for the air war between Brl- Ocrmany, the Nazis are In their fortieth straight attack on England tonight a week-end In which their on London, Liverpool and irts of the country became 1 LONDON, Oct. 16: (CP) A than ever I far-eastern non - aggression while the Royal Air Force! I pact between Russia and Japan Kin territory wnn unpoTU-imtary objectives as the tar- Uerlln had alarms again last The war is losing none of tralveness but, indeed, the increasing. tally the position of Russia i face of the apparent ln- l ot Germany and Italy to lather into southeastern ijpears to be still some- E"4rwe There Is reason "to ! however that a large scale h the part of the Soviet to irate this activity Is forth- It is reported that Russia pdy moved ien divisions of I uito Rumania, In The Balkans Germany tightening the M l's mUltary control on nia In what appears to be lart of an Axis move ulU- des'.gned against the Brl- southcast Europe, Russia fported to have sent an ultl- i to Rumania following bor- pciden m soviet forces were carrying its offensive Into i Hch and German-controlled jepor'd report moving moving In In powerful powerful d Confidence that. TtiuslA N stand Idly by and permit a I w e status of the Dai sies. piiirmcd reoorts at Rkonln. p'avla from across the ai. rl frontier Sav that, several Ns of German troops have may be signed shortly, it Is re- ported. Reports say that Ja- pan will be given a free hand in China and Russia a sphere of Influence along the North China border. MOVE FROM HONG KONG Britons to be Taken to Australia In View of Crisis HONG KONG, Oct. 16: Arrangements have been made for a steamer to take British evacuees from Hong Kong to Australia In view of the tense situation in the Orient. Fire Destroys T 1 T along he Moldavian border. KailWaV DeDOl inwhlle strong Turkish andi t forces are massing in .., , , f to resist any attempt at Building at Yates, 1S5 Miles West of by the Oermans or Edmonton, Burns Balkan situation continues EDMONTON. Oct. 16: (CP) The singly critical, I railway depot at Yates, 165 miles al and military attaches of west of Edmonton, was destroyed' sniisn legation at Bucharest by fire yesterday. The section fore- une Rumanian capital for. man, who occupied the building, leaving only Sir Reginald lost' his effects, we minister, and a skeleton about twenty who are ex- leave thla week j Ankara Turkish authorities EVEN MORE FRIENDLY Closer Co-operation Than Ever Between Great Britain And United States Seen h uie Albanian port of I NEW YORK, Oct. 16: Lord The supposition is that! Lothian, British ambassador to W oe used In the Axis Axis ih the iTnlliM United States, States. is aboard a aign in the Balkans. ' union of Soviet Republics aaced four mmMtn -n it Man flotilla. Gibraltar T Attacked ECIRAS. Snaln net 1fl? 6J,lgh flyln8 Plancs raldcd E". n what some nh.J ' c"cii airmen t "bed he rock September 24- C .r,craft 8uns roared irCQUpnt!,. it... . ' j uiai ooscrvers t i 1 1 it- -1 ! a flvlnir tinttt on his way from New York to confer with the home government at London. Lord Lothian had planned leaving the United States last week but his departure was delayed on account of the critical state of affairs In the Far East. The fact that he is now tnakinc the trip is considered an admission of a di-muntlion of the crisis. Joseph P. Kennedy, United States ambassador to London, Is expected back in Washington next week to report to his government. There is no confirmation of reports that Kennedy is resigning his ambassadorial post. Closer Anglo-American cooperation than ever is foreseen as a result of the consultations of Lothian and Kennedy wllh their respective governments. n STRUCK BY Deal Between , TORPEDO, I AJ D,J. British Steamer Trebista Sends Out Japs And Kens niveau NEW YORK. Oct. 16.- MacKay Radio last night picked up a distress message from a ship giving call letters of the British steamer Trebista saying she had been hit by a torpedo 600 miles off the Irish coast. J Ian Mackenzie Is In Vancouver Minister of Pensions and National Health Visiting Military .Hospitals ' VANCOUVER, October 16: (CP)' 'Hon. Ian Mackenzie, minister of pensions and national health, arriv-1 ed In Vancouver yesterday In the' course of an Inspection tour of military hospitals. ' TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtctv 8. D. Jotwjtton Co.)' Vancouver Big Missouri, .0412. Bralorne, 9.90 (bid). Cariboo Quartz, 2.20. Dentonla, .0014 (ask). Falrvlew, .01 (ask). Gold Belt. 21. v Hedley Mascot, .43. Mlnto, .01. Noble Five. .0014. Pacific Nickel, .07. Pend Orlelle, 1.63. Pioneer, 2.15, Premier. .95. Privateer, .51 (bid). Reeves McDonald. .20. Reno, .13. Relief Arlington, .021'2. Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek, .93 (bid), Cariboo Hudson, .022 (ask). Oils A. P. Con.. .10. Caiman t. .20. C. Si E., 1.50 (bid). Home, 1.90. Pacalta, .061i (ask). Royal Canadian, .0914 (ask). Okalta, .85 (ask). Mercury, .05 (ask). Prairie Royalties, .03. Toronto Aldcrmac, .15. Beattle, .90. Central Pat., 1.90. Cons. Smelters, 3834."'" East Malartlc. 3.30. Fernland, .03 (ask). Francoeur, .3714. Gods Lake, .34. Hardrock, .87. Int. Nickel, 36 IS. Kerr Addison, 2.97. Little Long Lac, 2.12. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.45. Madsen Red Lake, 1.05. Morreta, .56. Noranda, 56 (bid). Pickle Crow, 2.90. Preston East Dome, 2.05. San Antonio, 2.27. Sherritt Gordon, .78. Uchl, .37 (bid). Bouscadlllac, .02. Mosher. .03. . Oklend, .061's. Smelters Gold, .0014. Dominion Bridge, 28.00. t PROVINCIAL LIBRARY COMMANDS DIVISION OTTAWA Appointment of Brigadier E. W. Sansom of Ottawa as officer commanding the third division, assigned to defence of the Atlantic area, is announced by Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence. GOVERNOR TO NEW YORK QUEBEC It is announced that the Governor General and Princess Alice will spend the weekend of October 19-21 at Hyde Park as the guests of President and Mrs. Roosevelt. OFFENSIVE RENEWED TOKYO A fierce Japanese offensive against the Chinese cast of Hankau has been renewed, Japanese military quarters say. Leaving four thousand dead, the Chinese, it is said, are in full retreat. Intensification of 'the Japanese attack upon China is re ported as the time for the reopening of the Burma road' tomorrow approaches. ARMS PLANT FIRE CAMDEN, New Jersey Mysterious fire last night swept the plant of the Camden Fofge. Co. which is engaged in carrying out government contracts for ordnance and naval supplies. LOSE THEIR SON DUNCAN Mr. and Mrs. II. ,W. Calvert are advised of the death of their son, Lieut. F. J. Calvert, in action in England. BIG WAR INDUSTRY OTTAWA Announcement is made of another large war industrial plant for southern Ontario. It will cost $5,500,000 and will specialize in manufacture of alloy steel. FRISCO RIOT SAN FRANCISCO Five men are In hospital and others were injured as a result of a riot near the dock where the liner President Taft is loading. DRAFTEES REGISTERING WASHINGTON It ls estimated that 16,500,000 Americans will register for the draft today. Dr. Clarence A. Dykstra, president of the University of Wisconsin, has been appointed head of the national draft board, his nomination by President Franklin D. Roosevelt having been approved yesterday by Congress. HITTING AT ITALIANS CAIRO The Royal Air Force claims having struck a number of Italian ships In air raids on Libya and other Italian bases along the North African coast. BALKAN CONFUSION LONDON The Balkan situation Is still confusing with attention centering on what Russia may decide to do in the face of the tightening grip of Germany on Roumania and the threat to Turkey and Greece. REOPENING BURMA ROAD HONG KONG Hundreds of trucks are poised on the Burma road laden with supplies for China awaiting the reopening of the road by the British government. Expectation Is that with the opening ot the road tomorrow the Japanese will institute bombing operations against It from new bases In French Indo-Chlna. The Tokyo government has warned Great Britain against reop tieatlien Eolecast ! Tomorrows TTdes and Queen Char-.,' Rupert crince High . 1:43 a.m. 20.0 ft. to strong east-' l5iandsFresh 13:44 pjn. 21.1 ft. shifting to southeast, wlnds. . 6.1 ft. ' Low 7:48 ajn. ....j .nrt rool with rain. mstuic" 20:15 pjn. 3.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER SIX- No. 2. PRINCE OCTOBER 1940. PRICE CENTS RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, 16, ' 'ci ' azis , jid Keds I-ace bach Uther ialkan Situation, In Which Russia Is Now Taking Part, International Stage Centre Iir War Between Britain and Germany Continues If llll 11111 vnon 1 uiiuii miliums Keep Far East in Turmoil Crack Liners Are Going To Orient Washington And Manhattan To Cross Pacific For Evacuees WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 16: The two crack 25,000-ton liners Washington and Manhattan are being sent to the Orient to evacuate Americans who have been advised to return home on account nf t rH 1 4m tVia tv. cnt P....V. Exchanging of air attacks between Great Britain and carry" 2500 passengers. There, are nany with even greater intensity, mounting tension an estimated 17,000 Americans in e Balkans as a result of the continuing German nush th 0rlcnt Rumania which is apparently stirring Russia into'JS-site counter military action, fresh incidents and activ- b sent 1 .1 t.' T. 1. .! 1 i 11 .1 m tne rar iu&i. anu icuuwcu action in me iNonni . sphere between Oreat Bri nd Italy feature lnterna- ws today The Balkan situ- occupies the limelight. Bulletins EDEN IN EUROPE LONDON War Secretary Anthony Eden has arrived In Europe, it Is announced. He will visit Lieut. General Sir Archibald Wav-ell, general officer commanding in the Middle East. FIERCER ATTACKS Nazis Are Increasing Fury Ofi Their Assaults Against England LONDON, Oct. 16: (CP) A government communique said that London and an' unidentified Midlands town boire the brunt of last night's Nazi air attack wht"h was one of the forces; yet but the casualties and damage from which was not 90 '?t as ml"h hive fcwn ermc-Ml coni,der,Tr h m tens'tv. P eJtlmpf'd ' s'xty-eight d'"fri?M in ntid ground the capital wer bomb?d during the night. Thre was p'so bombing In Scotland and Wal?s. London newspacer trucks, twisting through debris-clogged streets, t dawn, ced newsoapsrs whose headlines "'d: "London bombing fiercest yet." The Daily Sketch cff'.c was hi but publication was not interfered with. Some bombs fsll in London during yesterday's attacks while other dayl'uht rpders appeared In the vicinltv of Llvirroal. Th c'y has been undT almost comd?t? attack f-r t-p'y-four hours durln? which time 19 enemy planes have b--n bTr-JrV'' down with loss of fifteen BrttMi machines, nine pilots beins saved. After ev?n alarms between dawn and dusk yeste-day London had Its 'h'rty-nlnth consecutive rrfght of Na.i air raid'nt last night. High exolf lve and incendiary as well as time bombs were dropped in many d'sMci., Many psrsqjjs are feared to have been klUedV.snd woVndrd during. la.'t riisht's air raiding cn London when a school house being used as an atr raid shelter was hit squarely bv a bomb and levelled. It was a clear moonlight n!rht and the enemy planes shuttled back and forth a'most continuously. An anartment house was blasted to pieces and the largest time bomb yet to be dropped on the city lies unexoloded near a widely known building. CRITICIZES STATEMENT People Will Find It Forgive Hanson's Difficult To 'Betrayal" OTTAWA, Oct. 16: (CP) The people of Canada and the hardj pressed people of Great Britain "will find It difficult to understand and impossible to forgive" f otomen.e nf Wnn R. Tl Wnnsniv Conservative leader, betraying Em-1 plre military secrets regarding! aviation training, said roime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King In a prepared statement In regard to Hanson's Charlottetown speech . Appeal To Workers To Increase Their Production Effort I LONDON, Oct. 16: Ernest Bev-'in, minister of labor, urges munitions and war supply workers to .make a tremendous and supreme effort to Increase their production; j ening the Hong Kong-Chungking Railway to Chinese traffic. RUSSIA "FRIENDLY" WASHINGTON. D.C. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, by decree yesterday authorized the requisition by government ot $7,000,000 of machine tools for shipment to Soviet Russia which has been designated a "friendly power." Under the same heading of a "friendly power" China has requested delivery ot f ightinff planes which were to have been shipped to Slam but which were stopped when there was reason to believe that they might fall into German hands. . Russian and German Forces Concentrate At Mouth of Danube Axis Military Sway Over Rumania is IncreasingSoviet And Islam Getting Together? BUCHAREST. Rumania. October 16: (CP) Ship- hat ments of knocked down seaplanes and submarines were reported enroute from Rumania to Germany today tor a Black Sea naval "training base." This indication of the Axis' growing military sway over Rumania came as large concentrations of German and Russian troops faced each YORK WAS IN ACTION Warship Known Here Sank Italian Destroyer More Details of Ajax Exploit LONDON. Oct. 16: CP) Further details of the naval engagement of Sunday morning at 2:30 off Sicily indicate that H.M.S. Ajax, almost (Ingle handed, dispersed a squadron ot eight Italian warships including one cruiser, and seven destroyers. The Ajax tank two of the destroy-. - ers, (badly damaged a ' third and the other five vessels turned tail and fled in the shelter of a smoke screen. IL M.S. York came up and sent the disabled destroyer to the bottom with a torpedo. The Admiralty announces officially that no Britiin war-shirs were sunk. The Ajax sustained only superficial damage and nothing of a nature to, put her oat of action in any way. U.."LS. York is well known In Prince Rupert, having visited here two years ago. ADMITS Invasion Base Hard Hit by British- Kiel and Hamburg Last Night BERLIN, Oct. 1G: (CP) in an official statement, admits that terrific damage has 1 1 n , t- r.... other English Channel Invasion bases. Last night tha Royal Air Fotco heavily attacked Boulogne. Flashes could be seen along the French shore from the British coast. Air raids screamed in Berlin ut 12:43 midnight last night, indicating the approach of British bombers. During the night the Royal Air Force dropped tons of heavy-calibre bombs on Kiel and Hamburg naval bases, the British Air Ministry in London announced. Some objectives elsewhere were not reached on account of bad weather but some other Important targets In the Reich, Nazi-occupied territory and Channel bases felt the sting of the Royal Air Force. Stock Market Shows Strength NEW YORK, Oct. 16. The stock market s n o w e a consiaeraDie strength In late trading yesterday and Issues were up -for the day. The industrial average, closing at 131.48, was up .75; rails, 28.64, up .07, and utilities, 21.92, up .40. other across the Danube Kiver near the Rumanian port of Galatl. Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, reported that William Rendel, British minister to Bulgaria, left today for Istanbul to confer with Sir Hugh Knatchbull-Hugesson, British ambassador to Turkey, as Bulgarian radicals reported Russia and Turkey are discussing a military agreement to block any axis plan of penetration Into the Near East. The Istanbul conference was regarded as likely to be closely identified with 'future Turko-Russlan relations. 1 . : Fifty Thousand Trained Pilots In United States Now I WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 16: The... United States has 50.000 (trained airplane pilots now which Is twice the number In Germany. Spain And Chili Resume: Relations Diplomatic Interchanges Between Madrid and Santiago Again SANTIAGO, Oct. 16: Spain and Chile have reestablished diplomatic relations which were suspended seme months ago. DAMAGED Of Piping Embassy Man Told To Leave l PEIPING, Oct. 16: United States naval officials have ordered the evacuation of wives and tMldren Deen done oy me uojai mr r . . . ..., - of Great Britain to Lellavre and 'of embassy staff at Pelping, num- -bering about forty in all. 1 1 CANADIAN Janet R. Brown (Brown? Store, Essington) $ 13.00 Prince Rupert Dairy 99 Taxi - Staff, Thomson & Son . Collected by No. 2 ; District Fishermen's Ass'n., Skecina River Additional Port Essmgton Residents , 10.00 10.00 -lO.OO 175.00 15.50