PAOE BEC SERVICE Prompt and Efficient Service in Watch, Clock Jewelcry and Optical Repairing, Hand Engraving EXPERT OPTICAL SERVICE Licenree for Numount Fullvue Frames The Latest In Eye Wear CILS DODIMEAD OPTOMETRIST rhone 264 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Gifts for Every Occasion LANDED IN iSTORM IS American Washington And British Rritannic Arrived Today After Atlantic Crossing If you nsvn son.etmng to swap coalition with placing partlzanshlo y a Classified Ad. before patriotism. $ 27 .50 DRAMATIC GATHERING (Continued from Page One) "blot out French power and seal the doom of British might." For1 France It was a case of "take It or leave It," there being no choice between accepting and rejecting. . Acceptance would brine about Tjjea'ce In Europe and permit Ger-"Tma'ny to go ahead with the war to; , anninuaie" ureat Britain. Re- NEW YORK! UNDER yfffljp-Z I The terms called for outright Partizans in United States Find surrender of all armed forces of Roosevelt's Coalition Difficult France included the Navy. Pill to Take Thus Hitler delivered WASHNOTON, D.C.. June 21. A h.ninv tK, n to the NEW YORK, June 21: The Am- furious debate developed In the Un- rnr vrpnrh miaranteM tn priran Hnpr WaKhlnfftnr. anH tVio I Itcf Rt-itne Sonalo fnHav nvrw th . . TTO! DAILT NEWS DEAL FOR (UNCLE SAM PEACE ON IS WARNED France is Reported to Hare Made Overtures Also to Italy for End , Of W ar ROME. June 21 France, accord- Intervention In European War Will Lead to Self-Destruction of Monroe Doctrine, Gayda Writes lng to report here, is negotiating for ROME. June 21. Intervention in a separate peace treaty -with Italy, in the European war will lead to the Italy has advised France to name ?lf -destruction of the Monroe Dac Its plenipotentiaries to receive trine. Vlrginlo Oayda, authorlative Italy's terms In a manner similar Fascist editor, wrote today. Surh to that by which the Germans pre- intervention. Oayda threatened, sentcd theirs. would certainly lead to reprisals. TRADE PACT COMPLETED Treaty Between Italy And Jugoslavia Is Reported To Re Reached ROME. June 21. Conclusion of a trade pact between Italy and Jugoslavia Is reported here. It would cover the years 1940 and 1941. Defence Of Canada i JjVQQI CLEANSER W- a I .J VJ I M 1 C. at tkMt laM I REPORTS rw? tt. ' nut i l4 tkrt Blut-OIM TtM tnm Bl ri Cluairr tin, fi IM U ttr C.. IM. Mtalratt, Alt !, mri ( )trt mm Bit triir iLbANbcK t,M t Mt ! UTUally U tl flMl lairwltall Wai't xrilfk N latll 4 It U llaf U tnr lliat kau It MM tilM til tit (aUral Clliult. UNITED CHEMICAL CO. LTD. 3830 St. AmbroUe St. Montreal OF NAVY talians Claim French Fleet Has French his and Italy's terms fo; , . tt i l ty been Ordered to Return Home- France, f'nrititatp cainns ,ase is Held nere ca,r s' s,,u ,n Act,n - - - -- -- . v..w......u wvva v . u.w pnniiniipn r n nriin it i . rm-i r 1 1 r-i ROME, l. i . , Jane i Mnm -i 21 -Stefan! Miara 111 IUllan uiiu BrltUh Britannic arrived simul- appointment of Col. Frank Knox tain and lavlnir what he termed the Veteran of Ust War Admits Making N., rt. that the en taneously at New York today. The; and Henry L. Stlmson, prominent groundwork for a "new European Comments in Public Derogatory Ure Frencn j;, ha, ordered arrival of the Britannic was en- j Republicans, to President Roose- peace. T Army to nUim to bases In France and tlrely - unexpected. - The Washing-! ' velt's cabinet In a " coalition tscniiai conienis oi me new ton , had 1500 passengers and the The President was severely crltlcLs- European peace" envisaged by Hit- most of them were American re- some members of his iugees rrom Europe. (However, Congress Is passengers on tne Washington annrovp th annnlntmpnt told of having been stopped at sea Meantime Knox and Stlmson off the coast of Spain and chal- were all but read out of the party lenged by a German submarine, yesterday by National Chairman There was some difficulty in con- John Hamilton at Philadelphia vinclng the commander of the where the national convention is u-boat that It was an American about to oDen. sn,p" President Roosevelt, in a state ment, today, charged critics of the t-nnce Rupert had iU first case lh. UmP r.oorU .manat- LOCAL ORGANIZATION BEINO rERFI'.CTF.D FOR rROlECTION (Continued trom face One) i enllatd for service. There may bt i . .... .in i i . . an or u-ar gmvurni Krni . . an experimental Diacfc-om. The Organltera The ortanlsers of the variou- branches of air raid protection measures here have been named as1 follows: Police, Staff 8ergeant Ernest Oammon. Fire flthtln. Fire Chief II. T. Lock. Schools. J. S. Wilson. Health. Arnold Platen. Engineering, City Engineer F. N. Good. Communications, Samuel Mawey ' Demolition. 11. Long. Oas Decontamination, Dr. Neal 1 1 Carter. Utilities. T. D. Black. Military Uaiaon. Lieut. Earl English. Most of those organisers pretent- ed reports covering their activities at me meeting yeaicraay. ftiaff flapaatnl -"lammstn mm.!. emergency call. Fire Chief Lock reported 27 wardens or auxiliary firemen had been enlisted and positions allocated Instructions had already been given and demonstrations and drills he4d. This activity was In with the fire department. In the absence of J S. WlUon. Mr. Utile advised that school pupils, were being trained in evacuation T0X,,i"TTS Sho Nifhtlv .fHJ N TtCIIWcoun "GULLIVER' TRAYEI A Full lnith re,if r Al Ml a . ADDID MARCH OF Tt LATEST WAR Tonlht Oai;i "OEO.OLSO.VSMl itnil Ik M..ik.i.. ed that forty special wardens un-i W"U"U'0! tder the police had been appointed. I W8CUwl The n Enthusiasm was being displayed j nkM' PI" 'o t .and and they they were were ready ready now now for for an - I Hnlte city rem Wis matter, not onir ; but In the way ol ron thorlty. This will be tt Into. IOinU of epul rt and measures lor their t 'These Included the ou u waterfront Arrangemei raid alarms ere dueui Within the courtr ot measures. cotipie or weeks or w Britannic seven hundred. The ed not only by Republicans but by ler In the preamble to the armistice under De'ence ot Canada reula- ln from Cairo were to the effett'. AmM naten on organ- of aU air raid 1 1 1 1 I.N I. (II I II tmm WPrP M TTl Prl rl Tl V ..Maa.. 1. - W X. I a. .... VMtia IHia a. v.. V . . . W UU1 aft flMt m. lal a. L. M KM RCIB M1UI owu pany. conditions presented to the four " ''"' that the French fleet and troops In -v" " ws ana am- . . expected cpected to r French itiiui envoys tnvujs who wno were wtrc in in the me po- po- ;vuMf 77: Frea". 53-ear-old veter- the me Fjulern eastern Mediterranean Mediterranean would woura;. l0 Hh assignment of V ' r. f . . . . A - ja af4 F 4 the W aa. In ajtt akaV wA aa M - doctors doctors aSatAaA.a ak am m S Sa S a a P1" 9Vtt flnPfl KP 10 Ifl 'he pub. At thu and qualified " nurses to dl- -w worfcen pauses, eenl. canu. arm arm k b bandi aiuuti ui oowuig io uermany toaay . - " t-r- remain ui tne ngnt aetermmea to., w,rt.- . as the Reich had been compelled to McClymont on a charge carrv ht v dtgfilt9 any ' Arm. do In 1918. would be reparation of J mtk n" n a beer parlor S I N Carter reported on sa W',"!ln. will the the wrong wrong done done to to the the German German dM-tory to the armed forces and ' ' decontamlnaUon miwriss. Teams Theatre It Reich itself by force. The dramatic meeting took place at 3:30 pjn. French time. (5:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time.) Word was expected momentarily as to France's acceptance or Vacationists and Holidayers Don't Be Without a Radio While TravcJ ling Keep Up With the News Look at this Special on RADIOS 5-Tube Portable Radios Complete with Ratteries. These Sets Have Lots of Power and Are Easy to Carry. This Special is for a Short Time Only-So Act Quickly EDWARD LIPSETT LTD. On the Waterfront Phones 237 and 2.8 ? S iMtM "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage frlncv Rupert Co. Lid. British Columbia THE SEAL "'QUALITY GOLi; SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon raeked by tha onlT salmon cannlnc company with an al) the year round parrot) Ui Prince Rujcrt pleaded guilty, sentence bclnz re served until tomorrow. FISH PACT CONCLUDED Dispute Between Russia And Japan Regarding Sakhalien Island f Reported Settled j MOSOOW. June 21:-An agree-1 ment Has been reached between Tran and Russia In regard to I iisning nnts off Siberian coast and Sakhalien 'Island, It is ported, i HH)L TIIK substitute mutton cod liver oil. SKA LIONS ACADKMIC FAMILY BLOOMINGTON. Ind.. June .nm- s-ven of Mr. and Mrs. ll re- LOJiDON, June 21: (CPt The ea lions of London Zoo suffered from the shortage of fish In the early days of the war but now they are being deceived with a smeared with 21: Al- bert Kunz's nine children have been graduated from Indiana University and the other two are un- 'Wr.-i1,.;itps 5 LOST LOST- 8aturday afternoon, Junr 15, brown bill fold containing money, fishing license, driver's liccnsf. liquor permit. If found return to City Police Office or phone Sunnysldo Cannery. Reward. ' tf FOR SALE Piano in good condi. tlon. $60 cah. Phone Green 836, afternoon, f ti54 FOR SALE Two waterfront lots. Crlppen sub-division. Dlgby. Cheap. Telephone Dlack 482. (149) FOR SALE New 8-foot punt. A snap. Phone 572. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished flat. Close in. Dox 5, Dally News, (145) WANTED WANTED Rowboat. State size, type, price. Box 6, Dally News. (147) WANTED General housework by.AHin competent lrl. Address ' Box 122; Toodle Terrace. I lUVcUte. TODAY'S STOCKS lOnunmir 8 O Johnrtoa Oo.) Vancouver Dig Mlssoort, -87. Bra lor ne, 8jW. Cariboo Quarts. IM. Denton la, S)l Falrvlew, .MM. OoW Bell. .30. Hedley Maseoi. Jl. Mlnto, .L Noble Five, -0e. Pioneer, 1J6, Premier. .7$. Privateer. .44. . Reeves Mac Donald, JO. Reno. .19. Relief Arlington. jIHft. Salmon Oold. M. Sheep Creek, M. Cariboo Hudson, J) Oils A. P. Con. .laH-Calmont, .181. C. & E.. IM. ' Home. IM. Paealta. M. Royal Can, .14. OkalU. .61. Mercury. .08 ft. Prairie Royalties, .lift. Toronto Aldermac, .13. Beattle. ill. Central PaU 1.47. Con. Smelters, 32i)Qy East MaUrHe. 2J7. Fernland. .02. Francoeur. .20. Oods Lake, .26, Hardrock, .60. Int. Nickel. J2.76. Kerr Addlcou, Ul. LltUe Long Lac. 15. McLeod Cockahutt, Madsen Red Lake. .24. McKenzle Red Lake, .93, Moneta, .44. Noranda. 470. Pickle Crow, 2.25, Preston East Domo, 1.50. San Antonio, l'JO, 8he;rit Gordon, .60. Uchi, .25. BouscadllUc, .03. Mosher, .03, Oklend, .03. Smelters Oold, .00'. Dominion Bridge, 24.50. Halibut Sales Hummarv Amerlcan-71,00Q pounds. 9.1c and 7.5c to 9.6c and 7.5c. Canadlan-27J500 pounds, 0.5c and 7c to 9.8c and 7c. Eldorado,' 40.000, 9.1c and Wc Storage. Condor. 10,000, 9.6c and 7.5c c Booth. "azel II., 21,000, 0.4c Royal. Canadian T . 1 , I . . and 75c, TCUClia II, 10.000.. OP 9nH sswa 7c. 11.500. 9.8r and-7c, Pa- I ef mi v Wa A k. .-. . , .... 1 v. a uau vrcn iwiimj ana wemrea had been Riven. 1" Brunei by Kayser Bouquet A soft wine tone as delicate and fresh as a bouquet pkked from a country garden. Plumage Especially harmonious with blue, roue tones, pastels and white. Smoothly adaptable w a wioe tones blue. range of . beige, I City Hntlneer Oood toid of me-' urea, in vol Tin the expenditure eonsweraWe money, whkh had ready been taken by the city to pro-1 teet the water works in the eent of attack or sabotage patrols by spec- Ml eonaUMes were already in op-- Burnish chairman menu. An Important (! accent on sport and resort wear Orchid A medium wine one for perfect harmony with your frocks of deeper colors. Verve Wear this light wine with any of your better costume. There are still other fascinating hosiery shades by Kayser. but space limits our llst. Come In and see them. Sheerest Wisps of Chiffon 8heer, Dull Finished Crepe Other Weights, from be TU to make f:ni "ETHIOPIA AIR I eraww. There were ample aup-'Rnsy Sltlhm And pUea of ppe. etc . for replacement I Dam iced Ami Fire st purpose In the event of need I td Sam Jurmaln spoke of flrrt aid) WianiaaUoo. ( CAIRO. June J CP' Civic Uadenhlp roree bomber. iod t Throoehout the discussion, the 'Ethiopia, damaging a need of equipment cropped up This , workshops and involved the expenditure of money air field I 1 New Hosiery Shades Are Nature's Shades GIRDLES For under summer sheers. Snug fitting with gartrr s tached . cool, light weight. An exceptional bargain at .Mall Orders Prnmnilv i'iiii,tfitM.n iiinrH.iv Mil RUPERT PEOPLES ST' "In the Heart of. Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Hellbroner's Phone Ml'1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 40 Rooms Hot St Cold Witter Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 111 Our Famous 1 f COM Ilii Ik ley Valley Nanalmo tVelllnfl' IlulUley Valley N'h Oral" SEEDS and FKKTl PKINCB HLT FEED C Phone 58 and