a o o o a a a PACJE FOUR EXPERT Optometrist & Watch Maker Now in Charge of Optical 'Parlors and Repair Bench Max Heilbroner JEWELLERY DIAMONDS For Finest CHINA, GLASSWARE and NOVELTIES Visit The Basement Store ' TOTS OF ANOTHER DAY LONDON, April 27: (CP) A Camden Town "junk shop" is overflowing with huge copper saucepans, iron-lined, from the Junior Naval and Military Club, which Jined with the Naval and Military last December. Such Dots will nnt te made in England again, a dealer said. I Ormes I STEAMSHIPS I Communication! Hcntu !SSE0(tt&!l , REGISTER ALL OVER ; CANBERRA, April 27: (CP) The recently - compiled National Register will take months to complete because of the "extraordinary errors" made by some in filling in their cards, the government has announced. Thousands of new i cards will be sent out. YARDLEY OFFER .... , 100 3 regular Tablets of YARDLEY'S famous English Lavender Soap . . . and a bottle of YARDLEY Lavender Perfume . . . 77jit Pioneer Driiq&ists The Kexall SI ore Phones 81 8c 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way ports S.S. PPJNCESS ADELAIDE every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct S3.Prlncess Norah April 8th, 18th, 30th, May 10th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway April 4th, 14th. 25th, May 5th, 16th, 27th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from u. i,. LUAiLai ocneral Agent. Prince KuDert. nr.. Philpott Evitt c& Co. Ltd. ... SAND, rrwvKi GRAVEL " wnMMMNHjswHwsaHvvvsHnBSHliV8HHr r Your Coal Problems Solved We have In stock a well prepared carefully screened Coal to suit your individual requirement. As in coal, to procure the best in Lumber and Building Supplies Phones 651 C52 Were'sd essort $?6 1 '.li .l-.?.''.V m . fTTh raA THE DAILY NZW3 Waterfront Whiffs Rig Construction Job at Seal Cove Proceeding Apace Concrete Pouring Next Week Halibut Landings Continue Substantial v 1 1 The big construction project at Seal Cove is proceeding steadily. Rapid progress is being made by the E. J. Ryan Contracting Co. which has the work in hand. The scene there has already been greatly changed as a result of the extensive excavation work. The job has reached a point where the pouring of concrote for retaining walls will be started next Monday. Seal Cove continues about the busiest on Prince Rupert 'r expanding wa-place around Prince Rupert these terfront U the west end of the days. ocean dock of thr Canadian Na- thnal Retlwayi where Installation armor aaivage uo. s service coat is proceeding apae of machinery Donllla, Capt. Henry Hansen, with and equipment for the compact derrick scow equipment, left Thurs- and up-to-date new salmon can-day night for Hastings Arm to get rerv which Is being established a load of gravel to be used in con- there by Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. nectlon with the work at Seal Cove. An inspection shows that here Is to " . , . be in, operation this summer an ef- JrtLZl riUdfey W- and excellently equipped in- h purchased recently by the.Armour dmtrv. A ROod deai of the equip-Salvage Co. from the estate of the neeSy ment u place u n late Len Weaver, is now moored at am- rte nances torn, m H v , e- a the salmon season around the The sage of New Haaelton, Chuck cnd of June or the flrst of J"1!'- Sawle. publisher of the Omlneca " Herald, , observes: -o . "There inuc u nr unr Halibut tandinns at ak the nort l oi nf i-i thing If the boats to be built at Pr,nce Rupert for the 1940 season Prince Rupert are not ready for this up and lncJudlng today, totall-war they will be for the next one. ,n 2.158,269 pounds, were running There is nothing like being prepar- '"RQtly higher than 1939 when the , ed In advance." total at a corresponding date was I 2.072.500 nounrit Th. p..ji i ir. heel , Blocks ...... Laid . total lhi. Uon - ..... vourtuian . ... ; Keel blocks have been laid at the pounds as agalnst.Q7.100 pounds a local dry dock for the two mine- year aoo while the a.h ..... L'w Ayres and .sweepers to be built at the yard for h Uir0O nonnH. ..Pr w', which, the Atla, Bon-Iwrebv etv nrtw T ansa were tviM fn. to rn . . W Wwn 7 otto auArf . ttnnnrl runuii.i.. KPSllOn. Phones 18 & 19 p.0. Box 575 Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos, Candy Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Lesion CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS .Make Appointments 200 Kooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths ai C. E. Black, Proprietress Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Service-3 Heated Cars Dry Wood FOR SALE Spruce, Hemlock, Cedar PHONE 459 "V"y Lionel Atwill. " w, nowee . u" n" ma "rmer jurmer boat. ttwTSrth w Brtii.k At SZnTl-l?ta..?fe! Z.: Doat Seal Seal, North M .. Mln!t" Public worS r,land operative fleet. The new "o7 We" fd Stout'y -VstrucS 'S? S 'SIS 2" S K 1! 6 ""der.Cha 0 the iruirpy pua1, UK1 l,00,, V, .. T "upe" cannery. Ap- Dated Oil third day of April BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LIMITBO 1940. nas Deen made for the .name Western Standard by which oken it is suggested that one of the local oil companies might feel Itself highly honored. IN THE hU'KKMK ( OI KT Of IIKITIMI i In sutler of h, -AdmlnMrsilonl 1 Alt" .. i lh dy f April" ' A D 1940 I rL. n, BccM-- cwtd. vul til xnT. ete Vr'K- S2d e. Properly wwfta ' IS? rU "1 th!. ,:"V. .. '"J amount of NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prim Rupert. B. C NOTICE OF SALE UNDEB MARINE MORTGAGE rr.. TAKE ..... Mo-tt-t k.. t... h .,..w.i-.r y virtue or i I sw? 01 ine Canada 8hlp-, Im?5 ARtand Pursuant to a certain Marine Mortgage duly registered and given by Nils Robinson to John !h?v?lilh day of FebruS mt hr-K a.v.e taken Possession of and ifc S",Sa,.Na 158260 No 4 lUJD Of , the Pn.t r.f ... ''SSl.WJ1 9lumbla' which saw 'fiT . w ,n my custody at the iioats of Armour Salvage it Towlne . Company Limited In the harbour of ?ri.w l1 .bvf 82Id bv auction at my office at the court House on the 29th H'SSoctock In the afternoon. Tfitu at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 1 16th day of April 1940. ... ?' A NICKERSON. I Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert and Marshal In Admiralty. A SALUTE TO CANADA'S SOLDIERS Standing at the salu;c ar:!(-iaJ Muurir.- Oamelln. lOmmand-er-in-t hu-i oi the Allied i pn-turt'd here as he reviewed the Canadian troa;; now stationed tn England. Behind him is Ocneral Sir Edmund Ironside, chief of the Imperial General Staff, and at right Is Major-Oeneral A. O L. McNaughten. commanding officer of the first division, C. A. S. F. DR. K1LDARE FILM HERE 100 pounds roi"ancc deaI wl'h a beautiful, Columbia Market NOW OPEN 3rd Avenue. Opimltc Slerling Market, Henry Joe. Proprietor Groceries-. We Specially In fresh Frull, and VeRetables. Citizens of Prince Rupert are invited to call and lve us a trial order THE OLI1 GAItDENEH FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin III The new remarkable plant Stimulant In the proper ore-portions a mild inwetidde and fur her essential elemenU &r.?uste?dy Frwtn and a healthy plant llle. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c n?Les.?,.e Distributor ii. .naiKHi Co. (P.K.) Ltd Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mk VALENTIN DAJRY PHONE 137 . 1 mmm --f m mm m L1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 60 Rooms Hot It Cold Water . Prince Rupert, B.C. rbont 2" P.O. Box m a two-fisted ambulance driver, oth er members of the cast ineludln SeSur.8!!? . cr" i error ana tne ?i NATIVES ON DECMUSE detective work of the a n.nti.. r . , w""c low 8.4c and 6A; icmre oi gratiiying activity In which the riMfuw .j -. vnunv rvr preparation for another industry Pound For America'n Z T"t CANBBRRA. Apr"27: (CP I- rr.' 'i, wees was 9.4c A 7 , o a quci& aoonfttiM or AuHralta miv rfu mvhm.su: WAW ,.ltOTECTION .ff'WendijrmelT.d SeT"uinJ&Ji "i. a b.- k. r. c. -n..- ' 7 , . . tt,,u ine w s-7c n, om " .1 . T."""? tau w nne man has driven TOMo Shows, HT 7:00 K A If U UIIIa. Secret Of MARCH OF Tim I'rntnU "NEWSHtONTs Of SrORTLIOHT . ca Comlnt MON, T'rT!j " Prank IJotiI-. "HVI-KKSOrTIIKlit With WUFyffeIMrMrttlAJ Vice-President Canadian Pacifil Railway Was M Mskln the r i the count of a T-l In the lnterevi ? r has not been t&crf . Neal. lcf-preM1r Pacific Rallwa' . headquarters in W If" ust evening abos. l Uraine Day, Samuel 8. Hinds. Em- Lr nEi f ma Dunn and Alma Kmg er. y,Z? An added feature tonight 1 an- other "March of Tlmereel discuL ?'"m" E a me reaerai government. Steel de- with l.lfiSJiflfl mnrf. i io, 1 se.--s ".March of Time- ... - , u,.k 7. Z" . ' "l Mr. i . Neal ... . was r. IcSSiui CmT,rnCed and aCtU" -"Ending, touK ! ' Uu on rnTof pubTtt SST' J " r ttf ll ? W,U 80011 1)6 under M6M8 Punds comprising 275 469 "The St of Dr. KUdare.- third daV- Some Interring Sew. a?e t rMr ' r Tme baL!:111 bC nt at nound Canadian veLu and of the "Dr- KUd" -le, with Lew given mmmSm Tnteufion.1 Ch?b'r ' asT wPar nhMM,1'""1 Where the I'l from American ontl Barrymore head- evenU of IM ulT7sS- lhCr a"d 0" ' ' out wJr sh fl ! 'DR Carried f" heW up -""Mtorlly during ' ng n " 'ture picture Uon as to iKfw they may affect the lcir.8 OAli)Rr iu. ' """" ana o.vc me ton " " ' immw viki in LONDOfi A . .. ,at the plant for the new shlpbulld- Wd for Canadian fi.h hem 'Theare. tThe selenitic detects l..N- A' ing program proceeds steadily. ed by the Atli for ing. on the basts T! " " of first hand 'H,na In- the 1 Uonel Barrymore f., . compsny a Head Picture Cat!nterestlnr ?lFWtt?t: . secrr' ( " wwruii otiun ana Aaoir isirictions on egi removed by hr w w heusewlvei r, . Pflng egRi. fcff -The "n taid J nr rorxDoti PRESTON. A'u j, Examining t . ,v uu tc wnijPn. iha itu. i . ' " in com in mvp ihAM . rvim n nw 7 " " 'I""1" and ",m wn- bllndne. h, -u:rr "wn l"r nunung grounds. r--- a i i .r; ' hi sub- a Melbourne atoekhmirer prope e ,w pointed oat. He plans l aid ttie M,c the a million. i '"' OI me mvtj.ru noil... Durtrirt of T.Jr",iWy UneNewBoar .heart, h- . 1.. ' V"" i np Completion now at .ohnlonbert u 7, Jd 'n,r Oom hirer SmB, .Plant &i " thC qUaPk dor,or and Hader R,Ter Porcher P wipid on War i 74os if Island, is a, the nurse Nat Wat Pendieim rendl,,ton i . H 3. cw nutrict. n new 41-foot combine. ;,, again vrrrxm Panmur twu. . j .... " - . Dlraucn of one TmiX f ronT ltJt. well known district troll-' -f Bower nntlmutu F had not. The ptf -i x, i r u.e ouiiet :usf - i (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 Can Bide for Price of One Attractive Pictures At Reduced Prices A wide variety of framed pictures that wc are clearing1 out heforc new stock starts coming in. Limited quantity only featuring many dif- fprmit vnliiia n..,i ..: .. - " tlllll BILL'S, Just what you have heeii waiting for to brighten up the odd corners 20 to 40 per cent Discount See Them in Our Store and Window