Gracia Shoes Three Reasons Why You Should Wear Them 1st. Classy styles, phis comfortable lasts. 2nd. Durability and built-in arch rests. 3rd. Priced lower per quality than any similar make on the market. Stocked in Sizes and Widths From A to EEE. Family shoestore ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE' RUPEUT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations MEMBEK OF THE CANADIAN PHESS n,. -a noi 1.1 n Pivkb In exclusively entitled to use for remibllcaUon of U liewi Italy Should Watch Out Wednesday, October 16, 1940. EDITORIAL Different Mentality British mentality is different from American men- tnlitv aoprwArtct tr t.oclio TTnurnrrl Tn cnitp nf thp im-East. movica I o vn i rrs. nniiPfi in T rwirl rn n r rl r V OY VI f 1 cVl 1 IAC Too Early For Discussion Prime Minister Churchill is wise not to enter into any debate as to British war aims. Just now it is a question of defeating Hitler and, until that is done, it might ' weaken" the cause to commence minor discussions. There - will be plenty of time to discuss after the war problems. Any attempt to force discussion of other than main aims looks too much like the campaign in India where the war is being used in an effort to secure promises from the British and is strongly opposed by the Mohammedans of that country who demand British protection. After the war problems in Europe will also 'be political. "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Ripen Co. Ltd. Brltlsn Columbia WELL KNOWN COUPLE WED Nuptials Saturday Night Of .Miss (itnrvieve Schaeffer And Sidney Dickens father Lantagne and A. E. Dlck-,ens. A handsome three-tier wed ding cake was duly cut by the 1epatcbe. credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and alao the. bride at a table which was covered jocal new. puDiiea wrem. handsome lace Cloth. MiSS deroatrfu therein are alo reserved a PMLY EDITION Hilda Bond sang "I Love You there has been no attempt made to describe the amount. gnaCC LtODS of damage in money. In none of the raids that have been . 101 maae nas mere oeen an estimate 01 tne replacement cost in liOOfl oHrlDe try a Classified Ad. ClXslitO FOit SALE which would be prejudicial to the allied cause. Hindu for SALE-Hetntzman& co. piano, iiressure for independence is a nolitical ouestinn in India Phone Black 888. (243) FOR SALE Seven roomed house with two lots. Terms. Phone Black. 486. (246) McCLARV N9. 45 Quebec Heater in good condition. Phone Red 921. 133 7th Avenue East. (244) FOR SALE 200 Graham Ave 7 room house,- furnace, excellent condition, 2 loU, harbor view. ' $2000 cash, $2700 on terms, 11000 cash, balance $30 per morion at 5. Now vacant. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (248) ADULTS wish to rent furnished suite or house 'for winter months, commencing Nov. 1. Phone Red 838. . tf. BACHELOR wants housekeeper between 20 and 30. Call "after fl p.m. 533 8th. Ave. West, suite 7. (247) WANTED 2 or 3 -room furnished suite. Phone Co-op Store, 764. , (245) B0ARBAND ROOM LOCALS Olot Hanson. MP. for Skeena, arrived in the city from Smithers on last night's train. The marriage of a well known Stan in returned to the cltyj and popular local young couple " Ule "wee nuu m uwu.mS ; took place Saturday evening at the lrnm a lP Vancouver. Priests' Residence. Rev. Father W v TjintnoTw nrriHnMmr -rhpn vftw R. W. Riley, well known Terrace Genevieve Mary Schaeffer. tlaugh- druggist. Is paying a brief vlit to . ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaef- city, having arrived from the, fer, became the bride of Sidney interior on last night's train. Walter Dtekens, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dickens. 1 James A. Sadler of the provincial The bride, given In man-lags by welfare department returned to (he her father, was beautifully gowned city on the Prince Rupert this. In white sheer with circular veil morning from a trip to Vancouver. and wreath, wearing elbow length white kid gloves and carrying a Miss Florence Rose returned to shower bouquet of pale pink and the city on the Prince Rupert this white carnations and sweetpeas morning from a vacaUon trip to with streamers. The bridesmaid, Vancouver. Miss Marie Schaeffer, sister of ths : - bride, was also pretty in rose net Mrs. Tom Caroff, who has been -J with silver brocaded bolero and on a trip south, returned to the city veil to match, her bouquet being from Vancouver on the Prince Ru-of gladioli and sweet peas with pert this morning. strands of fem. Fred Schaeffer Jr. was groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. William Garrlck and Following the ceremony there little daughter arrived In the city was a reception in the Oddfellows on the Prince Rupert this morning Hall which was attractively dec- from Ecoole on the West Coast of orated with blue, white and pink Vancouver Island, being on their streamers and where about 250 way to Port Edward where Mr. Oar-friends gathered to offer their fell- rick will assume the duties of fore-citations to th happy couple who man at the plant of the B.C. Pack-stood under a pretty arch and ers. wedding bell. The mothers of the ' bride and groom assisted In re- ceivlng and toasts were offered by ' PASSES IN VANCOUVER jTruly." A buffet supper was served Norman Fraser, For Years Well 'and dancing continued until the Known Resident Of This City, .small hturs of the morning with njes In South ' music by Serenaders' Orchestra. . Andy Ronalds was a genial master of ceremonies. A well known pioneer resident Numerous beautiful gifts testi- of this district passed away at fled to the esteem in which the 4:15 yesterday morning In the bride and groom are held. They person of Norman Fraser, who for will reside at 549 Eleventh Avenue many years was a resident of Pilnce Rupert and Alice Arm. He and Mrs. Fraser had been in th3 ,routh for some time. Many friends will learn with deep regret of Mr. Fraser's passing. . The late Mr: Fraser for years ov nf trif ln5 trvtrtP minpru in nnnnrls sViillimr nnrl rwrnpp ' .r was prominently identified with The loss may be in life or in historic or sentimental values Fkie UlliettIed SpeI1 ? 22"dSi but the monetary value is inconsequential. They do not, No Frost As Yet Apartment House here for some have million dollar fires million dollar costs.1 or rebuilding time, having sold out a year or so The value is not reckoned that Way. TERRACE, Oct. 16: Lovely sun- ago before leaving for Vancouver. .same nas come io lerrace aiier tie was corn in ine unuea states a spell of stormy and broken and was about seventy years of weather. There has been no frost age. Two married daughters, both Italy Will have to Watch her ally very carefully. The ances, there will be none for some survive as well as the widow. Both Germans are just as dangerous friends as they are en- time, even though local prophets Mr. and Mrs. Fraser were promln- emies. 1 he only thing IS that, as enemies you Know about are warning or the approaching ent members of the Baptist 1ij i -1 1 1 1 full tnnnn rV wnai to expect, wnereas as inenus you never Know wnere you may be struck or undermined Church here. k5S OurcoA tr tn&Kc you very werefAft out w not t Vetrti like THE WAV They Treat You E.OR 500 YEARS LONDON DRY 12ozs.1.20 25oz$.2.30 40 ozs.'3.40 BRIDGE IS SCHEDULED The crops have been mostly The funeral will take place to- fixtnrp for ih first half of the frn Ti v -l i iii ,1 n ewu. nics tic sum w uc un uic murruw itiieniuuii iruni ixunn season 1940-41 are as IOUOWS: x i.w xv..cwc j.a., i,yjro uu.i i-uc uC i.iaio sicle Au root Ilgnt crops are heavy Thcmsop's funeral parlors in Van- barbanans. They have always been close neighbors and and of good quality. Flower gardens couver. have always feared attacks from one another. Many are in full -bloom with the flowers Italians fear the Germans even more today than" they have of autumn, , in the past. ' Dally advennnnis m toe Oall i News Is sure to brlnR dally re- If you h&vir something to swap suits. a "hot proposition" The coal we sell an full of the proper heat as our ton Is as full of the proper pounds. You can quickly prove this tn your own satisfaction by phoning Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE C3I C52 When you want a Keliable, Comfortable, Dependable Taxi Service . PHONE 13 21 Hour Service at Regular Rates THAT of British Columbia MUCH B "It's Burnett's of course!" You can tell it instantly . . . that subtle richness of flavor . . . that fascinating smoothness which distinguishes Hurnett's from all other Gins. Burnett's Gins, either "White Sarin" or "Iondon Dry", give a smoothness to a Collins or Cocktail that is a real delight. DISTILLCO AND BOTTLED BY DIITILUKI CORPORATION LIMITED, inis aarerusemeai is noi uuuusiieu ur uisuioycu ujr mc wuuur wuuiiui uunu ut j 1 WHITE SATIN 12 cis. 'U3 25 or$. 2.70 mi4 M0ITIII1 Musketeers: Quatsinos vs. Grotto. N. R. A.: Son. . . i a . .. i . n . t n l 1 ft... .k.. . r,' roveinDer I wuatsmos vs. j. n, namoiers. iwuik' :.. R. A.: Cowboys vs. Prince Rupert; . . . .,.,... Dairy; Sons of Norway vs. Musket- LDeC n t lt eers; Grotto vs. Ramblers. - . Ra?b!' vlT November 14 OrOtiO VS. COW- Rrm nf Nnrwiiv Otai: a Time Table For Season Is An- boys; C. N. R. A. vs. Sons of Nor-i nounced SUrt Next Week way; Musketeers vs. Prince Rupert1 December FU,. rcu.ini ,i Dairy; Ramblers vs. Quatsinos. ,Tlp-Top Cup compf... Prlripo Rutvrt Brldce Leazue - r - r a llUTllli M. k mt m iriU3rrLrri 3 w a. . .. Quatsinos; Ramblers vs. Prince! i Five thouaatic ri October 24 Quatsinos vs. Prince Norway; C. N. R A. vs. Cowboys. ' people read the Daily St Rupert Dairy; sons or Norway vs. ' m Sovpmhpr 28o,mton v nn. oav to let them know Cowboys; Musketeers vs. Ramblers; C. N. R. A. vs. Orotto. October 31 Ramblers vs. C. N. R. A.; Prince Rupert Dairy vs. Sons of Norway; Cowboys vs. Every now and then we wish to call the attention of the public to the fact that our coal Is boys; Prince Rupert Dairy vs. C. lave to sell R C Vuvmhiva New and Used Furniture 1 liccoiulitioned Oil Kanjcs -Complete w;U Cjf) M DUino and tank. From mi M v 1 Electric Washer-In perfect shape. Jj22?" C llca(ers-In. perfect condition. 5 50 T 1V' WilJ j. i C Radios- ; $12.93 3 Typewriters-Of various makes 22 50 S27"" From ' New Furniture 6 Unpalnted Display Tables Very durable 6'' and strongly constructed a 24 Table Lamps Latest styles and 1.95 T 3"'"' finest shades, real values 2 Chiffrobes-Wlth 1 round mirror and 1 full le2tlt w? A. and plenty of drawer space. "' o3 Regular $45.00, now - 30 SprlnK-filled Felt RIattresses-6f the very Unest CI (j, materials and patterns, reg. $22.60, now 25 Felt Mattresses In all sizes. jj sPlaI finest 12 Chesterfield Suites-Latest styles and colors in i" . ' 1 75.00 S98.0 From 4.... ... "third AT rnone iiiauk zi ROOM and Board. Phon Green 1 NTt nnn II.C. Clothiers 897 (246)