raoi rem EYES Licencee for Numounts Full-vue Frames, The Newest In Eye-Wear Sweater Special Values to $3. Color, size and style selection in all year around wool sweaters. Sizes 24 through 34 Jj. Fall Dresses Materials and styles you expect to pay much more for. Complete flj-fl Cft color and PJL3U pattern to choice. Sizes 6 through 14. EYES -Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving Max Heilb JEWELER CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment roner DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties '-'re Reefer Coats All interlined. Popular style in a warm child's coat. Limited quantity. Sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6 4.50 Fur-Trimmed Coats All full lined. Sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14. Regular $13 value, for $9.95 Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" ! THIRD AVE Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 ' """"""" " mTTmmmm'mM m M HMMMHMsMssMMMsl' 1 . ' J VICTORIA Terrace Wedding Pretty Affair Miss Theresa Neuhauser Becomes Bride Of William Jackson TERRACE, Oct. 16: A pretty wedding was celebrated last Friday at the Pentecostal Mission here when Rev. R. Rowland united in Marriage William Garnet Jackson and Miss Theresa Jessie Neuhauser. Both" of the young people have lived at Terrace for some ' years. I ": It'a interesting to know when reading the Daily Newa that the people of the whole diatnst are pointf the sam$. The Mission room was prettily' decorated with autumn flowers and i a ijeautlful bridal arch of green- ery and flowers beneath which the contracting parties stood for the( ceremony. The bride was lovely in an ensemble of dusky rose pink. Her young sister4, Cecelia, the bridesmaid, also wore a Royal blue ensemble. Ronald Cole was groomsman. In the evening the wedding was celebrated by a dance in the Orange Hall to which many had been Invited, Kitzegukla Woman Passes Away At Kitwancool Village! KITZEGUKLA, Oct. 16: The funeral took place here of Mrs. Eva DouSd, jvlder daughter of Matthew Jones, who passed away at the home of her mother-in-law at Kitwancool. The service was conducted by Rev. Nora Hughes of 1 Hazelton. Walter Wesley was organist and hymns were "Abide With Me" and "Safe In the Arms of Jesus." vapory v seen mis n VOGUE I. mine it-i itc xm runt. v I 1 1 isa Qentral Hotel Modern Rooms Steam Baths ''I'. CAFE Mrs, C. E. Black, Proprietress For Ladies and Gentlemen's TAILORING m. t. lee Second-hand Suits, Overcoats Raincoats, and Working Pants. Bargain. Cleaning:. Pressing, Repairing 3dAv. Phone Green 960 P.0.975 FRESH SHRIMPS Daily After 4:30 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIEU'S DOCK THE SEAL 01 QUALITY Todif , . . more thin ever , , , you ' A H csn enjoy the music you want when you J H s" wsnt it . . . for Victor's famous Red ft-f''' Seal Rccordi ndw bring you the world's B Entprt .mssterpiecei . . . performed by the M w'L "WflJenf 111 "1 world's greatest artisii and orchestras fl "Hen W... " "KB IhU I I it these low prices: 10-inch records flf U2la . U 2flf ft I " II formerly ,1.56, now only a dollari 12- S A" flr, II .inch records that were $2.00 (and $1.50) flf -lorfe !Sc'ubtr,i I II Dow only $1.$, Jtesr these luperb Vic- g ,0rotel, .'rinic',"'erti II I tor Red Seal recordings on the RCA M U2 t', 3-0-Now'''r,n I I I Victrola or through your own radio with S , (uTr"! Belt o II the RCA Victor Record Plaver, Start B JonW,ff) Li?"' I I it today . . . huild the personal library B "" I.' '5 JVow.r""s I i ?oU'vh.e..:;y,,dw.n'r,dt. "cordcd muiic E ?X"uir V "00 iiil GOLD SEAL Fancy; Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canninf 'company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert tjh daisy hzwv Wednesday, October WARE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out of Bed to tb Morning Ruin to Co The liver should pour out two poundi of liquid bile into your boweli dally. If thta bile Is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digssC It juit decays in the bowrli. Cm blosta BP your stomach. You ret constipated. Harmful poisons go into the body, and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel movemen t doean't always ret t the cause. You need something that works on the lifer as well. It takes those food, old Carter's Little Lirer Pills to tet these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmless and pa tie, they make the bile flow freely. They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury Id them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name I Stubborn; reiuM surthlnx else, lit. BAZAAR BY LUTHERANS st. ra ul's Ladies' Aid Annual Affair and Mrs. Magnus Hveding. Has Serviteurs were Mrs. Thor Solien, Mrs. John Murvold and MLss Ethel Knutson. Table of chance Mrs H. Under-dahl. Fish cond Miss Charlotte Myr- I I wang. I In charge of raffles were Mrs. Hagbert Johanson, Ann Peterson A fifty cent Classified ad. often make you many dollars. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Bteamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. pjn. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticket From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Arent. Third Are. Phone S6I FINE FILM FEATURED Alice Faye As "Lillian Russell" Is Now. Showing At Capitol Theatre With Alice Faye in the title role, "Lillian Russell," depleting the life and loves of the famous I American actress, showed before laree ana Dieasea audiences ai the Capitol Theatre Monday and last night and will be repeated tonight. The sparkling, dashing days of America's most fabulous era comprise the background. Lillian Russell was famous for jher marvellous voice as well as for iher splendid acting and great 'beauty. Alice Faye sings many of the songs she popularized such as "After the Ball Is Over." "Rosle, You're My Posle," "My Evening Its Star," "The Band Played On" and many others. Don Ameche has the role of Miss Russell's composer-husband who The St. Paul's Lutheran Ladies' struggled to become the author of Aid held their fall bazaar on bat- her greatest stage success. lurday. The hall was attractively Henry Fonda has the part of a J decorated with cream and green newspaperman who fell In love Wlin Uie various vauiea uemitu with ,ner wnen botfj were young with dahlias and gladiolls. Tea but failed to .tell her about It. tables were centred with sweet Edward Arnold and Warren Wll-peas. Mrs. Jack Irarson was gen- jiam piay the respective parts of (eral convener and received the Jim Brady, the financier, and guests assisted by Mrs. J. H. Myr- jesse Lewlsohn. the copper king, vvang, wife of the pastor. Those both of whom were' also admirers in charge were: of Miss Russell. Kitchen Mrs. Chris Jensen and The entire cast Is a notable one, Mrs. Chris Johnson. also Including Louis Carrlllo, Helen Fancy work Mrs. Peter Leiand Westley, Dorothy Peterson, Ernest and Mrs. Peter Bergseth. Truex, Nigel Bruce, Lynn Barl, Home cooking Mrs. Swen Skog Weber and Fields, Una O'Connor and Joseph Cawthorn. 1 , 7 lb. box butter, donated by Mrs. A. Martlnuson, won by Mrs. Brown. ! ! Drum of oil donated by Standard Oil Co., won by Mrs. G. Selvlg. j Box of chocolates, donated by .Peter DeJong, won by Jacob Knutson. . China, donated by Mrs. Under-dahl, wen by Mrs. Amtonson. ' Tea doth, serviettes, donated, by Mrs, M. E. Valderhaug, won by Mrs. J. Wick. I Table mirror, donated by Mrs. Charstad, won by Mrs. Lulie Peterson. I Large bag breakfast food, donated by Mrs. Charstad, won by O. Selvlg. A $5 cash gift from Mrs. Even-son was received. A beautiful wall mirror donated by the Sewing Club was not raffled. Various other donations were received by the Ladles' Aid members alsa making the affair quite a success. w.ll Whifflets From The Waterfront 'and Iris Hanson. I Winter Harbor was the goal ot The evening program was open- a bird hunting ptrty consisting of ! zd with "O Canada" and address apt. Sam Ilougan, C. C. Mills, A. lof welcome by Rev. J. H. Myrwang. R- Nlcholls,, H. B. Stiles, William A violin solo by Richard Skog was Richards and Alex McRae aboard 'accompanied by Mrs. Nellie An- the halibut boat Tramp. Departure 'derson on th piano. Songs by was made Saturday morning and Tootsle Johnson and Ralph Selvlg ne nimroas reuurnea to port at were accompanied on the piano noon yesterday. The birds evidint-by Mrs. J. H. Myrwang. Piano solos &y gat word that the doughty by P. Lien and Betty Charstad. huntsmen were on their way for Vocal solos by Mrs. Myrwang ac- tney were conspicuous by their ab-companled by Peter Lien. Vocal sence. The bag consisted of one duets by Arthur and Howara Tuft- Goose and a couple of mallards dager who accompanied themselves apiece. icn guitars. Paddles were sold and refresh-' C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, ments served. Capt. Nell McLean, arrived In port Winners of raffles were: at 9:45 this morning from Vancou- Pillow, donated by Sewing Club, ver, Powell River and Ocean Falls won by Nels Gunderson, No. 87. and will sail at 3 o'clock this after-Six piece embroidery set, hand noon tor Ketchikan (and Stewart made by Mrs. Claus Miller, won by Asbjorg Antonson, No. 665. Guessing contest, won by Mrs. Chris Johnson, No, 63. Winners on paddles were: Sack of Potaoes. donated by Mrs. J. Wick, won by Mr. Morrison. Box of apples, donated by Mrs. Jack Ivarson, won by Mrs. Lulie Peterson. whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. The list of passengers was rather lighter than usual. Fred Hart Dies At Kitzegukla KITWANCOOL, Oct. 16: Fred Hart, after a year's Illness, passed away here. The funeral took place on Monday of last week. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Ra'es He np 60 Room. Hot & Cold Water Prlrice Rupert, B.C. Phoni. 281 P.O. not 111 Everything in Novelties At I Evas Novelty i SHOP SHOP 5 625 3rd. Ave. West Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 553 TERRACE Miss R. M. Davles O.B.E. of Frlnce Rupert was a recent guest at Terrace for a few days of Mrs. C. A. Hlnchllffe. Miss Davles, who was delegate for the Diocese of Caledonia, was on her way home from the Dominion convention of the Women's Auxiliary recently held In Toronto. Right Rev. Bishop O. A. Rlx was at Terrace recently In connection with affairs of the Anglican Church. The Terrace Badminton Club made a good start by entertaining the badminton players from Usk. There was a good turn-out and friendly games were played between the representatives of the two communities. The Orange Hall Is again being used by the club as was done last season. Terracites got a mild kick as they gazed skywards to follow and speculate upon the' motives of an air plane which arrived about 11 a.m. from the east and then spent some time circling over Terrace and the PHONES 18 and 19 LAST TIMES TOXIGht Shows Nl.htly, ,:fl0 4U; J( Alice Faye "LILLIAN COMINC. TIIUR.FRI. Brian Aherne in "VIC.IL IN THE NIGHT" RUSSELL" with HENRY FONDA EDWARD AKNOLD DON AMECHE (At 7:21 and 9;51) ADDED Sport "Action on Ire- Cartoon 'Billy Mouse AWaktI. Usk. The plane, flew at a wr, umiicuiaie vitnuvjr. Altera iwemy its uic cumulative elite' of lj minute icwiuiaiaaiitv ui wie jucai ""ci using mat cuunu. P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Lushus Jelly Powders Assorted flavors. 4ffn 2 for Heinz Soups All varieties. 3 for 27c Economy Colfee Oround fresh dally. iQn Per lb. 1UV A SUC.OESTION Bulk Macaroni QA 3 lbs Mild Canadian Cheese Per lb. 24c Chlver's Marmalade Fresh shipment Just arrived, All Stes- 30c Braemer Brand Creamed Mountain Honey OAp Fresh pack. Ea,ch- "V P. & 0. Soap- 'The Whit Naptha Soap" 4t)p 3 bars for Quaker Corn Flakes- New shipment arrived. OQn 3pkgs. AM Pure Plum Jam Emprr Brand, 4's. j Qn Each l Royal City Pumpkin Fai. quality. 2 'Vs. 97o 2 tins Laliemand's Malt Extract-Hop flavored, Q1 1Q 2V2-lb. tins, ea. Sunland Sodas- Wholewiirat and plain. Family "bw.Qo package. Each Nabob Spathfttl and t'beese-Small 6-oz. tins. 2Q(J 4 4V1 wt.v'X.v' '' Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention RAILWAY I LINES taA4L Isw w. CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide" Every, Friday, 10 pjn. To Vancouver Direct 8 8. "Princess Louise" S 8. "Princess Norah" Oct. 5th, 17th, 28th Nov. 7th, 18th, 28th To Ketchikan, Wrangtll, Juneau and Skajway 8 S. "Princess Louise" 8 8. "Princess Norah" Oct. 12th and 24th Nov. 3rd, 14th, 24th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets an I Reservations from L. COATES, General Agent - Prince Rupert, B.C CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER Thursday 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains Leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CJh.C. W&llace Block, Phone 610 Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE-TIIONE 260 Agents for Trans- Canada Air Lines Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacher AAA. certificate PHONE RED 8H