PAQI TWO Campacs and Sun Rays SPORT SHO.ES FOR i VACATION TIME? The Height Comfort and Wear in Every Piir PENMAN'S HOSIERY Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion - 02 Local Readers, per line, per Insertion 2S Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by .carrier, yearly period, paid In advance : $5.00 Paid In Advance, per month .50 By Mall to all parts of British .Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance 1. 3.00 By Mail to all other cduntries, per year 9.00 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBER Or THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for republication of all wxi despatches credited to It or to the Aseocte.tad Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All fifpXa ,oi republication of special despatches therein ere also reserved Wednesday, July 10, 1940. EDITORIALS CREEKS DO WELL The Greek inhabitants of Australia recentlv donater' I to war services one days waes for each employed man and the total takings of one day f rom every store keeper Every jnan is reported to have given something. It was a splendid gesture on the part of people of that nationality. WHY HONORARY MEMBERS? We are asked why opposition leaders should be mad honorary members of the Canadian government and not voting members. We think we know the reason. If the opposition were full parties to all cabinet moy.esitwoukl br fully responsible for everything done by the cabinet. Thif they .may .not wjant to be". Under the plan announced tjir opposition would Jiaveall the information available and would Jiear .the discussions without being bound by the de cisions, nowever, iftey would, like o.ther cabinet niem-bers, be bound to secrecy just as much as the others. FRENCH NAVY IS OUT According to the latest despatches the French Navy is noyy ,ejther in the hands of the British or out of commission. Writing .of this Elmore Phillpott savs: "Jfeyjer in .history did any government have to jnake a. more tern.Ole decision than that by the Chruchill ministry to sink the French fleet rather than to permit it to fall into the hands of Hitler. It was not only a case of having to take the lives of hundreds of French seamen who per? sonaljy w,ould haye preferred to fight on beside the British rather than to submit ,to the sellout by Petain and Laval. It was also .a .case flf haying to engage in the largest .sea fight of this war, commanders who were following their own tradition of ,duty in obeying the orders of the government of France. "But my .estimate of the whole melancholy affair is that it would have, been the height of criminal folly for Britain to do anything else than she did do. I know of nothing in. all the Jong story of man more dishonorable than he submission by the Petain government to terms which eyen included the turning against Britain of the war machinery of France, m spite of the jnost formal.and Organization Getting Under Way For Three-Day Event Next Month I Tickets, A. S. Nickerson. Publicity, Robert Parker. Another meeting of the general, velvet. NEW YORK, July 10: (CP) Making 7 to 3 hits, National League all stars defeated American League all stars by a score of four to nothing .in tfie annual Big League baseball classic making the count to date 5 to 3 for the American League. Max West of Boston Bees put the game on Ice for the Senior Leaguers with a 360-foot homer off Red Ruffing In the first inning with two on base3. Paul Derrjnger was credited as winning nitcher. There was one errorby the American League. The benefit s;ate amounted to $42,000, the at- tendance being 32,000. v C0EO LOST LOST Small black and white wire- j haired terrier, closely clipped, Please return to the Dollar Store ' or Phone Green 399. Reward. FOR SALE tf. FOR SALE-Below zero eiderdown' sleeping .bag, large size. Regular $56. iCasn $20; 22 Browning repeater, regular $35Q0. Cash $20.00. Modern bedroom suite including bedspread, dresser, coll spring and mattress. Cash $25.00. Phone Black 232. 741 5th Ave W. (161) BARGAIN for immediate sale. 42 foot cabin cruiser. Accommodates seven persons. 20 h.p. heavy duty marine engine. Phone 564. (168) BOARD AND ROOM FIRST Class .board and room. Reasonable rate. Phone jBiack 965. ,tf .' FOR REJVT ROOM to rent. PJione Black 925. (163) WANTED WANTED -to purchase, male cocker spaniel pup, golden brown ' or black. Phone Red 432. "(161) PERSONAL solemn of treaties whereby the two countries had aereed. N0W 18 the. time to get a not to make a Separate peace. government job as Clerk, ' j . . Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., iirri. v 01 1 -ii l 1 I he predicament of the Churchill government and. etc. Three Dominion-wide exams the British navy jn having to fight through this battle,; held since war began. Free. against, all natural ;.nc;ination, is typical of the predicar ment of our whole generation. This fight to forestall wo'Jd conquest by the most ruthless of tyrants is going toJ cm cijuss iiaLiunm royalties, aim, oeiore it is iinisnea, perhaps across' even closer ties. There is only one way that J can see to fight it through. That is to oppose Hitler and all his friends, whoever they may be and in any country where they operate." Booklet. Jl. C. C. Schools X-td., Winnipeg Oldest in Canada. No agents. MISCELLANEOUS LESSONS ln typewriting. Also high speed typewriting and shorthand given mornings, afternoons or evenings. Phone 923. T5I PAUT KCW1 Wednesday, July jp, 1940 PLANNING i RETURN OF CARNIVAL FUSILIERS Velvet Defeats Irish Two to One as Senior Football Resumes The central committee representing various organizations on the Last night a football game was .carnival to be held Jtor Uie civic flayed between the Velvets and a xentre fund was 1h session last u.lght .newl)- forined Jrjsh Fusiliers .team. when preliminary .organization r Pfm W m maae the three-day event to tbe staged uisn win iae over vy v Anontt. 21 22 and 2a win set in mo- .the league. The Irish seem to be Hon with the appointment of com ning. There will be afternoon and -.coring this half. Nevertheless nom evening events on each of the three teams came dangerously toe. days. . in the second half the Irish scor- Norton Youngs Is being asked to e(j on a penalty kick which the ref-1 net as general chairman of the eree awarded after Parsons handled ' carnival. George L. Rorle Is secre- the ball in the penalty .area. Vel- tary while committee chairmen vefs winning goal was scored by, have been named as follows: Sports. W. F. Stone. Program, C. Q. Ham. Exhibits, Dr. R. O. Large. Concessions, L. M. Asemlssen. Irish's right winger when he kicked tVia holt In tho uTonir rilrpptlnn sind scored in hi own eoal. There re- t!vltles . . . dtv are was the fine turnout of Army Most people ads. Do you? SPORT CHAT Joe Wright Jr., of Toronto, PLAYGROUND POPULARITY Gyro supervised playground in various parts of meeting with ac- the an even mainea arjoui tour minutes oi piay - . - ... i left In this half but Irish failed to "U1C W,U7CUU l"" ,f anA h mp summer than previously, the Rupert Gyro , Club was ad- ended with a two to one win lor ffi vised by W. F. Stone, energetic I . . It.. -1 . . V. I- , committee will be held next Tues- The officials Jor the game were ZZ" S I v at the day to receive first progress reports jimmv Johnston a referee and fomnilttee, regular monthly from the committees. 4LL STARS PLAYGAME National League Wins Over American League By Score Of Four To Nil Scadden and Ritchie as linesmen. .business luncheon of the club to day. The enrolment Is considerable! With the return of the'Irlsh to iarger than ln m9 u was league football will go .ahead e(j. various phases of the play-once more in high gear. ground were discussed by the ine leaiure 01 last jngnis game ciub. 1 Other matters .of the club bust- ness were dealt with at the lunch- eon. Report was received that It l had been decided by the central rao in, classified committee representing various organizations to go ahead with a tXO will tend J00 SwHtCtp or t lb. Old Virginia pip tobaooo to Canadian iarvino In UniUd Kingdom Addraa 'ISwaat Capa" P.O Box 6000, Vontral, Qua. .4 , 7 ' "-WUi.. I: - iiiiui uii uppvwiui pule. "Yei, appealing fci a Sweet Cap." SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "The forest farm in which Jobacco .can bf pmokid." GEORGE JOHNSTONE AnnOAmces the .Opening of the CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY In Premises Net C.P.R. Office Across l&e Street jfrom Ormes Agent For THE DAILY PROVINCE and LEADING MAGAZJNJiS nd PERIODICALS WMH COUNTER CONFECTIONER! ICE CREAM Call Blue 595 TOBACCOS "RUPERT BRAND" t Smoked BLACK COD Smoked LDaily ft V 1 Oft 11 Pi unaoian nsn & torn oiorag PrlocM Rupert Co. Ltd. e British Columbia , carnival towards the end of August In aid of the civic centre project. a. A. Hunter, the president of the club, was In the chair and won there was a good attendance of .the Diamond Sculls at the Royal members. Henley Regatta 12 years ago this T. W. Brown will leave next week, finishing one length ahead cf Monday afternoon for Portland to R. T. Lee of Oxford. Jack Guesi.. represent the club at the district also of Toronto, won the event In convention. 1930 and Bobby Pearce, Australian-, :. . . .... .? born sculler .of Hamilton, Ont, pulled to victory .In 1931. Howie Morenz, Stratford, Ont.. streak who later became hockey's taking "things serious tills time. Last m0jt colorful figure, turned profes- rulttee .chairmen and discussion of night they sported flashy new out-j onai w(th Montreal- Canadlens yf general plans. fits consisting of green Jerseys:, years ag0 yesterday. He was sold Wednesday, according to the ten- with orangebands and red a.nd4;t0 chicao Black Hawks in .1934, go-tative pjan, will ;be glyen,over gen- white stockings. ' jjjri to the New York Rangers in erally to children's events. Thurs- In the first half Velvets went in-' 1935-36, and back to the Flying lay will feature sports and Friday to the lead when Ferguson scored Frenchmen In 1930. He died March there will .be native events with a.ftej .warding Ahe Ml .up from .the & jjgj, Jrprn complications .follow-urand ball and drawings in the .ev-' lalf way line. There was no more ing a hockey injury. .CEMENT, SASH and DOORS Complete Line of Building Supplies Dr. J. Munthe Successor to Dr H. o. Johnsei Wishes to Announce the He moval of His Oilice to Uesner Block from 15th of this Month LUMBER Albert and McCaf fiery Ltd. rnone 117 phone 116 Tune In To A Radio Program Extraordinary ,R.C.A. Victor's Famous Magic Key Broadcast Now Bcinj? Presented Over Station C.F.P.R. EVERY Monday At 5:30 p.m. Vednesday At 5:30 p.m. Friday At 6:30 p.m. Here these finest radio broadcasts on the finest radio IT'S R.CA, VICTOR Sjionsored by R.CA. VICTOR in Co-Opcration with C.F.IU. and ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8:39 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN 918 Point Blankets 4 point, size 72x90.. Pastel colors, S90 OA blue, green, mauve. For pair Scatter Rugs Wilton Size 27x54. Each Good Quality Axmirister Size 27x54 $10.00 $6.50 & $5.00 SNAP Used Piano Small size, good make. CQff (( Terms cash ypuMV Spic Span Vacuum Cleaner QO CJA In good condition tJ0e)V