gays | to myself, says |i The News ie the paper to buy says | THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ————— _—— VOL. III, NO. 90 __—_—_——————— OH, YOU JOHN H. HILDITCH! Charged with Gross Disregard of Present Authorities, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1912 ~ ATIVE 4 yecist SSéy aie a APR NextOmaies MARINE DISASTER OF MODERN SOCIALIST LECTURE Westholme Opera House Crowded to Hear Rev. Father Donnelly. fhat John H “Hilditeh, contrac- The Westholme Opera House bor for the new post office build-| was crowded last night to hear gy, and lale chairman of the|the clever exposition of Social- ward of Works of Prinee Rupert,|jism by Rev. Father Donnelly. uld have actually dared hh The lecture was enjoyed as were t authority to remove part o afar tha. “tienations O4L. to’ the ty sidewalk on Third street uf oper eres ; sing the lane giving access lecturer at the close by well the rear of the new post office} known Socialists ,but unfortu- nd replace the part removed nately The News report of this with steep slopes of narrow] interesting occasion has to be planking dangerous to pedes-| he ld over until tomorrow. trians, was the heinous crime Bee AE GN eee er Le her, me charged by Alderman Morrissey | e i yt Board of Works chair- A social evening’ for members last night. John H. H, has|and intending members of the St. to | this right, pay for the| Andrew's Society will be held in g, and be good for the future | the K. of P. Hall, Helgerson » Alderman , on Thursday, April 18th, at 8 o'clock. eason why. Special to Daily News.) | day following at her father’s re- April 16—After a3 8 3 os he witness box yester- S. S. Taylor, K.C., retained by] |Mr Patmore for the defence, in 1 half under exam-| iy. course of a searching cross- ind three and a half un- | ¢xamination, gleaned from the uly ss-examination, Miss/girl that she remembered some BALI Newton, the principal | details of the happenings dur- row vilness completed al ing the night, She also admitted igainst ~~ Mitehell ~Al- that she and her step mother had } he serious charge upon been the worse for liquor on the Avhich } vas committed’ by’ the| Previous day, when between them ) ‘ hig they had made away with the] ! court. Upon leay- | om. Miss New-| contents of three quart bottles of} ed after the ordeal | @Pricot liquer brandy. | gone The trial is expected to last ; three days. As the crime charg-| her testimony told ed still figures on the statutes a is | th a eae ane t capital offence, the jury were} | aaa 4 reeiat kept in confinement during the} M oe < a PHADE. ag night, and will be until the trial} Here, Atel DeLee jis over Mr Justice Gregory, | ind intoxicants | however, allowed the accused] ep-mother, le Perks | tre, on $10,000 bail, supplied by , : w : Oe een ae Sol, Cameron. A. D. Taylor,} A she said she was twicel K.C., is acting as crown prosecu- ; } tor. ne the night by i aaa ae a St | ! d, while her step-mo- Cantata “Christ and His Sol- 4 Mrs. Perks were in an | diers” will be repeated next} , & room Her story was| Thursday evening by the Baptist) furl rengthenod by the | choir, friends assisting. Reserved 8 f Doctors Eggert and| seats at Orme's, 75c; general ad-| Mone vho were called on the} mission 50c. 2t MISS NEWTON COLLAPSED AFTER GIVING TESTIMONY First Day of Mitchell Albert Trial Which is Calculated to Last Three Days—Prosecutrix Makes Damaging Admissions OVER ONE THOUSAND SOULS LOST IN WRECK OF TITANIC as to Loss of Life Caused by Steamer Striking Iceberg Off Bank: Banks « of Newfoundland GREATEST VESSEL OF WORLD GOES DOWN Had Two Thousand Two Hundred People Aboard of Which Less|- Than Nine Hundred Are at Present Known to Have Been Rescued---Among Canadian Passengers, Charles M. Hays, Wife and Daughter Head List---David Hays, His Brother, Had Received No Word at Time of Going to Press Telegraphic reports of the : —j} this pe Titanic disaster, and espec- AMONG CANADIAN PASSENGERS the Cunarder Car- messages brought mrt by pathia. Other [BOTH CITY CLERK AND _ TREASURER GET RAISE Both City Clerk tant W, in Woods and Yance are to salary. Their discussed at last Varying but the one and all spoke very of the services City Clerk Woods. services were the main obstacle the ial problem f these let in eases MENLS eo eCil meeting, expressed, ideed rey } Dy I also in being and the} raises were! raises departments eppreciated increases fairness of heads due an Clayton that} to Mr. moved be pel annum 10 $2,260, salary raised and Carried, Now is kodak time, Rexall Store, ee Eastman’s tf aeeree es PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO | Yew photos of Hospital Bo Hots hours, David H, Hays has no word “rand Trunk Inn merry go I | railway excursion out i PR Moe ee. "eorge Sweet gives hotel legates County lice Armoury, is being are Ald ‘ }Wwas al tion would be men Circulating petition inovers a free ride. 1S NOT LOVE FEAST Democrats Having “Hot Time at, Chicago Convention Special to Daily News. Chicago, April 15—Owilng to| fact that many accredited de- being kept out of the} convention today. | Owens ordered po-| in the door of the} where the confe held. About 200 now inside keeping order St first thought the conven a love feast. are Democratic Judge to smash enee police | Stalker &| ai7 Cleaners. “seeds See Garden Wells. Pantorium Pioneer Phone 4. | | ard just issued. to maintain present clos- from President Hays. round latest invention, of Prinee Rupert announced, Telegraphic Reports Frome New Y York Still Conflicting PRICE FIVE CENTY ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION | Knights of Pythias Enjoy Excel- lent Program. The Knights of , Pythias, Skeena Lodge, last night held their ond anniversary celebration. The program opened with a very en- at which Miss sec- joyable concert, Froud, Miss Holtby and Messrs. | Melliar, Daggett, Baker and | Davey entertanied a very appre- |ciative audience. The concert |was followed by a banquet, over sixty guests sat down to the tastefully laid out tables, laden with the good things of this life, and did ample justice to the de- licious fare. Dancing was in- dulged in to an early hour this morning, the music being sup- plied by Professor Kauffman’s orchestra. THE SKEENA RECOUNT Almost Whole of Port Essington Poll Null and Void. The recount of the Skeena riding voles is not yet complete, The latest changes are one vote added to William Manson’s credit in Rupert and the canceling of 50 votes entirely at Essington, owing to bungling by the D. R. O. there. The Essington vote stands now William Manson 8, A. Manson 1, Montgomery 4, Clayton 0. the Royal ai6 Choieest meals at Hotel, To Help on the Grading. It has been approved by the city couneil that the ashes from the city light plant be dumped on the streets once or twice a week. Lengthy Discussion on Earl MAYOR NEWTON SMASHES ANOTHER ELECTION PLEDGE ier Closing of Bar Rooms— Morrissey Tells Mayor Newton He is Unworthy of His Office iaily in regard to the loss of ae confirmatory tidings. There was a long discussion|en an active part in shortening life, are very conflicting. In aa ‘oP two thousand one hun- The first reports were that the] at the council last night upon | the hours, but unfortunately the first despatches it was dred persons on board the Ti- Carpathia had saved but 675 per- eat Se ec {during the campaign had _ pro- ; ‘ eel : Soe tok ou : the earlier closing of bar rooms, 5 stated that the whole of her tanic only a few names have 80) sons. The new figures reduced : |mised that he would see to it passengers had been trans- far been obtained. Among the) the list of those for whose safety brought on by a motion of Ald.) that the hours were not changed, ferred to other vessels, then Canadian passengers were: _ | fear was entertained by nearly Montgomery that bars should! put he was going to stand by his came last night a message |Charles M. Hays, president G. T./299 and if, as seems probable,| close at 44 o'clock every even-| principles and break this pledge. from the Olympic reporting |_ P. Railway. practically all the saved wer*|ing except Saturday, when they| This led Ald. Morrissey to de- “The total loss is likely to Mrs. Hays. | passengers, it\would appear that] oj, quid be closed at 10 o’clock,|°!are With some impétuosity that number 1,806 souls.” Was (Miss Hays. i . |approximately four-fifths of the| — pts ws eee eer til 6\8 man should stand by his word hoped and believed this must |F. Markland, of Molson’s Bank,! passengers are accounted for. ae i ab fi rai ae - , {of honor, and that the position be an error unless the Ti- Montreal, The Olympic’s despatch reads|° ©10C% OP ? Tita a ane : iS | take n by the mayor was unwor- tanic had more passengers | Thornton Davison, Montreal|as follows: ‘“Carpathia reached] V@5 !" Committee of the whole! thy of the chief magistrate of any Stock Exchange m ; on the new bylaw, which had} than was reported when she Svot : ange. the Titanie position at daybreak, : itace Seiaien second: wane city. left England.. The last re- | ™irs. Thornton Davison. found boats and wreckage only.| PSS°@ 1s me : l The mayor humbly replied that ived today says: WMirs. James Baxter. Titanic sank about 2:25 a. m. in| ing. Ald. Morrissey spoke strong ; ; pore repeive y nat Q. Baxter. Fe Ere, vane ean Cy eee cree against the motion, pointing out} he had endeavored to explain “The loss is likely to total . xter. 41:16 N. 5:14 W. All her boats] ‘ : 5 ” J. Allison, Montreal. accounted for, containing about| ‘hat unless there had been vio-| that he occupied a double posi- 1,980: Soule my J. Alli ined 1 : : Hi: lations of the law s it stood there|tion. Ald. Morrissey ought not se ees ee ae 675 souls saved, crew and DRs=) for making any|to throw stones as he himself had : as oO reas 0 é é ‘ ‘ ‘Sas B 2 Special to Daily News.) Major Arthur Penchen, Queen's) cengers included, Nearly all the} ¥@5 NO Peason eBay ; Re Tig N \ \ 1 46 Report Own Rifles. Toronto DAA aha amen’ abe | onildhan |}change. He moved that the com-| often switched his principles. ew ork, pril 6 eports ' ’ ‘ saved are ome an en. a ate de ; ‘es : Oc | ithaca eta aoe et ts to the loss of life in the Ti-|Mark Fortune, Winnipeg The Leyland liner California re- mittee rise without reporting and | Ald. Morri sey cote the meg } tr tory.|Mrs. Mark Fortune mains and i irching the exact| (Hus Kill the bill. jor to show him where, It was tani wreck are contradictory: ° i i s and Is seare ~ >» exac ‘Ne A ie s tetatnta > ror rhe steamer Olympic flashed the Mrs. Graham, Winnipeg. position of the disaster. The loss | see ae a; a ie isos . ge ner: yokes Bae ae Seb 2 Mee a me geht ‘ Mrs. and Miss Davison. s likely to total 1.300 souls ;speech salt 1e avored closing; had when he ce langed me - St Died ae bi i own 40 T. McCaffery, Union Bank, Van- i 38 ae | bars at 10 o'clock pabakd me ht] he could not get & drink in Van- probably duleh h : : couver. : : jexcept Saturday, and that night|couver after 14 o’elock . “f ear s mornn a| } . avs o 28 | te : death, but arly ‘t i ~ I “er 1 cae Belliy, aurresonevikeua. £1 ar. David Hay f this City) at 7 o'clock, although he had| When the motion was put to }desptch states that the Carpathia : ,states that his brother, Charles ie ce a her e fo for it nae E I | Hugo Ross, Winnipeg. | voted against the Seott Act and|the vote there wer ur rs ran shanks: BOC aeviverey ee Paul Chevre sculptor of Cham-| M., presideut.of Coa ered Trunk)», ad supported the extension of|and the same number against it, leaves, providing no others were | , rhe Pacific Railway, left New York Senet and it’ was defeated by. the-oaein , , 0. ner- Jain monumen eae : if § y_ the picked up, some 1,490 wna Des | Aaa on March 14th, accompanied py The mayor said he felt in an ing vote of Alderman Kerr, who | ished. Mrs. and Miss Hays, on the embarrassing position on the|presided, but the committee rose —_—— | lost A note of good cheer came steamer Baltic. In London they question. Last year he had tat report progress. New York, April 16.—The fate|by wireless between 4 and 2/met with Mr. and Mrs. Davison, of a majority of the 2,200 per-jo’clock this morning. It is in the} who were old friends from Mon- ™ ae sons on board the White Star| shape of a wireless message from} treal. They were returning with} lliner Titanic, which sank early | the White Star liner Olympic, one| them on the Titanie. Mr. David} lyesterday morning off the New-j|of the vessels hovering near the} Hays during the day has several | foundland Banks after colliding | scene of the disaster. It flashes|telegrams to the White Star Line FROM ] IGH] Pl AN] with an iceberg, still remains in| ithe news that 866 of the Titanie’s| at New York enquiring about his doubt. and it is feared that more| passengers, mostly women and| brother and family, but so far! : ah e ‘rsons are|children, were being broug |has re 1 no respor than twelve hundred persons are “| hildren, were being brought to|h is received no response. l with applications for some Eg tenor a day power load, and to run =lhorse power for the great devel-|!0 hours per day at a cost of opment contracts at the G, T, P,| $2,350, with a revenue of $2,620, watemront which are to be in| The rate is 9 cents per k.w. hour, lhands for the next two years,|equal to 6.714 cents per horse | with further applications in for] power hour. pain dl a 115 horse power over and This report was adopted on W W M S ] | above this amount for other con-|récommendation of the Light city restles ith the Economic Problem--- ayor tates P an jcerns in the city, Electric Plant] committee. Seeman James Matthews — upported by the Bank of Montreal Authorities | wi is able last night to report to Lots 19-20, Biock 16, section All the financial fat was in the‘ tion, He announced his remedy|city ireasurer were that the city| the coune il that he sees the way 8, $750; % cash, 5, 12 manners fire at last night's cily council] for the financial situation. This|after being authorized to borrow] ciear now for the light plant to} Th, Collart, 225 6th street, t re at 5B jef is to issue without delay money] $550,000 for grding section one, —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—— ee | meeting, The city treasurer he |bylaws to cover the expenditure/has out of this amount spent} NOTICE Well Done, Good ae Faithful— a fition of th po ste ; ina | electric light, sewerage, tele-| $544,839, while there has. yet to} -- Pp, A. Newcombe, having ter- 0 ) e city’s purse, anc ee itt : ‘4 e howing | Phone s, and also . the olty . hall) be-met the amount of this month |e, all Outdoor. Baseball Players) winch his engagement with the e- ’ . ‘epor s t BYP BEMNen:. ROE eles t| construction. From the borrow-| payroll. The half million and | and Enthusiasts | City Engineering department, has | details of ea i ct lings so authorized the mayor| fifty thousand is really all spent. | be gigedite sy | heen granted leave to wo before amounts authorized to e or | : | “(haa fal itive Ate eo , srAracalan. . rowed was handed to each alder- | “i! the genera fund eould he rer Snpes were. ve" bydro