THE DAILY NEWS. re Daa eS BY-ELECTION | ‘““"7"" _NOWGOINGTO J i. mauecer THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN SRITISH COLUMBIA iudsom's Bay Gempeny a Harel- POLE ae eS | INKOOTENAY ‘== 82S 25=: THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD, PRINCE RUPERT, 8.C- pom, where be will supervise Jist ribertenn : ene ‘ Gist rebet ao: f the stock : ——_—_——— Captursecd a4 Large Majority of Two Hazelto- c ROOSEVELT AHEAD ANXIOUS To Puy go L Delegates in Saturday to Test mex +8 — Like Primaries a ee es " iii taiel rr ; 4 Year Again a 5 +4 spas ited “ Several Candidates Announced |! anys post st that Amundsen Will Nex ; 3 DY 3INnGcG— tract rates ; irected returns show that Boos TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—®S ceots per mech. Contract re pa of Goodeve,-Wihe Ge-| pxint to the nearest store of that Euptore the North in the Same) a - on apgucanec. signed Because of Appoint- spany. Mr. Boyd says that Staunch Vessel that Sailed the} velt capty s _ - SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada. United States and Mezico—Dat se ment to Railway Commission tra m the railroad has been Northwest Passage j seventy-f nae - 4 beie- per month. or $5.0) per advance. Waeatr, $20) per year. Al Se resumed betwee Terrace ard aeeaatin wales p aries 2 g a Other Countrics— Daily, $3.00 per pear; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly : : {3—Con-' Skeena Crossing He also says San Francis * i in acrance. ‘ given bat th waiter i< = im th river./Sen Francis w MS ae ae ae - ; - row ; tea ™, 7 HEAD OFFICE 4 ef { Best room in town at Savoy. { ° repre- umes etheriand shinoixz expeditior with ————__ —-—__—— ly News Baiiding, Third Ave, Prince Rupert, B. C_ Telephone 3%. ae Doug a a — = Tio ; tiecoverer of the . ; a lilies sa peE phone 262 f . — ee — - ” BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES TO ni ‘ snimproved land for a jong New Youa—National Newspaper Bareac, 213 East Died St.. New York City Fos- —— pay i leiteadial i ‘ «pe ative purposes. A = = : ay everyone miterest- — mess : ; Sgartiz—Puget Sound News Co. tHeled to look ower the large new ‘4 = ee. ss Loxpos, Ewcias>—The Closgher Syndicate. Grand Trunk Botidieg. Trafaiger Cen- signment of ship chandlery $e « easy ‘ nough ¢t éo it.—Sir aie Square. s “<\at Howe & MecNulty’s, 2nd Aveti “<5 ™ James Whitney - pees Scescarsezs will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone % in case of seCess r te” le & on . he Sa ei tei or inattention on the part of the news carriers. Starkey The Arctx expeduion erie The for the wery latest. —_ | ee ns ier t f Trade Stehap Se Veratt Bp Weer ade im the Fr the same ves-! ii Mya st fashionable de- —— SS oe 7 : ; : . all Th admirer f the Bari Gres a + itebate’ ondsen made his . a oe a =A “a ; 7 fh “ - “ad : Sign. Fa 7 P sri » & noha. ad . i indi . = Stens im Surt mG Miner} : I Datty Eprrion. eS Tuespay. APRIL 16), 3 : on. are al-| Bifies who gave the a mlor-) successful Antartic veyage. The) oi sell’s tf |& MeN aowe ] —- _—_——___—__—— ; . ; lreratoem miewrt th -hor parade... « arrive here next April MY : : : id ——————EEE —— ———— — ————— a ————— ° rftiy as © : ee 2 t ——————— : , | Sunday must be one of those whe ptain Amundsen the fol-} — ; - ead busines man OF © R. Ham =‘on, K_C_ 2 wellknown a ee ee ee : : . ; swrer. formerir f Ressland id ‘£ ‘ ehurea = ; arade wing June will Begin the work g 2er : swyer. former! fi eceasuis. The preacher was the —¢ siting out, upon which $80,-| "a Se eae Eversthing for the jaunch oe "**- Mt. Bushbrook. the Diebop' gaa appropriated by the Nor- WANTED ° . ” hdd dl Hawe 2 ees CT wegian psriiament will be ex- e size a rT as : pended Avenue tri ‘ * : eeek the mp Prompt settiements the strong thai We be ; ai ‘ 2 jfeature of the Mack Realty & e we an immediate purchaser for one or two 2 i greatest railway 5 MORE HEAVY SHOW Scecoumne th san weeaetlk timinee ae Satenditien aggre aw Five and Six. Submit your lis: se ft ‘ —— ie you imewent of 2 fre or aeei-| _ Cuieaso, April 15—Dr. Besbit saa 1 Price & se Crippies “Telegraph and Biecks|‘? TOU iP event of 2 Gre OF acCt-) » atic, the alleged wrecker of For Sale '***. eaten = ea grain gruwe & i Trafic in’ Maniteba = See the Insurance People the Farmers’ Bank, “will be given Zand 18 mestis. L producer, an b Se ame Phone- 150. u 2 hearing in extradition proceed- - e for = Sr b te ' : al : : Special to Daily News. : ings on April 26. Geoted Awenes i -ceay eS Wiantjeg: Apt, actos] “Wormaltey?thcce athe sgt] "Ose AOE OE d Avense PATTULLO & RADFORD il alana” storms of rain and snow in Man-|Red Cedar Flakes at 25 cents the; cu. dresses, coat collars, a EE if ‘ pam ba. Western Ontario. and ac-| peckage from Orme the Pix a. millinery, hats, trimmings aud ; ee ross the internationa! boundarr,|¢rugetst tf | novelties, at Mrs. Frizzell’s. tf ee ee ee fe-\ are eripplime the telegraph wires} a s oa = end thai be has. Why (tbenlend in some places interfering) ._ [She Plasve to Go—Mrs. Friz- Hen and Goiden Eggs. i seg should he have been chosen with traffic A sharp frost imizell’s, Empress Block, 61h Street, Eees—that is fresh eg ; SSS mans dictreet« bax o ston for ne S°2s0n2D zg as for . — - frane demand mn Fe @ M # = appoin ois is} many fistric has pui a lop t for new a 25 z c tO? were = neg dgemand im ry ‘ ED x 67 PH f ai = rh any re-| **dime ladies. tf | George jast month at $3.00 per} P. 0. 80 ONE 125 | Bee a ae a se aeration dozen, or two-bits each, while it AGENTS FOR Estimates given on al! kinds of electrical : jv Fine double cormer, section 7,/ Lot 7, bleek 18. section 5, the Bulkley Valley they were sel-| 8 Megel Marine Ex-| work Electrical Fixtures & Glassware | : solace him for two pre-| _... terms O. M. Helgerson, | #22 Cash payment $800. O. ling at just fifty per cent. of this] give, acted for i ae SS Failure! rsa "I ty $3. Heleerson. Ltd af lewies i retiabliny. Belt 2a 2 et whe me ¢ - — — = ———— —/ hp to 6 toe as formed: an his i" Perfection Marine ys Motor, equipped re m-suceess in land ' with | Perfection miter Ses thee stile . the Yo IX THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley “As Mr. Borden solematy od-|t | FARM | Bulkley Valley Fort George Districe | FARM gross PAID UP CAPITAL $1.30,48.% VANCOUVER, B.C. From Profits—or Losses P WE all advertise. A man advertises his character by his deeds, his wisdem by his words or by his silence. A merchant's store, stock, and windows speak either well or ill of his business. EASEBALL AT STEWART First Game of Season on Sunday for Barre! of Fiour. So when a man says “No, I do not adver- tise,” he knows not what he says. What he really means is that he does not publish printed advertisements. Some procizim this 2s though it were Opimion, you build good will for your 2 virtue—yet spend much | Ne Coil —Neo Contractors E Write for catalogue 2>°¢ prices ie Nacen Bloc 2n¢ Ave — 15 Sizes from 2), We carry a stock of Marine Engines on ¢ me. hand te { OUR PRICES INCLUDE ALi CHARGES BOTH DUTY AND Fost = SEIT SSE a te pow tere a 7 Fans =? ae ress Sis ne ps Bee roan Hee Ay ote or exis iat of cow $1 a. ee Only measurement requires s orcen ‘eres of Hea: mer Saat. are ome ve Exec © Potal oe roo eer Sent Saxpie of Bar CATALOGUE FORK BERRY ROADO. Lonmoon.S.E.- —s* Se ee | | LYNCH BROS. | ! Lowest Prices in Northern B. C i i :