With Wind' Is At Ketchikan Famous Moving Picture Showing at First City This Week KETCHIKAN, June 11 The' moving picture "Gone With Wind" will show here Thursday and Friday of this week at prices from 75c .to $1.50. Canada At War 25 Years Ago June 10, 1915 French held gains at Neuvllle St. Vaast and advanced In "the Labyrinth." Italians occupied Monfolcone. William J. Bryan resigned as United States Secretary of State In disagreement with President Wilson's policy towards Germany. RED CROSS TENNIS BUXTON, England, June 11: (CPU An all-star lawn tennis tournament ls to be held here August 10 In aid of the Red Cross. All available stars will be Invited to the matches, which will all be played on one court. Mrs. Agnus C. GUlls underwent an Deration at the Prince Ru- !uert General Hospital this morning benefactions and looking forward and ls reported to be making fa-to a visit from her. jvorable progress now. MUST STICK TO JOB LTVERPOOL,June 11 (CP) Un dergraduates of Liverpool University will work as farmhands for 28 shillings ($10.68) a week dur ing vacations. They must under a o PRE-BREAKFAST SHOOTING PARIS. June 11 CPV-A Eritlsh Hurricane squadron manned by auxiliary filers shot down seven German bombers before breakfast one morning. Within half an hour Prince Rupert Men Give "Ready 'take work for not less, than four of arrival, the squadron .had shot Ilesponse to Voluntary Registration weeks at a time a0OOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOWWOOtrlrOl?UtrOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOO ft to 8 possible situation in International! a Cherub Baby Oil .Excellent for Chafing:, Chapping: and Diaper Rash. A Bahy Feeding- Buttle Free with each purchase Both for 40c Ormes Ltd. htt Pioneer Druq&ists The Rexall Store Phones 81 ii 83 Open Daily from 8 a-nj. till 10 p-m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 pan. and 7 to 9 p.m. a , id a to jo pooo-aooo ooaooaaaotioaaoQatfaacKxi oaoaciHioooooooooooDOo B. C. Furniture Co. Outstanding Values In FURNITURE 10 End Tables (jjg 16 Coffee Tabtes-In all styles of QC QC to flQ CjJ V"'eJ JJUV line walnut. From 22 Table Lamps Latest In shades and 04 QEJ to QO QC . J) XU colors. From C Couches and Pads Can be made In a double bed. Cl fi has very comfortable springs 10 Studio Couches All new colons. Can be made into double or two single beds. Very finest quality, CQft 4WI 3O.W Regular $45.00. now 4 3-iece Studio SetsIn.rust, green, very St 71 Aft now" J I e V W modernistic. Reg. $100. 4 Chesterfield Tables In fine walnut. 10Sil . 4-piece Bedroom Suite Consisting of bed, vanity, stool, chiffonier. In waterfall design. $72 5v At - - 4 3-piece Chesterfield Sets In rust, green and brown. Strong durable frame and long lasting life. fift ViD.VV Reg $100. Now Phone BLACK 324 Next Door to B.C Clothiers THIRD AVENUE SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! ilfef ft OCEAI FALLS tad POWELL IIVEI Steamer leave Prince Rupert ever THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Train leave Prince Rupert for the Eart Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 3 p.m. Fmr fmr, U efl mr nrt Otj TUWt OJCm, 111 irA iw, V-MO