PAJE FOUR needs (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Trice of One USED FURNITURE ODDMENTS 1 "S"'-.; S6.50 1 4-piecc Rcdrooni Set $45 00 , . 'li 4 Buffets Qfi nn Each, from $11. UU Woven Hcdspring AA Each, from ?.UU 2 Standard Lamps and Shades QQ 1 Studio Lounge Pull out to double $20 00 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges 20i Ail Each, from Heaters For burning coal, wood. Q A A Each, from $U.UU 6 Extension Round Tables QG A Each, from $Oat)U ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Green 91(5 THIRD AVENUE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer leaves Prince Rupert ever THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains: leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fares, etc., call or tcrlt City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. luSmA.M, . E353SC I in. V-9-40 "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD J; Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Lid. British Columbia Coal! Coal! Coal! Writer - 9 areciiJma. Foothills IJuIklcy Valley Nanaimo-Wcllington We are equipped to supply any of these coals promptly, carefully screened and graded to size Phones C51 C52 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. TODAY'S STOCKS (Court j S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .09. Bralorne, 10.90. Cariboo Quartz, 2.50. Dentonla, .01 V. Falrview, .OUi. Gold Belt, .25. Hcdley Mascot, .48. Mlnto, .05. Noble Five, .01. Pacific Nickel, .08. Pend Oreille, 1.80. Pioneer, 2.20. Premier. 1.26. Privateer, .61. Reno, .35. Relief Arlington, .07. Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek, .08. Cariboo Hudson, .04. Oils A. P. Con.. .15. Calmont, .33. C & E.. .97. Freehold, .02. Home, 2.45. Royal Can., .17. Okalta, 1.20. Mercury, .06. Prairie Royalties. .17. Toronto Aldermac, .25. Beattie, 1.08. Central Pat., 2.12. Cons. Smelters, 43.50. East Malartic, 3.60. Fernland, .03. Francoeur, .40. Gods Lake, .50. Hardrock, 1.02. Int. Nickel, .43 Vi. Kerr Addison, 2.33. Little Long Lac, 3.05. Madsen Red Lake, .44. McLeod Cockshutt. 1.80. McKenzie Red Lake, .20. Moneta, .67. Noranda, 70.50. Pickle Crow, 3.75. Preston East Dome, 2.02. San Antonio, 2.30. Sherrlt Gordon, .95. UchI, .75. Bouscadillac, .03. Mosher, .07. Oklend, .07. Smelters Gold, .01. Dominion Bridge, 36.50. Dally Sews Is ults. 3 IS advertising rr. sure to bring Dr. SISTERS CAFE NOW OPEN BUSINESS ttie dally FOR Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DARY PHONIC SM Dal!) R.C. Bamford Successor to Dr. B. LUNDAHL Will Continue Practice of Dentistry in Rooms 1, 2, 3 Bcsner Block 3 n i 1 1 1 . .... iuui rawuuage win DC niCIUV appreciated "Aim to Please" Is our Motto S Thank You THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon . ricked by the only salmon canning company with an all the 1 year rocn3 payroll ln "Prince Rnpert re- be returning to the for the time being. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, MarrK ; Waterfront Whiffs Official "Say So" in Regard to Halibut Season, is Awaited Although Known-Navigation Examinations on New Co-op Huilding About Finished pert, as at all tag ports on 'ting in j operations. The halibut vessel owners have been working out their arrangements for voluntary curtail-'merit in the interests of conserva-Uon and orderly marketing. The British Columbia Halibut Marketing Board will be sitting in Prince Rupert at the first of next week. Halibut flshlnc vpas1 nnrt thplr Alaska route Capt. J. C. Barbour, examiner of masters and mates, arrived ln the city on the Princes Adelaide yesterday from Vancouver, being here to conduct examinations for candidates for navigation papers sent up from the school which has been conducted here during the winter by Capt. J. R. EHert, harbor master. past local Finishing touches are now being! put on the imposing new store, building which has been erected at Cow Bay by the Prince Rupert Fish-1 ermen's Co-operative and very soon now the store and offices of the Co- l op will be moving into the com modious quarters. There is an attractive imitation brick finish for the front. , The Armour Salvage Co.'s service I boats Bonilla, Capt. Henry Hansen. I hop racnena, Capt. Oscar Haveroy. left Thursday night for the North. Returning at the first of the week they will bring in two scows one laden with gravel from Hastings Arm and the other with material taken from Anyox In connection with the dismantling of the old smelting and mining plant. Advertlsine Is an investment Tllf; f I'KKMK l-oniT (If IIIUTIHII INE MATTER OP RAONHILD HAR AND: ! MATTER OP Tire "ADMINI- TRATIO.V ACT' m51!..NrmcE r(r of Ad- ministration of th EUl- of tfc bov B-ltUh ColumbU, who u4 at Vlklmr uwru. on the 15th day of Novfmb-h! Yu I7e duly STtn'! in my favour by HU Honciir Judge FWiw on the 14tt y of March 1940. All pernoiu In-aM o the bov EnUte re r qukpod t pny the amount of thflr In CHxtxlnr io nve forthwtlh and 11 per. oni having oindms agahK the bov HUt! re miuf-rted to file them with me bofore the 30th day of April 1840 telling wheh dlntrlbutlon wUt be nud without Ward to any claim of which I not then hnve notice. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. thl ISth rtay of M.irih 1940 NORMAN A. WATT. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Thone 281 r.O. Box 198 Volunteers For : masters, which have been engaged ,ed with in coastal defence patrol during the, homes, past winter, may be released so, ,thy may engage in their normal pursuit of halibut fishing. Union steamor Cardena. Capt. 'John Boden, arrived in port at 10 o'clock last night from the south and sailed at 1 ajn. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. i At the conclusion of her present voyage, C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide Is to be withdrawn from : service for annual overhaul and in Whilf it" VlHQ liPOll L'nmtm oil Imvit nf ii'nlir in Pvinni T?M pert for several weeks that the onenint? of tho 1910 halibut fishing season in the North Pacific has been set for April 1 by the International Fisheries Commission and that ( i there will be little if any change in quotas as to the ion of fishing between Areas No. 2 and 3, the official announcement has vet to be made but mm it is expected this will be forthcoming within a matter of days now. Meantime, the fleet at Prince Ru 111 (JIUIT other halibut IlilllUUfc fish 115U-I the coast. U busy get-1 VHr Jn pJnonfl "1 111 1 liHalill readiness Iness for the seasons) Are Paid Off TORONTO. March 16: (CP) Klngsley Graham. Finnish consul, announced yesterday that Canadian volunteers for the Finnish war are now being paid off and furnish- transportation to their Raymond Watson Is President Of Simpson Grits a. ,MM.ia,ivil ill me ICUCIdi cicv- tlon campaign was pledged. "000000000000000003000000' FOR SALh D Announcing the g Opening of the U and I CAFE At The Waterfront oooooooooooooooooooooooooo FOR SALE Terms: strictly cash: Lots 9-10. Blk. 11. D. L. 369. Terrace. Hugh M. Adams Estate, $500.00; Sub Lot 1 of Lot 1429, Range 5, C. D. Lakelse Road, 10 acres, Peter De Boer Estate. $100.00; Lot 20. Blk. 11 S. 8. Prince Rupert, George Macklln Estate $900.00; Lot 4, Blk. 37, Sec. 5. Prince Rupert, J. D. Peel Estate. $125.00; Lot 3053, Cas-slar, 103 acres, situate near Aty-ansh, Wm. Stewart Estate, $100.-00; Unsubdlvided portion Lot 2199. R. 5. C. D.. 142 acres, and cottage. Estate Neil McCarthy. $300.00; Assd. Lot A of Lot 5, Blk. 2, and Assd. Lot A of Lot 6. Blk. 2. D. L. 45. Port Essington, Estate Mary D, Holland, $200.00: Unsold portion Lot 3822, Cassiar (Alice Arm), and cottage. Estate John W. Strombeck. $500.00. Official ;AdmInIstrator, Prince Rupert. B. C. tf. FOR SALE Baby chicks from vigorous new blood leghorn breeding stock. Unscxed $10.00 per 100, pullets (97 I $25.00 per 100. Also Rock and Red chlcks $12.00 per 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mls-slon City, B.C. tf FOR SALE 20 h p. Vivian gas engine ln good condition $300.00 Apply Box 35, Dally News. 60 FOR SALE 72 h.p. Vulcan en- cine. rnmnlprA with .v,J j propeller. $75.00. Apply boat' ntri r r- I rvuis , luw uay, auer o. 60 PERSONAL HOW TO OET A OOVERNMFrJT JOB as Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner. Clerir Etc. Free Booklet. The M. C. C Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest ln Canada. No Agents. YOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Lnstltute, Winnipeg, Manitoba, tf DRAMA AND FUN FILM -Code of Streets- ami "Blondle Metis Boss" Showlns at Capitol Theatre 'Code of the Streets." a fast action drama of juvenile heroism In the underworld, and "Blondle Meets the Boss." the second of a popular series based on comic strip fhar- 'acters, are double billed at the Panlrnl Thofltrf for tOlllellt OtUV. Topping the cast of "Code of the streets, Harry carey is seen as a practlcal-mlnded police lieutenant who is responsible for the approaching execution of an alleged murderer The story tells how the brother of the convicted man, his former associates and the police lieutenant's son, convinced that there is no guilt, work fearlessly to thwart the execution. There U high dramatic tension until the puroosel 18. i-j, I fin . I , vr?S5 TONIGHT 0Xi7 2 Shows. 7:00 and y, fenny Slnltto Arthur Lake ln "Blondie MeetJ liie B OSS (Based on the F , Strip by C (At 8.1s and 107 PLCS The Little Touch Gnn u "Code of the Street.' m With Harry Cirti (At 7:00 k 9 Lominr JHIN -Tils. VVU The Lane SMtrs In "FOUR WIVES is accomplished. 'The Little Tough 1 Guys" are featured In the cast. I home and dor , in "Blondle Meets the Bow." Dag- , Jltterbug ' wood gets Into difficulties with the' , . boss and Blondles efforts to save, Penry 81nlfl"11 his Job only results in her taking ,lul Urnr 81mm , his place at the office while he stays principal parts. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Cahhow r SHIRTS PORT SIMPSON. March 16Ray- '2 A 11 11 r W mond Watson was elected president g A IX IX V 3 A Pma c or f c of the Port Simpson Liberal Assocl-1 o TT ICOCllLo , , al,on al ,w reccnl annual meeting. 'o hr niaAA th p,in.. T i m, V. iS? Z'tSZZ tSXTZSZi ?"?rt.?cw "'Plos of fine .hirtmakinr. ninceas noran. wrucn nas been re- . : ' . Ilevtn th Prinre. Mrv n PP ana eo-op- Vancuvr.Pnw.1 P.v,r 'r,,n , MaUn the Pr,nCe "" UbT- . ....v. ...... . 1 .-lo I ln l Ik. A 1 .1 perfection with nualitv in verv ft nn. pnn detail. See them toclav " -uu NECKTIES Fresh as a Spring Breeze . You won't be able to resist 'cm, those new . , luneu oy arrow. Aew shades, new ti patterns vJ.Wl Watts & Nickerson ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooct J ooooooooooooooooooooooouuooevooooooooooooo: EASTER NOVELTIES A truly fine selection of chocolate noveltic. before featured in the city 15c to $3 Any item reserved till Easter on request. Malf selection while the assortment is complex SYMPHONY EASTER CARDS An excellent assortment, reasonably pried 2 for 5c 5c and IQc Ormes ltd. ulm Pioneer Druqjytsts The Rexall Store ,.,, k n Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 0 n.m. oooooooooooooooooooooooqooqD-OOOQOOOOOaoooooo;ie((:,)00oci NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining tpprtA..ROU.i:it ARENA