Iyearsoid i BOSTON, June 21: fCP An experiment with salmon hatched cnoppy being made in an effort to reestablish this fish in Massachusetts. The scheme is being conducted by the State Department of Conservation. Nearly 80,000 small Atlantic salmon were brought into this state from Canada and dumped hi the I - miY I I STEAMSHIPS I I COMMUNICATIONS I Phone 7"5 i he Perfect l hirst Quench - .s5?J&s Hi 25 $060 4o$400 la ture, 52: viability, 20 miles; sea THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. This advertisement Is not published or disdayea by the Liquor Control Board orb the Government of British lumhia Spawn In Canada For Fish In U.S. Experiment On Atlantic Coast May smooth increase salmon in ew I - , ., ! Langant TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Overcast, westerly wind, one mile per hour; barometer, 30.24 (rising); temper- Island Broken clouds. southwest wind, five miles per hour; barometer, 30.23; tempera ture, si ; vwiDimy, 25 miles; sea Triple Island Overcast, west-southwest wind; visibility, 25 miles; light chop. Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer, 3057; temperature, 53; visibility, 25 miles; sea smooth. Bull Harbor Scattered clouds: t 23. Victoria Fair, westerly wind, five miles per hour; barometer, 30.16. Vancouver Clear, northwest wind, five miles per hour; baro-mpter. 30.14. Prince George Fair, southwe' ' meter, 30.07. AUSTRALIAN AI RI'LANTS SYDNEY, Australia, June 21: (CP) -Australia Is manfacturlng the Wlrraway single-engine, second line fighter, at the rate of stream pollution have combined six a week here. The Wlrraway Is to a great extent In clearing the an entirely Australian craft, de-fish out of other rivers in New signed here, and using Australian England. motors. CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls, and Way Ports S.S. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 pan. To Vancouver Direct Princess Louise Princess Charlotte Princess Alide June 1st, 15th, 29th June 8th, 22nd June 26th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway June 3rd, 10th, 17th, 21st, 24th, July 1st. 5th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from XV. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. MacKenzie's Furniture USED FURNITURE TRADE-INS 3-piece Chesterfield Suite $45.00 .1 Chiffonier $3.00 1 Bed Stead $3.50 1 Buffet $15.00 327 THIRD AVENUE (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One INDIANS IN LEADERSHIP NEW YORK, June 21: CP In ; yesterday's Major League baseball games the second place Brooklyn 1 Dodgers mover into exclusive lead-1 ( ership of the National League when the Cincinnati Reds went down to defeat by the Philadelphia Phillies after being tied with the Dodgers for first place. In other National League games the New York GlanU A TTlPrlfVi fl t cm aii Mt- Eetevan-Clear northwest wind, "i AtZiZ: IT J . , , aeipma ia Athletics defeated .1. the De-i 15 miles per hour; barometer. 30.- trolt ,,. , Jx 1 - r. i. The scores were as fallour National Leasue Cincinnati 3. Philadelphia 4. Chicago 3. New York 6. Pittsburg 8, Boston 7. s American league New York 0, Chicago 1. Washington 1, Cleveland 12. Philadelphia 6, Detroit 4, Boston 1-4. St. Louis 2-11. Local Sport Bellamy and Fulton in the Prince Rupert Tennis Club's championr ship tournament will be played tomorrow afternoon and the men's doubles final of Borland "and Nor-rington vs. Lambie and Owyer on Sunday afternoon. Both matches will be the best of five sets events. Wet grounds last night necessitated postponement of the City Football League fixture between Dry Dock and Navy. It will be played on Monday evening if weather permits. ! The unfavorable weather last evening also caused postponement of the scheduled fixtures In the Ladles' Softball League. Francois Lake : Ball Captain kli Slashes Leg FRANCOIS LAKE, June 21 Tommy Furry, manager of the ; Francois Lake baseball team, sus-1 talned a serious axe cut while get ting out poles for a new backstop for the local ball ground. The heavy l double axe drove into his leg below the knee to the full width of the 'blade. Rushed to the care of Dr. Holmes at Burns Lake, he was able to return to his home and will re- . cover in time for the next schedul ed game of the Interior League. RAPID RECOVERY SYDNEY, Australia, June 21: (CP) Six hdles down at the end of the morning round, A. N. Wat-,erson took the New South Wales 1 amateur gold championship here by 1 defeating D. J. Davies, three and two In the final. in SPORT CHAT Unde Sam's greatest athletes. ha mlehY have been In Finland this summer at the war-cancelled !l940 Olympic Oames. will fight it out among themselves Instead In Fresno. California. The event that ,wtB bring them together Is the Na this will climax the 1940 track sea son. An"extra-added" feature at year's meet will be the use of an electric timer which Its inventor. Dr. 11. O. Burbridge of Fresno Siate College says is accurate to 1-1000 of a second. The timer Is started by the firing of the starting gun and stopped when the runners break the tape at the finish In specially arranged lane stalls. Bur-bridge estimates the timer will "slow down" present record by about 1-10 of a second. I The New York Athletic Club and the Olympic Club of San Francisco have monopolized title honors dur ing the past 10 years of the AAU. beat the Chicago Cubs and the Wlt.h an !h etern" Boston Bees, the cellar team, lost to I the Chicago White Sox. The Cleve land Indians moved into the lead- ers. But any organization, from a big university to an American Legion post or a Civil Conservation North River at Norwell and in the northwest wind, two miles per crsnip of leajfue b defeaUng , "f' n enter a team. Last Park River at Newbury. It is hoped the salmon will live safely for a time in these rivers and then, after a year or more at sea, win come back and spawn In their adonted watrs ' The salmon egg, were placed In one of the Conservation Department's hatcheries because the Canadian hatcheries bareiy produce enough fish for Canadian use. Dr. David L. Beldlng, Boston biologist and member of the Quebec Salmon Commission, believed a majority of salmon return to rivers where they were spawned. An experiment at Apple River, N. S., showed that returning salmon In all cases took the branch of the river In which they were released. Maine is now the only New England state which has Atlantic salmon. The building of dams and hour; barometer. 3057 ( temperature, 54; visibility, y. miles.; light swell. 1H Bay Overcast, northwest wind, 15 miles per hour; barometer. 3(156; temperature, 51; falling): the Washington Senators, thereby ' Werc "J 30 ams and by 20 unattached DUtUne u,, Rlnn RaH Cw many athletes s ' ww vu wrvsv, former league leaders, into second place when they lost two games to the St. Louis Browns in a double . Burijs Returns header. In the other scheduled; TV'filJ C the Uv nun. phiia- 1 w viu ouenes I iJIrrAMeaTyweigtit Champion fl ' lakPH1 I iniiiU .!. 1 1 ' --. iiiu Auttralla To SYDNEY, Australia. Juno 91 - ;'CPWT$mmy Burns, former box lng heaTprweight champion of the iworic nas come back to Sydney 'Born; Noah Brusso at Hanover. Ontario, ln 1881, Burns lost his world title to Jack Johnson here (Christmas Day. 1903, in a battle 'so fierce Dollce entered the rinr to stop the scrappers In the 14th round. Now Burns is back with three Canadian mlttmen to stir up the winter boxing season just start- The men's singles final between lng-he re. One of his proteges is n j. ... . .. . 'VJJi. r t . Eddie Wenstob. cowboy heaw weight from Edmonton, well-known In the Canadian West. He was a contender for the Canadian tlght-heavywelght title and only recently turned heavy. He was fighting in England two years ago. Burns other battlers are Sammy Jenkins, middleweight, and Eddie Ryan, featherweight. Baseball Standings Natldnal League Brooklyn 33 Cincinnati 35 New York 32 Chicago .'. 29 St. Louis 53 Pittsburg 19 Philadelphia 18 Boston 16 American League Boston 31 Cleveland 35 Detroit 32 New York 27 St. Louis 27 Chicago , 55 Philadelphia ...21 17 19 18 28 29 30 31 33 20 22 21 27 29 30 33 Washington 21 37 ,Tnfiii:n .M.r, X27 inj i .6C0l .648 .640 1 .5091 .442 588 567 527 .608 .614 .604 .500 .482 .455 .380 .362 pealrd tender will b rerr-d by mf iimirn-i roretr, I'rlnoo nuprt. Dot'tntM- than noon on the 2Uh day pi June, mo. for th purrhm- 0f "W XZ7I0Z In Matbln fhannrl to cut K.ril&.OOO ft of Hpruo. Cedar Hrmlock an4 Ha tram. Two. (21 yeri Will he allowed for removal .,r timber. runner particular of the f'hlef l oreater. Victoria. Il.f , the l)ltrln Forentf r ptinre Itupert. II r- Danger I r.imf r..n Ocn alU. Il.c Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Roofs, Electrical Appliances, Oil Ilurners Cleaned, Plumbing and Painting 224 Seventh Ave., W. Phone BLACK 735 JOE LOUIS IS WINNER Scored Technical Knock-out Over Arturo Godoy Last Night NEW YORK, June 21: 'CP Joe Louis retained hit world's heavyweight boxing championship .. ,.'ulh HM1 rfffmtltr kilt nlffht hv Itkmal Amateur Athieuc un-m, 7 "J U" .r-nmnte'tU-'tato submission with a Uh- poaal to hold an ' Olympic tryouis . . , , v, rfmnnevl and both 'nical taMk-flOt 06 mlnut uircMiis .mm r . ..- K. nave aim m "K- .i.kil. -J v.. j , w)iimi iuuiiu. irawi; uh vrcu floored in the seventh and eighth rounds, lie was a ton spectacle I ,7 . . this .. . but broke sway from his handler wnen oeing guiaeo rrotn toe ring and made for Louis who was In his corner. Thirty thousand watched the fight It was the eleventh anwaafat title defence for Louis. pepper's ejection ST. LOUIS. Jane 21: CP Pep per Martins ejection from a St. Louis-Brooklyn game cotutiUHed a baaebail rarity-the first time ha had ever been toated out of a Na tional League tame He argued with the umpire over a called third strike. Most neopie ads Do you r-ao int classified Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Servlce-3 Heated Cars HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANG AN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN Maxselt, Queen Charlotte K B.C. H. G. Helgerson Limited 2IG SIXTH STREET Prince Rupert, B.C. We have on our lists the following good buys: 412 EMERSON PLACE 7-room house, 2 lots. Lovely garden. Fully modern. Furnace. 4 bedrooms. Concrete foundations. Cash $3150. Terms $2000, balance In monthly payments. We Have Several Furnished Houses for Rent for the Summer Months G-ROOM HOUSE On Taylor Street. 3 bedrooms. Fully modern and sewer. In good condition. Cash $1600 or $1800 on terms. Benj. H. Harry M.I). EYE DISEASES Lenses Carefully Prescribed 631 Blrks Bldg, Vancouver, B.C. MUAU 300000000000000OO0O0OCOOVt0WVOtoocc.o06onB 1 Cherub Baby Oil Excellent for Chafinfr. Chapping and Diaper Hash. A Baby Feed-Injj Bottle Free with each purchase Both for 40 Ormes Ltd. ZTlm Pioneer Drutzg tats The Itesall Store I'hnM II 1 tZ Open Daily front I a.m. till 10 pm. Sunday and MuUdajs from it to t p.m. ami 7 to 9 p.m. ocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaoooocoooeeaoooMc B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Cabin StoveIn good condition 1 Banjo At S9.95 5 Baby' Cribs From Q Camera From 5 Complete Beds Stee 4-6. From 2 Sesslns g.Day Chime Clocks At S10.5 1 rUT $3.5 S3.50 10 $8.5 S1.75 ! 1 $5.( S12.50 $16.? $9.1 5 RecondltlonedKltchrn Ranges Of OQQ Aft to CQZ I various makes From O-SO.UU OtW NEW FURNITRUE 4 Coffee Tables Of very fine walnut In the QQ j latest styles v 4 Drop-leaf Coffee Table-In heavy walnut. Regular $12.50, now 10 Studio Couches In all new patterns in rust, brown, green red. Can be made Into double bed or two S36.' singles, 3 spring-filled cushions. Reg. $45 00 now 21 3-plece Chesterfield Sultes-In QIC ftfl te 'sQfiJ latest styles and colors. From Phone BLACK 324 THIRD AVE Next Door to B.C. Clothiers Open Till 10;00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY THE OLD OABDENf - ifl FERTILE" An Entirely New and Dlf Plant Food Contains Vitamin I The new remarkable Stimulant Jn the 1 propti portions, ft mlld,J,nf,,. and further essential. eif for a steady growth healthy plant Try a Packet Today-" XV, II. fllalkln Co- P-,