REE l-yr one week. on,y .coinmenclni Saturday March 16, you let aijen-crour hire trial can of Monamtl KKl'.i: with titty quart purchase of ink modem flnhh. I y our i Itn; can first! If you are nut delUhtrd with the beautiful finhli jou may brine the laree can ack for complete refund. Ihl:, ainaiiii offer 1 made t enable you to try the flnrtof niodrm Hiil-lir at' n co.t. Choose jour color today! . -Ir t-Ionrtre- eat Wings March 16 (Canadian . - ...l.l.k. U. ,1 n :c relative standing of .- Black Hawks de- Trial Offer MARCH 1& to MARCH 24 .ACID-PROOF HfVP PROOF RLKHL1-PR00F Jcflubbcdti.. OVERWAITEA LTD. ----- , ' Free Delivery on Onlers of $1.00 and Over I'l If P. QTI AVIII.MIV 1 A M 4Mb. .m AVLMKU CUT GREEN IJHLVNS 2 Urtf ((uakrr Corn I lakes 3 PkL 2 lfo Canada Corn Starch- Per pkt Vl.Mli .' l U I A TOES RHUnAlr bunch 23c 21c 10c 49c Kordm', Chocolate OCp Ajlmer I'rune I'lumv J()C Ma)ifd.Mllk l-lb,Un"aV ' 2 tins ; "'im Spaxtttl 10 oz CCn . Aylmer Pork and 25C ' tin &Q , iUans-3 tins , ftxsun (Jrapefrult OR Ajlmer Golden an- Juice- 3 tins hu y lam corn'- 2 tins A BCTTR FiniSH FOR eVCRV inTCRIOR SURFACE; GORDON & ANDERSON 21c Fels Naplha; Soap 2'bar.t OxydorSoap Towdrr- 23 C Large pH Itnyal' Crown' Clranser J(J Per tin 25c -TT" I Nuhlt Came Had Nflaipor tant Iti arinr on National Hockey Slandlnr Kitkatla Plans Big Celebration AFFAIR OF ENJOYMENT it lffwuf 1 Aft flit m Imt tnirt naitAl Tti a lAhM 1 t rm tfsnMi OmlU Af4AMt WHEAT PRICKS v; jrz wheat futures ?d to 'c lower May losing at 88c On Representative of Various Villages Expected to Converse There Seventh Hater Monday ood' representation of visitors ex- Some fifty women attended' the petted' from various villages. Kit- annual banquet of the Women's Jkatla. anticipates an Easter Mon- Auxiliary ofv the Canadian. Legion Red Wings 4 to 3 1 day celebration this year much In the Boston Cafe last evening. Demonstrations Gladly Ctvcn. Kcmcmtcr "It's Ford For Forty" wS.E. PARKER Ltd. liH was the presentation of a gold uy FORD Products Made in Canada My Canadians and Kelp Win the War v ft badge o" office and a-beautiful bouquet of carnations-and maidenhair ferns to- the ast president, Mr& threatens to be. With this thought iu mind we cannot do enough to nsit in any way where our help is needed. "In closing might I stress the fact that past records prove our capabilities and, no matter what our o'b-lectlve may be. with the wholehearted suoport and co-operation of every member. It can be attained. Remember 'United we stand Divided we fall!' " A recitation by Mrs. J. Clark followed and was enthusiastically re ceived. Then a song "Danny Boy." LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold. Duller? tt' 8.O.N. meeting tonlsht. Tonlght'i tram, iu from tht jJast at 11 o'clock, wu reported J this afternoon to be on time: Mr. and Mrs. Leo uoiron sauea last night on the Prince Adelaide-for Vancouver. ' Miss Nancy Borie sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a va cation trip1 to Vancouver and Vic toria. Basketball-Ocean. Falls vs. Prince Rupert March 20 and 21. 67 the most in the whole world" today to prove that Democracy can work efficiently Is the National' Government of Great Britain. 64 Capt R. B. Longrlduc. district auxiliary service officer of military i district to. ii, arnva. iu uie cny Jon the steamer, Cardena last even- Ine from Victoria, being, here on md former agent here, arrived In the city on the Cardena last night ifrom Vancouver. He Is staying over here until the Catala tomorrow ev tr., nk,n Vis tt'ltl Inl V fn mikp n . .. . CIIU1K .,.. V " . v w itooen Murray h Murray r. - and ponded suitably, thanking the . wu axillary for able-astanee dur- tn the year la39. Next ore tlif program was an ad- dress, read by Mrs. Hugh KJllm. romtiilcd from speeches of Uie head of the Provincial Erecutive In British Columbia. Mrs. Kililn t(d i in iort: Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Norman Boyd. W II. MacBcth The young armies of this war C. Barbour. T. Kaye. A. W. Newman,! will have the benefit of the invalu- R..C. Parker and J. Martin Vaneou-' able assistance, co-operation and ver; Dr. C-A. ArmHrong. Port Simo-; wonderful eyamole of the World soru Joha OJinjHto, Vancouver, war veteransin their heroic strug- ThomasiAndenson, Tucka InletMrs. it. long drawn out though It J. A. Brown. Port Es&ingtont CapL R. D. Longrldge. Victoria. PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 17th-11:00 rum. Festive Services In English 12:15 p.m Sunday School 7:30 pim.- Divine Services In Norwegian' HOLY THURSDAY, MARCH 21st 7130' p.m. Divine Services with Holy Communion noon- FRIDAY, MARCH 22nd-11:00 a.m. Divine Services. In English SATURDAY, MARCH 23rd. 10:00 a.m. Confirmation Class Meets All Are Urged' to Attend Holy Week Services J. audience with another recitation "Grandad's Story" by Mrs. Dan Parent and a song by Mrs. Henry Smith Jr. This program, interspersed by community singing, was much aoplauded and the singing of. "God Save the King" ended the dinner. Accompanist for the evening, was Mrs. Hugh Smith. Cards followed, bridge winners being: first. Mrs. Sam Hougan; sec- 65 For prompt and courteous Phone 13 Taxi, tt Northern p. C. title basketball-Wednesday and Thursday. , 07 The' choir of St. Andrew's Cathedral, will render SUlner's "Cu-Icfixlori" Sunday evening at 7:30. Rebekah Tea and Home-cooking , $ les. J military duties. He Is .also first? John Dybhava sai.e'd; last night vice-president of the provincial: , on the Princess. Adelaide for Van- 'command of the Canadian Legion, couver to attend a' meeting of the Annual llanquet of o-,and as 8ucni w pay a'.vlslt td Pacific sub-executive of the Fish men'g Auxiliary of Canadian Lesion the local legion. Buy basketball series early at usual centres. commlUee I. planning for a lengthy was In the- chair, and convenor foru,c u" "Llu"Lc" "" r sports program. arrangements wa, Mrs. Johnl0","' T' V ThVI Bremner. head of the reUrlng en-'LiS lie caum nunc nuucii. a LleUt'. Col. H. C Turner of. the military paymasters' department 'arrived In the-city on the Princess 'Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Victoria, being here ort official dut-j erles Research Board of Canada. . Dr. Neal Carter, director of the tickets' Prince Rupert Fisheries Experl-67' mental Station, will sail on the I Princess Louise- Monday afternoon ' The Skeena Federal liberal' As- to attend the same meeting. soclation of Prince Rupert; an- nounces. that, In-connection with J. Keep up, u aat- Atme regU' the New York market, there was Aftep the , of ..0 canada.. Village an error has been madjj an upward movement on wheat Grace was fflld by Mrs shmbsalllpf1 Dec" 85 m3' not DeC! early today with prices moving up. 8- 19391 ! tMbweA later m the riinni.r hv ih I 'c to 5-8e. Mav belne Quoted at , ,u in i u.. ,k.l' !$1.0P4c nresldent ! Newman, general agent of . ,,,,., the Uhlon Stwunsntps ac Vancouver Announcements All tdtertljeoenu in tuurH. una will be chanted' for fnl' month ?v '" Eagles' Bridge March 20i : Presbyterian Tea. Little's. March 21. Dalfodll farch 25. Band Parents' March 27. Dance;. March) 28: Mrs. J. J Moose Gingham-Leap Year. Dance March 21. Tea, .Mrs... parkin's tea Mrs. Hngan's S. O. N. Fishermen's Farewell Orange Ladles' Sale. April 3. .' Anglican1 Spring Sale-, April 4. Hill OO. Dancei Moose Hail. Apr. 5 j United Spring Sale. April Hi - Presbyterian Spring Sale April St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 9. NMIiy of Intuition, to apply to IjMe iJind la tb Qua CbarloU DUtiict or tie Prince Rupert Lnod Reeordlng Dl- risfco. ud situate at tl ntruu to K&cfen Hirbor. B.C. t of G:a-J Potnt dlinlj intMOi loi 443, Q. C J. Tfcke norioe that I. Samuel Leonard ond, Mrs. FCasby. consolation, Mrs.Sim?oa cf Nadn HariKr. B.C.. occu- by Mrs Fred Hunter, delighted the oacn- for a of tn toiioirtns dcrn- CHURCH NOTICES The Salvation Army SUNDAY SERVICES ' n a m lioliiiMsMeetlne. Sueaker Mrs. Capt. Halsey. Subject, "The Lost Power" 2:30 p m. Sunday School 7:30 to;8 p.m-Sunshlne Sins-Song Introducing some new Sunshine Choruses Salvation. : Meeting. Speaker Captain Ivan Halsey. Subject "The- Big Election How to Mark Your Ballot" Week-night services at 8: o'clock every Wednesday and Saturday. Young Peoples' Meeting Friday at 7:30 "We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New. Testament were given by the Inspiration of God, and. that they only constitute-the. Divine Rule of Christian Faith and Practice" 57. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner 8th and 9th Ave Exst J., II.. Myrwanif. Pastor Ks. 237. 4th Ave. Phone Black 982 Inte Valen, Organist Mrs. J. H. .MSrwangr, Supt. Sunday School tfd iaas: Coaiehclnjr t pet pJantd at th I N. w. Comer. Iai 443. Q. C. !:. thwice 001my ftioDj Uaier mark to tflq Vs.W; errntv Lrt 443; tlwr vntetlT to I i low, Vitr Urk: h-iK noruwrty IpJong low irftter mark 15 chains more or liice northerly to point of ccnrtmrwetix-nt and contalnlns 2 acrce. mocrx or Jfwa, i samuel Leonard simpson. . DM1 FcbnuU7 ait 1840. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable" Have Big Order For Beaver Postlve can pay more than anyone else for all furs. Do not sell your furs on the waterfront, bring them, to-GOLDBLOOM and get 30 per rent more. New Fresh Stock of EASTER CANDIES and NOVELTIES From lc to 75c now on display. You are Invited to look over the assortment while It Is complete; Thos wlshlnr to tan have goods held till Easter MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Letlon 5 Outfitting the Children for Easter i: H Isn't Such a Problem If You Go To The Cut-Rate Shoe Store 13. rc IMS- at the home of Mrs. D. V, Smith, ijji Little feet feel like singing, 601 5th Ave. mes., Mar. ia, a- jj 6 pjn. 65'? On March 14th Australia formed The Government which Is dolns'La new coalition government. Wipe out party politics In wartime. Vote for Cameron. 6 encased In these fine, sturdy shoes for boys and girls. Every style the young folks favor Is Included and sizes for all. Fitted' for super comfort and correct pasture. 75c to $3.45 THE CUT-RATE SHOE STORE THIRD AVENUE Phone BLACK 321 The Rupert Men's and Boys' Store BOYS' SUITS With Long Trousers $6.95 To $12.00 Small Boys S2.n0toS5.00 With knee trousers. Sizes for boys age 4 to 14. COAL 11 Styled like dad.' Large varied assortment of colors and patterns. Stripes, tweeds, plain blues, greys, etc. Alf styles. Single and double breasted. Popular belted and pleated backs. RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE SIXTH STREET Mail Orders Promptly Filled I WAVAVWVWAVAWMWAVAWAWlM,.'viMms NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaf fery Ltd. PHONE 116 Night or Day PHONE Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars Nest Door to B, C. Clothiers PHONE 117 112 TAXI B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Child's Play Rate 3.50 1 Wooden Baby's Criin- 3.50 1 Three-piece Chesterfield In good C AQ ff A condition t?O.W 1 Monarch Typewriter In A-l Q9 lift condition $e.UU 1 Singer Sewing: Machines With drop heads. From: $14,50 t0 42.50 1 Kitchen Range with Imperial QdlQ Sft Oil Burner Complete yiUOV 1 10 $16.50 1tSr 312.50 1 c-p '!icyc,0I $15-95 New Furniture 5 Two-Tone All-Enamel Stoves For coal and wood Fromest stylcs- $64.50 t0 $109.00 2 Three-piece Chesterfields Of fine patterns and inPricf.sty,es. $69.00 mA $89.00 THIRD AVENUE J. H. BULGERJI j presh Shrimp Optometrist i boat w.s.l. r Daily at 4 p.m. Rojal Bank Bid. j TROTIER'S DOCK If you lose anything advertise tor it