W dnf day April 8, mo. PAOE THBEl I .,.. .... T 1 jlul;al, iN&yvs iNUijba n ! ' r 0 i0 6 Costs 1 'V' c a Think of th comfort and convenience of having a supply of hot water whenever you want it: for the dishes, for the laundry, for the bath. Let us irutall an Automatic Dectric Water Heater in your home. The cost is very moderate. Just make a small down pay. menu the balance on generous terms. Plan to put YOUR Water Heater in without delay and enjoy hot water all summer long. NORTHERN 'BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED interested in centre IC Unued trom Pagt Onei rebroadaast trom Prince were again discussed and rlewrd and he had expressed ft with the radto commit- Mf ai betr in favor of the merit he Junior chamber la co- system in the civil service He (Mr. with that of the Senior Harwoni knew of no political r , ronage In the civil service. Indeed. No Patronage Here 1 it Oerman 'reported for a rommlttee which had been ( d, l"dr JSK r mmllh. , also including RI id Mortimer and C 0 K; id (nund that a minimum '1 u:al patronage appeared to the civil service at Prince the principle being for NIONF-S II and 19 those In the service to pass examinations and secure qualifications, thus starttnj jrom the bot- torn and working up. Olof Hanson. M. p. fAf RkrervJ haH hn lnr- the clTU service commission was tightening up. Mr. Hanson had welcomed the Junior Chamber alv. appreciate representation, from that body. J. C. Qllker raised the Idea at the meeting of a community chest organisation betn? formed In Prince Rupert In order to co- P.O. Box 575 Nabob Coffee 53 c l ib: Rlax Jar I.B.C Honey Graham 19c Wafers- Cello pkR Date k Nut Bread, Chocolate Nut Bread -Crosse St 4 ff p xwv' Black weU 8-oz tin Classic iJiuiiUry Soap JQq 3 bars IJbby's Peas Sweet and tender, 5s. 25C 2 tins flrentwood Cut Oreen 25 C Beans-2 tins Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Pnllars Have More Cents" Smith Island Fresh 29c t"t- Per dozen llrdlund's Pork Saus-tel6oz 23c tin Ubby't Tomato Soup 25c 3 tins Per dozen 95c '"ffctlon Jjatches-3 25c large boxes B. & K. Pastry Hour- OQp 10 d57i' -lb. sack K'"o' Bran Flakes 21c 2 pkgs, COMI'lin i; STOCK OF FltF.SH VF.OKTABI.KS IN SKASON KF.1T vsimi VAPOIl SPUAVS Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Vour Convenience Boat and Mall Orders twelve frofupt and Careful Attention UNION STEAMSHlPSjm 8teamers Leave Prlnro Rupert for Vancouver: T R S. CATAIA KVKUY TUF.S- T.8.S. CAKDF.NA FRIDAY, ' DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pm. Me Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday m. H Convenient, please Purchase Tickets st Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From phone 565 4. DrtiNrni'.ii, rrince ituperi Accni, uu (Ordinate appeals and financial artves for various causes. Contact iv.ll be made with a central cqm- mlttee which has already been formed with this end In view in connection more particularly with war activities and services. Oeorge Horle advised the Junior Chamber that the Prince Rupert Boys' Band committee would probably be seeking financial as sistance soon n connection with the purchase of badly needed new Instruments. For the time being at least, in view of financial condi tions, the Junior Chamber made no financial committment. ! A letter from national head quarters of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada suggested the forming of a study club on oubllc finance with a view to get- :tlng out Information and possible suggestions. There was some question as to what results might accrue from effort along these lines. It might, of course, be a matter of personal Interest to members. A communication from J. Gordon Smith, commissioner of the British Columbia Travel Bureau' stressed the desirability of en- Icouragln gtourlst travel In British Columbia particularly during war time when tpere were no restrlc- iions ana me exenange iacior was actually a benefit to the visitor. ' Arthur Campbell, secretary of the Junior Chamber of Commerce ' of Canada, also stressed th 1m. I 1 In portance . of t encouraging . the com- bn Ing of tourists and told of what-,by Salnt John. New Brunswick, was . :' . . : . ' uomg in ine way oi interesting ; and' serving tourists. This com- n,nini rtrrLi - n,.' local information bureau. False Impression J. C. Oilker corrected a false Impression contained in the Vancouver Province In regard to tie centre of the halibut Industry on the Pacific Coast. Prince Rupert was largely regaining its position as the largest landing port on the coast for halibut, being almost up to Seattle. Vancouver landings were negligible In comparison with Prince Rupert, Vancouver taking credit for boats which really belonged to Prince Rupert and always landed and outfitted here, only going soutrt jfor the close season. I Arthur Mycroft and William Noble were guests at the dinner. SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA for prompt ana pourteom rice Phone II Tfkt ir- Robert Ritchie returned to tfa city on the Catala yesterday" from a trip to Stewart. S. P. N. meeting. Tftufs. at 8. Oddfellows' Hall. Dance at 10, Col-ussl, refreshments. Adml 50c. (80) Mr. and Mr. Lance Stiles returrj-ed to the city on the Prince Gcprfte pits morning from a trip to Van-eouyer and elsewhere In the soutt); A. W. Llpsln. who has. been oh a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George thl$ m6rnlng. . Miss Joan Cross returned to the Rupert after a trip through the on the Prince Oeorge thl lteL States during the past couple morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Jack Joy. who has beep on a' A talk of interest on the subject trip south, returned to the city from j of "Chickens" was given before the Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge Prince Rupert Gyro Club today by this morning. I Meadows, one of the members 'who ha had considerable expert-Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Sundahl of en" 1th poultry. President G. A. Terrace, whn have been sriendlnz Hunter was In the chair and there the winter In the south, arrived In the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning, being on their way back to 'the interior. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Potts of Wa- dena, Saskatchewan, arrived In the fitv on the Prince nnro? thi I morning Irom the south. They are here to pay a visit with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hopkins, Fourth Avepue West. Mrs. Jack Watson, formerly of this city and now residing In Calgary, arrived in the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning to pay a visit with her .son-in-law and daughter, lr. and Mrs. William Me- Leod. Mrs. Watson Is receiving a hearty welcome from her many former friends here. Mr. and Mrs. James U Lee return ed to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from a vacation trip which took them on a drive as far south as California. They also visited at Mrs. Lee's home In New Westminster where her father re cently celebrated his ninetieth birthday. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert D. Lamont. Big Missouri; R. Moore. Smlthers: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hamilton, CNJt; J. VV. Retr, Cal gary: Mr. and Mrs. Cl H. Loving, Winnipeg. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late tllllan Fuller will take place Thursday at 12 pjn. from the B.C. Undertakers chapel. Keen up to di' Arnttxe reeu arlv. mmmmmmmmmm. onrr ice: rcrtuirat r tiii no. siont-l in T'"" ,JKtfT M.?rt rron itont t., . niy r rrinrP itu,M.rt. iiap whereas wtisfactory rroof of loss ve wrt-rirate or Title issued the pine or Cimllla c. Wlcr fiaj fiii m tb s rt. notic u here. flv?n th-s I h?4i. at the expira- on' .n?P" line nro p")iicion ntrecr, Issue a Proriniatisi Certincate of Title In lieu ? th "'d ,0 ortrva,. unless iq mmum valid objection be made 0 IDf In WTitlnt- ttelesl it the Ind Rejfctry Office, iTince Rupert, D. c. this lt day of A. THOMPSON, Deputy ngtsrr. . , ... , ' WOOD for SALE $7,50 per Cord PHONE 459 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3, Zarelil Proprietor fA IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up SO Rooms Hot & Cold WaUr Prince Rupert, B.C. Phontr 2S1 r.O. Hox 1H Jl.E.p. Leadership Training Class- 2 fA, April 10-18, Baptist Church, j? T, II- Payne of Alice Arm was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday going through to Vancouver. Rev. Oliver Thorne of Klncolith was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday going through on a trip to Vancouver. Annual meeting Prince Rupert Tennis Club, Thursday; April 4th.. af'lhe home of F. M. 'Dairies, 324 4th Avenue West All Interested are welcome. (804 Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Bryant are now on their way home to Prince of months. They are expected back in about a week's time. I was a good attendance of mem- $ bers. f ! John Boyd of Winnipeg, deputy grand master of the Knights Temn- fr Canada, arrived Jn the city on the Priacc Oeorge this morning ffm Vancouver and will proceed J" n evening's train. Today Mr. Boyd met local Knights Temn lar at a luncheon In the Commodore Cafe. He Is accompanied on the western tour by his wife. Col. J. W. Nicholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from a business trio to Eastern Canada and the United States. At Ottawa Col. Nicholls attended a1 meeting of. the wartime fisheries advisory board. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Nicholls wnq-has been visiting In Vancouver apd Victoria. Dally News Clasxitiea Ads orlng esults. Announcements All advertisements in this column win be charged for a full month at 25c word. Eagles Bridge. April 3. Anglican Spring Sale, April 4. Hill CO Dance, Moose Han, Apr. 5. football Dance, Irish Fusiliers V. R. 102nd Armories. Friday. April 12. Admission 50c. United Spring Sale, April 11. Presbyterian Spring Sale April 18. Toe H Dance, "Parish Hall, Seal! Cove, April 19. Scout Tea, Mrs. Carter's, April 23, Anglican Tea, Mrs. Parkin's, May 2. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Armoury, May 3. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. Ernplrp Carnlvah Moose Hall, May 23. t NEW CENTRAL nOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Airs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) G01DBL00M "The Old Reliable" Have Big Order For Beaver Postlve ran pay moip (ban anyone else for all furs. Io hot sell your furs on the waterfront, bring them to GOLD BLOOM and get 30 per cent more. wmtmmmmmm 5 By their vivacious style details and their silhouettes that seem just made for youthful figures, you will know that our dresses, coats and suits are destined to lead gay young lives. Then, too, they are modestly priced with thrifty allowances in mind. Inviting new arrivals too in youthful women numbers and also half sizes. JUST ARRIVE!)! Chic Frilled Feminine Blouses. Neatly trimmed with lace and ruffles that silhouette the feminine charms. Dove rose, horizon grey, biege. turquoise, shell pink and others. Size 14 thro 44. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE- Vt 11 IIilKrnn' 1. 1 nl WTB7 UR - - w w. J- J. Payne returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Slater returned to the cfty on the Catala yesterday from Stewart where Mr. Slater has been on his -Anglican Church missionary duties. He will now resume his work from the mission boat Northern Cross lor the season. ANNUAL SATIN -GLO SALE Now Is the time o lake advantage of these special prices on VARXISfipS, ENAMELS and SATIX-CM) FINISH $1,00 YOU CAVE & On 1 Li 15c Wp Will Supply You With All the Coupons You Need THIS WEEK ONLY Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd, B. C. Furniture Co. ' m New and Used Furniture MONARCH TYPEWRITER In condition 1 WASHING MACHINE In perfect condition S BEDS Complete, In all sizes, from 5 RECONDITIONED KITCHEN $28.00 1 $215 GOLD TENOR -CONN" Just like new, now 10 CAMERAS From NEW FURNITURE 50 MATTRESSES In all' sizes. From 12 SPRING-FILLED FELT MATTRESSES In nice patterns. From $18.75 to $22.50 5 TWO-TONED ENAMEL KITCHEN RANGES Suitable for coal and wood. from 1 CHESTERFIELD-BED and OCCASIONAL CHAIR QE ff A Of repp and tapestry ?OO.OU Phone BLACK 331 Next Door to 4J v. wi.v. a . iivuc uijuc j Walter Cross of the 102nd Battery returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from, a trjp to Vancouver on leave. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zeffert of Stewart, who have been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, are in the city on the 'Prince George today returning north. Op Half Gallons On Quarts Op pints On Half Pints A-l $24.50 $39.50 12.50 t0 $16.50 RANGES Of various makes from t0 $39.50 SAXOPHONE $125,00 $2.00 w 55.00 S7.50 to 10.50 $64.00 to $109,00 THIRD AVENUE B. C. Clothiers