, Apr" 27, WO. p 0x10-2. f fJxl2 Announcement' Changed to mith and Elkins Limited ,anje I In name only and the owrrenihlp and management the anie a during the pant twenty years. t this opportunity or thanking the public of 1'rliire lluprrt ,trlct for their patronage for wer thirty yeara and truHt ra-ant lupines relatiuim will continue under the new name vllTH and ELKINS LIMITED ,ox 271 I'LWIBINO AND IIKATINO Phone 174 3 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO letter Box Kill) IIOODLUMIKM Dn.i.v News: rii.ng this letter to you (mi k hii; i:im w M t rr--Kl by th -raw. ItaBioek id . It lx -Una tor -r B ' ruar C. B 1 iIima l.dM.n Altierta tOAL tilWrttlev Oal iuiat Vtlllngton Coal i'ikj Tiller Wheat and Grain im ni IT.ltTII.IZr.IW PRIXCR Rt'PKKT FEED CO. rtf t md .158 $7.95 $8.95 Nlcss xminster Carpet ze )xl2 frO-morc Mats Size 27x54. ale price, cacli doierf bedding 'plants' and -in 48' hours not one was left. Even the glass in the mall-box which covers the times of clearing is smashed by stones thrown by these hood lums. DRINK AND WIN! Editor Dally News: "Uauor Held Vital In Financing War" Thl lithe IvHtdingof an article bv Norman Mcleod of Ottawa. It onens such a vista of powible , 4, Yotmg Girl's ITH and MALLETT LIMITED If FraKnitlM ..1.1. tVMi to m Announce Announce that that this the Nam Name of of 'thUTIrm OiUvirm 1... lias -Been 5 XVlIllUllg q uea uross neaaquarters in Vancouver have enneclallv noted a finely knit pair of socks by Tluh Nelson, eleven- ' year old native schodl girl of ,i Metlakatla, which was In a shipment of war knitting re- cently sent out by the local tied Cross branch. A letter has been received from head- quarters giving high praise to Ruth for her excellent work. 'WAR 'GUESTS IN HALIFAX 'Continued trom Ptge One) those operated by the Y. M. C. A the Salvation Army and the We can, to some extent, control Knh of dlumbui. Here, men the slugs and other Insect pests u"u 'aa enm inai ai mmPh ot rest and relaxation but these human nest are bnvnnrf m yeu will publish It onr control. Related IhreoU to Z . 1 l" "B W noi.- rcul will follow call the police department arc met comf"rU permitted them In wwa tunc. tli ir garden. - ' he elecftrie llrht lines whirh Largest of these hostels Is that ttte 300 Block. Eighth cross the avenue from East to. opet&tei by the "Y" in the old t we garden lovers are West are repeatedly hit either by Halifax Ladles College and Con-by boys from 0 to 17 a baseball or football and. al- wrvatory of Music building. There, age playing football and though I have warned the boys 300 mcn can accommodated ov- on the Avenue. The ball repeatedly that If the line snaps ernlght at 25 cent apiece. They can mily goe over our jar- and the live portion of the wire et food at the canteen, tended e and works havoc with enmts In contact with any part y members of Halifax I. O. D. E. i mi seed bds. I have of their bodies, they are liable to chapters. with the boys to no be electrocuted, they do not be- For frenchmen ca have been me but one of these :ll days :me jicve A feature of lhu hosiel tne " " "7U" , uwimr uemon- pacIo silUns room preslded ia one,U,fbSlh rith ratlon and noibIy be convinced. overb members ot the Alliance of thse boys . 3if parenU fti iady DeflM.rian wai Pr,n.. ti. i. ,t nrr no control over them wt fu , the faCf by a footba wnefe fneh.gpeaklng men of ,w to mc they don t are. Bnd aft ihf WM out of ilzM forcM can congregate. :.w me noys nan a good iau?h and lot of the French sailor In Halifax h "rry7 thmitht It a great Joke. becomes happier each day. for the 4t pianiea a lew rose 0lliy Tf.erdav afternoon a hahv neonle here lllte these red-tasselled -.tM h.l.Un III. .... ... ... ' r . ..... sir. -..u.. ... Uin m a srmi-unrmnt position lads, and many Haiigonians are u h was stolen. A man was ny mLwd by a fraction bv learning French so they can talk v that he planted a h ucktd football. Had the ball to them. l.inded souarelv on the child's At the Salvation Arm hostel. ied the result would have been beds for more than 200 are avail-disastrous, abl. Billiards and bowling are the UtvMni thl letter Mr. EdlUr will chief attraction here The Knights some Imnrovement on of Columbus hut is purely a re in to mt 1 bsojdoo Eighth Avenu West. creational centre, with plenty of I thnk vou. games and a well-sUcked canteen. aiAS. II. TAYLOR, In addition, there is a canteen W' I h vonr naner that operated by wives of naval officers oround IStOOO Is budgeted for and their friends; another by the rhH I 'lh)rtk far bU?r results 1w of mlllury officers and their Wrnld K oWilned nnd lew money friends: yet another by wives of ennded If a course ct animal air. farce officers. thU one across IrSlrier were entaeed. the harbor at Dartmouth. , Not only do these hostels pro- ! vide accomodation and recreation for the men, but they are a channel for invitations into the private home of Halifax. Rev. B. J. Warr. ir chare r of the "Y" hostel, sars: "We hnve .more Invitations than I we have boys to fill them." j rrrlotlr achievement for those 1 .who are. either bv reason of ape. ortlea would do well to be more ex- tnflrmltlfs or Inclination, unable to pliclt. t"he Dtt active r...tt in winning the vnr IKot one feels that the auth- lonth - End Sale Of CONGOLEUMS LINOLEUMS CARPETS Congoleum Rugs eG.0 i rM 5.95 86.95 Printed Linoleum Rugs SfwCxO. QR QS At JL i sit9x9 10.95 $38.50 $4.95 MO? FURNITURE STORE Moose nulldlng. Third Atenue, Prince Rupert ,,rm OHEF.N 9W 8:30 a.m. i 8,30 m. PIone Let us know further details. How many ounces of proof spirit must we down, to sink a submarine? Or ore we, unless careful, liable to sink ourselves first? What will encompass the downfall of a Messer-Kihmldt or the destruction of a Fokker? Armed with the necessary In formation all incapables could and would be expected to do their duty. In assisting the military forces. EVen the women could do their bit I What u spur to patriotic con sumption! What a solace for a head! To know beyond all peradventure that, through one's Individual effort, somewhere in Europe some Hun had bit the dust! Or that the gang hnd last night encompassed the destruction of an aeroplane or the sinking of a battleship! What heroic happiness. Consider also the possibilities of neutral assistance. Surely the com- Dinea conviviality 01 our tourist trade could accomplish much! They, good fellows, could, while passing the flowing bowl, in all lnnonence decimate regiments of the enemy and destroy flocks of bombers. This Is a matter for the Immedi ate bnd earnest attention ot the government. Let us hope that ac tion will not be long delayed. ONE OF THE BOYS If you hNve sometnlng to swap try a Classified Ad. J. H. BULGER Optometrist feoyal bank Wdg. TH3 DAILY KEWB I III III. l k. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Oold. Bulger's if. P. E. Bechard arrived In the city on the Cardena last night to Join the. staff of Parker's Oarage here. C. H .Sawle, after a brief visit to the city, left by lost evening's train on his return to New Hazelton. Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria Mrs. arid Mrs. J. Richards sailed Vancouver on escort duty. Mrs. Charles Graham sailed last. Miss Muriel Brewerton, after spending a couple of weeks visiting In the city, sailed hy the Cardena last night on her return, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenwood of Green Island Lighthouse, who have been spending a holiday In the J south, returned to the dry on the have to selL Announcements Ail advertisement In this col-una will be charged for a full month t 2V a -word Baptist Missionary Tea, May I. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Parkin's, May 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Armoury, May 1 Maytimc May 4. Tea, United Church, Moose Ladles' Dance, May 7. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 9. Presbyterian Brown's, May 10.' W. A. Canadian Tea, May 15. Catholic Tea, Mrs. May IS. United Tea, May 22. Empire May 23. Tea, Mrs. T. Legion .Spring R. E. Moore's Mrs. R. Q. Large, Carnival, Moose Hall, SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA I DORA Roller Rink Dally Sessions as Follows: Mon., Tues., Wed. 7 1o 11 p.m. Thursday 7 to 11 p.m. Friday 6 to 1C p.m. Dance 10:30 to 2 a.m. Sat. Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.m. 6 to 8:30 pan. 8:30 to 11 p.m. Special Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties Tonight's tram, due from the last at- 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. H. A. Ponder left on last evening's train for Smlthers, having been called there on account ot Mrs. Ponder 's illness. Miss Jean Cameron, who has been on a vacation trip to Vancou ver, returned home from the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Sergeant Major Carroll, Sergeant nichf on the Princess Adelaide I Bond and other members of the for Victoria.. Mr. Richards has beeh,Irlsh Fusiliers here returned to the .tnMnned h in the naval service. n the Princess Adelaide yes- iieraay auernoon irom spenamg Norman L. Freeman of the Inter- & ' " "-"" national Fisheries Commission ar- rlvcd in the city on the Cardena OAlf fWIM i1 last night from Seattle. OlVlUrllN VJ Constable Jack Lockle of the city I police returned to the city on thei Cardena last night from a trip to CONCERT Hoys of Services Entertained By Canadian I rlnn fact Vlti mve;Tnro7te"t;VSb;;:ite2n hundred In at-1 Cam b a .v. .u - ..if tendance, a smoking concert held at the Canadian Legion club room ' Iast evenlnS was ery successful xy laniiia.. A...n wHn ' . . .' .".''units were In attendance In addl " " ;;;Tltion to members of the Legion '""' and a vnrlorf nrncrmtn v tVinr. oughly enjoyed. Major Strong and Major McKay expressed appreciation of the troops In the area for the ser vices given by the Legion. These services were of a great variety and It was only an organization Mr. andMrs.S.Branton.whoarguch the Legion, consisting of rived In the city on the Prince old who kru?w the prob. George Thursday night from Stew- hems of soldier,, could give them. art. sanea iast nignt on me rrin-i j g, wHson. said the Legion was cess Aaeiaiae lor Vancouver. gratified that it was able to assist ine men now serving and assured all that it Was the Legion's objective to continue to do so for that was the one way In which j It could best serve the country. princess Aaeiaiae yesteraay alter-1 An Interesting program Included noon, their last visit having been' solos by Bob James. Bert Teng, at Ocean Falls. Private H. Watklns and George jValin. Reg King gave monologues Five thousano -... Ruoert " "a sergeant cram. instru people read the Dally News. It -mental numbers oy MiKe colussl oava to let them Vnn what To-lere very mucn appreciated as were piano solos by Ounnar Davey Violin and piano duet; by Bert and Russell Cameron were very popular. These two and H. T. Lock also played for community slng ing which Included old time favorites and new numbers. Refreshments were expeditiously served by the entertainment com- l mlttee consisting of George Dawes 1 j (chairman . w. J Ranee, NeH Cameron. George Abbott, John Armstrong, C. L. Barker, S. A. Cheeseman. Henry Smith and Hugh M. Smith. Advertising is n investment PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers ' Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled THE SEAL QUALITY 'mm wr I I mm GOLD SEAL . Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by tha wily salmon canning company with an all tha year round payroll In Prince Rnaert ; 3 Stores ..Unite In Giving You :-:y j GREAT "1 I MONEY SAVING SALE 1 NOW IN PROGRESS AT Rupert Peoples Store J Cut Rate Shoe Store i Rupert Mens & Boys Store B. C. Furniture Co. WEEK - END SPECIALS 10 End Tables At 12 Coffee Tables In fine finish. From 8 Chesterfield Tables Very nice style In walnut finish 6 Dressers In very fine finish with round mirror 18 three-piece Chesterfield Suites terns from 879.00 to 898.00 2 Two-tone Enamel Kitchen Ranges For wood and coal Phone BLACK 321 Next Door to B.C. Clothiers $2.45 6.95 te 88.50 810.50 fc Studio Coat lies In Farcroft Rust. Argonne Red and Green, can be made into double bed or two single beds, CQ Cf 3 cushions 12 Panel -With cable springs and felt 826.50 822.50 -In the Latest styles and pat- 864.50 THIRD AVENUE SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! ailing it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEI Steamer leaves Prince Rupert everj THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Train leave Prince Rupert for the Eait Monday, Wedneaday, Friday, 6' p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For Jar; tc., call or tcrft City TUkt Ojjlc, 528 3rd Av4, V-9-40 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERT TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 'Due Vancouver. Thurs. pan. Due Vancouver, Mondaya.m. If Convenient, please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK 1. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Afent. Third Ave. Phone 5GS