Weather Forecast k rrlnce Rupert a&d Queen (fcarL-lotte Islands- Moderate to Imti' kouthwest winds, cloudy and cool fA with showers. j f - ! , V voi XXIX , No. 146. France JAPANESE AT HAINAN Looks UVe Blow Against French Indo-Chlna .May Be Impending SHANOHAI. June 21. - Several spanete naval untu including an surra ft carrier are reported off Hainan I stand where ther are al-rradv 100,000 Japanese troops naat- ed Hainan lc oft Prench Indo-Chlna imd the ooncirtrwtKW efia3-" pan force ther i wi as the possible forerunner ol an invasion Of Indo-Chlna. Japanese troops, it, . reported, have been diverted from j he Yangtee VaU to Hainan. MeanUme it is reported that , Franre has agreed to a reasaUon of ; :hipment of amis through French Indo-Chlna to Nationalist China. IS NOW IN LAW::! iT the Two More Canadian "awaaw-aBaa-aaaaaai V Sti Squadrons . lonscnpuon i or vauau Royal uanaomn Air mroe nawine . . . . . ...i.t 1 1 i . . i which weuM have pueaa me responsibility tor financing tte war on the bank of Canada was rejected 147 to 17. A co-operative Commonwealth Federation amendment which would have pwpnled Paril"6111-ary recess for more than three months was defeated. The Senate adoption of the rno-kllWfit Inn ini nme without record- hS 1 Hi Waa -"- - , ed vote following passage by the House. , In C6mmons, Prime Minister Wll-j llam Lyon Mackenile King refuted to make any promises in order to support. He had gain Opposition been pressed for amendments to place conscription or material resources ahead of man power for home defence, to make financing of the war responsibility of the Dank of Canada and to provide for no Parliamentary recess of longer than ninety days. BAK U0IJ1 LONPOn'. tCP) The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was unchanged today at $374 per fine ounce. t ' Air Force. Bulletins NEW YORK EXPLOSIONS NEW YARK There were bombings in two widely separated points in New York yesterday-one in a German money ewhange In the same building occupied by thr German consulate and the C11AUL1E CHASE DIES HOLLYWOOD Charlie Chase, noted screen comedian, is dead at the age of 4C. He had been ill for some time and was finally removed by a heart attack. WINDSOR AT BARCELONA LONDON The Ministry of Information last night branded as completely ridiculous reports that a warrant had been Issued for the arrest of the Duke of Windsor. Such an arrest had never been even contemplated. Meantime, the Duke and Duchess have arrived at Barcelona from Franre and will proceed to Madrid enroute to Lisbon and, It s believed possible, home to England. The Duke said at Barcelona that he would slop at the British embassy In Madrid. that France turn from Brttajeand transfer her com plete resources teGermany to aid in carrying en the war. no announcement of particular terms was made iastog the answer o' the French being made. In the same railway ear in Winch Genacal loch and General ana formally presented Mr1 thm them ir fh terms of complete capitulation which France Is demanded to accept without condition and wlth- out delay If she is to be given the peace ior wnicn sne has sued. scene was in the very same bomtvpocked woods where Oer- many twenty-two years ago sur- OTTAWA. June 7i : t rendered to France and the ar- Two more squadrons of Cana- mistice was signed which brought dian fliers arrived safely m tha Pint HrMt War tn a iIam United Kingdom. Hon. C. dlsmanUed the Reich of that Power, acting minister of day. whoiw """"-" otmnceuer Hiuer was accom-i ' today. Canada now has three naw a.aavv a. a fc,a limn Foreign Minister Joach- oiaiuie nooss mm i j-squaorons overseas in aaui-t to Ribbentrop. Rudolf Hess. ry nit nnu .T uon w isiiwanMBnajuM- -r (K, oommander-in-chlpf of th OTTAWA. June 21: CP Ilament last night unanimously gave final passage to the govern-1 ment s national mobilisation pro- gram of manpower and economic snd industrial resources by which the services and property of all persons will be placed at the disposal of the fovernm;nt. The Senate spcedUr ?ve 1U approval and today the conscription measure became law with royal assent being given by the new Qovernor Oeneral. the Earl of Atbtone. A New Democracy amendment ron f tKh ting with the Royal ww.k amv fK a W ' - chief of the navy and other gen' era to. The four French plenipotentl axles were two generals, one admiral and a diplomatic represen-i ' taOve. The ceremony of delivery of the' peace terms to France lasted Just ten minutes. There was silence as the French representatives entered. Hitler gave the Natl salute. Hitler sat in the jiame seat which Oeneral Foch occupied In 1918. Immediately af ter the preamble of the terms had, been read. Hitler reUred, presum- ably to return to his headquarters at the front. The preamble acknowledged the other in national headquarters of I gallant fight which had been put' J I'OmmUUlSl MltJ up VJ itduic ' afcvu tb I was not the intention to prolong unduly the war against a"gallant 1 enemy." Terms, It was stated, would be required to give Oermany guarantees for the continuation of the war against England but, at the same time, to restore peace to continental Europe. The document charged the Allies with continuous breaking of pledges since November 11, 1918, when Germany's period of suffering had commenced. The declaration of war by the Allies on September 3, 1939, it was claimed had been "without reason." All that Germany now sougnt was a redress of WTongs against the Reich. In addition to the German and! French official parties, there were present only Nazi military officers and foreign newspaper correspondents. In Berlln it was stated that the lattftrit of the peace terms was to (Continued -on Page Six) VICTORIA, B.C. wmm GIVE CP ARMS nEKNE A force of 50,000 French and Polish troops is reported to have crossed into Switzerland, abandoning- their arms and being interned. QUIET IN ENGLAND LONDON There were no further extensive Nazi air raids in England last night. A single German bomber made its . appearance off the coast but British fighters went up to meet it and, after thirty-five minutes. It was driven off. The death toll as a result of Wednesday's aid raids on England is now placed at eight. CONSCRIPTION PASSES CANBERRA The Australian House passed the national conscription measure last night and sent it on to the Senate. AMONG REFUGEES MADRID The Empress Zita and son, Archduke Otto, pretend- MALTA AIR RAIDED MALTA There have been further Italian air raids on Malta and other British bases in the Mediterranean and North Africa. IN SECRET SESSION LONDON The British House of Commons had a session to discuss home defence and other measures. No statement was made after the session, not even how long It had lasted. There may be another secret session next REDS BUSY IN FRANCE LONDON Communists are active all over France, it is said, here, urging a revolution In order to save France. VOKTHEICN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUATHlAS NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1940. Nothing Bat General Terms Contained In Preamble Are . - Immediately Made Known as CAMPISONE. Prance. June 21- ruthed oversea to tight Instead of UnAer Plenipotentiaries his de- scrvint as instructors m Canada. The crossing was smooth and uneventful despite a radio ihrea. heard enroute that the Oermaa Navy would see that the voyage was not eoupteted. The Canadian nursing sisters included Bdltfc Kergin of Prine Rupert with the troops which was the largest casting ent yet sent Mis-; Kargta WM mistress of ceremonies in nrctaiy sinc-aoag ami maads on which peace for Prance wptld be bated. Apart from a pre- on general terms and Alleged Fifth Columnists In Quebec Are Taken Into Custody, Parliament To!d OTTAWA. June 21 : (CP Internment of eleven members of the National Unitv na-v ha been ordered. Rt. Hon. Ernest Lapointe, minister of justice, told the House of Commons today. The eleven include men who were arrested and appeared for preliminary hearing in Montreal Mr.1 Lapointe said that, after hearing the evidence, the judge decided there was a plot against the safety of the state and reported so to the attor-nc. -general of Quebec who, in turn, reported to Mr. Lapointe, submitting evidence that the men had been h. communication with enemies in Germany, Italy ana elsewhere. Local Organization Being Perfected For Protection In Event Of Air Raiding With fast moving world events bnn-nng the possibil- M dictated to Oer- n v wvn buui iui icmuvru (juiiil da wis tu uie many the Means wiiieh ended th Iore- nnce Kttpert is moving to speed up the mobilization Ftost ortai War. QhanceHor AdoU of jt5.dti7.grmj.ior air, raid JCtipji. Xfifitfisda aftec-Htttor and iis colleagues today noon'ine cenoral cofnmtTtep of cttiaens havin"' this in hand met the French ptenlpotenttari; mat ot th -rAnt, War News i renor's on organisation which ha 'Iready been effected and to speed plan for its completion. J. J. LitUe wa in the chair. The city has been divided into zone. sir civilian districts, the waterfront and two industrial centres, the dry dock and Seal Cove. Steps have already been taken to assign teams of police, fire fighters, first air workers. anU-contamina- GOVERNOR INSTALLED Expressions O.' Hope And Confi- dence Heard At Ceremony In Ottawa Today OTTAWA, June 21: CP For-' mal Installation of the Earl of! 'Athlone as Governor General in! the Senate Chamber today brought j j expressions of confidence and1 ihope from the new ViceRoy and Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. it was tne first time that a Governor General had been sworn In in the Red Chamber as on pre- er to the Throne of Austria, have lylous occasions he had been crossed from France among the refugees. to Spain sworn in at the port where he landed Immediately after the ceremony, Mechanized Drives Some Kin Carol Is Now Endeavouring To Curry Favor With Germany, It Appears BUCHAREST, June 21: (CP) A royal decree is being drafted to provide for complete reorganization of King Carol's government party to take in all the Opposition including the pro-Nail Iron Guard. The new partv will be known as the Great Damage Done to Centres by British Air Attacks Last Night tlon squads, nones and doctors COLOGNE. June 21. Six persons . should emergency arise. Already were killed in an air raid on Col- some 100 persons, with more or less ogne last night by the Royal Air special qualifications, have been Force of Oreat Britain. Three po-1 (Confinwd on Paqe Six) lieemen were among the dead. ; Twenty persons were wounded. rranv by the British air raids. Mobilization Continues As Attack Through Roumania And Bulgaria Appears To Be Feared ISTANBUL. June 21: Fearful of German-inspired attack through Athlqne performed his first off I-' Roumania and Bulgaria, Turkey is clal function by giving Royal Assent to the bills including the mobilization passed yesterday. Weather Forecast General Synopsis The pressure is abnormally high west of Vancouver Island and is relatively low over the Mackenzie Basin. The weather has been fair and moderately warm in the interior while on the north coast showers have occurred. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Moderate to fresh northwest to west winds, mosUy fair and moderately warm. ; Mrs. R. E. Benson, who has been on a trip south, returned to the city on the Prinee George this morning. moving large numbers 0t addition- Tomorrows Tides High 2:28 am, 21J It 15:23 pjn. 19.8 tt Low 9:05 -nx. It 21:17 pjn. 6.2 tt. PRICE CKWTH II Making Brave Stand Another Canadian Contingent Over . Not Only Holds Nazi 0 i ii. r. Local Nursing Sister Made Hit With The Troops On Crossing Edith Kcrgin Was Mistress of Ceremonies at Sea Every Branch of Service Lands in England as Dominion Sends Biggest Force OTTAWA, June 21 : (CP) Arrival of the fourth contingent of Canadian troops in Great Britain was announced today. The arrivals included reinforcements for the First Division units which have been in England since last December and Mime unit of the Second Division. Every branch of the service is in the group as weli as a number i. ol Royal Canadian Air Force pilot DRAMATIC GATHERING IN FRANCE Hitler Presents His Demands on Which Peace Would Be Based Rendezvous at Campiegne Setting Same As World War Close Units But Backward Railway Lines Leading to Switzerland Cut by German Scouting Units But Are Restored and Guarded By Defending Units BASEL, Switzerland, June 21: (CP) France's reorganized army of Jura and the Alps, reinforced byMa inot Line troops, is reported not only to have held German motorized units south and east of Lyons today but to have driven back advanced Nazi columns northwest of Gren ROMANIA GOES NAZI oble with heavy losses. Long freight train arrived at Geneva tonight from Marseille.' The trainmen said that jalhvay lines have been cut by German scouting units but were restored again and were guarded by Freneh troops. CHILDREN TO CANADA 'Migration From Great Britain Cx-j pec ted to Start in Course of Next Couple of Weeks "Party of the Nation" with the LONDON, June 21: iCD-rTte-Iron Guard playing a big part pa rations are being completed for It is thought that Carol is the sending of some three thoos- iwpxrrd .to- irn-.UntU5;ianjJ school childrep 4 . ft!Nm in order to win favor while others may go-to with Germany. inions and colonies. It wtiTl COLOGNE HARD HIT atheTOssn- e tww i or three weeks, however, before ar rangements can be made for the first movement. There are nine million ached! children in Great Britain. Inquiries, if not definite arranfo- German , ments. have been made privately for the reception of English school LhtldiPn Fnce Ri'ner: 'FRANCE IN BAD SHAPE of Thousands of Refugees .Anartment houses were hit, it is " " (claimed here. Extensive damage wa also done elsewhere in Ger- Flight Nazi Drive Continues LONDON. June 21 With the nnrthpm half nf Frnnp nnv In Waves of British bombed planes , German nds, conditions in the military objectives at Rouen last half reported to 5. night. The airport was centred as refugew by teM upon and six German planes were thousand5 not orUy se, BriUsh Be, lan and DBtefc others being damaged. storm the virtually Spanish fron- Uer as they seek to escape the on-rpj T) TT T-TT jn rushing Nazi forces. Thousands of w IJKJvr.Y 1 ' other reugees are seeking haven in -North Africa and one ship, with OCA Fl VIXTs0 normal capacity of 300, is reported Kr.AIJY lIlfTito hae landed at a west coast Bri- " ' m 1 frltfV. Ush 1I.AA m ports with board. juuu reiugees on French radio stations have been silent since last night and there wa no definite word up to early today as to just where the French government was following its decision to leave Bordeaux yesterday. One t port was that it was heading for Biarritz, another for Perpignan and al troops toward the frontiers. 1 5UU another that It was going to More reserves have also been call-; Algeria. ed to the colors. Red Army Stands By . MOSCOW. June 21 One million men of the Red Army are now reported to be concen- trated on the Oerman fron- tiers as Soviet Russia anxiously views rapidly moving develop- ments In the European war situation. ! Meantime the German army eon-tinued to pound its way southward with steady advances between taa , iAiue ana mione .ravers, tat cny or Lyon having been captured since yesterday. ACTOR FROM WAR IIA.MILTON, Bermuda Enroule home to the United States by plane after having been engaged as an ambulance driver in war-stricken France, Robert Montgomery, famous screen actor, arrived here yesterday. He paid tribute to the wonderful fighting spirit of France against great odds. He had seen plenty of Na? bombing of ref ngewi, Montgomery said. 4a'9, . , . m j.T.TLgssssi