PAGE EIGHT Gift Buyers other lines of watches. LADIES' TOILET SETS MEN'S MILITARY SETS and BRUSHES Ft That Man Is Here Again! And He Has Just the Gift Items SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT CQfi ftft FromPort Simpson $39.75 3uOUU (Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate points.) (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare : Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1910 to February 28. 19U uuua io return up to March 31, 1941 Steamers Leave Prince Ruoert ' S.S. CATALA, Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday n. B.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 5G8 If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office H i Diamond Rings from $15 to $1200g D.I... V J ioiex waicnes p Are the only watches ever awarded Class A Cer- tificates for timekeeping by the observatories of m England, France and Switzerland. Also many m 1 B Roger's and Community Silverware a and Flatware Our enormous stock of well assorted and popular, v jl priced gifts makes shopping a pleasure. We invite 5 yuur liibpeeiiun. 5$ Don't Fail to Visit Our BASEMENT STORE For Glass, China, Pottery, Brasswarc and Novelties Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist 4 0 Ml 6 I I f rs i ou ve Been Wanting Easy, Comfortable ' ft Stylish Bedroom Slippers That Practical Gift for Mother, Dad, Brother and Sister MEN'S SLIPPERS Up from WOMEN'S SLIPPERS CHILDREN'S Up from 'J'Jg Up from 1 1 The Cut-Rate Shoe Store btf PHONE GREEN 615 THIRD AVENUL H Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night $J . When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable PHONE 1 3 21 Hour Service at Regular Rales UNION STEAMSHIPS III BRIDE-ELECT BEING FETED Many Affairs Beln? Held at Hazel-ton for Miss Fery Webster Who Is to Marry Local Man Bartlett of Prince Rupert Is to take place soon, has been much enter talned of late In Hazelton. Last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J Tnhn Man-loir Vin T.aflae iir nt tV.O were served. : It .rtP W Dine and Dance at DAVE'S For Ladies and CcntlemcnS TAILORING t. lee We Cover Buttons for Your Dress By Your Own Cloth CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Col ton, D.CJh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 646 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk ' VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNi $57 ; ; Cleaning. Pressing. Impairing J JdAr. Phone C.reen 9fin P,.S7S .......J THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon j Packed by the only salmon j canning company with an all 1 the year round payroll In Prince Rupert SI 9 THE DAILY NEWS r DOUBLE MBho1c HAZELTON, Dec. 20. Miss Peggy D ornprnkfOTlpp r-1 Feast Held J Message Of Christmas To Rotary Club Right Rev. Bishop Rix Urces Spirit of Christmas Continue Throughout the year In a Christmas message to the members of the Prince Rupert Ro- ,'tary Club yesterday Bishop O. A. !Rlx mentioned he had been told SKEENA CROSSING. Dec. 20.- th!a year the olanet, Jupiter! United Church and. after " - umufu iiiurcn met met. auu, anei con- cuii-1 , i ng of the year, entertained Miss who was drowned,on April 22 last uve positrons as mey were aw vuc Webster and her mother at tea. The! ln the Skeena River and whose tlmf ofJh,?b l J, J; ..ut tr nnn ori . . . . . . . The birth of Christ, the Blshcp 7 nm' .aid. was the greatest example of! Advprtise tn the Dally News. 1 ai rAtKvttt on4 fri ROYAL M This fine Port, rich in flavor anil bouquet, vill put the finishing toucli on your Christmas celebrations. Its purity, colour and clearness are recognized by those vho appreciate good Port. Aged in wood, Royal Port has no equal at such very moderate prices. 26. oz. 40. oz. 1 2 Gal. Gal, .65 .90 $1.70 $3.1 PRODUCT OF CALONA WINES LTD., KELOWNA, B ROYAL SHO PPING DAYS 9 Until Christmas Wc Invite You to Inspect Our Stock of Gift Sets Attractively Hoxed and Reasonably Priced IJy ft (i V Yardley Lentheric Elizabeth Arden Harriet Hubbard Ayer Adreine Jasmine and Gardenia Gerrard and Woodbury Ormes ltd. 'Jfitt Pioneer Druqpiats The Rexall Store Thones 81 ti 82 Open Dally from,8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Uolidajs from 12 to 2 pan. and 7 to 9 pan. 1 M WINE 1 Thi" Z''-:nr cment is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of 'British Columbia. Four More sacrifice. He endured the cross, despising the shame. I The Bishop also referred to the wonderful example of Christ No matter how people might differ in regard to the birth of the Saviour, the example was plain. He said he found much that was good in the world including Prince Rupert. There were always people ready and willing to help in cases of distress. He urged that the spirit of Christina; be kept going throughout the year. AIRCRAFT OF AUSTRALIA SYDNEY". N.S.W., Dec. 20: (CP) -.luding business of the final meet- In remembrance of Reuben Wesley, and Mercury were in the . same rela-; New types . of . wartime ,. aircraft . ... be- ing made In Australia include the Wackett monoplane trainer. sr 1ST & 9 ' H iff, pa . WHERE rOMFOIlT FATAT. n shw tn annrppiaimn nr inp - 0.....0 ....... , , u.v..u4kv..m uw. u. wi ladles for Miss Webster's services " to worked long in dragging the river chosen as the vehicle for bringing , Following an Inquest after two Reorganization. jand otherwise endeavouring to re- the ChrUt Into the world. The! people died of fumes from a coke On Wednesday afternoon there cover the remains, Joseph Wesley beautiful Magnificat. "My soul brazier, the coroner warned the was a shower In honor of Miss Web-1 and s01" Mathlas- Edward, Walter, doth Magnify the Lord and my j public not to set up improvised ster at the home of Mrs. Wa'd Mar-i Dou8las and Herbert gave a din- spirit hath rejoiced In God my heating apparatuses in air raid shall Here the Two Mile Ladles" ner ln McDames Hall on Monday Saviour." indicated what kind of shelters. this week. Efforts to re- woman she was. She the Sewing Circle of which Miss Web- i ni8ht o was means uit icummu imic i jv mm v w .u- ?ter is an active member gathered to wish her many years' of haPPln-1 abandoned although there Is little inanity. Jus lived a life of self-win giving, ending it with the hPe now. supreme : the new estate. Miss Web- iter was ushered Into the living . . . 1 oom where a chair, decorated with ; link and white streamers held a ; "luge basket filled with pretty and . jseful gifts. After the gifts had wen opened delicious refreshments were served to some twenty guests.) Th home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mai- j Inson was the scene Saturday ev-! nlng of another delightful shower ir Miss Webster. Mrs. Maliinson nd Mrs. A. Benson were Joint hos-' esses and about thirty-six ladies were present. The rooms were taste- i 'ully decorated with cut flowers and reen leaves with matching candles. The early part of the evening was pent ln playing games and later "Ittle Miss Barbara Myros. dressed, is a demure bride, and Diana Mai-; 'lson, as a groom, entered the room towing a pair of skis bearins a hu?e snow man. Many lovely gifts were again presented and duly dituhyed liter which delicious refreshments' GIFTS that all the family will enjoy Friday, December 29, ; 8 pieces 1-piece Bedroom Suite Chiffonier, vanity dresser bench and full size bed 3-pieee Chesterfield Suite Chesterfield and -i i wu tuairj .... , , tf. Simmon's Beauty Rest Sprinc Filled Mattress Si All sizes- . ..i. : jj Special offer of $5.00 for your old mattress. You if ... , Baggage t ACT TMlrr. lU.MI.llr Dm I BH-MSBIssja8. Last Complete Show mt MERLE OHKHoT In 'Over The Moon' (IN TECIIMcOLORk (At 7:00 and PLUS C.ENE AUTREY in "KAN CIIO fiK DF" ' (At 8:21 OnK SANTA SUGGESTS Special Xmas O ' j or the handy T make the ideui n " CO.MINO SATURDAY ONLy Randolph Scott in "20,000 .MEN A Tr-n' Occasional Pieces Living Room Tables Each W Coffee Tables $10 and 515.00 ftf Magazine TablesEach $11.00 Occasional Chairs E Smoker Stands Ej Cedar Chests $31.50, $37.50 Furniture Values Js 3-plcce Walnut Finish Dlnlne Room Suite ConsisMn jja cAieiuiun woie ana six cnairs. S1M)8 S aiH re mook S42.50; f Htted Cases $130, $11.51 I'af krite Cases g $7.00 a: Floor Covering Jape Ru5s Size Dxl2. Each ... tg Linoleum Rugs 9x12. Each J Ccntoleum Russ 9x12. Each M Seamless Axminstrr Rues 9x12. Each M Axminster Mats Size 36x33. Each Axminster Mats Size 27x54. Each jj Axminster Slats Sizes 27x51. Each ... Axminster Mats Sizes 27x45. Each .. Itf Revcrsivlc Bedroom Mats 25x48. Each TOYS Wagons Made of hardwood $6.75 and Kiddie Karg $2.50, $2.95 i Scooters $.50 ,u Velocipedes $8.75, $9.50 ur Doll Carriages .... $3.50, $C0.0, $8.00 a Play Yards Each Baby High Chairs $3.00 u Baby Walkers Each Kindergarten Set Table and two For the set Baby Swings Complete $1.50 n .50 $37.50 f.- ; a iii'io' lilWOi S1T.MS VIA A I J4 V m $6.00 and 5650 3 S .00 1 $IOO(f $8.50 , $1.095 t Sj.00 l SU M fi ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING ... T,m) AVENUE TELEPHONE GREEN 916 CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains Icare PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leave, PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River )mTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER and RETURN ftKn on 13 n Nov- ist 1940 to fcd- 28th-i91, V" W Final Final rpfur return iimu limit March trv 31st, it mil 1041 For Full Information anA nin.Mnn .u Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Thone 260 prince Runert Agcnt3 r Trans-Canada Air Lines ti t f 1 0, ...09