———_—_—_—_—__— The Daily News The Detailed Account of Mrs. Goldruffles’ Easter Outfit —Drawn for the Daily News by , “Hop” ( sxooP, He “Crry ED S@S I CANGET } TO MELE “EL Ort my Easter srory— WE ADE Gorte To RUN DESCRIPTION oe | Gar THE SOCHETY Lads clones —= = “+. Want You're cane on eins, ' GQLDRUFELES AT Two | o'cieck AND GET THE_ | DETARS of amet \ \ anes OurTFir — ( vKs Ss HE Dune—] | = © DO Say cr seve! aS SHOULDNT I can DoLL UP wits THe NExT ONE AND AM THERE WAH THE FRONT) \Ger THRO UGH }Wrre ir pac! | TTS THE onan / (OMe IVE Gor’ j Te marten — { At YRS — A DESHI TON OF | MY EASTER OUTFIT-Fon He PAPER — WELL MY HAT wri BE oF PINK voRnE Ard Bwet APaicors— sw ae : DReEss OF PALE PuRcLE_/ , |CHtEFON worn Samomes |S | OM THE Bias arp sieges! © : Birk’s Beautiful . ut Glass and Pierced Silverware : : Is brought within reach of every buyer in BRITISH COLUMBIA by our thorough. far-reaching mail . order service. We can supply Henry Birks & Sons wedding presents from these —Limited— lines to any customer in the Jewellers and Siiversaniths Provinee promptiy and at mod- Geo E. Trerey erate prices All goods will be Sinndiins| MRaketer iwa) prepaid (©) your nearest rai Vancouver -- express office and mor returned when goods tirely ry iraied amir 7 eu cose cccccccccececsossocsoeccecs oes ee. ee Tene paar scoses seesecseessosee ere ses SSCS SOS COSCO SP ee ee ee ee ee ae =—peeoe “FROM HOME TO HOME.’ HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vanennver Excellent Cafe. Moder. te Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 55 + ene = i ah & Te teed Be oc Sone Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder ! j To fit your son or daughter for a basiness career you must give them a business training. The best place to send them to is the : Nanaimo Business College CAS ELS 6 et ee EE Our saerthand coarse mciodes tambon ia college to Prince Rupert The Ben Pitman System of It's fees are within reach Shorthand z It is the nearest business of everyone. Its tuition is personal, and develops the individuality of the pupil Business English and Let- _ ter writing Commercia! Arithmetic | ieee te Room and is cheat Office Routine in Nanaimo. The pupils Spelling are away from the distrac- Typewnting tions of the larger cities Penmanshir Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to write shorthand i THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE C. E. Perry, Principal Nanaimo, B.C. Romi A~mr Subscribe For The Daily News And Get All the News Ft Ot Hs we A ee He oe Ot 8 we i j broker, a “The News” Classified Ads. | —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” o~ Fi . ] Si . / nancial Situation =; For Rent ( At Last Revealed + iat ‘ M : a . $ : Sine. itinued from Page i 7 at FOR RENT—4-room house, 640 8th ave Apply Phome 313. = ~ ach = wf h sul FOR LEASE—NMcintyre Hall; well beated * " sdvan- | *2% lighted. J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116 £78 ‘ This a ED a ttage, pear * i ay Ba - Sloss Pk s fy : fie pols 2 st i sul Shawatlans a McBr box 1 i aaf = is this ach x i et ae : ens j rea neers Insurance ip hese w S { As Ali na Mo ss s - ed I We have 1 hing but OUR Companies are . ted for prompt and just settlements. We write every tmown clase of Ssh UM f the auth- insurance. The Mack Realty ami Insurance Co ‘ wiih whict pay fo ~~~ ~~ SS es SU, we f pip and if mir ini Shawat- that pipe. eplied that mpow e¢ i ript at 5 per? of one mil- we iad co’ ediat margin of Ald. Mor- 3 si ans satistiied : I ignt sei o He main- eature proposer ss the | - bet lis s- t off Ss were members the he slighted and d Procedu By- Manson's day po! Aldermal peated it a 4 if ihe slage where garding the if $8 involved wn Dy cable 1g Ald. Mont- g t ihe s Ss he bes can i Al Ciayton evoxced ap- S 0 his sturdy asserilor gn aii the eoll that the Z S sti ha enough >On- i ime I ust m with the city’s finances and lerlaxings LOCAL JOTTINGS izzell’s At Mrs. Fr for every- thing in ladies apparre! Sixth Street, Empress Biock tf Douglas Sutherland, storage: offiee 225 6th si ai6é6 Customs forms at the News flice. Wanted Position as exXper- enced salesiady or chamber- work at onee. Phone Black 148. fry Morill’s Hams and Bacon Sialker & Wells, sole agents. ai7 ACCIDENTS—The only com- piete the Corporation, protection phone 262 is @ policy Ocean Accident & Guarantee the largest casualty with insurance company in the world The Mack Realty & Insurance Co., Agents. tf Very large stock of genera! jhardware. Sole agents for Sher- win & Williams paints, at Howe \& MeNulty’s. tf Douglas Sutherland CUSLOINS | Meets every 2nd and 4th Twenday aié Help Wanted E desis 2 to help mind $ State ‘what expected News ~ Restau rant outmt, especially ing and cheap furniture rooms Pai « box 165 te a Miscellaneous + ~—+ R SALE 3 Mat i a i ite a4 zg a ee = A a a na: & a Sea oy be receiv by th z ‘ xk Pp. = April 22 t b nase of debentures t ’ he astruct a L WATER NOTICE FOR A LICENCE TO TAKE AND USE WATER NOTICE is hereby given that the Queen Charlotte Fishing Company, Limited, of 207 Carter-Cotton Bidg., Vancouver, B.C.. will appiy for a li- cence to take and use four cubic feet per second of water out of Edward Creek, which flows in a south-weaterly direction through unsurveyed Crown lands and empties into Two Mountain Bay near Tassoo Harbor. The water will be diverted at Third Falis and wil! be used for industriai Son the land described as shown in sketch at Water Recorder’s office, Prince Rupert, and situated on tie Kast Coast of Two | Mountain Bay This 5 luce Was posted on the ground Gay of April, 19t2 The application will be filed in the “fice of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert Objections may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptrc!- ler of Water Rights, Parliament Build- ings, Victoria, B.C. Queen Charlotte Limited, a licant eos A Moulton, Agent. Fishing Company Pub. on 16. “Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. (Scan can aniaw Soceety p.m. in the kal! at 319 3rd Av =(One Cent A Word For Each Insertion HERE— & PIGEON COTE FOR BIRDMEN Company Being Formed in Daw- son to Finance Aerial caps from Vancouver to Handi the Capita! of the Land of Gold. Ss 5 ix u Daws i and arr I laring adventure i iviga that is probably ! pa 4 excey the passag f th Alps a year or ig The programme in the st s to secure the services in aviator of the first rank t 4 distance flight from Van- ‘ ihe Kiondike capital! winning much fame for himself al denta ativertising the Yu i othe imes than that gold preduction It is eon- ded that the trip can be made without much difficulty over the hilk mountains rhe flight will be a feature of i ‘ in midsumme I ca whic regotlations i I gress witl he Wrigh Bros and the f ie vitations ils Mr. Mc- Mr. ¢ I \\ > rw Sla Van ve Douglas Sutherland sustoms k 225 6th st ai6 sa iots 36-37, bik. 7, sec ‘ $1,575.00 each 1.000 cash i & Radfore aic espons io many requests cantata “Chrisi and His Sol- 5 will b epeated next sda ening in MelIntyre 2t NOW OPEN PRINCE RUPERT CAFE SECOND AVENUE AND SIXTH ST. FIRST CLASS SERVICE POPULAR PRICES Williams & Vidak - Props sa the , na tion of 41h and Sth avenues 3 par ers from the it Clerk oat r an tencer mot neces ea ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk . McCaffery & Gibbons FOR SALE t 20, Bik. 16, se #31 $1,200 a Lets 2 iat 1 Lot 4 $74 % cash $850; easy terms 14. Se 5 é z Se $527.5 . Bis de 8 $7 cast Bix Se $2,500; $1.37 ai 1 Bik. { Se t a. ? si, is i3 @ i, Ble. 18, 8 $4,00 as ‘ Bik ai s with house, $2,500 1%, s 6, 42 % cast FOR RENT 7th ave pec. 6. $26.00 use. partly furnished, on sth ay se #2 Agents for Nova Scotia Fire Agents for Niagara Fire Mutual Life of Canadas «« McCaffery & Gibbons THIRD AVENUE ! and ' as a . - - ‘ 5 ¥ “4 a8 ba ; ‘ "i 2» ' 4 ‘ 5 4 s* : : ash, bal 6 3 " With the United States Fidelity & POR SALE Guaranty Company for Accidents, ming Se, des ‘ Plate Glass, Bonds and Burglary pare is the best FOR RENT Take a Policy with the Confe on : : eration Life Store. 2nd Av r Tt stree Fire Insurance with Board Reh a Companies J . si Jeremiah H. Kugler, Lid PHONE 317 618 3rd Ave Prince Rupert NOTICE = — ‘ : after da ter ‘ $s us 3 z we e 50 x 100 feet Corner 2nd Ave. and 6th St. **Hart Corner”’ 10 to 25 year lease PRINCE RUPERT INN Offered from August 16, 1912 AN ; Second Avenue $ > . Owned 4 MELVILLE, SASK. } i0%...-<: oP ’ . the 2 - ee Excel fur . steam heat, ¢ 2 . Where is Melville located? On _ ie abs modern conve & the main line of the Grand Trunk jutely first-class ry respect Pacific, between Winnipeg and omg ee Edmonton ane eppae™' te The most important point be- are equa to 8 ; tween Winnipeg and Prince Ru-j— 4st pe Why? Because the Hud- son Bay route is baing built t Fort Churehill with all possible Rates: $] to $3 50 per day speed Which means _ the saving of 1,000 miles to the Old Country for mails, freight and passen- ¢ - gers |G. A. Sweet, Manager Lots, size 33 feet frontage, by| {i2 feet deep Corners, $125:! inside lots 8100. Terms $15.00 cash and $1t , ’ I month. No interest charges Torrens title. See photograph of! Melville at the Exchange Grill, en ° 2nd Avenue Melville Land Co., | g@ oO ©. C, Grand, Premier Hotel. | nue ‘Cottage on Hays Cove Ave LOCAL IMPROVEMENT. $20.00 near Take police hat the ancal f é, M picipal f rporetion mM the City of Cottage on Seventh Aveny wmitiwg::z| McBride, $15.00 The [f Market Place and Second et McBride street ding n of such culverts & ee md the surfaci the coat of broken stone, end F s |] assess the final cost there f upon the or a e perty feenene SOO Tee . eeeen, | ot 3 Section 1 ” benef tec hereby, and that 4 e ; > ment and diagram mews the wanes 2 Lots in Block proposed to = especially asse or 000 the said impr ements . work “1s now $15. ied in th e f the City Cierk, end pen f inspec tion during office hours -_—_ The estimated cost of the work is $32 } Dated at Prince Rupert this 131 day of R. Nad ( Lid Ar 4. D. 1942 * * BRNEST A. WOODS ¢. a en 0., Oly Clerk. | SECOND AVENUE