PAOl .TWO TEX DAILT fllWi Tuesday, Augur 24 Week End SPECIALS This is Your Opportunity For a Real Bargain in WHITE SHOES Broken Lines to Clear. Values to $3.95 High Grades in Whites CO OS Values to 6.00 i?vuv Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE ECPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avencs H. F. POLLEN Managing-Editor EDITORIAL CANADIANS UNITED Canadians have never been so united as they are today, according to Olof Hanson, member of Parliament for Skeena, who is in the city following a long and arduous session. He says that the last two months has seen a very considerable change in the .attitude of some of the members. The son of Justice Minister LaPointe recently enlist-eded for overseas service and the desire to help the war effort in every possible way is general in Quebec and Ontario as well as in all other provinces of Canada. This is a very satisfactory condition for the country and the British Empire. FIGHTING FOR BRITISH The British are killing a few Germans but malnutrition and other causes are bringing about thousands more deaths than the British. National health reports indicate that there has of late been a great increase in the number of deaths from diphtheria, scarlet fever, dvsentery. While the death rate in other nations has bad a downward trend the German death rate has increased by 80,000 a year. The policy of guns instead of butter is largely blamed for the result indicated. The self-sufficiency efforts ac cumulating war stocks of food, the devotion of scientific effort to preparation of death-dealing gases and high explosives, are the causes which have probably brought about a condition which has resulted in the increased mortality. SEE FOR THEMSELVES American newspaper correspondents have been given exceptional opportunities to witness air battles over Great Britain recently so that all the German lying tales are discounted so far as these correspondents are concerned. Stationed at vantage points they have witnessed many an air struggle and in almost every case they have been able to see the .Nazi planes shot down either by anti-aircraft guns or by British fighters. These correspondents compare notes and they know very well that the figures issued by the British air department are correct. AFTER THE WAR Anthony Eden has a dream of the world after the war, & somewhat similar dream to that he had several years ago when he used all his influence to bring about an active and smooth working League of Nations. Evidently he was a little ahead of his time. The statesmen of the nations concerned were not ready for it. The United States Senate torpedoed it when they refused to allow their country to join in spite of President Wilson's advocacy. Then the leaders funked when Japan formed thfe puppet state of Manchuokuo. They funked again when Jtaly grabbed Abyssinia. They practically ended the life of the league for, from that time on, it gradually disintegrated. After the war there will be a new international organization, probably under a new name and, by that time, possibly the nations -will have come to their senses and will be ready and willing to co-operate effectively. There will also be many economic changes when the war is over. The era of extreme wealth arid extreme poverty will end and that will end the agitation for revolutionary governmental changes. Britain will be much more democratic than ever before. Many of the castles in Britain will be turned over to the government to be kept , -1 i! a i TT- i as rusiuncai rencs 01 an age mat is pasi. nuge estates will undoubtedly be broken up and the whole mode of life of the people of the coiiritryside will be changed. In Canada and United States there will also be many changes but those are' self-evident. Most of the chances will be brought about gradually although we must not expect heaven to arrive all at once. I : 1 1 SPORT CHAT At I Eva's Novelty j 625 -3rd. Ave. West IN HIE BITREME COCKT -OF BRITISH COLUMBIA I.N PROBATE In the .Mailer of the "Administration Aft" And In the Matter of the F.Matr of Charlei Frederick Jolln. If-eaed Intefttate TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI Honor. H. Z. A. Robertson, m&cto tbe 7d day of August, A. D. 1940, I waa appointed administrator at tbe estate of Cteriea Frederick JOElln, deceased, Dd all partiea having claim against tike said estate are hereby required to furalea same, properly verUied. to me on or before the 8tn day of September, A. D. 1940, and all parties Indebted to the -estate sre required to par the amount of their indebtedness to me forthrtth. DATED tbe 8th day of August, A.D. 1940. NORMAN A. WATT Official Admlnlarator, Prince Rupert. B.C. IN" THE KITKEME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter -of Samuel Ceorje Lind- nay, Dereaed, othrrwlite known a Ham George IJncfeay And In the Matter of the "Administration Art" TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor Judge Robertson, Iocal Judg4 of the supreme Court In and lor the County of Prince Rupert aoting in the place of and at the request of Hi Honor Judge JTher. I was on August 7th 1840 simotnted Administrator of lalt the EstMe In British Columtla, with the Wui annexed, of the late Samuel Oeorge Undsay, oUverwlae known, as Sam Oeorge Undsay, of Aylmer, Quebec who died at Aylmer Quebec, on the 27th day of May X934, leaving property in the vicinity of Stewart, B. -C. All .persons narlng claims against the said .Estate are required to file them wftn me piifrjqlf verified on or before' the IMii day of Beptenxber 1640 and all persons in debited to the aald Zstate are, required to pay the balance of theVr Indebted nes to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C this 8th day of August 1940. NORMAN A. WATT Official Admlnlstroitor. Prinoe Rupert. B. C. CENTRAL HOTEL 6 TEAM BATHS Make Appointments '200 Rooms, 50c and tip Also CENTRAL APARTMENTS Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress HARD WORK Two Doubles For AND WORRY'Men Are Played JSL'SSftSS ' l? Prince Rupert C, Tennis Champ i neavyvreiglU wrratmis nwe deleaving Jack Taylor In Canada tn 1933, his at last lost his crown to John Kalan after defending It " . . .. . in men's doubles of the rlty ten successfully for seven years. In In the the . . , .' .. hpn . h . nu championship tournament las. ujy. juricau ill wucu lie ue- meantlme the Amulet Sask. athlete I has xrestled in Canada, Australia NEW YORK, Aug. 20: CP) Experience with automobiles of Wal- ful, but not soectacular wrestler. He; nt nurt anyone. But hard work has successfully defended his tlt!e against several challengers already. i ball AssociaUon In England and, a j source close to the Governor-Gen eral said this is just one of about 500 honorary positions held by HLv Excellency. The Governor-General holds the title of natron, president or honorary president of hundreds of organizations, many of which ar engaged in war work. But for the most part His Excellency's connection with them entails no responsibility. The Earl of Athlone has long been a sport; fan and each morning f njoyi a ride on hoserseback about the grounds of Rideau Hall and nearby bridle paths: His duUes don't allow much time for witness Ing sports events but a government house secretary said His Excellency might quite possibly witness some rugby football games In the capital this fall to see what the Canadian game Is like. In England he took considerable Interest In football. BAH f(OIJ LONDON CP The Montreal price- nf bar Bold on t.he London nrmrket wa tnennned today at t?7 M rwr fine ounce Everything in Novelties and worry are Impossible." The huge Chrysler building In New York city is one of Chrysler's The Earl of Athlone recently was 1 achievements. When he was born re-elected president of the Foot-j April 2. 1875. at Wamego. Kans- the site" of the building was known to New Yorkers as the Lexington avenue goat farm. Walter Perry Chrysler was the son of Henry Chrysler, a locomotive engineer, and Mary Brayman Chrysler. "He was eraduated from the hleh school nt Ellis. Kans . and 'ater took a business college course before starting a four-year aD- orentlceshln in the shops of the Onion Pacific Railway. He was married at Ellis. June 4. 1901, to Delia V. Forker. They had two daughters and two sons. Chrys'er died of a cerebral hem-orrage at his home In Great Neck. Long Island. Jacket Protects Merchant Seamen New Type of Llfe-Sarinf equipment NklvNew In Use LONDON, Aug. 20: (CP) Bri tain's merchant seamen while work- ln in dangerous areas must wear 1 new type of life-saving Jacket made of cotton drill tilled with kapok andtied with tapes at the waisty It can be worn without hindering their work and will keep the wearers floating for an indefinite period. An official of the ministry of hippinj?, whjeh. made use of the (vests compulsory, said experience had showed that In many cases there was not sufficient time for seamen to don llfejackets when a hlp was torpedoed or mined. , TRAIN BLOWS UP BULAWAYO, Aug. 20: (CP) When a train carrying explosives blew' up 153 miles south f this Rhodesian city four persons were killed and three seriously-injured. DIES FROM STINGS BOGNOR REGIS. Eng., Aug. 20: CP Five minutes after Mrs. A. H. Bartholomew disturbed a nest, she died from wasp stings. Wnship Tanrnaroent Continued Last 'Went and Fulton beaW Sorxlngton came production manage for the.. I New Zealand. England and South Went o .company whfn -while-Jurmaln and Law ford beat. " Te resigned In 1920 to direct the 13 13 J una aiurunicr g. u-. inatiUebout McCready was de-, willvs-Oveiland. feated In a match at Wellington. ;Company LaUf ne Wfnt to N.Z. by Katan who gained the omy Silken-Chalmers Company and in fall in a hard-fought contest. The new champion is a fellow-country- ; man. so that the tlUe remains with C?n-da. He had four timet ha!- 1924 became head" of his own com pany, the Chrysler Corporation. Chrysler has no set formula for success. Hp believed In courage. Jenged for the Utle in Canada and definite objectives and quick -decl-New Zealand, but had never before 'dons. "If you don have the cour-beaten McCready although he had age of your convictions," he once a draw to his credit. He is a skll- y3u worry. Hard work does- Baseball Scores National Learue New York. 9. ClnelnnaU 2. Boston 3, Pittsburg 0. American Leacue Cleveland 7, Boston 18. Advertising u n uitestment lllMM I Important Users Say "Buy B.C Products" Britiih Columbia thrives by its In duitriej, and Its InduUries sre t-rous en of " B.C. Product." Lorrinr and Minlnr Campi were never boiier than they are to-day. Employment and Purchases are steadily increaiine. and Induttrial demands for roods " made in Britiih Columbia'are on a rapidly ascendinf scale. The Provincial Government invsri-ably specifies " B.C. Product " for the numerous Institution which come tinder it care. No. housewife buys more carefully than the Purchasing Afenta for these important users, who have found by loot investigation and patient test that B.C Products " compare very favourably with imported merchandise. Support the Product of our own Farms and. Factories. Encoursge the Britiih Columbia Producer to develop and expand. Give employ mens to more of our own people. By far the major portion of your domes tic need -can be supplied within tbe Province. "Boy B.C Products" THE DEPARTMENT OF TBADE AND INDUSTRY Parliament Bldcsr- - Victoria, B.C. X. G. Rawnorros, Hx. w. J, Auaurma, MimitUr. A--- For Ladies' and Gentlemen's TAILORING X Experience :. Quality Oldest Tailor in Town M.T. LEE - Cleaning, Pressing .Repairing y . . & i r n n n ,ia av. flume ureea vou r,uj u - CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Saturday 4 p-m. calling at Ocean Falls. Monday 3 p.m. calling, at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Friday at 11 a.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars . For -Fares, -etc. Call . cr Write -Cm TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE. Afents for Trans-Canada Air Lines UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. fiteamers Leave prince Rupert lor Vancouver: T.SJ3. CATALA EVET, TUES- X.SJ. CARDENA TOMMY, DAT, 1:30 pin. 10:30 p-m. Due Vancouver. Tbtrrs. p.m. Dae Vancouver, Monday a.m. ? If OonTenfewt, 1fcaac -rarcxtasc Ticket mt Office Further InformaZloo Regarding fie serrations and. Tickets From FRANff y 6KH$HJ5H, 1r1ncc Rupert Agent. Vblrd Ave, Plyme 848' PLATED FOR SHEFFIELD CET WAR- NAMES SHEFFIELD, Eng., Aug. 20: (CP- LONDON, Aug 20 A former English soccer star, war Is providing race Hrr- Johnson. 64. who once was a with names for ;y Sheffield United tnternaUonal right Among entries for int half-back, died at nearby Eccles- Stud Produce stale, u. 1 field after a period of Ill-health. and Defence Force Witt) on AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST And Exhibition CL.SSES (a) LaniUcape (b) Indoor Shots (cl Children PRIZES 1st 15 00 War Savines Certificate 2nd S2.00 Cash (in each clan) Entries must be mounted and left at Orme's or Wratluu on or before Tuesday, August 20th A CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL EVENT Used Furniture fi Kitchen Ranges for burning coal or wood; 2 Ranges fitted with Imperial Oil Burner; 12 Brick-lined Heaters; 3 8-piecc Dining Room Suites; 1 Kitchen Cabinet; 3 China Cabinets; 3 Buffets; 3 Morris Chairs; 1 Radios; 6 Gramophones; 6 Dining Room Tables; 2 Kitchen Tables; 12 Kitchen Chairs; 2 Pianos'; 1 Organ; 2 Chiffoniers; G Bedroom Tables; 2 Large Glass Cases; 2 8 ffet long by 27 inches wide Mirrors; 1 GG.66 Mirror with Frame; 6 Felt Mattresses in all sizes; 1 Spring Filled' Mattress, size 1-0; G Steel Beds, 46; 6 Springs, all sizes; 2 Single Beds, complete; .2 Davenports, open to a bed; 1 Ertglish Prams; 3 Wickers; 6 Wash Stands; 1 Bassinet Crib; 2 Tricycles; 2 Doll Buggies; 1 Small Row Boat; 2 Oil Burning Heaters, wickless. Used Furniture Departmt: ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building-. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN 111 I RAILWAY" t LINES 1 ta.tu k CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 pjn. To Vancouver Direct Princess Charlotte Princess Alice Princess Louise Aug. 3rd, 24th, Sept. 4th Aug. 7th, 17th Aug. 10th, 21st 31st To Ketchikan, Wrancell, Juneau and SWarway Aug. 2nd, 5th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 26th. 30th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Aeent Prince Rupert, BX "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Pnnc Kiipert J. H. BULGER Optometrist Co. Lid, Royal Bank Bldf. British Oolum!)" Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized fift VALENTIN DAJRY PIIONE 057