g.dntsday October .16, 1940. The World of NEWS, ENTERTAINMENT, EDUCATION is yours by ! RADIO Instruction School Holding Interest ance of about thirty-five men. IThere were four half-hour instructional periods physical training. Lance Corporal Dempster; rifle drill. Sergeant Rothwell; Slg-Inals, Lieut. Parsonage; rifle care, Sustained interest In the school Regimental Sergeant Major Simp- of instruction of the Prince Rupert ,i"ns. Lesion Defence Corps was shown list n -hi with the usual attend- Try a Classitiec Atuertlsement. MacKenzie's Furniture RUPEUTIA MATTRESS Special features. Insulation, Supertuft double buoyant centre. Q9Q Lifting handles , Jlt?V SOFT NAP JMATTRESS- f , $2400 BEAUTY REST MATTRESS- ' 2l9 ft Built for sleep - V PHONE 775 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bid. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MUfc VALENTIN DAJltY PHONE 57 , If you have something to sell, a classif ieG advertisement ? this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city, $137.00 Modal JK76 STn Tubti, Stand aid and Short War, Bam-a-Sccp. General Electric has Everything The air-waves today are throbbing with vital news. Keep up-tothe- ' minute on what's happening with an up-to-the-minute radio. Enjoy the world's most brilliant entertainment. Simplified push-button tun- ' ing and many other improvements have lilted radio reception to new heights of ease, range and clarity. Give YOUR home these advantages. Many models to choose from; one for every budget each encased in a cabinet of outstanding beauty. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Rebekah Dance Was Enjoyable ;One Hundred And Fifty Persons In Attendance At Affair Last Friday Night An enjoyable dance was held by r'.the RebeTcah Lodge last Friday ,nlht In the Oddfellows' Hall. About 150 persons were in attendance at the affair. Music was by Mrs. ean de Carlo's Orchestra. De licious refreshments were served. General convener was Mrs. S. V. Cox who was assisted by Mrs. D. V. Smith. Mrs. H. V. Tattersall, Mrs. Axel Peterson, Mrs. J. E. Bod-dle and Mrs. Alex Barbe. Presiding at the door were S. V. Cox and Alex Barb!. Miss Helen Ormiston was the winner of a bax of apples writin was the door prize. Telephone Bridge By Moose Ladies Enjoyable Affair Last Night At Homes Of Several Members Of Organization An enjoyable telephone bridge party was held last night by the Women of the Moose with fifteen tables In all in play at the, homes of Mrs. Sam Hougan, Mrs. H. V. Taittersal, Mrs, A. McFarlane. Mrs. A. Ericksen, Mrs. W. Overend and Mrs. Sam Haudenschlld, the last- mentioned being general convener J for the event. The prize-winners were: ladles' ! first, Mrs. F. M. Crosby, 2848, playing at the home of Mrs. Hauden-schild; second, Mrs. A. Norton, '2822, at Mrs. Haudenschild's; men's first, Frank Schroeaer, jtHu, at Mrs. A. McFarlane's; Mrs. O. Qlske. 2920, at Mrs. Hougan's. BIRTH NOTICE A son was born w wev. ana Mrs. Norman Green of Klncolith, B. C. on October 8. ' - "JET" STOVE POLISn Keeps Steel Stove Tops Bright, It doesn't blacken, and cleans them while hot ALL B. C. STORES T2Q nSTET sssssaasamof LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just say "Three Two please." Of Ole Barge Spent Week-end At Port Simpson A quiet marriage took place last Friday evening at the United Church parsonage. Rev. J. C. Jack nonor was Mrs. rneima Memu BROKEN REST Up time and again because of kidney and bladder weakness? Gin Pills, the reliable, well known kidney remedy. help soothe and tone up the kidneys. Money back if not satisfied. Rtiulir tin, 0 Pl" ISPS? Ur( tin, M Mis On the U.S. ask for "Glno Kill") MS Only Seven FUR COATS left- which were brought In by customers to be sold, Come In and get one at your own price. New shipments In the latest styles arrived yesterday. GOLDHLOOM The Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good Orange Bridge tonight 8:30. Cambrai Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. (243) LABORERS WANTED to attend ) ' meetings tn the Carpenter's Hall, Appointment of Inspector Er- iFraser Street, Thursday at 8 pm. nest Gammon of Prince Rupert as for organization. a Justice of the peace Is announced jln the British Columbia aazette. rvinv T O O. P. Hall. Thnrs. ' rvt 17 srxms. bv Q. C. P. Club. ocanainaviun uanre, jmruupuic ColussI Orchestra. Refreshments, naay in. v pm. Accoraion and y RWar Anderson. Admission 50c. Adm. 50c.. come enjoy your- : . rom A good time guaranteed, 244 . . .. . Mis3 O. Wunch of the Hazelton Government t Agent Norman A. ,f , ,. Watt is on a trip to Stewart on "3"" Z? I rn q,,n ffiii ,,.., ti .i, thJ.wiS" aboard the Catala Sunday rr : r;I .night going through to Port Simp . ., . v.- . .v. -t..f8on after a trip to Vancouver. She on the Prince Rupert Thursday J U evening. Just say "Three Two please." Dr. Donald H. Williams of Van-1 pnuver. nrovincial director of the' J- Scott and F. V. Scott of the Division of Venereal Disease Con- inspectorial staff o( the Bank of ,trol for British Columbia, arrived Montreal were here aboard the In the city on the Prince Rupert uauua yesieraay auernoon re-thls mornlnz from the south. He Is turning to Vancouver after visit- here for a two day visit on official ig Pnnte Rupert and Stewart on duties. He will meet the Prince oinciai auties. Rupert Medlcar Association during I 1,1 his stav in Prince Rupert and to-! Watson D. Noble, veteran store day was speaker at the Prince Ru- keeper of MM Bay cannery orf the pert Oyro Club luncheon. Accom- Naas River, was a: passenger ipanied by Mrs. Williams, he will re- aooara me cataia yesterday going 'turn south tomorrow night. Quietly Wed Last Friday Miss Kay Dudoward Becomes Bride through to Vancouver for the win ter after having spent the season on the Naas River. Announcements AH dverttseraent in fill ctl-cmn will ba charged lor a full month at 25c a word. ) Orange Bazaar, October 16. Metropole Hall, United Church Supper, Oct. 17. son officiating, when Miss Kay I c. C. F. Dance October 17, Dudoward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Dudoward of Port Simpson, became the bride of Ole Barge of Prince Rupert. Queen Mary Dance. October 18. Navy Auxiliary Tea, October 19, The bride was given in marriage (Legion Hall, by ner father. The matron of) Gyro Hallowe'en Hoedown, Octo and Daniel McKenzle acted asjberal. ; 1 groomsman. Only a few immediate 1 , friends and relatives were present1 v. t, a. leiepnone tin at the ceremony. (be 25." Mr. and Mrs. Barge spent the' ' Octo- week-end at Port Simpson and, Irish Auxiliary Dance. Armory have now returned to the city to' Barracks. October 25. take un residence. Canadian Legion Bazaar Nov. 1 November 1, Salvation Army Sale, Nov. 6. Anglican Bazaar. November 7 Sonja's Bazaar, Moose Hall. 102nd Auxiliary November 8. November 8. Dance. Armory, Presbyterian Bazaar November 14. Hospital tea and dance. 1 ber 15. Novem- Lutheran Circle Bazaar. Metro- pole HalL November 16. Grocery Store CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY Monday, October 14 Confectionery open until 6 p.m. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents'.' Opposite Canadian Legion Complete Line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY rnoNE us LTD. 4AAA PHONE 117 i MHMUHS D. O. Borland, manager of the "Mrs. J. C. Jackson, who has been Capitol Theatre, wffl sail on the Visiting for the past couple of Prince Rupert tomorrow night for months at ChlUlwack, returned to Vancouver for a brief trip on the-city from the south on the theatre business. Prince Rupert this morning. W ATf H . For Your New t V2 OZ. 1 OZ. . For Service : And Dependability t Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 50's 75 100s 1.25 250's 3.00 PURE HALIBUT LIVER OIL .50 1.00 Ormes Ltd. "DfiA Pioneer Drtuffists The Rexall Store Phones 81 ts 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 pjn. USED FURNITURE Kound Table and, She Chairs; Dressers; Buffets Full Size Red Complete; Large Steel Cribs Camp Cot with Mattress; English Prams Hoover Vacuum Cleaner; Bcatty; Premier SpieSpan Ranger fitted with Oil Burner; Ranges for Coal or Wood; Heaters for Coal or Wood; Oil Heater Sectional Book Case; Radios; Pianos; Gramophones Guitar; Violin; Watches; Gramophone Records Books, and Many Other Useful Things Come, Look Around Our Used Furniture Department. EUO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING Phone Green 916 -- THIKD AVENUE Store nours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.tt. If you lose anything, advertue for It. II 1