Spring's . . . LATEST STYLES or Julia Arthur Vanity Maid Miss Atlanta aird Plio-Pedic JVin ABPSTED Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Gocd Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rawer zvrtKi - trrmsn Colombia PniEihed Every Afterawi, Except Ercday. by Prtnee Rapert Dally Hewx, Liaised, Thtri Averrae H. P. PULLEf U3Sixtir.z-Zdi.lOT Paid la itin, per -week Paid la ad rant, per month . By matt to aii part of Brttuh Columbia, the British Empire aod Uatted State, yearly period, paid In advance . By null to all other csnmtiitt, per year Clar rifled adTertitng, per word, pjr insertion .,, ,., Local reader, per itoe, oer yuerttoj . Sr Department Telephone Axlf frtUJnf and ClrtoUUon Telephone Member ef Audit Screak el OrntlaUvni M 51 EDITORIALS It'a interesting to know when reading the Daily New that thf nfonlp nf t.hp whnl dintrirT are doing tha tarn UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD, Steamers Leave Prinze Rupert for Vancouver: T.8.8. CATAKA F.VEItY TUE8- TAS. CAKDENA PKIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thur, p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Pleane Purcha Tickets at Office Turther Information, Begardlnn Ileservatloni and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Aient. Third Ave. Phone 56r r The-SVAaaarrf Osi aaraaf iBapen will be at fall srenth lr tfra nmwm her sen watfc Aui Geeaa Faa fet the Korthem a C title went an Ssany SUJes i expected hwt on Sandays boa? Vm Ame il bt n Krt tor 11 ftrat thne this year as lie ooK reeenlly Joined the ranks of the rhiniptnui. Arney vfD play gaard aa he das far Preaher last sensor when the Offers oat-ptayetf tia miners i ate the easmpsonsMr of the dtarrtet Doa u no stranger t koeal basretbaM fam being a aeaber of more than one etty All Star team in former yean There t n doabt be wtB prow a decided seaaMtion to the team aa he has rtzr and ped and is a road J? 3X0 3X0 02 ": TEAM AT STRENGTH1 Priaee K.uyn in Vxdm-tm Ut Ottim riH ftrit Paper Tmn Ila Taa. Parser Lral f Player Ocean Falls Basketeers 4 Next Week Art UonaT received a wire ycaterdar afternoon from forward Ocean PaOt advisina; that the paper town baakethaU team Li prepared to come here on M of Saturday Warrh 18, 1S49. Thoraday I nxt week to eonunenee a atr- tea of game for the Kortheta BriUah Cbhrmbla chaatptm- ship. There would later be two games at Ocean Palls. Ocean Palls wl have no less than two former Prince Rsnm FORC.KT POLITICS Zn 22 Jt mijfht bejut well to forget politics and enjoy the erer popular KaJa Nakanuto. the rn! ml prmi'tiiiir.n a .. rJav .i rif . r rflirrirniK i; : . nbeprviinfA l. - nr rtfrn former Taxis Tuu flash n .v. an a time for recreation after a bard week work. We bMt Ka2u- rean,1 f t t t ' f t it . aBnasaaBBBBBBBBBaaBB wwn we couirj mvwe uoing ine Kame wun me war newa but we know it would not be any u?. We all want to know what har happened in Btirope every day. LORD HAW-HAW There is a Britigh Fascial at nresnt in fiprmanv broatleaRtin German propajpinda who hai been named ' by the Brifwh people "Iird Haw-Haw." He h now said to I be William Joyce, a dineruntled Britisher, who- wag bornv in America of an IriHh father. He was- for a time-linkedj up with hir (Jiiver Moaley as director of propajranda. Be-inj expelled from that organization he formed the Nationalist Leatjtie and led it until it was dissolved. He fs nafd to he a brilifant man with a knowledge of languages and k well powted on BritiHh social questions. IJRfifXn Af ADVANTR Britinh and French people are beginning to tire of in- activity in the war. They want mor action. They urge, tbit .rtt ?&k ani French armies nrcm forward insteatli off "aitii for m attack. We doubt if this advice is good;) It is mifttiblo that bv means of intense artillery fire and bombinp- f-om airplanes the defences of Gernianv could be so weakened to. allow of the entry of the-Allies into) their countrv Similar advance has been suggested' for the'- irermarr annfei m order to force a way into France. So! lar exnenence has shown that the advancing armies suf-"' far most. Bur there have neve before been wich attacking forces s then. a-e today. However, it is-for militarrj men to decide what is the best course, not civilians. j It has V(n.aid that military initiative wins anv war jt "rfwi thf nermny be attacked at he weakest noint 1 and thr war fv. carried into that country. In snite of what-we read and hear,, it w pretty sure there will be action! within the next two months and it is not at all likely there will be peace- until some decisive action has been taken. I tvw jars 1 1 J ml 300 r I IS. OW Vrtf litm u THZ DAET S773 Badminton Is Now In Finals On exate a afd Prmee Jtipert Bc annaa. -Trrniaiin France Croat aad Jwwiaieh' t-T with the paper iata ntoha, snaK7 Payed Sonday aXteraoQc i. foOoas: 2 M pau BaVaay and Maraay n pearaoa and ItrXMaat. 2 3d pjn. kOai 8Me Daels rv fi. Frarjieea Th.-awi 3 M pm Hair ts Mefatoati 3 pai ifti rraneea Croai "nd Mai OedOT Mrnjan wa. Ut. Lam 4-3 pm anas Praises Cicai town tx af Bale Dartt Mcintosh. Hockey Standings Siaton Rangers Chifdau TletroJt Aaerteatu Caasdhm W O L r A 3d i n m H XI It 11 1M 77 n i ii m t it 19 m M 2ft M 1U 14 KIN It $ Jl 4 142 la the city lea before migrating; to- Vaacoaeer to learn Use finer points of the game. Har-Iry is abas six feet one or two and a ieadaBC acorer In the league at 'he Palls . The oeeaa FaHa team will nrt next Weaaej rne steaaser Prtaee George and will return home on the same rea-rl Thursday niaht. The gamea wM! be pUyed pa-the Armory and the 'weeds will s tn the lfnd Battery canteen land. 5 f- .4t ,7 " I wot ihe Irey man ci fKe gimf)l. " "Vhy, did you wpply tbSwl Copt? " SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES Tht pHrtrt form in mhith tobatto tan b tmoitj." BOXING -WRESTLING Moose Hall Tuesday, March 19, 1940 8:30 p.m. Men 75c Ladies and Students 50c BOXING JJcnny WINDLE (138) Hilly BAGSIIAW (125) Darrow GOMEZ 14fl lb. Prince Ruperti Don McCOUVER '150 Jbs. Prince Rupert) ' Elmore ITANKINSON M9 lb. Prince Rupett .luck WEARMOUTIL vs. 150 lb; Prince Rupert) vs. Sgt. CRAHBE (115 lbs. 16th Can. Scottish) vs. Roy DWYEIt 155 lb,i. 10th Can. Scottish) vs. Roi JUDGE '155 lb. Prince Rupert) Rod ROBERTSON 152! lbs. Prince Rupert) WRESTLING Darrow THOMPSON vs. Hilly GREENFIELD 10I? lbs. 10th Can. Scottish) dOO lbs. Searchlight Battery) Stan NELSON vs. Frank RENART (170 lbs. 16th Can. Scottish) 175 lbs. 10th Can. Scottish) 50c and 75c tickets may be bought from any of the contestants. Reserve rlnjslde seats, which were in great demand for the last match, may be bought at the Ovcratea,,for.,$I.Q0, . .aJoayi to to i ,Prea t MMBaaM aWBBaMfaV4' He the ft mail be to jeif-1 'Jia Caatadjan Ont-UHt Srhaudt. Baaay ftliand Waody Oaaurt ai a Dave Kerr of Jew York Ranaeea, aa M far ahead in leagaa areeace tha: X no other aaaltender oald catch 32 htn. is bound to ive FVaoliBria-Hi' of Bruin? a flbt for the pa- , attlon that poker-faced Praak a&i . . I on n bis first anpearanee .w o the fomaa fohrteia erer to' , We-leacae goalie ThTSeet-Dla here, la a rt Ur ftne mutmmm. . TL.rL . '0tk in kecpin the AaatriearH go- and la reported U , be playtetr floe m, lnla a wohbl, defence Leac. who was formerly aa Inter-1 Aubrey Dti n ,n.r wtti ideanore on th rtfenoe In laj has played better than ever at the Waelta for tha Brains since Kadi departure. What the Boston captain ha In u... . . ' "vp, i j alfu . m"i is um leontinud hr :;i-.r-t . .. ... i. ... ar'Uhed eeff -. - -..rkk.. I L1NZEY DAVIES PHONES 55 - S FREE DELIVERY i v ' ra r i II jrm v Per lb. a'Sra I Jacn I Sliced Baron-Per lb. Apricots Per tin Peaches, Pears Each Wal Loaf Uncut Per lb. 25c 16 OZ 35c 8 oz 20c Something New ancT Delicious Wheal 1'ulfs-Large sacks. Each 25c 29c Wearmouth Local New OCT,-, raid Eggs per doz ."" Aunt Dlnuli Mullaftses Per tin 15c 15c 15c 25c aa be a, urn hea!MarTJ then waaaav to tb aanari other i the are Arsaatrong of the Amri of im-aj art r.zptjed i- the rlaht atat ore has aiade the n-c uue i- aaaTa Qtat taaav Bry- areen of the ataa yaaaa ia ahttata - " - " r Hu nuaaaiii far ahead to the TTu seaaon tar eiera ran? IaaraaOoaaAai-' eiaa at SonacfieU i aim to ipare the chaocev-fadlna of InjarJe that have krot players oat for laag Dcriada and others anon the raw of brUbant j nam Baa Boston's huned Baaerkraat Una wrtteta aaald etott the tuah Ktaata from Kitrhettar u Toe Blaca. aalad a Tfb-wfof berth laaV-yar daajala the fact he was wtth the stxth-piace Montreal Oanadfens. has been handicapped -en farther by the Canad tons' drop tha cellar Bat Blake uM is a 'teat alayer Ooaaart hu proerast- ! rapidly with Boston and Bob "iavt'in of Toronto. Tbouay An-rrwa of ih Asaericans and John- Mtseln of Chicafo na piay-d 'hir oJd iad) raae Paul tt rama Edwn AlberU COAL BolkUr Valley Caal anaiaa trellintlon Coal lUiklry Valley Warst and Grain PRrNTK RUPERT FEED CO. Phone it and SiM jb "V " " i tanVr T DcCnIL Sari Seabeet f Taswas m: f f . 1L- , t In tut sbsrare other f rP' inU llJui laaiasysna ii Kp attfr :?je aritert Coirine and Rul Watson of the? maintaini a r i aj AavY, Rve tflniafa peso reaor at wy to ke Bea ware in inoR Roller Rink Daily Mam. The W Thar. T io J.. Fsias I ut a Baa, OHMx, 1 to 4 la. : Wpeatal Am-.r Uadc N P crMik-tL co.vre.cToej CASEY and MORRETTO Stone MaMtnarr RLk m Conerrte W rt rxeavatien and Izzi-tp Cardrai Maradam Boads cr Ur;& Phone 33 fer Mcrrrtt or Green SZ7 fr Cirr MacKenzies Furniture Completely Air ComlirioDfl 100 per cent New Material" Rip Van Winkle SPRING FILLED S27.50 Phone TT) aa Send a CARD for EASTER Easter Sunday March 24th Choose suitable cards from our large tZg to Q and beautiful selection. 2 for We Specialize in Fine Cards For Every Occasion Easter Rabbits; Baskets and Novelty Containers for the Children: for Your Easter Party EASTER NAPKLNS Pk& of 1Q E ASTER- SE A IS-Pkg. 10c EASTER TALLY CARDS-Peritablo 10f