11 ft jtr.e 21 1940. THE DAILY NEWS Art .1.4 BOOKLET j nr ri mm; lost in stoums nsT. irms 5' C.r.MUM OF GRAHAMS f nr4, Itvrr.Mtf, l.lr-l.lr i: that by order of Mil r i.hrr Bad. tb tr4 l. lSi' I u mp-'iti i of Ih. ettBt of i.irx-S. tii all par II . . la-4. I.llal- Fresli loral Raw and PaHtcurizcd Mirk YALKNTIN DAIRY rnusr i Stanley W. lollon ( 11 IKOI'R ACTOR It 'ai e niock Thone 610 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Kntal ank M1t IDORA Roller Rink MondT and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed.. Thurs., Frl.. 7-11 1-4:30. 6-11 on Sat. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM HATIIS Mike Appointments ?00 Eoomi. 50c and up Hot and Cold Water. Shower Ilatlu Mr ( I,, mark. Proprieties DAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thurs. p.m. 102nd Auxiliary Tea And Sale Is Successful Event Yesterday afternoon a very successful tea was held at the home of Mrs. S. D. Johnston, Graham claimed the lives the maD ueu , ,lc here one of them J. P. van der Linde, n if! frozen to death ta The tea room was In the charge of Mrs James Hidden. Poureis Rlx, Mrs. T. Johnston and Mrs ' Hamy. Seivtteurs were Mrs C Wharton. Mrs. P. Peterson. Mis. H M'.bbard and Mrs J. A Tmr Mrs P M Uayner and Mrs P : TOWN South Afrles. F P. Bird were In charge of ttr-ci. Hlf Thomas Lyne- vnVln. Mrs 11. T. Cros in-ir'. fom-r .Tudte- was cashier. if tho eastern Supreme The raffl which was cord'i-tp-i A here at 80. He was a by Mrs. E. Ifthf'Td rrt M- P of Col. John Oraham Dohen-. w won by Mrs. P. Barry ihr town was named. wPh Meket No l&fl. . Th rvv of th' tea a" be jlng used to furnish the ho.ntal ll" .!,.,.,.,,;7.l,.-iV.!.MT at Barrett and Frederick point IIIUTIMI Ol.t.SIHIA 1 I'llOlltTi: , kr M-fl-r -f Ike -A4-l-l.Jr.ll-., HOTEL ARRIVALS b t i. -iv 1 imty. a. i. QapMkk, J. M. Baulkes and T. A. ,;,-:VrV;; Zl Vancouver: Mr. and Irs. M. .tnM u m- rrtbwHh. Porter. Victoria; R. W. G addle. Los "h "r ' a. d. Anaelea; O. C. Seasions and family. nmkmam a watt Fred Nash. s. C. Burton. Mrs. R. offtr I'rlnca Rasart. BjC tmi iriu'.Mi: t in iit iic imiriMi f m.t-tiiiiA i iiiuiiTi: it M.llrr -I Ih- 4ll.tr-ll ;! MXI'f -f Ih- lUl-tv Itf Tat. LOCAL NEWS NOTES m. xit t MiAfM unit daueh- Fusiliers p t pimr who has been . T. J. Armstrong and DOING BEST Wednesday Union FOR RUPER T Steamship 'Co. Official cer returnee io uie . .... - . - ,, ... n For fwen Prince George thU morning from evening's train for Tranqullle to a trip to Vancouver. enter sanitarium. Alfred Adams of Massett ar- Charlotte .Ifand Service vum. tirin An hc best we ran twi nnvr nn of CaDt. William . . , Africa. nrL ?e "n rtvea Tn the cTty"on the Prince 7weil known coast pilot. Queen" Chariot Recent South Af- w, Battery. ""- Charles yesterday morning from arrlvcd m the city on the Prince ' vm, av TP1' aUred w- rknfiMTta T'anr1t: MP j-i - uu mArnlnir frnm Van ' . - . U -' 1 1 wiifti jivc JcUI fcv Uli ai-v . "7 says ' Cap. John Mulr. marine sup will be nshin" out- oi invent. couver He u here nere to to Join jtm. i--i the Tinwuu . odeal . . for tUm the tTrrton Urrton Steam stam cannery this summer drafting department of the local Co who Is a visitor to thf " dry dock. icUy ln connection with tne or- gantzatlon of the service. Lieut. Orme Stuart, command- Tbe monthly service beinz ing officer of the Royal Canadian rnmfi lm the summer by th-Kaval Volunteer Reserve here. Prince charls Is essentially of an sails tomorrow afternoon on the ,xwrlDVI,tal nature. Prince George for Vancouver, be- dJ (, me n ha way to Halifax to join of buslnMI otfer. the Royal Navy Th(j lmportance of local co- ' . . operation Is stressed bv Capt. Mulr Owin to the member beta oc- " d presMlC runied fully with war shipbuilding ' buslnes V- nrosoecu work, it is difficult to Ret dates srt for the model yacni racing -:r -ct'tvis One of th- races was to have been held last week but hid to be postponed. 1 1, ,. .., 'I:. a ah A.c( iu f r Rupert Rod and Oun Club Flsh- (the ' Quw:. f'lui.ii'.'t lianas. v ing Heme. I'ruanomme ou- paying a brief visit to the city day, June 23. open to members and Prince Rupert qq official business. He arriveo families. For transportation corn- Tom Siptla. city; D. F. Aktous and prmCe Charles yesterday municate with F. W. Grimble. Bring George Bgford. Cassia r; C M. Aug-. mornlna and will be returning to hutches, tea and coffee free. lim . ... M.ia.1 mis tie y, Carlisle! M. Lancaster. Win- Uh- Taiands on the same vessel to v.tifis. ix m- on or wkajuiui, iwiwuiw, ' morrow nmni. ited number of boats lor hire, oooa turnout expected. 147) GYRO o m GOES NORTH Whiffiets Prom The Watertront v ,7 I' has been attending the University Tt7mai . . hv r, b and J T. Caine. Bdmon- superinlendent of the BetwU & f WjuhtogUm ln8 J SrfSd h" flr8t of the Shirley; Ctmstmctlon Co.. and llpar aboard the Prhe. I!8"!. rit The Prince n Rupert .1.? of ? Gyro season on the regular Alaska tour- . K,.h" . m, J" tb. irs lmJ to0!. Barrett Point: M. L. cnanes jrmtmmr """T to her home in the Alaska capital i i ... .p. irse. Georgetown: A J. Hipp and me vneen .omn,c """ for the summer vacation. She . - f ih. ..t.ir f w. c. Dray. Port Edward. wui sau on me nun uW.-v friend UU II ftf a IBB Lucme aaUbUlC "in. i"'"'n Fta .11 f"Vntrt A-cnirai nn cl!in. t ni tha t b.. 'amr4 4a Onr. Shelford. E. O. Hsnbura. Mr. m,. .roi i, irlftaa. ta and Mra FL Phlllnann ntl- a TWI. ' .'.a at' i-4aJbt'i on. 8keena; R W Laldlaw. Smith- r r-al'"l lo par la- era oi.ir ltitfab)'4Maa lo ma iih ar f Jih, A. D. M'lnMAK A WATT. rrir la I A Srala lat r. I nr . PilBca Raaart. B.C. JONES' MILK FED VEAL LEO OF VEAL 6 lbs RUMP of VEAL Per lb. SHOULDER Of VEAL 4 lbs. FILLET of VEAL Per lb VEAL STEAK Pw lb. II KEF RUMP ROAST Of BEEF Per lb. ROAST off ROUND per lb , POT ROAST ! 4 lbs. PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb. BONELESS STEW BEEF 2 lbs. I'OKK LEO of PORK- Per lb. SHOULDER Of PORK- Per lb. FRESH SIDE PORK - Per lb. COTTAOE ROLLS Per lb. AYRSHIRE BACON . Per lb. FIRST GRADE BUTTER 3 lbs. Phone 957 S1.00 22c 50c 25c 25c ROLLED SHOULDER VEAL OOn tiX- Per lb. 20c 50c 22c 25c 22c 18c tonicht for Vancouver. 15c,27 Ticket, .t Office If Convenient. Neae rurch.se and Tickets From Reservations "Winer Information Regarding . .. TLlnt .we.. I'bone 56 ' "ANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert " SMOKK-SWKLT ENGLISH CAPE TOWN. June 21 CPi -I Outstanding mixed metaphor of the current paramenUry session I here was provided by the member who said: This measure is a smoke-screen to sugar the plU ! T? A nIII V. If A niTTVand we know the government will TAMIL I IVlARiVE. I steam roller It through Thone 957 Engagement Mr and Mrf O. F. Dannhauer announce the engagement of their j onlv daughter EUie Lucille, to Jo-, stph O Peatock. only son of Mr.' and Mrs. J. Peacock of Vancouver DC Announcements All advcrttiefnenU In this eoi unn win be charred for s ful month t " j Cambrai June on aUC Hall. June 21. Presbyterian Tea. Mitchell's June 23. Frohc. Moose Valhalla Picnic June 23. Students of McCaffery and recital June 24. Misses Margaret ' Jean McLean ln Mra. J. R. Red Croat Tea. Mrs. Sid Thomson. June 20. Raffling off teacloth. Catholic Tea, Mrs. DeJong's, June; OCT.' Miss Way and Miss Olofson re-A" ,cltal. First United Church, June 27. 25c 85ci ' 1 i UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Reamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: 1 RR , ,v.,,v Ti!F.S. T.S.S. CAHDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Mondsy a.m. Dance. Moose Hall Friday. 28th Dominion Day Sports Celebration. July 1. Big Dance ln the evening. C. N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace. July First. Fare $2.75. United Strawberry Tea, Clark's, Pacific Place, July 4. Queen Mary Hall July 5. Mrs. dance Oddfellows' Hospital Auxiliary Bazaar. September 18. Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 3. L.O.BA. Bazaar. October 16th. Anglican Fall Bazaar, November j Is T3arAlrar . I. bank of this city who Is also UiWUSh- at-tending University of Washington ''- ' Club to sending greetings to Dawson Creek. It's the cumulative erTtct of ad vertlslng that counts. DOLLA 1st route. C. P. R. steamer Prin ces Alice. Capt. Robert Thomson, 'arrived In port at 8:45 this morn ing from Vancouver and sailed an Sec Windows For Numerous Other Items of Outstanding Value FLORAL SILK DRAPERY DAMASK SO Inches wide, sunfast colors of rose. rust, cherry red, eggshell, gold, green, blue. Priced away below regular selling. ? 4 An Dollar Day, yard v X U U . SILK CURTAIN NETS 20 pieces silk curtain nets ln various patterns. Light honey shades, values up to 69c yard. Dollar Day, Q1 DO 3 yards for "?1UU PILLOW CASES Good quality, plain hemmed pillow cases. Full site, ready for use. 5 pillow cases for KAYON BROCADE S1.00 Extra good quality rayon brocade. 15 good shades to choose from. Dollar Day, 4 yards for si.oo BED SHEETS Full slse. fully bleached bed sheets. Measures 72"x90" full, good quality, hemmed ready for use. Q- fif Dollar Day, each ?1UU GIRLS' SILK and WOOL HOSE Oood strong stocking over the knee in fawn shade only. Slse 5 to 9 14. Q-f nn 3 pairs for '. vi-VU CHENILLE TABLE COVERS Assorted colors, reversible, fast dye. JSizo 50''x50". Regular value $1.95. Qi nn Dollar Day, each t?X.UU LADIES' BLOOMERS, PANTIES and VESTS Velvosuede, tailored garments ln tea rose and white. Sizes small, 'medium and large. Dollar Day, Q-f nn 2 garments for '. yi-UU BOYS' CATALINA LASTEX Swimming Trunks Satin Lastex swimming trunks for boys ace 6 to 16 in shades of Royal Blue, .Maroon, Forest CJ-f f A Green. Dollar Day, pair BEDSPREADS English Jaspe bedspreads, printed in assorted colorings. Size 66x86 O-i A A Dollar Day. each QXaUU BEDSPREADS A very attractive all white full size bedspread with all over satin design. Q-f OA A real buy. Dollar Day. each POU Manufacturers Surplus Stock TOWELS 300 dozen Turkish towels positively lower than pre-war price. You should look this -special over to appreciate value. Towels for every -occasion and you would be well advised to lay In a stock. All priced in groups for easy buying. Special window display. Dollar Day Special 2 Towel lt00 3To;0f si.oo 4Tr:f si.oo 5 Towel." Qnn BEDSPREADS All satin with deep flounced border, full size. 88"xl00" ln shades of Gri-en. Gold. Rose, Rust, Pansy and Blue. CM AC Reg. price $6.50. Dollar Day. each ?J TEA and GLASS TOWELS Assorted colored checks, size 16x30. Hemmed ready for use. Q-f A A i?.UU 8 towels for CHILDREN'S SLACKS Neatly trimmed navy blue drill slacks. Sizes 6. 8, 10. 12 years. Q-f A A Dollar Day. pair ?X.UU PAGE THREE Saigmm'-s Famous Bwruli SEAGRAM'S "VXX" SEAGRAM'S "KING3 PLATE" SEAGRAM'S "OLD RYE" Prices for 2j or. bottles range from $J.3J to Jj.JJ k, rt ir.-rt... ,.iwu w noi nublish'ea or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia return here next Wednesday afternoon southbound. The rrjicess" Alice had on board 183 passengers of whom four disembarked at this port. There were none going Inorth from here. . , Vancouver arrived arrived couver attending tne weaamg oiiKiver biock me aisuncuon m or- t tj Tl on a trip to Vancouver Rrver and Ocean Falls and sailed KUoq KlVPf Man Im ttass sMtV fin IIW riUKf UCViK 1 " 1 t - ' mVimia- r . r m.m w " .i... .rnirur from the south and!winifred ASmi.ittr.tar. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. KK. Knapp.iwUl proceed on the Prince Charles. Oddfellows' sr. i m a aa - 1 Maa 4) j as W. Marsh. Terrace; Mrs. J. Harri- tomorrow nlaht to the Queen son and Miss C. Harrison. Tyee; H. charlotte Islands. Peary. San Francisco; E. Vlcaukl. , Seattle, j Their work completed at ihe H. Came i ... . I f . .L lloral uoy" Ahford A,,,oro Bay 7 air base. i. Mayo. mjti. Milt C Roger.. inani. Ollll FT . Cls. uiiu. Uiate v . nuu-ur Dawson Creek Takes DistineUtn Which Prince Rupert Has Had For Many .Years J C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade- Inaugurating the new Prtnee cant. William Hmhe. I Rurer -SUvtrt serviee for the due In porl at 4: th .'t-r- . . W- .nutVl inH TT..fll call summer. C. n. a. steamer rrrote nwwi iiom c " noro- r.nt cPl tt p Neddan arrt- at 10 Pm- on ner return to Rupert to about to yield E,Ned, couver and waypolnU. L. S. Eby. who has been In Van-! Dawson Creek In the mnmlni from Vancouver. Poweu Eby R. as well as the m ttie world. With a membership ai ? l"r V. . , ,r i ' Orand Lodge eonven- drawn from Dawson " air " ie 1 " 0f nineteen a JlPfl TCSTPrnaV mnrnin nrn L',CU 1 iaJ relstoke. returned to the creek. Pouce Coupe and RoUa and T"" . iff1. city from the south on the Prince j. f. K. English, inspector of "n " . George this morning. ! schools for the Peace River' Block. L LUZ?'S?i ' tonr' Sas prertdent. the Dawson Creek "f P""8"" Miss Sylvia c Berg of f Juneau, T who k. in.taii npxt ists as well as local traffic. rvm-Ui viiir.iio. it i ..mil thm dtv on the Prince ... .. . . .. . owna. " ...... ..iv. wiu - - ' j .Alice una morning gomg mrougn The denth 'wwirre -ndrfwhr ves-terrtay of a h-nrt attack of Johnny Moore of the N Rvyr. F-meral senriee will he h-H tomorrow at Claxtnn rt fn-n thf-e th body will be taken OreenviWe on ths Naas River for Interment. hour later for Skagway and other Dally News Classll.ed Ads Drtng northern points whence she will results. DAY Saturday at Fraser & Payne's Stores Close at 6 O'clock Saturday SUPERSILK FULL FASHIONED HOSIERY New spring shades on hand. 3-thread chiffon, all pure silk and guaranteed ringless. very sheer. Sizes 8Vfe to 10Va- Qf ft A Dollar Day. pair ?XaUU WHITE BLANKETS White blankets, part wool, finished in singles. Double bed size, nice soft warm quality, extra good value. Q AC Dollar Day. pair ?1a7t) TUBE WOOL STEAMER RUGS Assorted colors, 100 per cent pure wool Fringed ends, very useful for bed QO CA or couch throws. Dollar Day, ea. vmOO ORIENT HOSE Canada's finest stocking Full Fashioned, pure thread silk, semi-service weight. AU new shades. Sizes 8Vfc to 10. TJp OX Dollar Day. pair LADIES' PRINCESS SLIPS All the newest styles In satins, crepes and novelty cloths. Values up to Q -f A A iX.vU Sl. 75. nollar nav. Mrh BED THROWS Good heavy weight throw, large size, bor dered. Grty and fawn. Q-f H( t?iaf Hollar nav oarh FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Assorted check patterns, blue, rose, gold and mauve. Size 70x80. CI A A Dollar Day, each .. TABLE CLOTHS 52x52 Inches. Silk mixed table cloths, as sorted fast colors. Dollar Day, 2 for - ... $1.00 75 PAIRS Ladies' Slacks 100 per rent pure wool tailored slacks. Sizes It to 20. Finished with cuffs and Inside pockets. Three beautiful new shades, Orion Blue, Apollo Green and Redwood. ..Regular price $3.95 pair. Dollar Day Special, QC QfJ